Participants in the Web Platform Incubator Community Group
More on how to choose chairs-
Marcos Caceres
Apple Inc.
Léonie Watson
TetraLogical Services Ltd
Yoav Weiss
Chris Wilson
Google LLC
Madilyn (@HackerOne)
Mart Aarma
Nortal AS
Marat Abdullin
Microsoft Corporation
Izz Abudaka
Individual CLA commitment
Phil Acker
Simon Adcock
The Guardian
Paul Adenot
Mozilla Foundation
Afolabi Adenuga
Shachaf Afriat
Amandeep Aggarwal
ahmed sayed ahmed
Individual CLA commitment
Kemal Ahmed
Individual CLA commitment
Mustaq Ahmed
Google LLC
Andrew Aikens
Julien Aimonino
Daisuke Ajitomi
Toshiba Corporation
Kosei Akama
Keio University
Hidayet Aksu
Google LLC
Elad Alon
Google LLC
Juan Alvarado
Pedro Alvarado
Individual CLA commitment
Harald Alvestrand
Google LLC
Rakina Amni
Google LLC
Qing An
Alibaba Group
Erik Anderson
Microsoft Corporation
Hakan Angın
Individual CLA commitment
Esben Anker-Møller
Individual CLA commitment
Steve Anton
Google LLC
Jennifer Apacible
Google LLC
Phil Archer
Nicolas Arciniega
Microsoft Corporation
Joey Arhar
Google LLC
Omri Ariav
Ryan Arnold
Procter & Gamble
Ashima Arora
Google LLC
Jaspreet Arora
Google LLC
Tomoya Asai
WebDINO Japan
Charles Assuncao
Microsoft Corporation
Panos Astithas
Google LLC
Rossen Atanassov
Microsoft Corporation
Tab Atkins Jr.
Google LLC
Matthew Atkinson
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Martin Auswöger
Individual CLA commitment
Ryan Avecilla
Neustar, Inc.
Justin Avery
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Javery Design
Christopher Back
Inmar, Inc
Individual CLA commitment
Sebastien Bahloul
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with IDEMIA
Amanda Baker
Microsoft Corporation
Francesco Balduini
Google LLC
Dirk Balfanz
Google LLC
Botond Ballo
Mozilla Foundation
Piotr Banaszczyk
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Clearcode Service S.A
Cassidy Bandy
Paul Bannister
Leonardo Baptista Lopes
Strongway Webstudio
Airey Baringer
Gilad Barkan
Google LLC
Lionel Basdevant
Raj Baskaran
Times Group
Ben Beard
Francois Beaufort
Google LLC
Sean Bedford
Joshua Bell
Google LLC
Amelia Bellamy-Royds
Individual CLA commitment
Tomer Ben David
Colin Bendell
David Benjamin
Google LLC
Stuart Bentley
Individual CLA commitment
Neil Berg
Google LLC
Lincoln Bergeson
Individual CLA commitment
Robin Berjon
Protocol Labs
Orr Bernstein
Google LLC
Laurent Bertrand
Individual CLA commitment
Maxime Bétrisey
Individual CLA commitment
Peter Beverloo
Google LLC
Yash Raj Bharti
Individual CLA commitment
Hari Bhaskaran
Aman Bhurji
CJ Affiliate
Wojciech Biały
Wirtualna Polska Media
Christian Biesinger
Google LLC
Arnar Birgisson
Google LLC
Antoine Bisch
Google LLC
Aloïs Bissuel
Karn Blackmore
Individual CLA commitment
Robert Blanck
Axel Springer SE
Hans Petter Blindheim
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Curamando AS
Paul Bloom
David Bokan
Google LLC
Thomas Bonnet
Individual CLA commitment
Andres Bordese
Donato Borrello
Google LLC
Peter Boström
Google LLC
Steven Bougon
Renoir Boulanger
Individual CLA commitment
Carine Bournez
Youssef Bourouphael
Google LLC
Ryan Boydstun
Individual CLA commitment
John Bradley
Liam Brady
Google LLC
Garth Braithwaite
Frederik Braun
Mozilla Foundation
Trenton Brew
Individual CLA commitment
Dan Brickley
Individual CLA commitment
Alex Brik
Google LLC
Gabriel Brito
Microsoft Corporation
Cameron Brown
Google LLC
Libby Brown
Spruce Systems, Inc.
Ralph W Brown
Individual CLA commitment
Simon Brown
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with NHS (National Health Service, UK)
Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
Mozilla Foundation
Etienne Bruines
Individual CLA commitment
Gunther Brunner
CyberAgent, Inc.
