adeel ahmad
Individual CLA commitment
Robin Dresel
National Library Board Singapore
Steven Folsom
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Cornell University Library
Andrea Wei-Ching Huang
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Academia Sinica
Pauli Jylhänkangas
Individual CLA commitment
shyan kunder
Individual CLA commitment
Ashwin Nair
National Library Board Singapore
Ehsan Rouhi
Individual CLA commitment
Stephan Schindehette
OCLC (Online Computer Library Center, Inc.)
Negin Shokrzadeh Hashtroudi
Alzahra University
Osma Suominen
National Library of Finland
Seyed Mahdi Taheri
Allameh Tabataba'i University
René Voorburg
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with KB, National Library of the Netherlands
Amanda Xu
National Agricultural Library