Participants in the Credentials Community Group
More on how to choose chairs-
Will Abramson
Digital Contract Design
Mahmoud Alkhraishi
Mavennet Systems Inc.
Harrison Tang
Madilyn (@HackerOne)
Motohiko Abe
Individual CLA commitment
Ryosuke Abe
Keio University
Sandy Aggarwal
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Mizuho Group
Gurvinder Ahluwalia - Digital Twin Labs
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Digital Twin Labs
adeel ahmad
Individual CLA commitment
Songpu Ai
China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
Todd Alexander
eVue Digital Labs
alejandro alfonso
Abbas Ali
Edward Allburn
Christopher Allen
Individual CLA commitment
David Ammouial
Akbar Amunak
James Anderson
Datagraph GmbH
Kevhorn Anderson
Patrik Andersson
Individual CLA commitment
Joe Andrieu
Legendary Requirements
Bohdan Andriyiv
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Validbook Foundation
Hakan Angın
Individual CLA commitment
Ganesh Annan
Digital Bazaar
Alexey Anshakov
Ronald Araujo
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with SERPRO (Brazilian Federal Agency of Information Technology)
Phil Archer
Lluís Alfons Ariño Martin
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Tomoya Asai
WebDINO Japan
Katja Assaf
Hasso Plattner Institute
Jennifer Aun
Stellar Quanta Labs
Ahamed Azeem
Danube Tech GmbH
Sebastien Bahloul
Elias Balafoutis
Mahesh Balan
Pravici LLC
Dirk Balfanz
Google LLC
Phil Barker
PJJK Limited
Sam Barnes
Factom Inc.
William Barnhill
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Parsons
stephan baur
Kaiser Permanente
Andrew Baxter
Tandem Technology Solutions Ltd
Arto Bendiken
Haltia, Inc.
Daniel Bennett
Individual CLA commitment
Greg Bernstein
Individual CLA commitment
Stefan Beyer
Gilang Bhagaskara
Indonesian Blockchain Network
Vipin Bharathan
Alok Bhargava
Cambridge Blockchain
Kishore Bhatia
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Boston Consulting Group
Justin Bingham
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Janeiro Digital
Maarten Boender
luca boldrin
Alex Boone
Mic Bowman
Intel Corporation
Adam Bradley
Mastercard Incorporated
Joanna Breneman
Libby Brown
Spruce Systems, Inc.
Jan Brücher
Royal KPN NV
Carlos Bruguera
Peter Bruhn Andersen
Agency for Digitisation
Donald Bullers
Tuum Technologies, Inc.
Michael Burchill
Daniel Burnett
Individual CLA commitment
David Butler
Shawn Butterfield
Neil Butters
Interac Corp
Elina Cadouri
Anthony Camilleri
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with European Commission
Brian Campbell
Ping Identity
stephane Canon
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Wipro Technologies
Sarven Capadisli
Individual CLA commitment
steven capell
Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Tim Cappalli
Daniel Carrillo
Binaria Technologies
Melvin Carvalho
Individual CLA commitment
Egidio Casati
Individual CLA commitment
Darren Cavell
Individual CLA commitment
Carlo Stefano Cavicchioli
Ruben Cessa
Individual CLA commitment
Raullen Chai
Individual CLA commitment
David Challener
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)
Pierre-Antoine Champin
Angus Champion de Crespigny
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Ernst & Young LLP
Wayne Chang
Spruce Systems, Inc.
Chris Chapman
Pentandra Research Solutions, Inc.
James Chartrand
Individual CLA commitment
Cheng Chen
Individual CLA commitment
Calvin Cheng
Government Technology Agency
Ilya Chesnokov
Individual CLA commitment
Mark Chipman
Commerce Integration
Kyungho Cho
Eduardo Chongkan
Individual CLA commitment
Ruijie Chow
Individual CLA commitment
Niaz Chowdhury
The Open University
Claus Christensen
Know Your Customer Limited
ch ci123
Individual CLA commitment
Frank Cicio
David Clark
DISH Network
Nick Clark
Universities Admissions Centre
Bill Claxton
NextID Pte Ltd
Aaron Coburn
Inrupt Inc.