Richard Bruskowski
Individual CLA commitment
Ken Buchanan
Google LLC
Aykut Bulut
Google LLC
Jon Burns
Andy Burras
Eurofins Digital Testing
Nicholas Burris
Google LLC
Hobert Bush
Mozilla Foundation
Judith Bush
Individual CLA commitment
Alan Buxey
Myunidays Limited
Rick Byers
Google LLC
Juan Caballero
Protocol Labs
Federico Calo
Individual CLA commitment
Christopher Cameron
Google LLC
Brian Campbell
Ping Identity
Lee Campbell
Google LLC
Nestor Campos
Individual CLA commitment
Sophia Cao
RTB House SA
Tim Cappalli
Jourdain Casale
Index Exchange
Miguel Casas-sanchez
Google LLC
Benjamin Case
Luca Casonato
Deno Land Inc
Eron Castro
Jordan Cauley
Mediavine, Inc
Zachary Cava
Walt Disney Company
Julien Cayzac
Rakuten Group, Inc.
Tantek Çelik
Mozilla Foundation
David Chadwick
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Kent
Suresh Chahal
Microsoft Corporation
Tal Chalozin
Punhon Chan
Mediavine, Inc
Anunay Chandra
Individual CLA commitment
Aswin Chandrasekaran
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with ZOHO corporation
Nate Chapin
Google LLC
Amin Charaniya
Google LLC
Denis Charles
Microsoft Corporation
Jason Chase
Google LLC
Melissa Chase
Microsoft Corporation
Andrew Chasin
Google LLC
Priyanka Chatterjee
Google LLC
Abhishek Chaudhary
Individual CLA commitment
Bill Chen
Google LLC
Hui Jing Chen
Interledger Foundation
Rui Chen
Individual CLA commitment
Yujia Chen
Individual CLA commitment
Stephen Chenney
Gaurav Chhawchharia
Yahoo Holdings Inc.
Lingqi Chi
Google LLC
Reman Child
Ari Chivukula
Google LLC
Helen Cho
Google LLC
Subeom Choi
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with AB180
Kenneth Christiansen
Intel Corporation
Heejin Chung
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Ming-Ying Chung
Google LLC
Joey Ciechanowicz
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Springer Nature
Piotr Cieślak
Wirtualna Polska Media
Romulo Cintra
Rafael Cintron
Microsoft Corporation
Keith Cirkel
Microsoft Corporation
Daniel Clark
Microsoft Corporation
Ian Clelland
Google LLC
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Mozilla Foundation
Les Cochrane
Shawn Cohen
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with FedEx
Arthur Coleman
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with OnlineMatters, Inc.
Matthew Collier
Digital Bazaar
Andrew Comminos
Cyril Concolato
Netflix Inc.
Alex Cone
Alex Cone
Google LLC
Fabian Cook
Axiom Applied Technologies and Development
Alexander Cooper
Google LLC
Iain Corby
The Age Verification Providers Association
Bev Corwin
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Coward
David Cowden
Jason Cowling
Individual CLA commitment
Elizabeth Craig
Microsoft Corporation
James Craig
Apple Inc.
Travis Crist
Coil Technologies, Inc.
Max Crone
Andrés Cuervo
Individual CLA commitment
Bel Curado
Google LLC
Dylan Cutler
Google LLC
Alan Cutter
Google LLC
Bernd Czelhan
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
Daniel d'Andrada
Google LLC
David Dabbs
Alexandru-Mihai Daicu
eyeo GmbH
Fergal Daly
Google LLC
Aleksei Danilov
François Daoust
Matt Davies
Jegan Davies-Jones
Individual CLA commitment
Chris de Almeida
IBM Corporation
Michiel De Backker
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Twintag
Philippe de Lurand Pierre-Paul
Google LLC
Paolo De Rosa
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with European Commission
Hidde de Vries
Jurjen de Wal
Paul deGrandis
John Delaney
Google LLC
Peter Demko
Individual CLA commitment
Kyle Den Hartog
Brave Software Inc.
Domenic Denicola
Google LLC
David Dennison
Individual CLA commitment
Aditya Desai
Nishant Desai
kirill Desh
Individual CLA commitment
Justin DeWitt
Google LLC
Taha Dharamsi
Individual CLA commitment
Garima Dhingra
Google LLC
André Dias
Microsoft Corporation
Maurice Dib
Individual CLA commitment
Matt Digan
The New York Times
Maxwell Ding
Individual CLA commitment
Wei Ding
Pamela Dingle
Microsoft Corporation
Datta Diware
Dan Donald
Individual CLA commitment
David Dorwin
Google LLC
Nick Doty
Center for Democracy and Technology
Brad Dougherty
Bradley Dow
Interledger Foundation
michael dragatski
Tim Dresser
Google LLC
Theophile du Besset
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Scibids
Nicholas Dudfield
Coil Technologies, Inc.
Kim Duffy
Individual CLA commitment
Richard Dunne
Individual CLA commitment
Betül Durak
Microsoft Corporation
Sam Dutton
Google LLC
Roman Dvornov
Individual CLA commitment
David Dworken
Google LLC
Yuriy Dybskiy
Individual CLA commitment
Jesse Dyer
Fast Enterprises
Alireza Ebrahimkhani
Alibaba Travels Co.
Jessica Edwards
Touch Create
Zach Edwards
Individual CLA commitment
David Eilertsen
Rob Eisenberg
Blue Spire
Hugh Eland
Microsoft Corporation
Pavlik elf
Individual CLA commitment
Phillip Eligio
European Publishers Council
Blake Embrey
Individual CLA commitment
Sander Engelberts
OCLC (Online Computer Library Center, Inc.)
