This is a page from the Cascading Style Sheets Working Group Blog. Some other places to find information are the “current work” page, the www-style mailing list, the Future of CSS syndicator, and the issue list on Github.
Do you want to know how the CSS WG works? Fantasai has written about:csswg, An Inside View of the CSS Working Group at W3C.
The CSS Working Group has published an updated Last Call of CSS Flexible Box Layout Level 1 to fold in feedback from the last LCWD. Flexbox is a new layout model for CSS: the contents of a flex container can be laid out in any direction, can be reordered, can be aligned and justified within their container, and can “flex” their sizes and positions to respond to the available space. This is an update, mostly to fix various errors reported against the last draft. As before, the CSSWG is not revoking the call for implementations: we’re just issuing an LCWD to process the changes.
To help with review and with correctly updating implementations, exact diffs since the previous Last Call Working Draft and since the original Candidate Recommendation, and their justifications, are available in the Changes section. A Disposition of Comments is also available. The Last Call comment period ends 11 June 2015.
We are particularly looking for feedback from authors on the percentage margins issue, and will accept comments posted through that post on
And as usual, we will welcome and track any feedback to the (archived) public mailing list with the spec code ([css-flexbox]
) and your comment topic in the subject line. (Alternatively, you can email one of the editors and ask them to forward your comment.)