Mike Cohen
Individual CLA commitment
Matthew Collier
Digital Bazaar
Dudley Collinson
Universities Admissions Centre
Edward Comer
Erica Connell
Legendary Requirements
Ricardo Correia
Ricardo Cosme
Ricardo Cosme
Pierre Coupet
Virtual Organization Management Institute
Juan Carlos Cruellas
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Sarah Cunningham
American Council on Education
Stephen Curran
Cloud Compass Computing, Inc.
Andrea D'Intino
Alan Davies
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with CredentialMaster Inc.
Jorge del Prado
Folio Technologies Ltd
Kyle Den Hartog
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with PRYVIT NZ LIMITED
Terence Denning
Individual CLA commitment
Merul Dhiman
AuvoDigital OU
Paola Di Maio
Center For Technology Ethics
Takis Diakoumis
Paul Dietrich
Rachel Donahue
Digital Promise
Katryna Dow
Kim Duffy
Individual CLA commitment
Cherie Duncan
Dario Duran
Individual CLA commitment
Sebastian Duranona
Individual CLA commitment
Yuriy Dybskiy
Individual CLA commitment
Justin Early
Individual CLA commitment
Johannes Ebert
Kenneth Ebert
Sovrin Foundation
Charles Edebiri
Government of Ontario
Snorre Lothar von Gohren Edwin
Individual CLA commitment
Veikko Eeva
Individual CLA commitment
Steven Eisler
Alberto Elias
Individual CLA commitment
Vaughan Emery
Individual CLA commitment
Stevan Erakovic
Danube Tech GmbH
Marko Eremija
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Academic Network of Serbia
Deborah Everhart
Credential Engine
Roman Evstifeev
Individual CLA commitment
Kayode Ezike
Individual CLA commitment
Jose Faisca
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Universidade Lusofona
Alexis Falquier
Xinxin Fan
Savita Farooqui
SymSoft Solutions LLC
Bruno Fernandes
Individual CLA commitment
Jonathan Finkelstein
Jim Flynn
The Kuwa Foundations
Charlie Fontana
Emmanuel Forche
Hast Labs
Nikos Fotiou
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Athens University of Economics and Business
Karyl Fowler
Stuart Fraser
Stuart Freeman
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Georgia Institute of Technology
Guilherme Freitas Guimaraes
Mavennet Systems Inc.
Allison Fromm
Crypto Alley Consulting GmbH
Bernhard Fuchs
Danube Tech GmbH
Paul Fuxjaeger
University of Vienna
Scott Gallant
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with K12, Inc.
Steve Gance
Individual CLA commitment
Christiana Garcia
Texas A&M University
Juan Antonio Garcia
Individual CLA commitment
Geoffroi Garon-Épaule
Nathan George
Sovrin Foundation
Stepan Gershuni
Individual CLA commitment
Olvis Enrique Gil Ríos
OG Technologies EU
Victoriano Giralt
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Universidad de Málaga
Gerald Glickman
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Catawba Digital Economic Zone
Adam Glynn
PriVerify Corp
Kylie Goh
Government Technology Agency
Victor Golubkov
Individual CLA commitment
James Goodell
Quality Information Partners
yuki goto
Individual CLA commitment
Ryan Grant
Digital Contract Design
Sheryl Grant
Concentric Sky
Simon Greatrix
Victor Grey
Pierre Gronlier
Jonathan Grossar
Mastercard Incorporated
tim guinther
Amy Guy
Digital Bazaar
Markus Gylling
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with IMS Global Learning Consortium
Chris Hanebeck
Individual CLA commitment
Daniel Hardman
Individual CLA commitment
Colby Harrison
Bloom Protocol
Joel Hartshorn
Individual CLA commitment
Ashley Harwood
GoSource Pty Ltd
Timothée Haudebourg
Spruce Systems, Inc.