Marcus Engvall
Individual CLA commitment
Aaron Eppert
Oracle Corporation
Felipe Erias
Onur Erkan
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Ermer
Axel Springer SE
Brian Espinosa
Seth Falco
Individual CLA commitment
Nikolaus Färber
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
Bradley Farias
Dominic Farolino
Google LLC
Steve Faulkner
TetraLogical Services Ltd
Oleksandr Fediashov
Microsoft Corporation
Sergey Fedorenko
Microsoft Corporation
Renan Feldman
Google LLC
James Ferguson
Oracle Corporation
Javier Fernandez
Severin Ferrand
Google LLC
Christian Flach
Google LLC
Robert Flack
Google LLC
Niels Flensted-Jensen
George Fletcher
Capital One Financial
Mark Foltz
Google LLC
Alexander Forselius
Individual CLA commitment
Isaac Foster
Microsoft Corporation
Larry foulkrod
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Solarwinds
Craig Francis
Individual CLA commitment
Mark Francis
Individual CLA commitment
Georgia Franklin
Google LLC
Chris Fredrickson
Google LLC
Sam Freeman
Petram Digital
Anthony Frehner
Individual CLA commitment
Scott Friesen
Google LLC
Mike Frysinger
Google LLC
Takumi Fujimoto
Google LLC
Yoshiaki Fukami
Data Society Alliance
Brent Fulgham
Apple Inc.
Allen Fung
Homer Gaines
Individual CLA commitment
Szymon Gajda
Wirtualna Polska Media
Sameera Gajjarapu
Microsoft Corporation
Ryan Galluzzo
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Mihir Gandhi
Google LLC
Jason Garber
Individual CLA commitment
Lyza Gardner
Cloud Four
Sasha Gavrilov
Microsoft Corporation
Tim Geoghegan
Internet Security Research Group
Michael Gervais
Individual CLA commitment
Philipp Gfeller
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Swiss Post Ltd.
Kelsey Gilbert
Mozilla Foundation
Jérémie Girault
Chandan Giri
Google LLC
Taylore Givens
Microsoft Corporation
Mark Gladman
Individual CLA commitment
Dimitri Glazkov
Google LLC
Eubert Go
Microsoft Corporation
Benjamin Goering
Protocol Labs
Jacob Goldman
Google LLC
Laszlo Gombos
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Oleg Gomozov
Individual CLA commitment
Diego Gonzalez-Zuniga
Microsoft Corporation
Aleksei Gorbushin
Roni Gordon
Index Exchange
John Gorter
Individual CLA commitment
Sam Goto
Google LLC
Kaustubha Govind
Google LLC
Lee Graber
Billy Grados
Kevin Graney
Google LLC
Reilly Grant
Google LLC
Sarino Grasso
Google LLC
Megan Graybill
Google LLC
Eli Grey
Transcend Inc.
Ilya Grigorik
Jason Grigsby
Cloud Four
David Grogan
Google LLC
Yang Gu
Microsoft Corporation
Yi Gu
Google LLC
Yiling Gu
Baidu, Inc.
Jon Guarino
Google LLC
Thomas Guilbert
Google LLC
joao guimaraes
Individual CLA commitment
Ashley Gullen
Scirra Ltd
Amit Gupta
Jivox Corporation
Shubham Gupta
Aaron Gustafson
Microsoft Corporation
Amyn Hakam
Microsoft Corporation
Markku Hakkinen
Educational Testing Service
Risako Hamano
LY Corporation
Benjamin Hamilton
Google LLC
Simon Hangl
Google LLC
Derek Hanson
Jonathan Hao
Google LLC
Dick Hardt
Hello Cooperative
Luckey Harpley
Chris Harrelson
Google LLC
Nicole Harris
Simon Harris
DPG Media
Charlie Harrison
Google LLC
Mark Harrison
James Hartig
Scott Haseley
Google LLC
Futomi Hatano
Newphoria Corporation
Daniel Hausknecht
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Hay
Tumult Labs
Hiroshige Hayashizaki
Google LLC
Chris Haynes
Individual CLA commitment
Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
Junhui He
Google LLC
Joseph Heenan
Micah Heineck
Noam Helfman
Microsoft Corporation
James Helman
Melissa Henderson
Coil Technologies, Inc.
Alexander Hendrich
Google LLC
Lorenzo Hernandez
Fredrik Hernqvist
Google LLC
Mathias Herrebaut
Individual CLA commitment
michael hewson
Recreational Equipement Inc (REI)
Kazuo Hikawa
Association of Musical Electronics Industry (AMEI)
Shu Hirasaka
Google LLC
Bjorn Hjelm
Individual CLA commitment
Bjorn Hjelm
Gail Hodges
OpenID Foundation
Tommy Hodgins
Individual CLA commitment
Johann Hofmann
Google LLC
Kyle Hogan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Daniel Holbert
Mozilla Foundation
Kai Hollberg
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with DeepL SE
Christopher Holt
Microsoft Corporation
Marja Hölttä
Google LLC
Adrian Hope-Bailie
Fabian Höring
Tsuyoshi Horo
Google LLC
Arpana Hosabettu
Google LLC
Ben Howell
Microsoft Corporation
Jeremiah Hoyet
Individual CLA commitment
chengwei hsieh
Google LLC
Samuel Hsin
Alibaba Group
Ningxin Hu
Intel Corporation
Peiwen Hu
Google LLC
Xiaocheng Hu
Chunbo Hua
Intel Corporation
cheng huai
Alibaba Group
Helen Huang
Julien Huang
Individual CLA commitment
Lu Huang
Microsoft Corporation
Shuran Huang
Google LLC
Yen-Lin Huang
Ministry of Digital Affairs, Taiwan
Timothy Huber
Google LLC
Viktor Hubert
Individual CLA commitment
Andrew Hughes
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with ITIM Consulting Corp.
Daniel Huigens
Proton AG
Ben Humphry
Taylor Hunt
Individual CLA commitment
Dongwoo Joshua Im
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Christian Indra
Adnan Iqbal
Individual CLA commitment
Paul Irish
Google LLC
Hakan Isbiliroglu
Google LLC
Ayu Ishii
Google LLC
Koji Ishii
Google LLC
Hayato Ito
Google LLC
Narifumi Iwamoto
Intel Corporation
Przemysław Iwańczak
RTB House SA
El Housseine Jaafari
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Jackson
Microsoft Corporation
Jonathan Jacoby
Space SA
Philip Jägenstedt
Google LLC
Nidhi Jaju
Google LLC
Yegor Jbanov
Google LLC
Gabrielle Jenkins
Google LLC
Paul Jensen
Google LLC
Sung Jeon
Viva Republica
Feifei Ji
Google LLC
Brandon Jiang
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Merkle Inc
Leif Johansson
Individual CLA commitment
Anil John
Department of Homeland Security
Christopher Johnson
Scholastic Inc.
Kurt Johnson
Simplifi Holdings Inc.
Nathan Johnson
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with RealDecoy
Will Johnson
Microsoft Corporation
Alex Johnston
Edward Jones
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Jones
Individual CLA commitment
Sarah Jones
Interledger Foundation
Thomas Jones
Individual CLA commitment
Loffie Jordaan
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
Michael Jordan
Sanket Joshi
Microsoft Corporation
stefan judis
Individual CLA commitment
Robert K
Google LLC
Gary Kacmarcik
Google LLC
Thanawat Kaewka
Yahoo Holdings Inc.
Benjamin Kaiser
Microsoft Corporation
Ryan Kalla
Google LLC
Alex Kallam
Google LLC
Christos Kanellopoulos
Individual CLA commitment
Abhishek Kantharia
Individual CLA commitment
Deborah Kaplan
Individual CLA commitment
Henna Kapur
Sia Karamalegos
Julie Karasik
Network Advertising Initiative
Brian Kardell
OpenJS Foundation
Brian Kardell
Josh Karlin
Google LLC
Martin Karlsch
Jesper Karlsson
Hardik Katyarmal
Jeff Kaufman
Individual CLA commitment
Shidong Ke
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Shopee
Jeremy Keith
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Clearleft
Benjamin Kelly
Google LLC
James Kelly
Paul Kerr
Netflix Inc.
Tabrez Khan
Individual CLA commitment
Nilay Khandelwal
AdSupply Inc.
Kenneth Kharma
OpenX Technologies Inc
Robert Kieffer
Ian Kilpatrick
Google LLC
Emmanuel Kilwana
Individual CLA commitment
Rhaime Kim
The New York Times
Seon Kim
Individual CLA commitment
shinhwa kim
Google LLC
Stacy Kim
Individual CLA commitment
Wooglae Kim
Inswave Systems Co., Ltd.
Jonathan Kingston
Duck Duck Go, Inc.
Andy Kirk
Individual CLA commitment
Eiji Kitamura
Google LLC
Kouhei Kiyama
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Kleber
Google LLC
Luke Klimek
Google LLC
Illia Klimov
Google LLC
Todd Kloots
Slack Technologies, Inc
Joey Knightbrook
Andrew Knox
Google LLC
Byoungkwon Ko
Individual CLA commitment
Steve Kobes
Google LLC
Peter-Paul Koch
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Kocoj
Google LLC
Sergei Korenevkiy
Jirka Kosek
Individual CLA commitment
Anssi Kostiainen
Intel Corporation
Maksym Kovalenko
Individual CLA commitment
Tringa Krasniqi
Microsoft Corporation
Una Kravets
Google LLC
Emanuel Krivoy
Google LLC
Johannes Kron
Google LLC
Vlad Krot
Google LLC
Marijn Kruisselbrink
Google LLC
Rei Kudo
Individual CLA commitment
Kathiravan Kumarasamy
Individual CLA commitment
Alek Kundla
Google LLC
Gion Kunz
Hazel Kuok
Andrii Kurdiumov
Buba 2
Kodai Kureishi
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with CyberAgent, Inc.
Sandeep Kuriakose
Zoran Kurtin
Individual CLA commitment
Andrew Kwok
Yaacov Lacher
Google LLC
Kim Laine
Microsoft Corporation
Alex Lakatos
Interledger Foundation
Mugdha Lakhani
Google LLC
Camille Lamy
Google LLC
Adam Langley
Google LLC
Rob Larsen
Palatino Consulting, LLC
Bradford Lassey
Google LLC
Emily Lauber
Microsoft Corporation
Patrick Lauke
TetraLogical Services Ltd
Sonja Laurila
Google LLC
Olivier Lavecot
Individual CLA commitment
Eric Lawrence
Microsoft Corporation
Nolan Lawson
Stephanie Layser
News Corp Australia
Philippe Le Hegaret
Mercia le Roux
Martin Lechner
Byungwoo Lee
Dong-jun LEE
Individual CLA commitment
Edison Lee
Jeremiah Lee
Individual CLA commitment
Kevin Lee
Google LLC
Wonsuk Lee
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
David Lehn
Digital Bazaar
Yuyan Lei
The Washington Post
Travis Leithead
Individual CLA commitment
Frank Lemanschik
Individual CLA commitment
Chris Lemmons
Comcast Corporation
Basile Leparmentier
Benjamin Lesh
Individual CLA commitment
Nicole Lesko
Meredith Corporation
Rene Leveille
Shahaf Levi
Sl's Repository Ltd
Vladimir Levin
Google LLC
Viacheslav Levshukov
Microsoft Corporation
Viacheslav (Slava) Levshukov
Microsoft Corporation
Kobe Leysen
Ran Li
Wei Li
Daniel Libby
Microsoft Corporation
Christian Liebel
Chris Lilley
Benny Lin
Google LLC
Nan Lin
Google LLC
Wanming Lin
Intel Corporation
Robert Linder
Individual CLA commitment
Anthony Liu
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with MediaTek Inc
chenling liu
Alibaba Group
Evan Liu
Google LLC
Jasper Liu
Daily Mail
jihui liu
Individual CLA commitment
Matthew Liu
The Washington Post
yaoming liu
Torsten Lodderstedt
George London
Nicholas Longcroft
Ownyou Ltd
Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar
Tobias Looker
Mattr Limited
Matias Lopez
Hicham Lozi
Apple Inc.
Bin Lu
Google LLC
Luna Lu
Google LLC
Yuan Lu
Andrei Lubalin
Exodus charity foundation
Marco Lugo
Yifan Luo
Google LLC
Craig Lurey
Keeper Security Inc.
John Luther
JW Player
Michael Lysak
Carbon AI
Matt MacAdam
Jamie Maguire
Individual CLA commitment
Shakeel Mahate
Individual CLA commitment
Alison Maher
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Corporation
Pierre Mainguet
Kelkoo Group
Sandor Major
Google LLC
Salman Malik
Google LLC
Yash Malik
Google LLC
Arnaud Mandy
Intel Corporation
Sathish Manickam
Google LLC
Jatinder Mann
Microsoft Corporation
Sam Mansour
Oracle Corporation
Jordan Manwaring
Bartosz Marcinkowski
RTB House SA
Damian Lion Maring
Natalia Markoborodova
Google LLC
Kevin Marks
Mathew Marquis
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Filament Group
Don Marti
Alexander Martin
Individual CLA commitment
Ricky Martin
Ruben Martin
Individual CLA commitment
Brandon Maslen
Microsoft Corporation
Zach Mastromatto
Google LLC
Ryan Mathews
Google LLC
Brian May
Individual CLA commitment
Sven May
Google LLC
Dan McArdle
Google LLC
Patrick McCann
Robbie McElrath
Google LLC
Garrett McGrath
Stephen McGruer
Google LLC
Adam McIntyre
Individual CLA commitment
Brody McKee
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Beamery
Penelope McLachlan
Google LLC
Alistair McLean
Carbon AI
Kevin McNee
Google LLC
Raphael Medaer
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Keytrade Bank
Patrick Meenan
Google LLC
Nigel Megitt
British Broadcasting Corporation
Ketan Mehta
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Brian Meidell
FRVR Limited
Jens Oliver Meiert
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Mekonnen
Jesse Melhuish
Google LLC
Alexis Menard
Intel Corporation
Nelson Menezes
Bouvet ASA
Jeremias Menichelli
Individual CLA commitment
Matthew Menke
Google LLC
Rowan Merewood
Google LLC
Peter Meric
Google LLC
Google LLC
Joel Meyer
OpenX Technologies Inc
Paul Meyer
Google LLC
Christopher Meyers
Individual CLA commitment
Ian Meyers
Tomasz Mielnicki
Ali Mihandoost
Individual CLA commitment
Bosko Milekic
Optable Technologies Inc.
Jeremie Miller
Ping Identity
Matthew Miller
Individual CLA commitment
Vincent Minet
ming ming
Individual CLA commitment
Ender Minyard
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Columbia University
Keyvan Mir Mohammad Sadeghi
Assister Technology Ltd
Jose Miranda
Devise Futures, Lda.
