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From Best Practices for Multilingual Linked Open Data Community Group


The goals, scope, and vision of this community group on Best Practises for Multilingual Linked Open Data can be found in the group charter

Procedure and milestones [draft]

1. First, a classification will be made of the topics to be treated by the community. E.g., naming, URIs vs IRIs, linking, etc.

2. Then, we will make a call for use cases, trying to identify which of the previous topics are involved in each use case. E.g., ontology localisation, publication of MLOD from data silos, using MLOD in translation workflows, etc.

3. Next, we will organise dedicated telcos to discuss best practices for each of the topics, in the context of the identified use cases.

4. Finally, when we consider that the discussion about a topic is mature and some consensus is reached we will document it in a report.

We identify the following milestones [to be refined]:

  • M1 - Kick-off meeting (June 2013)
  • M2 - First draft of the report with topic selection and initial use cases (October 2013)
  • M3 - Final draft of the report with final use cases and best practices (March 2014)


The selection of topics can be found at topic classification

Use cases

The specification of generic use cases can be found in the use cases definition page.

The specification of some real application scenarios is documented here: case studies.

Best practices

  • Best practices: The result of the discussions are documented in the best practises section. A snap-shot if discussion upto Oct'14 is distilled into a deliverable by the LIDER project, which will be integrated into this wiki.


The draft reports are developed in the BPMLOD GITHUB repository: (feel free to contribute)

The generated reports will be listed here


All meeting agendas and minutes are recorded in the page of meetings of the community group

Issue tracking

The list of actions and issues of the group can be followed in the tracking system [DEPRECATED]

Guidelines and Best practices [2023 UPDATE]

Working space for the re-start of the group activities in 2023

  • Guidelines: A wiki section for the discussion about new and updated guidelines and best practices for LLOD in two dimensions:
    • Generation, interlinking, publication, and validation of LLOD.
    • Linguistic Linked Open Data-aware Natural Language Processing.

Related publications

This is a non exhaustive list of publications (in reverse chronological order) that might be of interest as basis of the discussions of the community group:

  • J. Gracia, E. Montiel-Ponsoda, P. Cimiano, A. Gómez-Pérez, P. Buitelaar, and J. McCrae, "Challenges for the multilingual web of data," Journal of Web Semantics, vol. 11, pp. 63-71, Mar. 2012. Available:
  • E. Montiel-Ponsoda, D. Vila-Suero, B. Villazón-Terrazas, G. Dunsire, E. Escolano, and A. Gómez-Pérez, "Style guidelines for naming and labeling ontologies in the multilingual web," in Proc. Int'l Conf. on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2011 (2011), 2011, pp. 105-115. Available:
  • S. Auer, M. Weidl, J. Lehmann, A. J. Zaveri, and K. S. Choi, "I18n of semantic web applications," in Proceedings of the 9th international semantic web conference on The semantic web - Volume Part II, ser. ISWC'10. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2010, pp. 1-16. Available: