
From W3C Wiki

Scheduled for the evening of Monday 21st April, in Beijing, to celebrate Yves' birthday and generally get together to talk Linked Data. Meeting time: TBC, Venue: TBC.

We plan to meet at 6pm in the lobby of the Continental Hotel. Average price around 300RMB.

Add your name here if you're planning to join us:

Venue suggestion from GusGollings, nothing fancy but a good eatery on the lakes. Info from "That's Beijing" below:

""" Lao Han Zi (formerly Han Cang) This oh-so-popular restaurant specializes in Hakka dishes such as foil wrapped fish and salt shrimp on a stick. Outdoor seating and English menu. Come early or expect to wait. Daily 11am-3.30pm, 5-10.30pm. Just north of Di'anmen Xidajie, on the southeast corner of Qianhai. (6404 2259) """

A few reviews for Lao Han Zi in Google search results

From YvesRaimond: there is also a small Twine for places to eat in Beijing.

Suggestions from a friend's Chinese student living in Beijing (although I'd rather go to something more... typical):

  • The restaurant in the Beijing Continental Grand Hotel where the conference will be hold. It is a typical five-star hotel cafe. But do not expect it to serve very good food. The service and atmosphere is the selling point. The average price would be about 150-200 RMB per person.(tel.010-84982288)
  • Another is the Brazilian Churrascos, barbecue food is famous there. The restaurant also in the same building of the hotel, but the first floor. One of the waiter is Brazilian. The average price would be about 180-220 RMB per person. ( tel.010-84982288-6178)