Dustin Mitchell
Google LLC
Kiril Mitov
Nitish Mittal
Prakhar Mittal
Google LLC
Kuu Miyazaki
Individual CLA commitment
shigeru mizuno
Association of Musical Electronics Industry (AMEI)
Alex Miłowski
Individual CLA commitment
Michal Mocny
Google LLC
Tanya Moldovan
Individual CLA commitment
Dan Moore
Kevin Moore
Google LLC
Rob Moran
ARM Limited
Humberto Makoto Morimoto Burgos
Microsoft Corporation
Laura Morinigo
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Nate Morse
Individual CLA commitment
David Mosher
SurveyMonkey Canada Inc.
Thomas Mouron
. Ms2ger
Yarong Mu
Google LLC
Graham Mudd
Pooja Muhuri
Google LLC
Benson Muite
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Kichakato Kizito
Jonathan Mullins
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with GumGum
Daniel Murphy
Google LLC
jimmy murphy
Individual CLA commitment
Sarah Murphy
Microsoft Corporation
Sara Musselman
Individual CLA commitment
Sergii Mykhailov
Microsoft Corporation
Alex N. Jose
Google LLC
Anthony Nadalin
Individual CLA commitment
Akash Nadan
Google LLC
Ionel Naftanaila
European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance
Pivendren Naik
Individual CLA commitment
Hiroki Nakagawa
Google LLC
Maud Nalpas
Google LLC
Julthep Nandakwang
Individual CLA commitment
hinata naruse
Individual CLA commitment
Joao Natali
Neustar, Inc.
Alexandre Nderagakura
IAB Europe
Jonathan Neal
Individual CLA commitment
Chris Needham
British Broadcasting Corporation
Grant Nelson
Olya Nelyudova
Microsoft Corporation
Jacques Newman
Microsoft Corporation
Chris Newton
Jeremy Ney
Google LLC
Thomas Nguyen
Google LLC
Salvatore Nicotra
Gerrit Niezen
Ryosuke Niwa
Apple Inc.
Andrew Nolan
Microsoft Corporation
Kevin Nolan
James Nurthen
Theresa O'Connor
Apple Inc.
Scott O'Hara
Microsoft Corporation
Michael O'Neill
Baycloud Systems
Subhag Oak
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Tremor International
siva subrahmanyam ogboina
Individual CLA commitment
Tetsuharu Ohzeki
Individual CLA commitment
Gareth Oliver
Google LLC
Tomi Olubeko
Microsoft Corporation
Simone Onofri
Gerhard Oosthuizen
Maksim Orlovich
Google LLC
Már Örlygsson
Hugsmiðjan ehf
Aitor Oses Oses Martín
Addy Osmani
Google LLC
Koji Ota
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with CyberAgent, Inc.
Oluwatimileyin Owoeye
Individual CLA commitment
Adi Oz
Halil Emre ÖZEN
Individual CLA commitment
Andy Paicu
Google LLC
Martin Pal
Google LLC
Sayan Pal
Net at Work GmbH
Jonasz Pamuła
RTB House SA
Smitha Pandian
Apple Inc.
Vinod Panicker
Christoph Päper
Individual CLA commitment
George Pappachen
adMarketplace, Inc.
Warren Parad
Matthew Paradis
British Broadcasting Corporation
Aaron Parecki
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Okta
Joey Parrish
Google LLC
Andrew Pascoe
Andrew Paseltiner
Google LLC
Shashank Patalbansi
Individual CLA commitment
Neal Patel
Google LLC
Haley Patoski
Google LLC
Vasilii-Zherar Pavlov
Individual CLA commitment
Craig Pearson
IBM Corporation
Alexandra Peckham
Victor Pena
Google LLC
Nicolas Pena Moreno
Google LLC
Jaime Perez
Yahoo Holdings Inc.
Simon Peters
Andreas Pfau
Individual CLA commitment
Philipp Pfeiffenberger
Google LLC
Joel Pfeiffer
Microsoft Corporation
Chase Phillips
Google LLC
John-Marcus Phillips
Matthew Phillips
Individual CLA commitment
Sagar Pilania
Yanush Piskevich
Microsoft Corporation
Michael Pisula
Guillaume Polaert
Barry Pollard
Google LLC
Roberto Polli
Individual CLA commitment
Eric Portis
Individual CLA commitment
Victor Porton
Individual CLA commitment
Anatoliy Potapchuk
Google LLC
Orlando Pozo
Google LLC
Pranay Prabhat
The New York Times
Thomas Prieur
Josuha Prismon
Index Exchange
Michael Puckett
Individual CLA commitment
Akshay Pundle
Google LLC
Ehsaan Qadir
Google LLC
Jiewei Qian
Google LLC
Helen Qin
Google LLC
Antoine Quint
Apple Inc.
Thomas Quintanilla
Google LLC
Julien Racle
Logitech Inc.
Preethi Raghavan
Google LLC
Dipesh Rai
Caleb Raitto
Google LLC
Boopathi Rajaa
Sushanth Rajasankar
Microsoft Corporation
Jonathas Rangel Berico
Individual CLA commitment
Jukka Ranta
Camdyn Rasque
Marcin Rataj
Protocol Labs
Mariana Raykova
Google LLC
Andrew Rayskiy
Google LLC
Agustin Recouso
Andrew Regenscheid
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Manuel Rego Casasnovas
Matt Reichhoff
Google LLC
Laurie Reynolds
Individual CLA commitment
Matthew Reynolds
Google LLC
Justin Ribeiro
Stickman Ventures, Inc
Adam Rice
Google LLC
Michael Richardsdon
Individual CLA commitment
Jon Richter
Individual CLA commitment
Titouan Rigoudy
Google LLC
Clay Risser
Individual CLA commitment
Tom Ritter
Mozilla Foundation
John Riviello
Comcast Corporation
Florian Rivoal
Individual CLA commitment
Zainab Rizvi
Google LLC
Ken Rockot
Google LLC
Brad Rodriguez
Zack Rogers
Double Bagel Consulting
Daniel Rojas
Google LLC
Sergio Rojas
Individual CLA commitment
Jeremy Roman
Google LLC
Romio roxx Romio
Individual CLA commitment
Jeremy Rose
Noam Rosenthal
Google LLC
Leonard Rosenthol
Marais Rossouw
Microsoft Corporation
Kagami Rosylight
Mozilla Foundation
David Roundy
Jason Rousell
Individual CLA commitment
Sergey Rubanov
Individual CLA commitment
Vikash Rungta
Erik Runyon
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Notre Dame
Peter Rushforth
Natural Resources Canada
Alex Russell
Microsoft Corporation
Kenneth Russell
Google LLC
Wojciech Rybak
RTB House SA
Liran S
John Sabella
Iman Saboori
Google LLC
Khushal Sagar
Google LLC
Sid Sahoo
Google LLC
Vikas Sahu
Google LLC
Yuzu Saijo
Google LLC
Rémy Saissy
Yuya Saito
Individual CLA commitment
Ed Sanders
Wikimedia Foundation
Pradeep Kumar Saraswathi
Antonio Sartori
Google LLC
Benjamin Savage
Emily Scadden
Google LLC
Sabine Schaller
Coil Technologies, Inc.
Michael Scharnagl
Individual CLA commitment
Vincent Scheib
Google LLC
David Schinazi
Google LLC
Samuel Schlesinger
Google LLC
Nathan Schloss
Achim Schlosser
Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA
Lidia Schneck
Google LLC
Michiel Schok
Florian Scholz
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Open Web Docs
Phillipp Schoppmann
Google LLC
David Schulman
Individual CLA commitment
Art Scott
Individual CLA commitment
sudharshan Secunderabad
Individual CLA commitment
Kyra Seevers
Google LLC
Eyal Segal
Brandon Seltenrich
Viacom inc.
Bruno Selva
CJ Affiliate
Aaron Selya
Google LLC
Boaz Sender
Damien Senger
Individual CLA commitment
Felicia Sephodi
Individual CLA commitment
Fernando Serboncini
Google LLC
Marçal Serrate
Hybrid Theory
Vedant Seta
Robert Severn
Evolv Technology Solutions
Fedor Shabashev
Saurabh Shah
Walmart GeC
Itay Sharfi
Google LLC
Shivani Sharma
Google LLC
Kirill Shatsky
Cynthia Shelly
Google LLC
Dinah Shender
Google LLC
Idan Shenhav
jianyue shi
Ki-Eun Shin
SK Telecom
Sun Shin
Shunya Shishido
Google LLC
Serhii Shyran
Individual CLA commitment
Gustavo Sillero
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Atlassian
Jen Simmons
Apple Inc.
Clement Simon
Google LLC
dan sinclair
Google LLC
Taranjit Singh
Jivox Corporation
Abhinav Sinha
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with PubMatic
Guilherme Siquinelli
Individual CLA commitment
Filip Skokan
Jack Sleight
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Smedley
Barb Smith
Google LLC
Brian Smith
Mozilla Foundation
Michael Smith
Hearst Magazines
Rob Smith
Away Team Software Ltd
Michael[tm] Smith (sideshowbarker)
Camillia Smith Barnes
Google LLC
Sam Sneddon
Apple Inc.
Anupam Snigdha
Microsoft Corporation
Adam Sobieski
Phoster, Inc
Rouslan Solomakhin
Google LLC
Benjamin Solum
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with LifeWay Christian Resources
François-Xavier Solvar
Andrew Somers
Individual CLA commitment
Geon Son
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with AB180
David Song
Google LLC
Qinglin Song
Google LLC
Miroslava Sotakova
Google LLC
Germain Souquet
Individual CLA commitment
Paul Spadaccini
Allan Spiegel
Shawn Spooner
Individual CLA commitment
Manu Sporny
Digital Bazaar
Adithya Srinivasan
Google LLC
Maarten Staa
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Conclusion
Maciej Stachowiak
Apple Inc.