Charlie Haviland
John Henderson
Energy Web AG
Alan Heppenstall
Patrick Herbke
Technische Universitaet Berlin
Thomas Herbst
Michael Herman
Individual CLA commitment
Folke Hermansson Snickars
Individual CLA commitment
Leon Hernandez
Jörg Heuer
Deutsche Telekom AG
Klaus-Peter Hofmann
Deutsche Telekom AG
jonathan holt
David Howell
Individual CLA commitment
Alexander Hripak
Grant Hu
Individual CLA commitment
Linzy Hu
Helen Huang
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with National Chengchi University
Jim Huang
National Cheng Kung University
Ken Huang
Individual CLA commitment
Kyle Junyuan Huang
Government Technology Agency
Jaka Hudoklin
Individual CLA commitment
Andrew Hughes
ITIM Consulting Corp.
Detlef Hühnlein
ecsec GmbH
md mazaharul huq
Individual CLA commitment
Kaliya Identity Woman
Individual CLA commitment
Taisei Igarashi
Individual CLA commitment
Yusuke Ikunaga
Individual CLA commitment
Maksim Izmaylov
Winding Tree Stiftung
Patrick Jaberg
Individual CLA commitment
Alexander Jackl
Bardic Systems, Inc.
Brent Jacobs
Ajay Jadhav
Ashish Jain
Arkose Labs, Inc.
Srijan Jain
Individual CLA commitment
Shrikant Jannu
GreenLight Credentials
Keith Jansa
CIO Strategy Council
Annie Janssen
Laura Jaurequi
University of Washington
Bert Jehoul
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Open Knowledge Belgium
Nis Jespersen
Individual CLA commitment
Jonas Jetschni
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Boston Consulting Group
Anil John
Department of Homeland Security
Anil John
Individual CLA commitment
Ryan Johnson-Hunt
Johnson & Hunt Consulting
Conrad Johnston
JNCTN Limited
Brad Jones
Individual CLA commitment
Thomas Jones
Individual CLA commitment
John Jordan
Province of British Columbia
Marie Jordan
Eddie Kago
Individual CLA commitment
Nik Kalyani
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with WhenHub
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Colendi
soonkuk kang
Individual CLA commitment
Abhishek Kantharia
Individual CLA commitment
Tibor Katelbach
Julie Keane
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Participate, Inc
Taylor Kendal
Learning Economy
Andor Kesselman
Andor Kesselman
Individual CLA commitment
Antti Kettunen
Padmasheela Kiiskilä
Tampere University
Eric Kim
Hopae Inc.
Geunhyung Kim
Gooroomee Inc.
Jihun Kim
Financial Security Institute
Jeanne Kitchens
Credential Engine
Kjetil Kjernsmo
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
Niels Klomp
Erin Knight
Individual CLA commitment
Sue Koomen
American Express Company
Kaspar Korjus
Enterprise Estonia
tracy korsmo
Individual CLA commitment
John Koshy
Individual CLA commitment
Gorazd Kovacic
Individual CLA commitment
Richard Kraaijenhagen
Individual CLA commitment
Achudh Krishna
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Botminds Inc
Andreas Kuckartz
Individual CLA commitment
Casey Kuhlman
Individual CLA commitment
Bernardus Kurnia
Individual CLA commitment
Jose Emilio Labra Gayo
Fundacion CTIC
Rapolas Lakavičius
European Commission
Nick Lambert
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Dock
Vincent Langard
Brayden Langley
BSV Association
Thibault Langlois-Berthelot
IN Groupe
Zachary Larson
Individual CLA commitment
Fernando Latorre
Dong-jun LEE
Individual CLA commitment
Jung-Chen Lee
Turing Space
Sunny Lee
Badge Alliance
David Lehn
Digital Bazaar
Charles Lehner
Individual CLA commitment
Convergence.Tech Inc.
