Teleconference Time: Mondays 1PM Boston
Posted on:Our request for teleconference availability went out, and the results are in. Thanks to everyone who responded. We reviewed people’s preferences and the consensus seems to be Mondays 1 PM Boston time.
Decided: Our Accessibility at the Edge Community Group will meet Mondays 1 PM Boston time. Click here to view this time in your own timezone.
First meeting, 28 November 2022. Meetings are an hour, but end ten minutes early to avoid overlapping with other meetings.

Joining the group requires a W3C login, which is free and available on the W3C account request page. To be sure you receive the Zoom coordinates, join the Community Group on its W3C hosting page. You may also bookmark the group’s home page and feel free to share.
To everyone whose times we were unable to accommodate, we apologize. We always knew we would not be able to satisfy everyone.
See you at the meeting, we look forward it.