Participants in the Social Web Incubator Community Group
More on how to choose chairs-
nightpool .
Individual CLA commitment
Dmitri Zagidulin
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Madilyn (@HackerOne)
Aurélien .
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Calcul Québec
perillamint .
Individual CLA commitment
Peter Alexander
Individual CLA commitment
Hasan Ali
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Cancer Research UK
Gabriel Amador García
Individual CLA commitment
Ashlynn Anderson
Individual CLA commitment
Bohdan Andriyiv
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Appelquist
Individual CLA commitment
Rimu Atkinson
Individual CLA commitment
Stefan Auditor
Drupal e. V. - German Drupal Association
James B
Individual CLA commitment
Virginia Balseiro
Individual CLA commitment
Ryan Barrett
Individual CLA commitment
Ann Bassetti
Individual CLA commitment
Steve Bate
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Bennett
Individual CLA commitment
Melody Berton
Sassafras Tech Collective
Taylor Beseda
Beginner Corp.
Wes Biggs
Project Liberty
Maiyannah Bishop
Individual CLA commitment
Beatrix Bitrot
Individual CLA commitment
Douglas Blank
Individual CLA commitment
Alien Blount
Individual CLA commitment
Amber Blue
Individual CLA commitment
David Blue
Individual CLA commitment
Jeremy Bornstein
Individual CLA commitment
Joshua Branson
Individual CLA commitment
Leon Byford
Individual CLA commitment
Juan Caballero
Protocol Labs
Sarven Capadisli
Individual CLA commitment
Christopher Carr
Individual CLA commitment
Melvin Carvalho
Individual CLA commitment
Tantek Çelik
Mozilla Foundation
Pierre-Antoine Champin
Chris Chapman
Pentandra Research Solutions, Inc.
Aaron Coburn
Inrupt Inc.
Pieter Colpaert
Diogo Cordeiro
Individual CLA commitment
Jason Culverhouse
Surinna Curtis
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with NCC Group PLC
wilkie David Wilkinson
Individual CLA commitment
Mayel de Borniol
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Moodle
Cristina DeLisle
Individual CLA commitment
Stedano donaire
Individual CLA commitment
Nick Doty
Center for Democracy and Technology
Django Doucet
Individual CLA commitment
Kévin Dunglas
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Kévin Dunglas
Lisa Dusseault
Data Transfer Initiative
Pavlik elf
Individual CLA commitment
Johannes Ernst
Dazzle Labs Inc.
Eric Fassbender
Individual CLA commitment
Paul Fuxjaeger
University of Vienna
Alejandro García Montoro
Individual CLA commitment
Robert Gehl
Individual CLA commitment
Didier Gehrer
Individual CLA commitment
Denny George
Tattle Civic Technologies
Dominik George
Individual CLA commitment
Brian Geppert
Angelo Gladding
Individual CLA commitment
Benjamin Goering
Protocol Labs
Hank Grabowski
Individual CLA commitment
Aaron Gray
Individual CLA commitment
Christopher Guess
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Duke University
Raghav Gururajan
Individual CLA commitment
Amy Guy
Digital Bazaar
Gordana Halavanja
Individual CLA commitment
Andrei Jiroh Halili
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Recap Time Squad
Ted Han
Mozilla Foundation
Chris Harrelson
Google LLC
Jack Harris
Individual CLA commitment
Brian Hendrickson
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Hernández
University of Stuttgart
Connor Hudson
Individual CLA commitment
Tom Hutchinson
Individual CLA commitment
Sabir Ibrahim
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Roku, Inc.
Luka Jacobowitz
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with SiriusXM
Sung Jeon
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Viva Republica
Matt Johnson
Individual CLA commitment
AJ Jordan
Individual CLA commitment
Abhishek Kantharia
Individual CLA commitment
Jake Kara
Individual CLA commitment
Abdul Karim
Individual CLA commitment
Tibor Katelbach
Darius Kazemi
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Harvard University
Abdeldjalil Khelassi
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Tlemcen UABB
Jaz-Michael King
Individual CLA commitment
Florian Kleedorfer
Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Gregory Klyushnikov
Individual CLA commitment
Casey Kolderup
Anatoly Krasner
Individual CLA commitment
Andreas Kuckartz
Individual CLA commitment
Rishav Kundu
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with The D.E. Shaw Group
Michael Kupietz
Individual CLA commitment
Marion Lang
Mozilla Foundation
Maxence Lange
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Nextcloud Gmbh
Jörg Langkau
nicos Research & Development GmbH
Sebastian Lasse
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Lay
Individual CLA commitment
Philippe Le Hegaret
Jeremiah Lee
Individual CLA commitment
Matt Lee
Individual CLA commitment
Charles Lehner
Individual CLA commitment
Alberto Leon
Harvard University
Nils Lohse
Individual CLA commitment
Rowan Lupton
Individual CLA commitment
Hunter Madison
Individual CLA commitment
Kiel Mansa
Individual CLA commitment
Andrea Marchesini
Mozilla Foundation
Francesco Marino
Individual CLA commitment
Kevin Marks
Pierre Marshall
University of Oxford
Chris Martin
Individual CLA commitment
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Elasticsearch BV
Jason McBrayer
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Angus McLeod
Individual CLA commitment
Puck Meerburg
Individual CLA commitment
Chris Messina
Individual CLA commitment
Brendan Miller
Harvard University
Evan Minto
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Internet Archive
Ender Minyard
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Columbia University
Yatharth (Arjun) Mishra
Individual CLA commitment
Pablo Morales Garcia
Individual CLA commitment
Gregor Morrill
Individual CLA commitment
Benson Muite
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Kichakato Kizito
Yuta Nakano
Individual CLA commitment
Leandro Navarro
Individual CLA commitment
Chris Needham
British Broadcasting Corporation
Bryan Newbold
Bluesky PBC
Mikael Nordfeldth
Individual CLA commitment
Sean O'Brien
Yale Law School
Nigini Oliveira
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Washington
Steve Olshansky
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with LuminaGroup
Damon Outlaw
Individual CLA commitment
Aaron Parecki
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Okta
Rin Patch
Individual CLA commitment
Ben Pate
Individual CLA commitment
Chris Pauley
Individual CLA commitment
Matthias Pfefferle
Individual CLA commitment
David Pham
The Washington Post
Andy Piper
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Mastodon gGmbH
William Pitcock
Individual CLA commitment
glenn poppe
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with buidlers
Evangelos Pragalakis
Individual CLA commitment
Evan Prodromou
Social Web Foundation
Silvia Puglisi
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with The Tor Project
kai quix
Individual CLA commitment
Manton Reece
Adam Roberts
Eugen Rochko
Individual CLA commitment
Kagami Rosylight
Mozilla Foundation
Javi Santos
Individual CLA commitment
Benjamin Savage
Andreas Savvides
Nathan Schloss
David Shanske
Individual CLA commitment
Erin Shepherd
Individual CLA commitment
Kentaro Shirakata
Moka Corp.
Rosalina Saige Shoemaker
Individual CLA commitment
David Slifka
Individual CLA commitment
Jonas Smedegaard
Individual CLA commitment
Emelia Smith
Individual CLA commitment
James Smith
Individual CLA commitment
Jessica Smith
Individual CLA commitment
Adam Sobieski
Phoster, Inc
David Somers
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with IndieWeb
Michael Staub
Individual CLA commitment
Erwin Ernst Steinhammer
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Chaos Computer Club Vienna
Scott Stolz
WisTex TechSero Ltd. Co.
Erik Suhonen
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Project Liberty
Daniel Supernault
Individual CLA commitment
Ronen Tamari
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Tara Tarakiyee
Sovereign Tech Fund
Abdullah Tarawneh
Individual CLA commitment
Matthew Terenzio
Individual CLA commitment
Brent Terrazas
Individual CLA commitment
Ted Thibodeau Jr
OpenLink Software Inc.
Charnarong Thumwan
Auto & General
Marnanel Thurman
Individual CLA commitment
Christopher Tiller
Individual CLA commitment
Sean Tilley
Individual CLA commitment
Matthew Turner
Individual CLA commitment
Gareth Tyson
Queen Mary University
Mauricio Uribe
Individual CLA commitment
Travis Vachon
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Mysilio Co
Brion Vibber
Wikimedia Foundation
Mike Waggoner
Individual CLA commitment
Ben Werdmuller
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with IndieWeb
Jared White
Chris Wilson
Google LLC
Hellekin Wolf
Petites Singularités
Hellekin Wolf
Individual CLA commitment
Eric Woodward
Individual CLA commitment
Michał Woźniak
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with ISNIC
Serge Wroclawski
Individual CLA commitment
Bob Wyman
Individual CLA commitment
Fuqiao Xue
Dexter Yang
Individual CLA commitment
Koala Yeung
Individual CLA commitment
Naomi Yoshizawa
Jonathan Zacsh
Google LLC
Joy Zhang
Misplace Corp
Peter Zingg
Individual CLA commitment