See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 19 August 2010
<Ashok> Regrets for the next 2 Thursdays -- travel/vacation
next meeting on the 26th
scribe will be ht
minutes of Aug 12 are approved
TAG status report published to the world
Noah: From DanA; On developer camp, no new information, other than that I have not had a lot of luck finding a venue.
Yves: would be good to wait for timbl and Larry to further discuss this issue
yves: xhtml+xml is compatible with generic processing
yves: svg+xml has no conflict with xpointer generic processing, it defines a function with a syntax compatible with xpointer
noah: is xhtml forbidding xpointer?
yves: no, xhmtl is just defining id, and how they are used in frags
<Zakim> ht, you wanted to say that sounds good
ht: in the xhtml case, in practise, it is fine as bare names is what you will find
<noah> I'd like to scribe that more carefully: I (Henry) >think< (but need to check) that the minimum conformance requirement for the XPointer framework is barenames
<noah> From 3023bis:
<noah> A family of specifications define fragment identifiers for XML media types. A modular syntax and semantics of fragment identifiers for the XML media types is as defined by the [XPointerFramework] (Grosso, P., Maler, E., Marsh, J., and N. Walsh, "XPointer Framework", March 2003.) W3C Recommendation. It allows simple names, and more complex constructions based on named schemes. The syntax of a fragment identifier part of any URI or IRI with a retrieved media t
<noah> Conformant applications MUST interpret such fragment identifiers as designating that part of the retrieved representation specified by [XPointerFramework] (Grosso, P., Maler, E., Marsh, J., and N. Walsh, "XPointer Framework", March 2003.) and whatever other specifications define any XPointer schemes
<noah> Conformant applications MUST support the 'element' scheme as defined in [XPointerElement] (Grosso, P., Maler, E., Marsh, J., and N. Walsh, "XPointer element() Scheme", March 2003.).
noah: before we interpret the fragment, we need to ensure that the fragment is conformant to the expected syntax
ht: SVG allows bare names as well?
Yves: yes
ht: as long as you have a xpointer implementation implementing barenames you are safe
rfc2023bis is not saying that generic processing must support all xpointer schemes
noah: ok to close 450?
<noah> ACTION-449?
<trackbot> ACTION-449 -- Noah Mendelsohn to schedule discussion of pushback on generic handling of fragment IDs in application/xxx+xml media types (self-assigned) -- due 2010-09-07 -- OPEN
Yves: yes, we still have to investigate on the RDF case
<jar> +1 close action-450
<noah> close ACTION-450
<trackbot> ACTION-450 Investigate generic processing of svg+xml and XHTML+xml closed
Goal is to start working on text during september teleconferences
<noah> action-404 due 2010-09-15
<trackbot> ACTION-404 Track HTML WG ISSUE-27 rel-ownership due date now 2010-09-15
<noah> ACTION-341?
<trackbot> ACTION-341 -- Yves Lafon to follow up with Thomas about security review activities for HTML5 -- due 2010-06-15 -- OPEN
<noah> YL: I started talking to TLR. They are waiting for HASMAT to start. Will ping him when he's available.
<noah> ACTION-341 due 2010-09-01
<trackbot> ACTION-341 Follow up with Thomas about security review activities for HTML5 due date now 2010-09-01
<noah> ACTION-456?
<trackbot> ACTION-456 -- Yves Lafon to locate past HTTP WG discussion on Location: A#B change, and make the TAG aware of it -- due 2010-08-17 -- OPEN
<noah> ACTION-456 pending review
<noah> ACTION-447?
<trackbot> ACTION-447 -- Yves Lafon to coordinate TAG positions on media type related work with IETF, and to represent TAG at IETF meetings in Mastricht Due: 2010-07-20 -- due 2010-07-20 -- OPEN
<noah> YL: Maastricht has passed, and the pertinent meeting didn't line up with my travel.
<noah> NM: Any followup needed?
<noah> YL: There's the 3023bis discussion, and also fragment recombination
<noah> NM: Has to do with redirection?
<noah> YL: Yes. It's possible we would ask for a change in the mime registration template.
<noah> YL: Nothing for the TAG to track right now, but we should have an action to keep in touch with IETF on mime types in general. Should be different action.
<noah> close ACTION-447
<trackbot> ACTION-447 Coordinate TAG positions on media type related work with IETF, and to represent TAG at IETF meetings in Mastricht Due: 2010-07-20 closed
<noah> YL: There's also Larry's document on MIME on the Web
<noah> ACTION: Noah to schedule discussion of followup actions for TAG to coordinate with IETF on MIME-type related activities [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-458 - Schedule discussion of followup actions for TAG to coordinate with IETF on MIME-type related activities [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2010-08-26].
<noah> ACTION-458 due 2010-09-07
<trackbot> ACTION-458 Schedule discussion of followup actions for TAG to coordinate with IETF on MIME-type related activities due date now 2010-09-07
<noah> ACTION-430?
<trackbot> ACTION-430 -- Ashok Malhotra to propose a plan for his contributions to section 5: Client-side state -- due 2010-06-15 -- OPEN
<noah> ACTION-442?
<trackbot> ACTION-442 -- Ashok Malhotra to trya nd integrate NM and TVRs words into a coherent draft -- due 2010-06-16 -- OPEN
Ashok: need to incorporate comments
<noah> NM: What you wrote was on 442, what we need is client side state like cookies, sql stores, etc.
<noah> NM: Would really like to have substantive drafts in Sept, for discussion at Oct. F2f
Ashok: got bullet points, like a TOC. I will send them out, if we can cooperate, that would be terrific
<noah> ACTION-430 due 2010-09-09
<trackbot> ACTION-430 Propose a plan for his contributions to section 5: Client-side state due date now 2010-09-09
<noah> ACTION-442?
<trackbot> ACTION-442 -- Ashok Malhotra to trya nd integrate NM and TVRs words into a coherent draft -- due 2010-06-16 -- OPEN
<noah> AM: I'll take Noah's comments and send out
<noah> ACTION-442 due 2010-09-09
<trackbot> ACTION-442 Trya nd integrate NM and TVRs words into a coherent draft due date now 2010-09-09
<noah> ACTION-438?
<trackbot> ACTION-438 -- Ashok Malhotra to comment to web storage guys: basically all of this is origin-based, but section 6.1 has a 'may' -- is this a door being held open for CORS? -- due 2010-06-15 -- OPEN
<noah> AM: I sent it out, got some notes back saying "spec is what it is"
Ashok: did it, got some notes back.
<noah> close ACTION-438
<trackbot> ACTION-438 Comment to web storage guys: basically all of this is origin-based, but section 6.1 has a 'may' -- is this a door being held open for CORS? closed
<noah> ACTION-379?
<trackbot> ACTION-379 -- Noah Mendelsohn to check whether HTML language reference has been published -- due 2010-08-17 -- OPEN
<trackbot> ACTION-455 -- Noah Mendelsohn to schedule discussion on privacy workshop outcomes. -- due 2010-08-17 -- OPEN
<noah> action-455 due 2010-08-30
<trackbot> ACTION-455 Schedule discussion on privacy workshop outcomes. due date now 2010-08-30
waiting for DanA
<noah> ACTION-381?
<trackbot> ACTION-381 -- Jonathan Rees to spend 2 hours helping Ian with -- due 2010-09-14 -- OPEN
<noah> ACTION-33?
<trackbot> ACTION-33 -- Henry S. Thompson to revise naming challenges story in response to Dec 2008 F2F discussion -- due 2010-07-15 -- OPEN
Henry: will work on actions this week
<Zakim> jar, you wanted to discuss action 322
<jar> action-322?
<trackbot> ACTION-322 -- Dan Connolly to brief Science Commons counsel re forbidding hyperlinking -- due 2010-06-09 -- OPEN
we have to talk to the science common counsel before september.
<noah> ACTION-322?
<trackbot> ACTION-322 -- Dan Connolly to brief Science Commons counsel re forbidding hyperlinking -- due 2010-06-09 -- OPEN
<noah> ACTION-322?
<trackbot> ACTION-322 -- Jonathan Rees to brief Science Commons counsel re forbidding hyperlinking -- due 2010-08-20 -- OPEN
<noah> ACTION-335?
<trackbot> ACTION-335 -- Dan Connolly to remind us about data-* when progress on distributed extensibility next becomes available -- due 2010-06-15 -- OPEN
jar: 335 should be folded into the new HTML/XML integration issue
<noah> close ACTION-335
<trackbot> ACTION-335 Remind us about data-* when progress on distributed extensibility next becomes available closed
<jar> data-* is being taken up by html wg, yes? as one of the 5 proposals?
<noah> ACTION-436?
<trackbot> ACTION-436 -- Dan Connolly to bring "Schemas for XHTML" inquiry to the attention of Michael Smith, HTML Activity Lead -- due 2010-06-08 -- OPEN
<noah> Mike Smith answered:
<noah> Murata-san,
<noah> Perhaps this is something you and I could meet face-to-face to
<noah> discuss
<noah> --Mike
<noah> Shane McCarron wrote:
<noah> Actually, the XHTML 2 Working Group already has this on our list of
<noah> things to complete during our winding up. PLH has authorized
<noah> publication of M12N and the related RNG specs for the XHTML family
<noah> markup languages as far as I know. We have the work mostly completed.
<noah> close ACTION-436
<trackbot> ACTION-436 Bring "Schemas for XHTML" inquiry to the attention of Michael Smith, HTML Activity Lead closed
any AOB?
noah: needs a heads up from jar is the science common counsel can participate in next call