Kerri Lemoie
Individual CLA commitment
Mark Leuba
Pathway Technology Partners
Jonathan Levi
Huiling Li
China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
Barry Lim
Government Technology Agency
Do Hyoung Lim
Individual CLA commitment
Jennifer Lin
Government Technology Agency
Gregory Linklater
Stranger Labs
Htain Linn Htoo
Affinidi Pte. Ltd.
Kimberly Linson
RANDA Solutions
Matt Lisle
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Lodder
Sovrin Foundation
Phillip Long
Arizona State University
Nicholas Longcroft
Ownyou Ltd
Dave Longley
Digital Bazaar
Tobias Looker
Mattr Limited
George Lund
HM Government
Martin Ma
Moses Ma
FutureLab Consulting
Randy Macdonald
TAO Foundation
Andrew Mackie
Individual CLA commitment
Tom Madelin
Individual CLA commitment
Steve Magennis
Individual CLA commitment
Laurent Maillet
Individual CLA commitment
Vikas Malhotra
WOPLLI Technologies
Joshua Marks
Public Consulting Group
Gabriel Marquie
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with IATA
david mason
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Talent Cloud
Samantha Mathews Chase
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Circle Work
Mike Maturo
City of Osmio
Rui Maximo
Chris McAvoy
Badge Alliance
Dale McCrory
Alexander McFarlane
Justin McLawhorn
Individual CLA commitment
Zan McNaught
Greg McVerry
Southern Connecticut State Unbiversity
Jennifer Meier
Digital Contract Design
Luis Meijueiro
Fundacion CTIC
Scott Meyer
Individual CLA commitment
Nick Meyne
Tomasz Mielnicki
Adam Migus
Alexander Mikroyannidis
The Open University
Andy Miller
Individual CLA commitment
Stefanie Mills
Digital Promise
Yasushi Minoya
Sony Group Corporation
Jose Miranda
Devise Futures, Lda.
Yatharth (Arjun) Mishra
Individual CLA commitment
Masayoshi Mitsui
Individual CLA commitment
Satish Mohan
Individual CLA commitment
Nicolas Mondada
Inrupt Inc.
Mark Anthony Morris
Matt Morris
Individual CLA commitment
Jonn Mostovoy
Alexander Muehle
Hasso Plattner Institute
Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay
Dhiway Networks Pvt Ltd
Derek Munnke
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with NextFaze
Paul Murdock
Roche Diagnostics International
Anthony Nadalin
Individual CLA commitment
Denver Naicker
Gregory Natran
Paul Nattapatsiri
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Band Protocol
Daniel Ndungu
Individual CLA commitment
Clare Nelson
Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF)
Balázs Némethi
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Taqanu
Bryan Newbold
Bluesky PBC
Kalin Nicolov
Individual CLA commitment
Darius Niespodziany
Individual CLA commitment
Tim O'Brien
Individual CLA commitment
Hugo O'Connor
Darrell O'Donnell
Continuum Loop Inc.
Kevin OBrien
Kiva Microfunds
Kyeong Hee OH
Individual CLA commitment
Jon Ohrt
Benedikt Olek
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Boston Consulting Group
Steve Olshansky
Simone Onofri
Gerhard Oosthuizen
Alex Ortiz
Nate Otto
Concentric Sky
Rob Padula
Legendary Requirements
Laura Paglione
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Spherical Cow Group
Avik Pal
JungSoo Park
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
Lucas Parker
Learning Machine, Inc.
