
From Linked Data for Language Technology Community Group

This page shows the examples capturing the requirements in this wiki page.

License Template #1 META-SHARE Commercial NoRedistribution

text here

    a                odrl:Policy ;
    dct:hasVersion   "1.0" ;
    rdfs:label   "META-SHARE Commercial NoRedistribution" ;
    dct:alternative   "MS C-NoReD" ;
    dct:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/eng> ;
    ms:conditionsOfUse ms:noRedistribution ;
    ms:conditionsOfUse cc:Attribution ; 
    ms:conditionsOfUse cc:CommercialUse;
    ms:conditionsOfUse ms:languageEngineeringResearch ;
    ms:licenseCategory ms:PUB ;
    odrl:permission [
        odrl:action cc:Reproduction, cc:DerivativeWorks , odrl:extract, odrl:aggregate, cc:CommercialUse ;
	odrl:duty [
		odrl:action cc:Attribution ;
	odrl:constraint [
		a odrl:Constraint ;
	    odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
	    odrl:purpose ms:languageEngineeringResearch 
	odrl:constraint [
	a odrl:Constraint ;
	odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
	odrl:spatial "only at assignee's site"  
	 odrl:prohibition [
	   odrl:action cc:Distribution ;

    cc:legalcode <http://www.meta-net.eu/meta-share/meta-share-licenses/META-SHARE%20Commercial%20%20NoRedistribution_v0%207.pdf> ;
    rdfs:seeAlso <http://www.meta-net.eu/meta-share/meta-share-licenses/Tabular%20Presentation%20of%20No%20redistribution%20Licences.pdf> . 

Example #2 META-SHARE Commercial NoRedistribution For a Fee

This example corresponds to the Meta-Share Commercial-NoRedistribution-ForAFee license (see the text here)

The example shows a generic license:


and its use for being applied to a resource.

:resource a dcat:Distribution ;
         dct:license <http://purl.org/NET/rdflicense/ms-c-nored-ff> ;
         gr:hasPriceSpecification [ 
                gr:hasCurrencyValue "400"^^xsd:float; 
                gr:hasCurrency "USD"^^xsd:string ].
         ] .

        a      odrl:Policy ;
		dct:hasVersion "1.0" ;
		rdfs:label   "META-SHARE Commercial NoRedistribution For-A-Fee" ;
		   dct:alternative   "MS C-NoReD-FF" ;
	         dct:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/eng> ;
		   ms:conditionsOfUse ms:noRedistribution, cc:Attribution, cc:CommercialUse, ms:languageEngineeringResearch;
		   ms:licenseCategory ms:PUB ;
		   odrl:permission [
			odrl:action cc:Reproduction, cc:DerivativeWorks , odrl:extract, odrl:aggregate, cc:CommercialUse ;
			odrl:duty [
				odrl:action cc:Attribution ;
				] ;
			odrl:duty  [
				odrl:action odrl:pay ;
				odrl:target :resource
				] ;
			odrl:constraint [
				a odrl:Constraint ;
				odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
				odrl:purpose ms:languageEngineeringResearch 
			odrl:constraint [
				a odrl:Constraint ;
				odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
				odrl:spatial "only at assignee's site"

		   odrl:prohibition [
			odrl:action cc:Distribution ;

		cc:legalcode <http://www.meta-net.eu/meta-share/meta-share-licenses/META-SHARE%20Commercial%20%20NoRedistribution_v0%207.pdf> ;
		rdfs:seeAlso <http://www.meta-net.eu/meta-share/meta-share-licenses/Tabular%20Presentation%20of%20No%20redistribution%20Licences.pdf> . 


