Charles E. Lehner
W3C Participation
Credentials Community Group (CCG)
- Member since 2020-09-22
- Ethereum EIP-712 Signature 2021 - co-editor / work item co-owner
- The did:pkh method - co-author / work item co-owner
- JSON Web Signature 2020 - co-editor
- Verifiable Driver's License Vocabulary - work item co-owner
- vc-jwt-interop (proposed) work item co-owner
- Minor contributions to work items: The did:key Method, Verifiable Presentation Request Specification, VC API Test Suite, The Security Vocabulary, Verifiable Credentials API, Meeting transcripts & tools, Ed25519 Signature 2020.
Decentralized Identifier Working Group (DID WG)
- Member since 2020-10-25
- Minor contributions to deliverables: DID Core Specification, DID Implementation Guide, DID Specification Registries, DID Test Suite, DID Method Rubric.
Verifiable Credentials Working Group (VCWG)
- Member from 2020-12-15 to 2023-05-25
- Minor contributions to VC Data Model and VC Test Suite.
JSON-LD Working Group
- JSON-LD API - minor contribution
Social Web Incubator Community Group (SocialCG)
- Member since 2022-10-26
Non-W3C Activity
Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF)
- JsonWebSignature2020 Test Suite - minor contributions. Added RSA key.
- Minor contributions to Universal Resolver, DID Registration, and Sidetree.
Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance (CASA)
- Chain Agnostic Improvement Proposals (CAIPs) - minor contributions
Secure Scuttlebutt Consortium (SSBC)
- SSB DID Resolver - author
- SSB DID method (did:ssb) - author/editor
- ssb-did-key - author
- Author/contributor to git-ssb, ssb-npm, patchfoo, sbotc, and other SSB projects
Spruce Systems, Inc. (2020-2022)
- DIDKit - co-author/maintainer
- ssi - co-author/maintainer
- did:did method - co-author/editor
- TezosMethod2021 Signing String Explainer - contributor
- CACAO-ZCAP (implementation) - author/editor
- Intro to W3C VCs and DIDs (slides), Aaron Swartz Day 2022
- Verifiable Credentials and Decentralized Identifiers with DIDKit, FOSDEM 2022
- Secure Scuttlebutt: Peer-to-peer Collaboration and Community Infrastructure, LibrePlanet 2020; Internet Identity Workshop IIWXXXI
- Lightning Talks: New Discoveries: Scuttlebutt App Demos, Decentralized Web Summit 2018
Other info
- Personal homepage
- W3C user page (private)
- IRC nick:
on W3C IRC, Libera.Chat, and - Matrix id: /
- Fediverse (ActivityPub): (Epicyon), (Mastodon), (PeerTube)