Participants in the JSON for Linked Data Community Group
More on how to choose chairs-
Gregg Kellogg
Individual CLA commitment
Benjamin Young
Digital Bazaar
kartik adur
Individual CLA commitment
adeel ahmad
Individual CLA commitment
Kwame Akuffo
Individual CLA commitment
Vladimir Alexiev
Julia Anaya
Individual CLA commitment
Rob Atkinson
Open Geospatial Consortium
Juuso Autiosalo
Aalto University
Brandon Beacher
Points of Light
Mark Birbeck
Individual CLA commitment
Andreas Blumauer
Semantic Web Company GmbH
Carine Bournez
Greg Bowyer
giles bradshaw
DK Computer Systems Ltd
Julião Braga
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Mackenzie Presbiterian University
Cedric Brancourt
Individual CLA commitment
Mike Carifio
Individual CLA commitment
R. Michael Cary
IHS Markit
Pierre-Antoine Champin
Chris Chapman
Pentandra Research Solutions, Inc.
Chris Chapman
Andrew Cherry
Ka-Sing Chou
Tim Clark
MIND Center for Interdisciplinary Informatics
Carter Cole
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with
Rem Collier
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University College Dublin
Bev Corwin
Individual CLA commitment
Pierre Coupet
Virtual Organization Management Institute
Giovanni De Facci
Individual CLA commitment
David Dennison
Individual CLA commitment
Nick Denny
joseph dureau
Standard Analytics
Mohamed Elgendi
Roman Evstifeev
Individual CLA commitment
Jose Faisca
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Universidade Lusofona
Herman Fischer
Mark V Systems Limited
Hadrien Froger
David Gibson
Southern Cross Medical Care Society
Habtom Kahsay Gidey
Individual CLA commitment
Benjamin Goering
Protocol Labs
Tanya Gray
Williams Lea
Karl Grossner
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Pittsburgh
chris hardy
Individual CLA commitment
Joachim Hartmann
Individual CLA commitment
Kevin Herndon
Individual CLA commitment
Alexandra Hitson
Kingsley Idehen
OpenLink Software Inc.
EAST Team, non-Member
Patrick Johnston
Ali Kayn
Festivale Online Magazine
Omar Khan
Wells Fargo
Individual CLA commitment
Adam Kimball
Individual CLA commitment
Alex Kreidler
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Decipher Technology Studios
Paul Kuykendall
Argo Data Resource Corporation
Markus Lanthaler
Google LLC
Thanh Le
Individual CLA commitment
David Lehn
Digital Bazaar
Charles Lehner
Individual CLA commitment
Lilian Leung
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Niklas Lindström
National Library of Sweden
Hu Liu
Jiangsu TPBlock Technology Co., Ltd. (江苏第三极区块链科技有限公司)
qiang liu
Individual CLA commitment
Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar
Pano Maria
Tony McCreath
Web Site Advantage
Ross McFarlane
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with One iota
Melinda Minch
University of Victoria
Roman Mishchenko
Individual CLA commitment
Yatharth (Arjun) Mishra
Individual CLA commitment
Jean-Claude Moissinac
Institut Mines-Télécom
Matt Morris
Individual CLA commitment
Duck Nebuchadnezzar
Individual CLA commitment
David Newbury
J. Paul Getty Trust
Tomislav Novak
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics
Adam Nowak
Individual CLA commitment
daniel o
Individual CLA commitment
Adrian Ogletree
Individual CLA commitment
Marco Pai
TianChao Times (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
Michallis Pashidis
Christine Perey
Individual CLA commitment
Roberto Polli
Individual CLA commitment
Adi Prasetyo
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Puckett
Individual CLA commitment
Laurie Reynolds
AquamatiX Ltd.
David Riccitelli
WordLift S.r.l.
Nathan Ridley
Individual CLA commitment
Peter Rivett
Federated Knowledge, LLC
Ramaseshan S S
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Janastu
Robert Sanderson
Yale University Library
Gregory Saumier-Finch
Culture Creates Inc
Anatoly Scherbakov
Individual CLA commitment
Mike Schinkel
Jon Schlinkert
Paul Scott
Individual CLA commitment
Rahul Shelke
My Cute Office Pvt. Ltd.
Dan Simmons
Ingo Simonis
Open Geospatial Consortium
Kamal Singh
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University Jean Monnet
Guilherme Siquinelli
Individual CLA commitment
Tor Brekke Skjøtskift
Amedia Utvikling
Peter Smith
Individual CLA commitment
Thomas Steiner
Google LLC
Xiang Su
University of Oulu
luca suriano
Individual CLA commitment
Ruben Taelman
Mike Tallent
Individual CLA commitment
James Tauber
Bobbin Teegarden
Ted Thibodeau Jr
OpenLink Software Inc.
Dominik Tomaszuk
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Bialystok
Jeremy Townson
Asbjørn Ulsberg
Individual CLA commitment
Pedro Urra
Individual CLA commitment
Nestor VB
Individual CLA commitment
Srinivasan Vembuli
Ogilvy & Mather
Vitaly Vlasov
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Open City Foundation
Kesen Wang
Individual CLA commitment
Sean Watford
Individual CLA commitment
Brian Weber
Allie Williams
Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Shannon Woodly
Barry Yarbrough
Individual CLA commitment