This example corresponds to the META-SHARE Commons BY NC ND Licence license (see the text here)

        a      odrl:Policy ;
		dct:hasVersion "1.0" ;
		rdfs:label   "META-SHARE Commons BYNCND" ;
		   dct:alternative   "MS Commons BYNCND" ;
	         dct:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/eng> ;
		   ms:conditionsOfUse ms:onlyMSMembers, cc:Attribution, ms:academic-nonCommercialUse, ms:noDerivatives, ms:languageEngineeringResearch ;
		   ms:licenseCategory ms:ACA ;
		   odrl:permission [
			odrl:action cc:Reproduction, odrl:extract, odrl:aggregate ;
			odrl:assignee <http://example.com/MetaShareMembers> ; 
			odrl:duty [
				odrl:action cc:Attribution ;
			odrl:constraint [
				a odrl:Constraint ;
				odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
				odrl:purpose ms:languageEngineeringResearch 
			odrl:constraint [
				a odrl:Constraint ;
				odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
				odrl:spatial "only at assignee's site"

		   odrl:prohibition [
			odrl:action cc:DerivativeWorks, cc:CommercialUse ;

		cc:legalcode <http://www.meta-net.eu/meta-share/meta-share-licenses/META-SHARE%20COMMONS_BYNCND%20v1.0.pdf> ;
		rdfs:seeAlso <http://www.meta-net.eu/meta-share/meta-share-licenses/Tabular%20presentation%20of%20MS%20Commons%20Licences.pdf> . 

<http://example.com/MetaShareMembers > a odrl:Group .

Example #4 CLARIN ACA BY

This example corresponds to the CLARIN ACA BY license (see the text here)

        a      odrl:Policy ;
	       dct:hasVersion "1.0" ;
	       rdfs:label   "CLARIN ACAdemic BY" ;
	       dct:alternative   "CLARIN ACA BY" ;
	       dct:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/eng> ;
		   ms:conditionsOfUse cc:Attribution, ms:academicUser ;
		   ms:licenseClarinCategory ms:ACA ;
		   odrl:permission [
			odrl:action cc:Reproduction, odrl:extract, odrl:aggregate ;
			odrl:duty [
				odrl:action cc:Attribution ;
		        odrl:constraint [
			       odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
			       odrl:industry ms:publicIntitution
		        ] ;
		rdfs:seeAlso <https://kitwiki.csc.fi/twiki/bin/view/FinCLARIN/ClarinEULA> . 

Example #5 ELRA END-USER

This example corresponds to the ELRA END-USER agreement (see the text here)

	a                odrl:Policy ;
	dct:alternative   "ELRA-END-USER" ;
	dct:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/eng> ;
	ms:conditionsOfUse cc:Attribution, ms:noDerivatives, ms:noRedistribution, ms:languageEngineeringResearch, ms:spatialConstraint, ms:forAFee ;
	ms:licenseCategory ms:RES ;
	odrl:permission [
		odrl:action cc:Reproduction, odrl:modify, odrl:translate ;
		odrl:duty [
			odrl:action cc:Attribution ;
			odrl:attributedParty ms:distributionRightsHolder
			] ;
		odrl:duty [
			odrl:action odrl:compensate
			] ;
		odrl:constraint [
			a odrl:Constraint ;
			odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
			odrl:purpose ms:languageEngineeringResearch
			] ;
		odrl:constraint [
			a odrl:Constraint ;
			odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
			odrl:spatial "only at assignee's site"
	odrl:prohibition [
		odrl:action cc:Distribution, cc:DerivativeWorks
	cc:legalcode <http://www.elda.org/media/filer_public/2014/08/01/enduser_140312.pdf> 
	rdfs:seeAlso <http://www.elda.org/en/services-around-lrs/distribution/licensing/> .

Example #6 ELRA VAR

This example corresponds to the ELRA VAR agreement (see the text here)

	a                odrl:Policy ;
	dct:alternative   "ELRA-VAR" ;
	dct:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/eng> ;
	ms:conditionsOfUse cc:Attribution, ms:noRedistribution, ms:languageEngineeringResearch, ms:spatialConstraint, ms:forAFee ;
	ms:licenseCategory ms:RES ;
	odrl:permission [
		odrl:action cc:Reproduction, odrl:modify, odrl:translate, cc:DerivativeWorks ;
		odrl:duty [
			odrl:action cc:Attribution ;
			odrl:attributedParty ms:distributionRightsHolder
			] ;
		odrl:duty [
			odrl:action odrl:compensate
			] ;
		odrl:constraint [
			a odrl:Constraint ;
			odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
			odrl:purpose ms:languageEngineeringResearch 
			] ;
		odrl:constraint [
			a odrl:Constraint ;
			odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
			odrl:spatial "only at assignee's site"  
	odrl:prohibition [
		odrl:action cc:Distribution  
	cc:legalcode <http://www.elda.org/media/filer_public/2014/08/01/var_140312.pdf>
	rdfs:seeAlso <http://www.elda.org/en/services-around-lrs/distribution/licensing/> . 

