Read Write Web — Q3 Summary — 2015
Posted on:Summary
A relatively quiet quarter in world of (read-write) web standards. Generally my impression is that the emphasis is shifting more towards implementation, with most of the hard parts of design out, now of the way. Andrei gave a great presentation at the re-decentralize web conference in Brazil.
There was quite a bit of discussion regarding decentralized identity, same origin policy and public / private key provisioning in the browser. In particular, the KEYGEN element was looked at, with some wanting to deprecate it. However, it was established that it’s still in use and would not be deprecated just yet, hopefully something better will soon be available.
More work this month on the SoLiD platform, apps (see below), some discussion on PKI, trust and reputation systems, on the web. MIT / Crosscloud are also going to continue their great work and announced they are hiring two developers. Please take a look if interested.
Communications and Outreach
There was some more discussions with the Social Web Working Group. There was great news as it was announced that Sarven Capadisli and Amy Guy would be joining MIT with some more good work in this area.
Community Group
The SoLiD framework now has it’s own logo and area on github. There was a short discussion regarding creating a decentralized a web of trust. Based on this I put together some tools to convert public keys between formats and use them to encrypt, decrypt and sign messages. We also started a wiki page for getting started with the SoLiD framework.
Some steady work this month on applications. To illustrate different aspects of development with the SoLiD platform I put together a short series of apps, each created in under 24 hours. The first was a hello world app, then a clipboard, a video display app, a simple chess game and a data explorer.
Lots of work was completed on ldnode, gold and rdflib. And also the start of an excellent realtime collaboration pad by timbl, which has turned out to be very useful already!
Last but not Least…
More great work from openlink as they prepare to release to production an excellent generic linked data document reader and editor. Feel free to give it a try, preferably using your own data space!