Michallis Pashidis
Matt Pasiewicz
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with IMS Global Learning Consortium
Preet Patel
Mattr Limited
Isaac Patka
Bloom Protocol
Roberto Pava
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Zach Pendleton
Brenda Perea
Daniel Petranek
Individual CLA commitment
Eric Petruzzelli
Aristide Piazza
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with PwC
Michael Pigott
Iron Horse Software, LLC
Michel Plante
Amplitude Technologies Inc.
Blaž Podgorelec
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Maribor
Hans Pongratz
Technische Universität München
Kevin Poulsen
Individual CLA commitment
Ouri Poupko
Individual CLA commitment
Jakob Povsic
Devi Prasad
Individual CLA commitment
Przemek Praszczalek
Mastercard Incorporated
Matthias Prellwitz
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
Michael Prorock
Carl Prosack
Department of Homeland Security
Jean F. Queralt
The IO Foundation
Liam Quin
Individual CLA commitment
Ajay Rambocus
Individual CLA commitment
James Randall
Department for Work and Pensions
Serge Ravet
Individual CLA commitment
Drummond Reed
Martin Reed
RANDA Solutions
Christopher Regan
Thematix Partners, LLC
Mayur Relekar
Bailey Reutzel
Individual CLA commitment
Alvin Reyes
ProximaX Limited
Alvin Reyes
ProofSys Inc.
Yancy Ribbens
Individual CLA commitment
Ric Richardson
Individual CLA commitment
Brian Richter
Aviary Technologies Inc.
Martin Riedel
Peter Rivett
Federated Knowledge, LLC
Pierre Roberge
Digital Identity Laboratory of Canada
Dan Robertson
Individual CLA commitment
Kris Robison
Kiara Robles
Caspar Roelofs
Tiemae Roquerre
Individual CLA commitment
Tony Rose
Proof Market Incorporated
Leonard Rosenthol
Jeremy Rossi
Raphael Roullet
Individual CLA commitment
Steven Rowat
Individual CLA commitment
Anders Rundgren
Individual CLA commitment
Nivas S
Markus Sabadello
Danube Tech GmbH
Satoshi Sakamori
LY Corporation
Joey Salazar
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Private Individual
Joaquin Salvachua
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Hiroyuki Sano
Sony Group Corporation
Aditya Santhanam
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Infisign Inc.
Javi Santos
Individual CLA commitment
E-ming Saung
Individual CLA commitment
Jay Scambler
Banner Schafer
Wouter Schaubroeck
Isabel NV/SA
Philipp Schmidt
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Jim Schoening
Individual CLA commitment
Wendy Seltzer
Individual CLA commitment
Eric Sembrat
Georgia Institute of Technology
aaron semo
Individual CLA commitment
Adrian Seni
Individual CLA commitment
Shivam sethi
Individual CLA commitment
yash shah
Credence ID
Brent Shambaugh
Individual CLA commitment
Si Shangase
Individual CLA commitment
Sid Sharma
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Shea
Individual CLA commitment
Arun Sheshanarayana
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Bangalore International Airport Ltd
Jaehoon Shim
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with LG CNS
Phillip Shoemaker
mohammed shuaib
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Shubham kunwar Shubham kunwar
Individual CLA commitment
Emanuel Silva
HM Government
Boon Long Sim
Government Technology Agency
Mark Simpkins
Individual CLA commitment
Kulpreet Singh
Individual CLA commitment
Ravinder Singh
HM Government
Vineet Singh
Individual CLA commitment
Rashmi Siravara
Individual CLA commitment
Ray Smets
Unum ID
Ian Smith
Vidicode Inc
Jacksón Smith
Learning Economy
Ned Smith
Intel Corporation
Peter Smith
Individual CLA commitment
Wesley Smith
Digital Bazaar
Adam Sobieski
Phoster, Inc
Reza Soltani
Individual CLA commitment
Jeffrey Song
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Metadium Technology Inc.
Tanuj Soni
Mirek Sopek
Quantum Blockchains
Andrew Sowden
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with nedwos
Manu Sporny
Digital Bazaar
Federico Squartini
Patrick St-Louis
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Digital Identity Laboratory of Canada
Patrick St-Louis
Open Security and Identity inc.
