[Minutes] LD4LT call 2015-01-22

and below as text.


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                                LD4LT CG

22 Jan 2015


      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ld4lt/2015Jan/0013.html

   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2015/01/22-ld4lt-irc


          kevin, andrea, gabriela, john, jorge, felix, marta,
          martin, victor, sebastian, MTCarrasco, Riccardo_&_Fahad,




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]review of pending actions to do
         2. [6]Summary of the state of the Metashare OWL model
         3. [7]Brief introduction to LingHub
         4. [8]Alignment between both
         5. [9]Namespace of the model
         6. [10]namespaces
         7. [11]Deadlines for the model definition
     * [12]Summary of Action Items



   <fsasaki> scribe: victor


     [13] http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/track/actions/open


     [14] http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/track/actions/open

   <fsasaki> action-11?

   <trackbot> action-11 -- David Lewis to Gather info on how to
   provide more detailed mapping from meta-share to dcat -- due
   2014-07-24 -- OPEN


     [15] http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/track/actions/11

   <Sebastian> Rough agenda:

   <Sebastian> 1. Review of open actions [1] 2. Summary of the
   state of the Metashare OWL model (see [2]) 3. Brief
   introduction to LingHub [3] by John 4. Alignment between both
   (see [4]) 5. Namespace of the model (see [5]) 6. Next deadlines
   for the model [1]
   [16]http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/track/actions/open [2]
   xpkCPZh1f5TrPeoXKNTlDYpQ/edit#gid=525162452 [3]
   [18]http://linghub.lider-project.eu [4] [19]http://[CUT]

      [1] http://www.w3.org/
      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ld4lt/2015Jan/0013.html
      [3] http://www.w3.org/2015/01/22-ld4lt-irc
      [1] http://www.w3.org/
     [16] http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/track/actions/open
      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ld4lt/2015Jan/0013.html
     [17] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15SE4_qAqYFostmD52uKxpkCPZh1f5TrPeoXKNTlDYpQ/edit#gid=525162452
      [3] http://www.w3.org/2015/01/22-ld4lt-irc
     [18] http://linghub.lider-project.eu/
     [19] http://[CUT]/

review of pending actions to do

   <fsasaki> close action-11

   <trackbot> Closed action-11.

   <fsasaki> action-12?

   <trackbot> action-12 -- Penny Labropoulou to Capture list of
   parameters that may be relevant for a skos classification --
   due 2014-08-07 -- OPEN


     [20] http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/track/actions/12


     [21] https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/wiki/Using_SKOS_for_classification_information

   <fsasaki> close action-12

   <trackbot> Closed action-12.

   pennyl: Regarding action 12, see this reference:

     [22] https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/wiki/Using_SKOS_for_classification_information

   <fsasaki> action-13?

   <trackbot> action-13 -- Penny Labropoulou to Update google doc
   with licenses -- due 2015-01-15 -- OPEN


     [23] http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/track/actions/13

   <fsasaki> close action-13

   <trackbot> Closed action-13.

   close action12

   <fsasaki> action-14?

   <trackbot> action-14 -- Jorge Gracia to Send email around about
   preferences and possibilities for namespace of the model -- due
   2015-01-15 -- OPEN


     [24] http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/track/actions/14

   <fsasaki> close action-14

   <trackbot> Closed action-14.

   <fsasaki> action-15?

   <trackbot> action-15 -- Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel to Contact john
   for getting statistics on the use of licenses to select more
   relevant eamples -- due 2015-01-15 -- OPEN


     [25] http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/track/actions/15

   <fsasaki> close action-15

   <trackbot> Closed action-15.

   <fsasaki> action-16?

   <trackbot> action-16 -- Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel to Send to the
   list a call for further examples -- due 2015-01-15 -- OPEN


     [26] http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/track/actions/16

   <fsasaki> victor: have informed odrl people on this, got some

   <fsasaki> .. keep action open

   (thanks Felix!)


     [27] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15SE4_qAqYFostmD52uKxpkCPZh1f5TrPeoXKNTlDYpQ/edit#gid=525162452

Summary of the state of the Metashare OWL model

   the URL for the wikis can be found here:


     [28] https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/wiki/Metashare_vocabulary_for_licenses

   While some examples can be seen here:

     [29] https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/wiki/Examples

   john wonders about the need and origin of the spreadsheet at

   the spreadsheet was originated from Marta's work, as a
   convenient document to discuss

   jgracia: some problems had to be solved and improved

   john: should the document be closed?

   sebastian: metashare is at a certain stable state, but the
   people behind it feel the schema has to be innovated

   pennyl: agrees
   ... the problems discussed at ld4lt lists are actual problems
   of the metashare community

   sebastian: will there be a new version of metashare?

   pennyl: yes, partly based on ld4lt input

   john: based on linghub info, a better structured document can
   be done rather than the spreadsheet
   ... I already referred some of this on an email sent Monday

   <Sebastian> [30]http://www.essepuntato.it/lode

     [30] http://www.essepuntato.it/lode

   victor: I believe the spreadsheet is only an intermediate
   document for discussion

   jgracia: but it was agreed to leave the document open also for
   others to read it

   pennyl: at least some of the properties are ill-defined, or at
   least they do not match Metashare's

   jgracia: maybe there are other sources, specially for terms not
   handled by Metashare

   john will offer statsitics on the use of the different elements

   <jgracia> ACTION: john to produce a new google doc and owl
   based on the real use of the MS model in the data [recorded in

   <trackbot> 'john' is an ambiguous username. Please try a
   different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g.,
   johnjudge, jmccrae).

