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This is a wiki for the Open Government Community Group.


The organizing principle of all work done by the group is consensus, as is the case in the W3C process.

In terms of the specifications produced by the group, these should strive to minimize reinventing the wheel, and should strongly favor reusing existing ontologies, vocabularies and terms. This approach ensures consensus with the broader community developing technical specifications outside this community group. For example, many groups have an interest in standard representations for time, but it is possible that none participate in this group. This group should nonetheless reuse existing standards for time, for example, ISO 8601.

Group members are free to pursue the development of specifications relating to open government information as long as they adhere to these two principles.

The OpenStand Principles provide more detail.

Starting Points

People wanting to start a specification may benefit from research on existing standards. For example, research on:

  • Area, e.g. electoral districts
  • Event, e.g. election
  • Document, e.g. legislation, agendas, etc.

While reviewing these existing standards, it is important to summarize your findings about the groups and their specifications. See, for example, the Popolo project's survey of existing standards and its inventory of terms as model documents.

Places to find existing standards


Below is a list of specifications authored by members of the group of relevance to the group's mission:

  • OParl addresses requirements of German municipalities to make parliamentary data available to the public and is supported by major vendors of software used by those municipalities, IT service providers, local public administrations and Open Data initiatives. OParl is currently not represented in this Community Group due to Andreas Kuckartz leaving that project after a decision by OParl not to use JSON-LD.

Related Groups within W3C


Interest Groups

Working Groups

Task Forces

Community Groups

Related Groups outside W3C

RRSagent Cheat Sheet

See the full documentation or the Quick Start Guide. Be careful as some of the following commands are case insensitive.

RRSagent logs are at http://www.w3.org/yyyy/mm/dd-opengov-irc and action items at http://www.w3.org/yyyy/mm/dd-opengov-actions

Command Description
/invite RRSAgent #opengov Invites RRSagent to the room
/me <text> RRSagent will not record the text
Meeting: <text> Sets the name of the meeting
Chair: <name> Sets the chair of the meeting
Agenda: <URL> Sets the link to the agenda
Topic: <text> Sets the current topic of the meeting
<name>: <text> Summarizes what a speaker said for the minutes
... <text> Continues summarizing what the previous speaker said
s/<text>/<replacement>/ Replaces the most recent occurrence of <text> in the log
ACTION: <text> Adds an action item
ACTION <number> = <newtext> Replaces the text of an action item
ACTION- <number> Removes the action item
rrsagent, show actions Returns the list the action items
RESOLUTION: <text> Records a meeting resolution
rrsagent, here Returns a URI to the log
rrsagent, grep -i <pattern> Returns matching messages from the log
rrsagent, set logs world-visible Sets the logs as world readable
rrsagent, make minutes Generate the minutes of the meeting
rrsagent, bye Dismisses RRSagent
rrsagent, help Displays a list of commands