Example #7 Referencing standard licenses

Standard licenses can be simply referenced. In case a resource is published under the CreativeCommons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, the CreativeCommons' URI could be reference:


If the detailed RDF version of this license is desired, then a possible RDF mapping could be referenced. Many of them are available in the RDFlicense dataset. In this case, the license to be referenced would be


(check here the RDF code)

A reference in XML could be simply made as follows:

  ...nonlicensing metadata here...

The above URL (http://purl.org/NET/rdflicense/cc-by-nc-nd4.0) implements content negotiation

Example #8 A Metashare license extending a BY-NC-ND license

Some Meta-Share resources are licensed with a standard license (for example Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND license) plus added terms. In this case, the license is no longer a well-known license but a new one. This is the case of the license applied to this examplary linguistic resource: a Dictionary of Antonyms in Bulgarian Language.

The original XML record is described as follows:

      <organizationName lang="en">Institute for Bulgarian Language</organizationName>
      <organizationShortName lang="en">IBL</organizationShortName>
      <departmentName lang="en">Department of Bulgarian Lexicology and Lexicography</departmentName>
        <address>52 Shipchenski prohod Blvd., Bl. 17</address>
        <telephoneNumber>+35 92 97 92 948</telephoneNumber>

The RDF version of the licensing info with the new vocabulary would be as follows:

:bulgarianDictionary a dcat:Distribution ;
        ms:distributionRightsHolder <http://langtech1.ilc.cnr.it:8000/repository/browse/dictionary-of-antonyms-in-bulgarian-language/d7abf49c68a811e281b65cf3fcb88b70ef60c6dce745433e949a1bad011aa6bf/#>
        odrl:deliveryChannel "Accessible Through Interface" ;
        dct:license :META-SHARElicenseAcademicBY-NC-ND .

:META-SHARElicenseAcademicBY-NC-ND a odrl:Policy ;
	rdfs:label   "Metashare Academic CC-BY-NC-ND";
        dct:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/eng>;
	odrl:permission [
	      odrl:action cc:DerivativeWorks ,cc:Reproduction, ldr:extraction, ldr:reutilization ;
	      odrl:duty [
	          odrl:action cc:Attribution , cc:Notice 
  	      odrl:constraint [
			odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
			odrl:purpose ms:academicUse
	odrl:prohibition [
	     odrl:action cc:CommercialUse, cc:Distribution ;


	a                odrl:Policy ;
	dct:alternative   "ELRA-EVALUATION" ;
	dct:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/eng> ;
	ms:conditionsOfUse cc:Attribution, ms:noRedistribution, ms:languageEngineeringResearch, ms:evaluation, ms:academic-nonCommercialUse, ms:forAFee ;
	ms:licenseCategory ms:RES ;
	odrl:permission [
		odrl:action cc:Reproduction, odrl:modify, odrl:translate ;
		odrl:duty [
			odrl:action cc:Attribution ;
			odrl:attributedParty ms:distributionRightsHolder
			] ;
		odrl:duty [
			odrl:action odrl:compensate
			] ;
		odrl:constraint [
			a odrl:Constraint ;
			odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
			odrl:purpose ms:languageEngineeringResearch
			] ;
		odrl:constraint [
			a odrl:Constraint ;
			odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
			odrl:purpose ms:evaluation
			] ;
		] ;
	odrl:permission [
		odrl:action odrl:copy ;
		odrl:constraint [
			a odrl:Constraint ;
			odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
			odrl:count 1 ;
		odrl:constraint [
			a odrl:Constraint ;
			odrl:operator odrl:eq ;
			odrl:purpose odrl:archive
	odrl:prohibition [
		odrl:action cc:Distribution, cc:CommercialUse  
	cc:legalcode <http://www.elda.org/media/filer_public/2014/08/01/enduser_140312.pdf> 
	rdfs:seeAlso <http://www.elda.org/en/services-around-lrs/distribution/licensing/> .