socialwg Teleconf 2016-10-18
Tuesdays at 10am US/Pacific, 1pm US/Eastern time for 60 minutes
- Please plan 90 minutes for this week! We'll try to keep it to 60.
- Check your timezone
Previous Meeting
- Chair: Tantek
- Regrets
- Ann Bassetti
Chair to start the meeting by typing on irc:
trackbot, start meeting
Trackbot should already be on the channel but if for some reason it is not call it with the following command:
/invite trackbot
Zakim won't know what meeting it is. Just ignore it. Pick a scribe from the list or ask Zakim to pick one up with the following command:
Zakim, pick a victim
Unfortunately Zakim has no idea who's scribed before so you may have to ask several times before getting an acceptable answer...
Then type:
scribe: xxx
Also, with WebEx, Zakim doesn't know who is on the call so, as people join they should record their attendance with the command: present+ <nickname>
For additional info, see the Zakim documentation page.
- Participation is limited to members
- F2F8: November 17-18 face-to-face meeting - please sign-up by adding yourself to Participants!
Approval of Minutes
Discussion Items
- PubSub FPWD status - Tantek / Sandro / Amy
- LDN WD->CR - Amy / Sarven
- 9 implementations not by the editors
- Since coming to W3C, 46 issues on github have been opened by (or on behalf of) or commented on by 21 different people outside of the WG.
- Other public feedback listed at
- 1 new issue since last week 52 - "inbox" term might be confusing in certain applications. We argue it's a technical term that shouldn't be presented to end users, and there's nothing better we could change it to anyway. PROPOSAL: close without change.
- Webmention CR->PR status - aaronpk
- Anything new since last week?
- Implementation Report Summary update (any SHOULDS/MUSTS left with < 2 implementations?)
- Errata process (see below for detail)
- Micropub CR->PR - aaronpk
- State of the test suite - feature coverage? (expected today)
- Implementation reports?
- Implementation report summary? (by feature, to determine state of CR exit)
- How many implementations from non-editors of the spec?
- How many implementations from people outside WG?
- Errata process
- AS2 CR->PR status Evan & James (see CR to PR next steps below for details)
- ActivityPub WD->CR status - cwebber
- ...
Tracking Document Status
Explicit check for updates on all our documents - if not covered by individual Discussion Items above.
CR to PR next steps
CR to PR status and next steps (for any CRs not explicitly discussed above, let's ask these questions as we did at F2F7)
- Any open normative issues? If so, review them
- Any changes expected that will change conformance of existing implementations?
- Disposition of comments?
- State of the test suite - feature coverage? If not, when? If not, when plan?
- Implementation reports?
- Implementation report summary? (by feature, to determine state of CR exit)
- How many implementations from non-editors of the spec?
- How many implementations from people outside WG?
- Errata process - how you will accept, process, and document errata once your spec is a REC. E.g. "github issues, processed in SWICG, documented ... github wiki or w3c wiki or another page on your one-off .net domain etc."
- What else for CR to PR?
Next Meeting
- 2016-10-25 with chair Evan
Chair to close the meeting with the following command:
trackbot, end meeting
If you forget, trackbot will close the meeting for you when the activity dies down.
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