CSS Development and Co-Ordination
Previous PF Work on CSS
CSS 2.1 Comments and Follow-Up
- Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2.1 (CR Draft)
- Issue 3: Inaccessibility of Index to CSS2.1 / Violation of WCAG (DRAFT2)
- Issue 4: Clarification Needed: Default Media Type if None Specified (DRAFT2)
CSS3 Modules Being Monitored
CSS3 Candidate Recommendations
- CSS3 Media Queries
- CSS Basic User Interface (CR Draft)
- CSS Namespaces (CR Draft)
- CSS Ruby (CR Draft)
- CSS Mobile Profile (CR Draft, 1 August 2008)
- CSS TV Profile (CR Draft)
CSS3 Documents in Last Call
- CSS Color Module, Level 3 (LC ends 1 September 2008)
- issue: The System Colors Deprecated in favor of the CSS3 User Interface (UI) module
- test: CSS3 System Colors Test
- CSS Selectors, Level 3 (Last Call)
- CSS Web Fonts, Level 3 (Last Call)
CSS3 Working Drafts
- CSS3 User Interface (UI) module
- issue: The System Colors Deprecated in favor of the CSS3 User Interface (UI) module
The CSS3 Aural Module versus The CSS3 Speech Module
- CSS3 Speech Module
- [http:/ CSS3 Aural Module]
Resuscitation of Deprecated, Yet Needed, CSS3 Modules
- CSS3-Reader (dropped by Style Activity March 2008)
- Abstract: The keyword 'reader' is a media type for use in Media Queries (similar to 'screen', 'print', 'projection', etc.). Devices that might choose to apply rules inside '@media reader' are devices like screen readers, that display a page on screen and speak it at the same time, or display the page and simultaneously render it on a dynamic braille device. The properties that apply to this media type are therefore the combination of the properties for screen, speech and braille.
- Gregory J. Rosmaita is currently seeking live bodies to work on reviving CSS3-Reader -- outreach is being made to the Braille-in-DAISY group, braille standards bodies and other interested parties
CSS3 Individual Module Issues
- CSS Color Module, Level 3 (LC ends 1 September 2008)
- issue: The System Colors Deprecated in favor of the CSS3 User Interface (UI) module
- test: CSS3 System Colors Test
- CSS3 User Interface (UI) module
- issue: The System Colors Deprecated in favor of the CSS3 User Interface (UI) module