See also: IRC log
<MichaelC> LJWatson, hhillen, Zakim is now set up
<hhillen> scribe hhillen
<MichaelC> drop item 1
<MichaelC> drop item 2
<MichaelC> drop item 3
<trackbot> Sorry, but this channel isn't in my configuration.
<trackbot> If you want to associate this channel with an existing Tracker, please say 'trackbot, associate this channel with #channel' (where #channel is the name of default channel for the group)
<MichaelC> trackbot, associate this channel with #html-a11y
<trackbot> Associated this channel with #html-a11y.
<MichaelC> scribe: hhillen
<MichaelC> scribe: MichaelC
<hhillen> HH: Last week's new bugs did not have any significant bugs that need to be tracked, mostly editorial stuff and bugs that were already handled properly
ljw: asked Paul Cotton about how to file bugs
5.0 bugs are product HTML WG, component CR HTML 5 spec
5.1 bugs are product HTML WG, component HTML 5 spec
after that bugs are product
<scribe> scribe: hhillen
<scribe> scribe: MichaelC
hh: some new bugs were marked with a11y
nothing for us to track, mostly editorial
The main element could do with some more examples
request for more examples on main element, no need to track
modify header and footer aria info
This is a request to change how role mapping for header and footer works, which was accepted. Not need to track
review canvas best practices
I don't think there a need to track this
need to fix war-aria section info on button/menu/menuitem
Request for review of specific aria roles and states, no need to track
review 4.11.5 Context menus
No need to track
Remove note that longdesc is obsolete for img
In the end this is editorial, not need to track
Keygen element duplicated in the HTML element to accessibility API role mapping matrix
Editorial request filed by Léonie, not need to track I think?
hh: some additional bugs that didn´t mark with a11y: 20916, 20919, 20917, 21131, 20920, 21020, 21347, 21348
doesn´t seem to be about HTML, MC will follow up
discussion of whether this is a11y issue
guess not since it affects all people
so not for TF to track
but interesting issues
suggests alt techniques advice for gaiji characters
relates to alt techniques document, and may be how UAs handle
good to have a11y keyword, but not for TF to track
on alt techniques document
relates to question of screen reader support for emoticons
MC to take to PFWG
not to track
already dealt with
Léonie to assign actions out-of-call
<LJWatson> ACTION: Chaals McCathie Nevile to review bug 10782, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-160 - McCathie Nevile to review bug 10782, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Charles McCathie Nevile - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Chaals McCathie Nevile to review bug 10888, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-161 - McCathie Nevile to review bug 10888, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Charles McCathie Nevile - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Chaals McCathie Nevile to review bug 10994, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-162 - McCathie Nevile to review bug 10994, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Charles McCathie Nevile - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Chaals McCathie Nevile to review bug 10252, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-163 - McCathie Nevile to review bug 10252, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Charles McCathie Nevile - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Chaals McCathie Nevile to review bug 11140, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-164 - McCathie Nevile to review bug 11140, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Charles McCathie Nevile - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Cynthia Shelley to review bug 13566, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-165 - Shelley to review bug 13566, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Cynthia Shelley to review bug 13560, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-166 - Shelley to review bug 13560, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Cynthia Shelley to review bug 13553, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-167 - Shelley to review bug 13553, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Cynthia Shelley to review bug 13549, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-168 - Shelley to review bug 13549, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Cynthia Shelley to review bug 13511, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-169 - Shelley to review bug 13511, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Steve Faulkner to review bug 13550, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-170 - Faulkner to review bug 13550, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Steve Faulkner - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Steve Faulkner to review bug 13548, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-171 - Faulkner to review bug 13548, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Steve Faulkner - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Steve Faulkner to review bug 9817, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-172 - Faulkner to review bug 9817, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Steve Faulkner - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: John Foliot to review bug 13430, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-173 - Foliot to review bug 13430, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on John Foliot - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Kelly Ford to review bug 13635, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-174 - Ford to review bug 13635, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Kelly Ford - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Rich Schwerdtfeger to review bug 13665, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-175 - Schwerdtfeger to review bug 13665, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Richard Schwerdtfeger - due 2013-04-03].
<LJWatson> ACTION: Rich Schwerdtfeger to review bug 13541, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-176 - Schwerdtfeger to review bug 13541, and either verify/close it, or provide new information and re-open it under the relevant version of the spec [on Richard Schwerdtfeger - due 2013-04-03].
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.137 of Date: 2012/09/20 20:19:01 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/drope ite 3// Succeeded: s/&list_id=6423//G Found Scribe: hhillen Found Scribe: MichaelC Inferring ScribeNick: MichaelC Found Scribe: hhillen Found Scribe: MichaelC Inferring ScribeNick: MichaelC Scribes: hhillen, MichaelC Default Present: Michael_Cooper, Hans_Hillen, Léonie_Watson, +1.617.715.aaaa, Cooper, Mark_Sadecki Present: Michael_Cooper Hans_Hillen Léonie_Watson +1.617.715.aaaa Cooper Mark_Sadecki Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 27 Mar 2013 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: chaals cynthia faulkner foliot ford john kelly mccathie nevile rich schwerdtfeger shelley steve WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]