   <jgracia> ACTION: jmccrae to produce a new google doc and owl
   based on the real use of the MS model in the data [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-17 - Produce a new google doc and owl
   based on the real use of the ms model in the data [on John
   McCrae - due 2015-01-29].

Brief introduction to LingHub

   john: Linghub is an attempt to bring together differently
   sourced language resources into a single aligned model

   <jgracia> [33]http://linghub.lider-project.eu

     [33] http://linghub.lider-project.eu/

   <jgracia> under construction yet

Alignment between both

   <jgracia> different catalogs (CLARIN, MS, ..) still not well

   jgracia: please send feedback on linghub.

   pennyl: will the linghub-metashare alignment change based on
   our current work?

   <riccardo> lremap is on the way to be totally LOD-ed

   pennyl: and some misalignment has been detected, for example
   regarding the version of CC-ZERO licenses

   <riccardo> we can't interact since our mic just went break

   <riccardo> hi its riccardo from pisa here!

   hello Riccardo

   <jgracia> hi riccardo

   <riccardo> hi all

   is there anything I should mention aloud in the voice

   <riccardo> I did not hear what john said about lremap..

   <riccardo> could u repeat or write down?

   jgracia: the new vocabulary we create should be reflected on

   <jmccrae> riccardo I said you never answered me about what
   exact license you used

   jmccrae: but we should better stick to W3C standards

   <riccardo> it's true, that's a pity from me. But 4 sure what is
   lodded now is totally free

   <jmccrae> are IRC chats legally binding... I wonder ;)

   jgracia: Riccardo informs that LREMap is fully loaded

   <riccardo> yes, it is 2014 is lodded and free. :)

Namespace of the model

   <fsasaki> jmccrae, there is a patent policy, but so far no
   legal binding IRC policy - room for develpment :)

   <jmccrae> penny, all, please report issues with LingHub here:

     [34] https://github.com/liderproject/linghub/issues


     [35] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ld4lt/2015Jan/0011.html


   jgracia: W3C is not the best domain for its possibly lenghty
   bureachratic procedures

   <jgracia> maybe purl the best option

   fsasaki: by W3C it wouldnt be that difficult, if needed.

   sebastian: which would be the relationship with metashare?

   fsasaki: agree, namespace hosting must be further discussed

   pennyl: people recognize the metashare model, so regardles its
   hosting, the metasheare "seal" is widely recognized and should
   be kept somewhere

   <jgracia> sebastian: w3c is more neutral

   sebastian: but w3c is (and has to be) neutral

   <fsasaki> [36]http://www.w3.org/2005/07/13-nsuri

     [36] http://www.w3.org/2005/07/13-nsuri

   <fsasaki> [37]http://www.w3.org/ns/ssss

     [37] http://www.w3.org/ns/ssss

   <fsasaki> "ssss"

   <scribe> ACTION: fsasaki to setup a namespace document
   [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-18 - Setup a namespace document [on
   Felix Sasaki - due 2015-01-29].

   <fsasaki> "ssss is a short string not causing confusion, alarm,
   or embarrassment. For instance, the short string should not
   cause confusion when used in both [39]http://www.w3.org/TR/ssss
   and [40]http://www.w3.org/ns/ssss URIs."

     [39] http://www.w3.org/TR/ssss
     [40] http://www.w3.org/ns/ssss

   <fsasaki> (above are the requirements)

   jgracia: is there any objection?

   fsasaki: we dont have to decide today

   close action-15

   <trackbot> Closed action-15.

   jgracia: we have also to choose a name instead of the ssss
   ... we leave this for the next call

Deadlines for the model definition

   jgracia: 2 weeks for having the new version based on linhub by
   John, 4 weeks from now to incorporate the modifications and
   improvements into John's version, 6 weeks from now for having
   collected feedback.

   <fsasaki> +1 for the schedule

   (nobody opposes)


     [41] https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt/wiki/Main_Page#LD4LT_calls

   jgracia: the next telco is not about the Metashare topic, but a
   10 mins slot to assess progress is possible

   <fsasaki> [next call would be 19 February, main topic is LIDER

   sebastian: agree, but please not too long

   jgracia: any other business?

   <MTCarrasco> bye

   thanks all, bye

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: fsasaki to setup a namespace document [recorded
   [NEW] ACTION: jmccrae to produce a new google doc and owl based
   on the real use of the MS model in the data [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: john to produce a new google doc and owl based on
   the real use of the MS model in the data [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [45]scribe.perl version
    1.140 ([46]CVS log)
    $Date: 2015-01-22 15:17:27 $

     [45] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [46] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

   [Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140  of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30
Check for newer version at [47]http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/

     [47] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/topic: action items//
Found Scribe: victor
Inferring ScribeNick: victor
Present: kevin andrea gabriela john jorge felix marta martin victor seba
stian MTCarrasco Riccardo_&amp;_Fahad Penny
Agenda: [48]https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ld4lt/2015Jan/00
Got date from IRC log name: 22 Jan 2015
Guessing minutes URL: [49]http://www.w3.org/2015/01/22-ld4lt-minutes.htm
People with action items: fsasaki jmccrae john

     [48] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ld4lt/2015Jan/0013.html
     [49] http://www.w3.org/2015/01/22-ld4lt-minutes.html

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

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     [50] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm

Received on Thursday, 22 January 2015 15:19:01 UTC