Jeferson Staelens
Individual CLA commitment
Pola Stasule
Michael Staub
Individual CLA commitment
Orie Steele
Jeff Stephens
Matt Stone
Michael Street
Aligned Development Strategies, Inc.
Susan Stroud
Prevail Wellbeing, Inc. d/b/a Lifequipt
Sven Stucki
Individual CLA commitment
Ting-Han Su
Individual CLA commitment
Bart Suichies
Individual CLA commitment
Stuart Sutton
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
Kengo Suzuki
Individual CLA commitment
Shigeya Suzuki
Keio University
Andrea Taglia
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with PwC
Stefannie Tan
SBI Holdings
Jack Tanner
Andrii Tarykin
Individual CLA commitment
Arne Tauber
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Graz University of Technology
Luke Taylor
Evan Tedesco
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with DISH Network
Ted Thibodeau Jr
OpenLink Software Inc.
Allan Third
The Open University
Keerthi Thomas
Blockchain-4SG Ltd.
Joel Thorstensson
Ramesh Thupakula
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with AIOB TECHNOSOFT PRIVATE LIMITED
Noopur Tiwari
Individual CLA commitment
Nathan Tonani
Learning Economy
John Toohey
Matt Topper
Linda Toth
Zachary Townsend
Standard Treasury
Jeremy Townson
Rob Trainer
Accreditrust, LLC
Rob Trainer
Accreditrust Technologies, LLC
Philip Tran
Government Technology Agency
David Trang
Universities Admissions Centre
Steve Traugott
Individual CLA commitment
Waldemar Trawnicki
Individual CLA commitment
Meagan Treadway
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Grand Valley State University
Alastair Treharne
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Beruku Identity Limited
Muhamed Turkanović
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Maribor
David Turner
George Tuvell
Individual CLA commitment
Alex Tweeddale
Krzysztof Urbański Sp. z o.o.
Nahlyee Van Brunt
Individual CLA commitment
Oskar van Deventer
Charlie van Rantwijk
Individual CLA commitment
Carlos Vargas-Montero
Mike Varley
Golda Velez
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with 3Box
Karan Verma
Individual CLA commitment
Heather Vescent
Individual CLA commitment
Evgeny Vinogradov
Adrien Violet
Yoti Ltd
Mrinal Wadhwa
David Waite
Ping Identity
John Walker
Individual CLA commitment
jane wang
UnitedHealth Group
White Wang
David Ward
Public Consulting Group
Frans Ward
Michael Weiß
Individual CLA commitment
Julian White
Beruku Identity Limited
Andrew Whitehead
David Wilde
Individual CLA commitment
Jay M Williams
Individual CLA commitment
Michelle Wilson
U.S. Department of State
Richard Win Putra
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Bina Nusantara University
Chris Winczewski
Learning Machine, Inc.
Manu Wink
Individual CLA commitment
Pindar Wong
Individual CLA commitment
Sze Wong
Zerion Software, |nc.
Eugene Woo
Victoria Woo
Individual CLA commitment
Mess Wright
The Fab Lab at WorkChops
Serge Wroclawski
Individual CLA commitment
Bob Wyman
Individual CLA commitment
Mingjie Xia
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with
Ran Xing
Individual CLA commitment
herro xu
Individual CLA commitment
Rachel Yager
FortuneTimes Group
Ozgur Yogurtcu
Benjamin Young
Digital Bazaar
James Young
Kaliya Young
Individual CLA commitment
YangHao Yuan
Individual CLA commitment
Crispin Yuen
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with AML Sanctions
Dennis Yurkevich
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Media IQ Ltd
Dmitri Zagidulin
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Carolyn Zelikow
junqi zhang
Xiao Zhang
Shandong Glacier Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd