CSS WG Blog Minutes and Resolutions October F2F: Print…

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Minutes and Resolutions October F2F: Printing, Columns, and Pagination

By fantasai November 11, 2008 (Permalink)
Categories: resolutions

CSS3 Paged Media


CSS3 Multicol

Discussed overflow of multicolumn elements: whether new columns should be madd off to the side, or whether a new row of columns should be created as overflow below.

To create a layouts where a new set of columns are created below the first, we really would need a column-length property or somesuch and allow the height to be auto, otherwise the new columns will overflow the multicol element and overwrite later content.

Either way, multicolumn layout is not very usable on the screen because it’s designed for paginated media. So we discussed the idea of overflow-style: paginate to create paginated layouts on the screen. (It would fall back to scrolling behavior on down-level clients.)

fantasai noted that the column width algorithm should define available width such that the UA can consider the available width on the page if that is less than the available width of the element.

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Last updated 2008-11-11 00:26:31