Welcome to the Web and Mobile Interest Group section of the W3C Wiki! While the group has now closed, some of the resources below may still be of interest!
MAIN LINK: Work Page
- The group managed its work via Task Forces. Please visit the Work Page for details of Task Forces and Deliverables.
- Modes of Work - information on how we completed our work, track action items, and our use of teleconferences and IRC
- Posting to Mailing Lists - Tips on posting to the mailing lists, including best practices.
Popular Pages on the Wiki
We use the Wiki for informal documentation, and Github for formal documents. Please see a list of links to wiki pages we are working on below.
- Articles - a collection of interesting articles on the various topics we are discussing in the group.
- Specification review checklist - points to verify when reviewing a spec through a mobile focus
- Dev Tools - Please start adding mobile specific dev tools
Mailing List
- Please email the group on
- Mail Archives
- Webmob's Website
- Webmob's Charter
- Webmob's Wiki root (here!)
- public-web-mobile archive of the group's mail list
The Chairs
Please get in contact with the chairs whenever you need to via IRC, or [ by emailing the group]. .
- Marcos Caceres (@marcosc)
- Natasha Rooney (@thisNatasha)