Evan Stade
Google LLC
Ivan Staritskii
Emily Stark
Google LLC
Chris Starr
Hearst Magazines
Miroslav Stastny
Microsoft Corporation
Michael Staub
Individual CLA commitment
Nicholas Steele
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with 1Password
Orie Steele
Thomas Steimel
Google LLC
Thomas Steiner
Google LLC
Dominik Steinmann
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with softgarden e-recruiting GmbH
Brandon Stewart
Apple Inc.
Nicholas Stimpson
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Northgate Public Services
Karl Stolley
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Illinois Institute of Technology
Brittany Storoz
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Turing School
Richard Stotz
Google LLC
Robert Stratton
Neustar, Inc.
Manuel Strehl
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Kinetiqa GmbH
Russell Stringham
Thomas Styles
Individual CLA commitment
Garis Suero
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Epsilon
Rohini Sulatycki
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Twilio
Austin Sullivan
Google LLC
Yuri Sulyma
Individual CLA commitment
Bernardo Sunderhus
Microsoft Corporation
Torleiv Sundre
Sergey Surikov
Individual CLA commitment
Miriam Suzanne
Individual CLA commitment
Keita Suzuki
Google LLC
Shigeya Suzuki
Keio University
Patrycjusz Szydło
Grupa Pracuj
Arturs Tabacniks
Individual CLA commitment
Yoshifumi Takeuchi
Dentsu Group Inc.
David Tam
Kent Tamura
Google LLC
Heng Tang
Microsoft Corporation
Yuval Tanny
Oracle Corporation
Garrett Tanzer
Google LLC
Dave Tapuska
Google LLC
Christoph Tavan
Google LLC
Mike Taylor
Google LLC
Cam Tenny
Travis Teo
Individual CLA commitment
Oliver Terbu
Mattr Limited
Elad Tessler
Pooja Tetali
Microsoft Corporation
Ted Thibodeau Jr
OpenLink Software Inc.
Michael Thiessen
Google LLC
Stefan Thomas
Coil Technologies, Inc.
Alex Thompson
Individual CLA commitment
Dmitry Titov
Google LLC
Dmitry Titov
Google LLC
Zacharias Törnblom
Andrey Torres
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with PipeWebMonetization
Yuki Toyoda
CyberAgent, Inc.
Takashi Toyoshima
Google LLC
Simon Trasler
Alexander Tretyakov
Google LLC
Filippo Trocca
Individual CLA commitment
Eric Trouton
Google LLC
Greg Truchetet
Hovhannes Tumamanyan
Walmart GeC
Alexander Turner
Google LLC
David Turner
Google LLC
David Turner
FIDO Alliance
Doug Turner
Google LLC
Milan Turon
Microsoft Corporation
John Turret
Individual CLA commitment
Julia Tuttle
Google LLC
Lukasz Tyrala
Individual CLA commitment
Uchi Uchibeke
Coil Technologies, Inc.
Shafir Uddin
Yusuke Utsunomiya
Google LLC
Mikhail Uzunyan
Individual CLA commitment
Steven Valdez
Google LLC
Bramus Van Damme
Google LLC
Matthieu van den Biggelaar
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with ING Bank
Niels van Dijk
Hannah Van Opstal
Google LLC
Benjamin VanderSloot
Mozilla Foundation
Monisha Varadan
Google LLC
Victor Vasiliev
Google LLC
Anton Vayvod
Google LLC
Daniel Veditz
Mozilla Foundation
Alonso Velasquez
Google LLC
Andrew Verge
Google LLC
Lea Verou
Individual CLA commitment
Šime Vidas
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Vinci
Individual CLA commitment
Arpit Vishwakarma
Google LLC
Santosh Viswanatham
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Vogelheim
Google LLC
Neil Vohra
Google LLC
Ian Vollick
Google LLC
Maxime Vono
David Waite
Ping Identity
Rushil Walia
Google LLC
Weran Waltom
Individual CLA commitment
Philip Walton
Google LLC
Frédéric Wang
Grant Wang
Google LLC
Ning Wang
Individual CLA commitment
shaojie wang
Google LLC
Wei Wang
Intel Corporation
Yilie Wang
Individual CLA commitment
Yiren Wang
Google LLC
Luke Warlow
Mike Wasserman
Google LLC
Mark Watson
Netflix Inc.
Jonathan Watt
Mozilla Foundation
Shane Weeden
IBM Corporation
Tobias Wegmann
The German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW)
Katherine Wei
Zeta Global
Lan Wei
Google LLC
Steven Wei
Microsoft Corporation
Google LLC
gal weizman
Jin Wen
Nok Nok Labs
Chenkai Weng
Individual CLA commitment
Mike West
Google LLC
Alexandra White
Google LLC
Greg Whitworth
Dewa Widyakumara
Individual CLA commitment
Jeff Wieland
John Wilander
Apple Inc.
John Albin Wilkins
Individual CLA commitment
Thomas Wilkinson
Google LLC
Andrew Williams
Google LLC
Darren Willis
Google LLC
Brandon Wilson
Coil Technologies, Inc.
Matthew Wilson