Minutes Telecon 2015-07-29
- Resolved: Publish updated WD of Grid Layout
- There was still no consensus on what to do with the name ‘any’ in CSS Break, though it was agreed to be troublesome. Possible solutions were:
- Accept the name
- Rename it
- Push it to level 4
- Change ‘always’ to ‘all’ so that ‘any’ would make more sense
- There was no consensus so discussion will continue on the mailing list.
- As the percent resolution for abspos vs inflow grid items issue is dependent on a F2F topic, a final decision will hold off until the Paris meeting.
- There were three proposed solutions to address
overflow: clip
- A) “overflow: clip” is a paint only operation, it does not (on its own) create a BFC, and if “contain” is not “paint”, you can have “overflow-x:clip” in one dimension and “overflow-y:visible” (and vice versa). Amend the definition of “resize” and “text-overflow” (and anything else that depends on “overflow”) to deal with the new possibility of being visible in one dimension only.
- B) Rename to “overflow: hidden no-scroll”. It creates a BFC. If you specify it in one dimension only and leave the other visible, the visible one computes to auto.
- C) Don’t introduce a new value to overflow, make “contain:paint” cause “overflow:visible” to compute to “overflow:hidden”, and implement heuristics to detect when browsers should avoid allocating the resources needed to do the scrolling.
- The group first discussed the merits of A before deciding to rule it out completely. C seemed like the ideal case, but browsers weren’t capable of it yet, so the group decided on B. There was a mini bikeshedding session after the telecon on IRC where ‘clip’ and ‘none’ seemed to be the most favored, but the decision is still up in the air.
- Resolved: pick option B behavior, defer naming to editors, everyone complains if they pick something bad
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