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Understanding WCAG 2.0

A guide to understanding and implementing WCAG 2.0

Editor's Draft May-October 2007 -- Review Version

This version:
Latest version:
Previous version:
Ben Caldwell, Trace R&D Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Michael Cooper, W3C
Loretta Guarino Reid, Google, Inc.
Gregg Vanderheiden, Trace R&D Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Previous Editors:
Wendy Chisholm (until July 2006 while at W3C)
John Slatin (until June 2006 while at Accessibility Institute, University of Texas at Austin)

This document is also available in these non-normative formats:


This document, "Understanding WCAG 2.0," is an essential guide to understanding and using Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 [WCAG20]. It is part of a series of documents that support WCAG 2.0. Please note that the contents of this document are informative (they provide guidance), and not normative (they do not set requirements for conforming to WCAG 2.0).

WCAG 2.0 establishes a set of success criteria to define conformance to the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines. A success criterion is a testable statement that will be either true or false when applied to specific Web content. "Understanding WCAG 2.0" provides detailed information about each success criterion, including its intent, the key terms that are used in the success criterion, and how the success criteria in WCAG 2.0 help people with different types of disabilities. This document also provides examples of Web content that meet the success criterion using various Web technologies (for instance, HTML, CSS, XML), and common examples of Web content that does not meet the success criterion.

This document indicates specific techniques to meet each success criterion. Details for how to implement each technique are available in Techniques and Failures for WCAG 2.0, but "Understanding WCAG 2.0" provides the information about the relationship of each technique to the success criteria. Techniques are categorized by the level of support they provide for the success criteria. "Sufficient techniques" are sufficient to meet a particular success criterion (either by themselves or in combination with other techniques), while other techniques are advisory and therefore optional. None of the techniques are required to meet WCAG 2.0, although some may be the only known method if a particular technology is used. "Advisory techniques" are not sufficient to meet the success criteria on their own (because they are not testable or provide incomplete support) but it is encouraged that authors follow them when possible to provide enhanced accessibility. Another support category is "Failure techniques", which describe authoring practices known to cause Web content not to conform to WCAG 2.0. Although failure techniques provide advisory information about certain authoring practices, authors must avoid those practices in order to meet the WCAG 2.0 success criteria.

This document is part of a series of documents published by the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) to support WCAG 2.0.

Status of this Document

This document is the internal working draft used by the WCAG WG and is updated continuously and without notice. This document has no formal standing within W3C. Please consult the group's home page and the W3C technical reports index for information about the latest publications by this group.

This draft includes revisions that have been made since the 17 May 2007 Working Draft was published. Please refer to the latest public version of WCAG 2.0 for information about the status of WCAG 2.0 as well as information about submitting comments to the working group.

History of Changes to WCAG 2.0 Working Drafts

Table of Contents


Introduction to Understanding WCAG 2.0

[begin change]

Understanding WCAG 2.0 is an essential guide to understanding and using "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0" [WCAG20] Although the normative definition and requirements for WCAG 2.0 can all be found in the WCAG 2.0 document itself, the concepts and provisions may be new to some people. Understanding WCAG 2.0 provides a non-normative extended commentary on each guideline and each success criterion to help readers better understand the intent and how the guidelines and success criteria work together. It also provides examples of techniques or combinations of techniques that the Working Group has identified as being sufficient to meet each success criterion. Links are then provided to write-ups for each of the techniques.

[end change]

This is not an introductory document. It is a detailed technical description of the guidelines and their success criteria. For an introduction to WCAG 2.0 and the complete set of documents associated with the guidelines, see Overview of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Documents.

Understanding WCAG 2.0 is organized by guideline. There is an Understanding Guideline X.X section for each guideline. The intent and any advisory techniques that are related to the guideline but not specifically related to any of its success criteria are listed there as well.

The Understanding Guidelines X.X section is then followed by a How to Meet Success Criterion X.X.X section for each success criterion of that guideline. These How to Meet sections each contain:

Links are provided from each Guideline in WCAG 2.0 directly to each Understanding Guideline X.X in this document. Similarly, there is a link from each success criterion in WCAG 2.0 to the How to Meet Success Criterion X.X.X section in this document.

For information about individual techniques, follow the links throughout this document to the techniques of interest in the Techniques for WCAG 2.0 document.

[begin add]

For links to information on different disabilities and assistive technologies see Disabilities on Wikipedia. [2301]

[end add]

Understanding the Four Principles of Accessibility

[begin change]

The guidelines and success criteria are organized around the following four principles, which lay the foundation necessary for anyone to access and use Web content. Anyone who wants to use the Web must have content that is:

[end change]
  1. Perceivable - Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive

    • This means that users must be able to perceive the information being presented (it can't be invisible to all of their senses)

  2. Operable - User interface components and navigation must be operable

    • This means that users must be able to operate the interface (the interface cannot require interaction that a user can not perform)

  3. Understandable - Information and the operation of user interface must be understandable

    • This means that users must be able to understand the information as well as the operation of the user interface (the content or operation cannot be beyond their understanding)

  4. Robust - Content must be robust enough that it can be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies

    • This means that users must be able to access the content as technologies advance (as technologies and user agents evolve, the content should remain accessible)

If any of these are not true, users with disabilities will not be able to use the Web.

Under each of the principles are guidelines and success criteria that help to address these principles for people with disabilities. There are many general usability guidelines that make content more usable by all people, including those with disabilities. However, in WCAG 2.0, we only include those guidelines that address problems particular to people with disabilities. This includes issues that block access or interfere with access to the Web more severely for people with disabilities.

[begin add]

Layers of Guidance

The Guidelines

Under each principle there is a list of guidelines that address the principle. There are a total of 12 guidelines. A convenient list of just the guidelines can be found in the WCAG 2.0 table of contents. One of the key objective of the guidelines is to ensure that content is directly accessible to as many people as possible, and capable of being re-presented in different forms to match different peoples sensory, physical and cognitive abilities.

Success Criteria

Under each guideline, there are success criteria that describe specifically what must be achieved in order to conform to this standard. They are similar to the "checkpoints" in WCAG 1.0. Each success criterion is written as a statement that will be either true or false when specific Web content is tested against it. The success criteria are written to be technology neutral.

All WCAG 2.0 success criteria are written as testable criteria for objectively determining if content satisfies the success criteria. While some of the testing can be automated using software evaluation programs, others require human testers for part or all of the test.

Although content may satisfy a success criteria, the content may not always be usable by people with a wide variety of disabilities. Therefore, usability testing is recommended. Usability testing aims to determine how well people can use the content for its intended purpose.

The content should be tested by those who understand how people with different types of disabilities use the Web. It is recommended that users with disabilities be included in test groups when performing human testing. [2160]

Each success criterion for a guideline has a link to the section of the Quick Reference document that provides:

  • sufficient techniques for meeting the success criterion,

  • optional advisory techniques, and

  • links to descriptions of the intent of the success criteria, including benefits, and examples

Sufficient and Advisory Techniques

Rather than having technology specific techniques in WCAG 2.0, the guidelines and success criteria themselves have been written in a technology neutral fashion. In order to provide guidance and examples for meeting the guidelines using specific technologies (for example HTML) the working group has identified sufficient techniques for each success criterion that are sufficient to meet that success criterion. The list of sufficient techniques is maintained in the "Understanding WCAG 2.0" (and mirrored in the WCAG 2.0 Quick Reference). In this way it is possible to update the list as new techniques are discovered, and as Web Technologies and Assistive Technologies progress.

[begin add]

Note that all techniques are informative. The "sufficient techniques" are considered sufficient by the WCAG Working Group to meet the success criteria. However, it is not necessary to use these particular techniques. If techniques are used other than those listed by the Working Group, then some other method for establishing the technique's ability to meet the success criteria would be needed

[end add]

Most success criteria have multiple sufficient techniques listed. Any of the listed sufficient techniques can be used to meet the success criterion. There may be other techniques which are not documented by the working group that could also meet the success criterion. As new sufficient techniques are identified they will be added to the listing.

In addition to the sufficient techniques, there are a number of advisory techniques that can enhance accessibility, but did not qualify as sufficient techniques because are not sufficient to meet the full requirements of the success criteria, they are not testable, and/or are good and effective techniques in some circumstances but not effective or helpful in others. These are listed as advisory techniques and are right below the sufficient techniques. Authors are encouraged to use these techniques wherever appropriate to increase accessibility of their Web pages.

Editorial Note: Where the committee has not yet been able to write up the description of a technique, the techniques are listed with "(future link)" following their title.

[end add]

Text Alternatives:
Understanding Guideline 1.1

Guideline 1.1: Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language

Intent of Guideline 1.1

The purpose of this guideline is to ensure that all non-text content is also available in text. "Text" refers to electronic text, not an image of text. Electronic text has the unique advantage that it [begin add]is presentation neutral. That is, it [2319] [end add] can be rendered visually, auditorily, tactilely, or by any combination. As a result, information rendered in electronic text can be presented in whatever form best meets the needs of the user. It can also be easily enlarged, spoken in a voice that is easy to understand, or rendered in whatever tactile form best meets the needs of a user.

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 1.1 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • [begin add]

    Providing sign language videos for audio-only files (future link) [2083]

    [end add]

Non-text Content:
Understanding SC 1.1.1

[begin change]

1.1.1 All non-text content has a text alternative that presents equivalent information, except for the situations listed below. [1992] (Level A)

  • Controls, Input: If [begin add]it[end add] [begin delete]non-text content[end delete] is a control or accepts user input, then it has a name that describes its purpose. (See also Guideline 4.1.)

  • [begin change]

    Media, Test, Sensory: If [begin add]it[end add] [begin delete]non-text content[end delete] is [begin delete]any of the following[end delete] [begin add](1) [end add] synchronized media, [begin add](2) [end add] live audio-only or live video-only content, [begin add](3) [end add]a test or exercise that must be presented in non-text format, [begin add](4) [end add] [begin delete]content [end delete]primarily intended to create a specific sensory experience, then text alternatives at least [begin change]provide descriptive identification of the non-text content[end change][begin add], or (5) a media alternative to text that is clearly labeled as such [2290] [end add]. (For synchronized media, see also Guideline 1.2.)

    [end change]

    Note: Prerecorded audio-only and video-only files would be covered under [Success Criterion 1.1.1], which requires text alternatives that present equivalent information.

  • CAPTCHA: If [begin add]it[end add] [begin delete]the purpose of non-text content[end delete] is to confirm that content is being accessed by a person rather than a computer, then text alternatives that identify and describe the purpose of the non-text content are provided[begin add], and alternative forms of CAPTCHA using output modes for different types of sensory perception[end add] [begin delete]and alternative forms in different modalities[end delete] are provided to accommodate different disabilities.

  • Decoration, Formatting, Invisible: If [begin add]it[end add] [begin delete]non-text content[end delete] is pure decoration, or used only for visual formatting, or if it is not presented to users, then it is implemented [begin change]in a way[end change] [begin delete]such[end delete] that it can be ignored by assistive technology.

[end change]

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to make information conveyed by non-text content accessible through the use of a text alternative. Text alternatives are a primary way for making information accessible because they can be rendered through any sensory modality (for example, visual, auditory or tactile) to match the needs of the user. Providing text alternatives allows the information to be rendered in a variety of ways by a variety of user agents. For example, a person who cannot see a picture can have the text alternative read aloud using synthesized speech. A person who cannot hear an audio file can have the text alternative displayed so that he or she can read it. In the future, text alternatives will also allow information to be more easily translated into sign language or into a simpler form of the same language.

[begin add]


CAPTCHAs are a controversial topic in the accessibility community. As is described in the paper Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA, CAPTCHAs intrinsically push the the edges of human abilities in an attempt to defeat automated processes. Every type of CAPTCHA will be unsolveable by users with certain particular disabilities. However, they are widely used, and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group believes that if CAPTCHAs were forbidden outright, Web sites would choose not to conform to WCAG rather than abandon CAPTCHA. This would create barriers for a great many more users with disabilities. For this reason the Working Group has chosen to structure the requirement about CAPTCHA in a way that meets the needs of most people with disabilities, yet is also considered adoptable by sites. Requiring two different forms of CAPTCHA on a given site ensures that most people with disabilities will find a form they can use.

Because some users with disabilities will still not be able to access sites that meet the minimum requirements, the Working Group provides recommendations for additional steps. Organizations motivated to conform to WCAG should be aware of the importance of this topic and should go as far beyond the minimum requirements of the guidelines as possible. Additional recommended steps include:

  • Providing more than two modalities of CAPTCHAs

  • Providing access to a human customer service representative who can bypass CAPTCHA

  • Not requiring CAPTCHAs for authorized users

[1940] [end add]

Additional information

Non-text content can take a number of forms, and this success criterion specifies how each is to be handled.

For non-text content that is not covered by one of the other situations listed below, such as charts, diagrams, audio recordings, pictures, and animations, text alternatives can make the same information available in a form that can be rendered through any modality (for example, visual, auditory or tactile). Short and long text alternatives can be used as needed to convey the information in the non-text content. Note that prerecorded audio-only and prerecorded video-only files are covered here. Live-audio-only and Live-video-only files are covered below (see 3rd paragraph following this one).

For non-text content that is a control or accepts user input , such as images used as submit buttons or complex animations, a name is provided to describe the purpose of the non-text content so that the person at least knows what the non-text content is and why it is there.

Non-text content that is synchronized media is made accessible through guideline 1.2. However it is important that users know what it is when they encounter it on a page so they can decide what action if any they want to take with it. A text alternative that describes the synchronized media and/or gives its title is therefore provided.

Live Audio-only and live video-only files - It is much more difficult to provide text alternatives that convey the same information as live audio-only and live video-only content. For these types of non-text content, text alternatives provide a descriptive label.

Sometimes a test or exercise must use a particular sense. Audio or visual information is provided that cannot be changed to text because the test or exercise must be conducted using that sense. For example, a hearing test would be invalid if a text alternative were provided. A visual skill development exercise would similarly make no sense in text form. And a spelling test with text alternatives would not be very effective. For these cases, text alternatives should be provided to describe the purpose of the non-text content; of course, the text alternatives would not provide the same information needed to pass the test.

Sometimes content is primarily intended to create a specific sensory experience that words cannot fully capture. Examples include a symphony performance, works of visual art etc. For such content, text alternatives at least identify the non-text content with a descriptive label and where possible, some descriptive text. If the reason for including the content in the page is known and can be described it is helpful to include that information.

Sometimes there are non-text exercises that are used to prove you are human. To avoid spam robots and other software from gaining access to a site a device called a CAPTCHA is used. These usually involve visual or auditory tasks that are beyond the current capabilities of web robots. Providing a text alternative to them would however make them operable by Robots, thus defeating their purpose. In this case a text alternative would describe the purpose of the CAPTCHA, and alternate forms using different modalities would be provided to address the needs of people with different disabilities.

Sometimes there is non-text content that really is not meant to be seen or understood by the user. Transparent images used to move text over on a page; a one pixel transparent "web-bug" that tells the author when the page is viewed; and a swirl in the corner that conveys no information but just fills up a blank space to create an aesthetic effect are all examples of this. Putting alternative text on such items just distracts people using screen readers from the content on the page. Not marking the content in any way, though, leaves users guessing what the non-text content is and what information they may have missed (even though they have not missed anything in reality). This type of non-text content, therefore, is marked or implemented in a way that assistive technologies (AT) will ignore it and not present anything to the user.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.1.1:

  • This success criterion helps people who have difficulty perceiving visual content. Assistive technology can read text alternatives aloud, present them visually, or convert them to braille.

  • Text alternatives may help some people who have difficulty understanding the meaning of photographs, drawings, and other images (e.g. line drawings, graphic designs, paintings, three-dimensional representations), graphs, charts, animations, etc.

  • People who are deaf, are hard of hearing, or who are having trouble understanding audio information for any reason can read the text presentation. Research is ongoing regarding automatic translation of text into sign language.

  • People who are deaf-blind can read the text in braille.

  • Additionally, text alternatives support the ability to search for non-text content and to repurpose content in a variety of ways.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.1.1

  1. A data chart

    A bar chart compares how many widgets were sold in June, July, and August. The short label says, "Figure one - Sales in June, July and August." The longer description identifies the type of chart, provides a high-level summary of the data, trends and implications comparable to those available from the chart. Where possible and practical, the actual data is provided in a table.

  2. An audio recording of a speech (no video)

    The link to an audio clip says, "Chairman's speech to the assembly." A link to a text transcript is provided immediately after the link to the audio clip.

  3. An animation that illustrates how a car engine works

    An animation shows how a car engine works. There is no audio and the animation is part of a tutorial that describes how an engine works. Since the text of the tutorial already provides a full explanation, the text alternative has a brief description of the image and refers to the tutorial text for more information.

  4. A traffic Web camera

    A Web site allows users to select from a variety of Web cameras positioned throughout a major city. After a camera is selected, the image updates every two minutes. A short text alternative identifies the Web camera as "traffic Web camera." The site also provides a table of travel times for each of the routes covered by the Web cameras. The table is also updated every two minutes.

  5. A photograph of an historic event in a news story

    A photograph of two world leaders shaking hands accompanies a news story about an international summit meeting. The text alternative says, "President X of Country X shakes hands with Prime Minister Y of country Y."

  6. A photograph of a historic event in content discussing diplomatic relationships

    The same image is used in a different context intended to explain nuances in diplomatic encounters. The image of the president shaking hands with the prime minister appears on a Web site discussing intricate diplomatic relationships. The first text alternative reads, "President X of country X shakes hands with Prime Minister Y of country Y on January 2, 2009." An additional text alternative describes the room where the leaders are standing as well as the expressions on the leaders' faces, and identifies the other people in the room. The additional description might be included on the same page as the photograph or in a separate file associated with the image through a link or other standard programmatic mechanism.

  7. An audio recording

    The Web page described in the previous example includes a link to an audio recording of the leaders' press conference. The page also links to a text transcript of the press conference. The transcript includes a verbatim record of everything the speakers say. It identifies who is speaking as well as noting other significant sounds that are part of the recording, such as applause, laughter, questions from the audience, and so on.

  8. An e-learning application

    An e-learning application uses sound effects to indicate whether or not the answers are correct. The chime sound indicates that the answer is correct and the beep sound indicates that the answer is incorrect. A text description is also included so that people who can't hear or understand the sound understand whether the answer is correct or incorrect.

  9. A linked thumbnail image

    A thumbnail image of the front page of a newspaper links to the home page of the "Smallville Times". The text alternative says "Smallville Times".

  10. [begin add]

    Different alternatives for an image of the world: An image of the world that is used on a travel site as a link to the International Travel section has the text alternative "International Travel". The same image is used as a link on a university Web site with the text alternative "International Campuses". [2331]

    [end add]

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.1.1 [Non-text Content]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: If a short description can serve the same purpose and present the same information as the non-text content:
  1. G94: Providing short text alternative for non-text content that serves the same purpose and presents the same information as the non-text content using a short text alternative technique listed below

Situation B: If a short description can not serve the same purpose and present the same information as the non-text content (e.g. a chart or diagram):
  1. G95: Providing short text alternatives that provide a brief description of the non-text content using a short text alternative technique listed below AND one of the following techniques for long description:

Situation C: If non-text content is a control or accepts user input:
  1. G82: Providing a text alternative that identifies the purpose of the non-text content using a short text alternative technique listed below

  2. Using HTML form controls and links (future link)

  3. H44: Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls (HTML)

  4. H65: Using the title attribute to identify form controls when the label element cannot be used (HTML)

  5. Using (X)HTML according to spec (future link)

Situation D: If non-text content is synchronized media; live audio-only or live video-only content; a test or exercise that must use a particular sense; or primarily intended to create a specific sensory experience:
  1. Providing a descriptive label using a short text alternative technique listed below

  2. G68: Providing a descriptive label that describes the purpose of live audio-only and live video-only content using a short text alternative technique listed below

  3. G100: Providing the accepted name or a descriptive name of the non-text content using a short text alternative technique listed below

Situation E: If non-text content is a CAPTCHA:
  1. G143: Providing a text alternative that describes the purpose of the CAPTCHA AND G144: Ensuring that the Web Page contains another CAPTCHA serving the same purpose using a different modality

Situation F: If the non-text content should be ignored by assistive technology:
  1. Implementing or marking the non-text content so that it will be ignored by assistive technology using one of the technology-specific techniques listed below

[begin change] Short text alternative techniques for use in sufficient techniques above[end change]
[begin change] Long text alternative techniques for use in sufficient techniques above[end change]

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.1.1

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

General Techniques for Informative Non-Text Content (Advisory)
  • Identifying informative non-text content (future link)

  • Keeping short descriptions short (future link)

  • Describing images that include text (future link)

  • Providing a longer description of the non-text content where only a descriptive label is required using a technology-specific technique (for an accessibility-supported content technology) for long description listed above (future link)

  • [begin add]

    Providing different sizes for non-text content when it can not have an equivalent accessible alternative (future link) [2269]

    [end add]
  • [begin add]

    Using server-side scripts to resize images of text (future link) [2128]

    [end add]
General Techniques for Live Non-Text Content (Advisory)
  • Linking to textual information that provides comparable information (e.g. for a traffic Webcam, a municipality could provide a link to the text traffic report.) (future link)

  • Providing a transcript of a live audio only presentation after the fact (future link)

[begin add]
General techniques to minimize the barrier of CAPTCHAs
  • Providing more than two modalities of CAPTCHAs (future link)

  • Providing access to a human customer service representative who can bypass CAPTCHA (future link)

  • Not requiring CAPTCHAs for authorized users (future link)

[end add]
HTML Techniques (Advisory)
CSS Techniques (Advisory)
  • Using CSS margin and padding rules instead of spacer images (future link)

  • Using CSS background, :before or :after rules for decorative images instead of img elements (future link)

  • Displaying empty table cells (future link)

ARIA Techniques (Advisory)
  • [begin add]

    Using the ARIA presentation role to indicate elements are purely presentational (future link) ( [1977]

    [end add]

Key Terms

assistive technology (as used in this document)
[begin add]

hardware and/or software that acts as a user agent, or along with a mainstream user agent, to provide services to meet the requirements of users with disabilities that go beyond those offered by the mainstream user agents [2140]

[end add]
[begin delete]

a user agent that[begin delete] both[end delete]:

[end delete]
[begin delete]
  1. provides services to meet the requirements of users with disabilities that go beyond those offered by the mainstream user agents. Such services include alternative presentations (e.g., as synthesized speech or magnified content), alternative input methods (e.g., voice), additional navigation or orientation mechanisms, and content transformations (e.g., to make tables more accessible), and

  2. [begin change]may rely[end change] [begin delete]usually relies[end delete] on services (such as retrieving Web content and parsing markup) provided by one or more other mainstream user agents. Assistive technologies communicate data and messages with mainstream user agents by using and monitoring APIs

[end delete]
[begin add]

Note 1: Services provided by assistive technology include alternative presentations (e.g., as synthesized speech or magnified content), alternative input methods (e.g., voice), additional navigation or orientation mechanisms, and content transformations (e.g., to make tables more accessible). [2140] [2270]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 2: Assistive technologies often communicate data and messages with mainstream user agents by using and monitoring APIs. [2270]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 3: The distinction between mainstream user agents and assistive technologies is not absolute. Many mainstream user agents provide some features to assist individuals with disabilities. The basic difference is that mainstream user agents target broad and diverse audiences that usually include people with and without disabilities. Assistive technologies target narrowly defined populations of users with specific disabilities. The assistance provided by an assistive technology is more specific and appropriate to the needs of its target users. The mainstream user agent may provide important services to assistive technologies like retrieving Web content from program objects or parsing markup into identifiable bundles. [2171]

[end add]
[begin delete]

Note 4: In this definition, user agents are user agents in the general sense of the term. That is, any software that retrieves and presents Web content for users. The mainstream user agent may provide important services to assistive technologies like retrieving Web content from program objects or parsing markup into identifiable bundles.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

Note 5: Mainstream user agents may also provide services directly that meet the requirements of users with disabilities.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

Note 6: This definition is based on User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Glossary.

[end delete]

Example: Examples of assistive technologies that are important in the context of this document include the following:

  • screen magnifiers, and other visual reading assistants, which are used by people with visual, perceptual and physical print disabilities to change text font, size, spacing, color, synchronization with speech, etc. in order to improve the visual readability of rendered text and images;

  • screen readers, which are used by people who are blind to read textual information through synthesized speech or braille;

  • text-to-speech software, which is used by some people with cognitive, language, and learning disabilities to convert text into synthetic speech;

  • voice recognition software, which may be used by people who have some physical disabilities;

  • alternative keyboards, which are used by people with certain physical disabilities to simulate the keyboard[begin add] (including alternate keyboards that use headpointers, single switches, sip/puff and other special input devices.)[end add];

  • alternative pointing devices, which are used by people with certain physical disabilities to simulate mouse pointing and button activations.

audio and/or video alternative to text

media that presents no more information than is already presented in text (directly or via text alternatives) [2250] [2290]

Note: An audio and/or video alternative to text is provided for those who benefit from alternate representations of text. Audio and/or video alternative to text may be audio-only, video-only (including sign-language video), or audio-video.


initialism for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart"

Note 1: CAPTCHA tests often involve asking the user to type in text that is displayed in an obscured image or audio file.

Note 2: A Turing test is any system of tests designed to differentiate a human from a computer. It is named after famed computer scientist Alan Turing. The term was coined by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University. [CAPTCHA]

live audio-only

A time-based live presentation that contains only audio (no video and no interaction)

live video-only

A time-based live presentation that contains only video (no audio and no interaction)

must be presented in non-text format

would be invalid if presented in text

Example: Color blindness test, hearing test, vision exercise, spelling test.


text by which software can identify a component within Web content to the user

Note 1: The name may be hidden and only exposed by assistive technology, whereas a label is presented to all users. In many (but not all) cases, the label and the name are the same.

Note 2: This is unrelated to the name attribute in HTML.

non-text content

any content that is not a sequence of characters that can be programmatically determined or where the sequence is not expressing something in human language

Note: This includes ASCII Art (which is a pattern of characters), [begin add]emoticons, [2268] [end add]leetspeak (which is character substitution), [begin add]and images representing text [2139] [end add].

pure decoration

serving only an aesthetic purpose, providing no information, and having no functionality

Note: Text is only purely decorative if the words can be rearranged or substituted without changing their purpose.

Example: The cover page of a dictionary has random words in very light text in the background.

specific sensory experience

a sensory experience that is not purely decorative and does not primarily convey important information or perform a function

Example: Examples include a performance of a flute solo, works of visual art etc.

synchronized media

audio or video synchronized with another format for presenting information and/or with time-based interactive components

text alternative

programmatically determined text that is used in place of non-text content, or text that is used in addition to non-text content and referred to from the programmatically determined text

Example: An image of a chart is described in text in the paragraph after the chart. The short text-alternative for the chart indicates that a description follows.

[begin add]

Live Audio-only:
Understanding SC 1.1.2

[begin add]

1.1.2 All live audio-only content has a text alternative [1944] (Level AAA)

[end add]

Intent of this Success Criterion

Editorial Note: Not yet drafted. Refer to Issue 1944.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.1.2

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.1.2 [Live Audio-only]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  • @@

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.1.2

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

(none currently documented)

Failures for SC 1.1.2

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.1.2 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

[end add]

Synchronized Media:
Understanding Guideline 1.2

Guideline 1.2: Provide synchronized alternatives for synchronized media

Intent of Guideline 1.2

The purpose of this guideline is to provide access to synchronized media. Synchronized media is defined in the glossary as:

synchronized media

audio or video synchronized with another format for presenting information and/or with time-based interactive components

Note that an audio file accompanied by interaction is covered here, as is a video-only file that involves interaction. These are covered because interaction must take place at a particular time. Having a text transcript that said, "for more information, click now," would not be very helpful since the reader would have no idea when the audio said, "now." As a result, synchronized captions would be needed.

Sometimes, there is so much dialogue that audio description cannot fit into existing pauses in the dialogue. The option at Level A to provide a full text alternative for synchronized media including any interaction instead of audio description for synchronized media would allow access to all of the information in the synchronized media. This option also allows access to the visual information in non-visual form when audio description is not provided for some other reason.

For synchronized media that includes interaction, interactive elements (for example links) could be embedded in the full text alternative for synchronized media.

This guideline also includes (at Level AAA) sign language interpretation for synchronized media as well as an approach called extended audio description. In extended audio description, the video is frozen periodically to allow more audio description to take place than is possible in the existing pauses in the dialogue. This is a case where higher-level success criteria build upon the requirements of lower-level SC with the intention of having cumulative, progressively stronger, requirements.

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 1.2 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • All advisory techniques for this guideline relate to specific success criteria and are listed below.

Captions (Prerecorded):
Understanding SC 1.2.1

1.2.1 Captions are provided for prerecorded synchronized media, [begin change]except if the synchronized media is an alternative to text and is clearly labeled as such [2290] [end change]. (Level A)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to enable people who are deaf or hard of hearing to watch synchronized media presentations. Captions provide the part of the content available via the audio track. Captions not only include dialogue, but identify who is speaking and include non-speech information conveyed through sound, including meaningful sound effects.

It is acknowledged that at the present time there may be difficulty in creating captions for time-sensitive material and this may result in the author being faced with the choice of delaying the information until captions are available, or publishing time-sensitive content that is inaccessible to the deaf, at least for the interval until captions are available. Over time, the tools for captioning as well as building the captioning into the delivery process can shorten or eliminate such delays.

Captions are not needed when the synchronized media is, itself, an alternate presentation of information that is also presented via text on the Web page. For example, if information on a page is accompanied by a synchronized media presentation that presents no more information than is already presented in text, but is easier for people with cognitive, language, or learning disabilities to understand, then it would not need to be captioned since the information is already presented on the page in text or in text alternatives (e.g. for images).

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.2.1:

  • People who are deaf or have a hearing loss can access the auditory information in the synchronized media content through captions.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.2.1

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.2.1 [Captions (Prerecorded)]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G93: Providing open (always visible) captions

  2. G87: Providing closed captions using any readily available media format that has a video player that supports closed captioning

  3. G87: Providing closed captions using any of the technology-specific techniques below

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.2.1

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing a note saying "No sound is used in this clip" for video-only clips (future link)

  • Using SMIL 1.0 to provide captions for all languages for which there are audio tracks (future link)

  • Using SMIL 2.0 to provide captions for all languages for which there are audio tracks (future link)

Key Terms

audio and/or video alternative to text

media that presents no more information than is already presented in text (directly or via text alternatives) [2250] [2290]

Note: An audio and/or video alternative to text is provided for those who benefit from alternate representations of text. Audio and/or video alternative to text may be audio-only, video-only (including sign-language video), or audio-video.


text presented and synchronized with synchronized media to provide not only the speech, but also non-speech information conveyed through sound, including meaningful sound effects and identification of speakers

Note 1: In some countries, the term "subtitle" is used to refer to dialogue only and "captions" is used as the term for dialogue plus sounds and speaker identification. In other countries, subtitle (or its translation) is used to refer to both.

[begin add]

Note 2: Audio descriptions can be, but do not need to be, captioned since they are descriptions of information that is already presented visually.

[end add]
synchronized media

audio or video synchronized with another format for presenting information and/or with time-based interactive components

Audio Description or Full Text Alternative:
Understanding SC 1.2.2

1.2.2 Audio description of video, or a full text alternative for synchronized media including any interaction , is provided for prerecorded synchronized media. (Level A)

Note: For 1.2.2, 1.2.4, and 1.2.7, if all of the information in the video track is already provided in the audio track, no audio description is necessary.

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to provide people who are blind or visually impaired access to the visual information in a synchronized media presentation. This success criterion describes two approaches, either of which can be used.

One approach is to provide audio description of the video content. The audio description augments the audio portion of the presentation with the information needed when the video portion is not available. During existing pauses in dialogue, audio description provides information about actions, characters, scene changes, and on-screen text that are important and are not described or spoken in the main sound track.

The second approach involves providing all of the information in the synchronized media (both visual and auditory) in text form. A full text alternative for synchronized media including any interaction provides a running description of all that is going on in the synchronized media content. The full text alternative for synchronized media including any interaction reads something like a screenplay or book. Unlike audio description, the description of the video portion is not constrained to just the pauses in the existing dialogue. Full descriptions are provided of all visual information, including visual context, actions and expressions of actors, and any other visual material. In addition, non-speech sounds (laughter, off-screen voices, etc.) are described, and transcripts of all dialogue are included. The sequence of description and dialogue transcripts are the same as the sequence in the synchronized media itself. As a result, the full text alternative for synchronized media can provide a much more complete representation of the synchronized media content than audio description alone.

If there is any interaction as part of the synchronized media presentation (e.g. "press now to answer the question") then the full text alternative for synchronized media would provide hyperlinks or whatever is needed to provide the same functionality.

Note 1: For 1.2.2, 1.2.3, and 1.2.7, if all of the information in the video track is already provided in the audio track, no audio description is necessary.

[begin add]

Note 2: 1.2.2, 1.2.4, and 1.2.7 overlap somewhat with each other. This is to give the author some choice at the minimum conformance level, and to provide additional requirements at higher levels. At Level A in SC 1.2.2, authors do have the choice of providing either an audio description or a full text alternative. If they wish to conform at Level AA, under SC 1.2.4 authors must provide an audio description - a requirement already met if they chose that alternative for 1.2.2, otherwise an additional requirement. At Level AAA under SC 1.2.7 they must provide an extended text description. This is an additional requirement if both 1.2.2 and 1.2.4 were met by providing an audio description only. If 1.2.2 was met, however, by providing a text description, and the 1.2.4 requirement for an audio description was met, then 1.2.7 does not add new requirements.

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.2.2:

  • This success criterion may help some people who have difficulty watching video or other synchronized media content, including people who have difficulty perceiving or understanding moving images.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.2.2

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.2.2 [Audio Description or Full Text Alternative]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G69: Providing a full synchronized media text alternative including any interaction

  2. G78: Providing a sound track that includes audio description as the primary sound track

  3. G78: Providing a sound track that includes audio description AND associating it with the synchronized media content using one of the following techniques:

  4. Providing audio description in its own sound track (future link) AND merging the description track with the original soundtrack of the synchronized media content at runtime using one of the following techniques

    • Using SMIL 1.0 to merge a description track with sound track (future link)

    • Using SMIL 2.0 to merge a description track with sound track (future link)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.2.2

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing audio description in multiple languages in SMIL 1.0 (future link)

  • Providing audio description in multiple languages in SMIL 2.0 (future link)

Failures for SC 1.2.2

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.2.2 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

audio description

narration added to the soundtrack to describe important visual details that cannot be understood from the main soundtrack alone

Note 1: Audio description of video provides information about actions, characters, scene changes, on-screen text, and other visual content.

Note 2: In standard audio description, narration is added during existing pauses in dialogue. (See also extended audio description.)

Note 3: Also called "video description" and "descriptive narration."

full text alternative for synchronized media including any interaction

document including correctly sequenced text descriptions of all visual settings, actions, speakers, and non-speech sounds, and transcript of all dialogue combined with a means of achieving any outcomes that are achieved using interaction (if any) during the synchronized media

Note: A screenplay used to create the synchronized media content would meet this definition only if it was corrected to accurately represent the final synchronized media after editing.

synchronized media

audio or video synchronized with another format for presenting information and/or with time-based interactive components

Captions (Live):
Understanding SC 1.2.3

1.2.3 Captions are provided for live synchronized media. (Level AA)

Note: If synchronized media is completely computer generated, it is not live and is subject to the requirements for prerecorded synchronized media in WCAG 2.0.

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to enable people who are deaf or hard of hearing to watch real-time presentations. Captions provide the part of the content available via the audio track. Captions not only include dialogue, but also identify who is speaking and notate sound effects and other significant audio.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.2.3:

  • People who are deaf or have a hearing loss can access the auditory information in the synchronized media content through captions.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.2.3

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.2.3 [Captions (Live)]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G9: Creating captions for live synchronized media AND G93: Providing open (always visible) captions

  2. G9: Creating captions for live synchronized media AND G87: Providing closed captions using any readily available media format that has a video player that supports closed captioning

  3. G9: Creating captions for live synchronized media AND G87: Providing closed captions using one of the following techniques:

Note: Captions may be generated using real-time text translation service.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.2.3

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

(none currently documented)

Failures for SC 1.2.3

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.2.3 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms


text presented and synchronized with synchronized media to provide not only the speech, but also non-speech information conveyed through sound, including meaningful sound effects and identification of speakers

Note 1: In some countries, the term "subtitle" is used to refer to dialogue only and "captions" is used as the term for dialogue plus sounds and speaker identification. In other countries, subtitle (or its translation) is used to refer to both.

[begin add]

Note 2: Audio descriptions can be, but do not need to be, captioned since they are descriptions of information that is already presented visually.

[end add]
synchronized media

audio or video synchronized with another format for presenting information and/or with time-based interactive components

Audio Description:
Understanding SC 1.2.4

1.2.4 Audio description of video is provided for prerecorded synchronized media. (Level AA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to provide people who are blind or visually impaired access to the visual information in a synchronized media presentation. The audio description augments the audio portion of the presentation with the information needed when the video portion is not available. During existing pauses in dialogue, audio description provides information about actions, characters, scene changes, and on-screen text that are important and are not described or spoken in the main sound track.

Note 1: For 1.2.2, 1.2.3, and 1.2.7, if all of the information in the video track is already provided in the audio track, no audio description is necessary.

[begin add]

Note 2: 1.2.2, 1.2.4, and 1.2.7 overlap somewhat with each other. This is to give the author some choice at the minimum conformance level, and to provide additional requirements at higher levels. At Level A in SC 1.2.2, authors do have the choice of providing either an audio description or a full text alternative. If they wish to conform at Level AA, under SC 1.2.4 authors must provide an audio description - a requirement already met if they chose that alternative for 1.2.2, otherwise an additional requirement. At Level AAA under SC 1.2.7 they must provide an extended text description. This is an additional requirement if both 1.2.2 and 1.2.4 were met by providing an audio description only. If 1.2.2 was met, however, by providing a text description, and the 1.2.4 requirement for an audio description was met, then 1.2.7 does not add new requirements.

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.2.4:

  • People who are blind or have low vision as well as those with cognitive limitations who have difficulty interpreting visually what is happening benefit from audio description of visual information.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.2.4

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.2.4 [Audio Description]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G78: Providing a sound track that includes audio description as the primary sound track

  2. G78: Providing a sound track that includes audio description AND associating it with the synchronized media content using one of the following techniques:

  3. Providing audio description in its own sound track (future link) AND merging the description track with the original soundtrack of the synchronized media content at runtime using one of the following techniques

    • Using SMIL 1.0 to merge a description track with sound track (future link)

    • Using SMIL 2.0 to merge a description track with sound track (future link)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.2.4

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing audio description in multiple languages in SMIL 1.0 (future link)

  • Providing audio description in multiple languages in SMIL 2.0 (future link)

  • Providing audio description for live synchronized media (future link)

Failures for SC 1.2.4

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.2.4 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

audio description

narration added to the soundtrack to describe important visual details that cannot be understood from the main soundtrack alone

Note 1: Audio description of video provides information about actions, characters, scene changes, on-screen text, and other visual content.

Note 2: In standard audio description, narration is added during existing pauses in dialogue. (See also extended audio description.)

Note 3: Also called "video description" and "descriptive narration."

synchronized media

audio or video synchronized with another format for presenting information and/or with time-based interactive components

Sign Language:
Understanding SC 1.2.5

1.2.5 Sign language interpretation is provided for synchronized media. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to enable people who are deaf or hard of hearing and who are fluent in a sign language to understand the content of the audio track of synchronized media presentations. Written text, such as that found in captions, is often a second language. [begin change]Because sign language provides the ability to provide intonation, emotion and other audio information that is reflected in sign language interpretation, but not in captions, sign language interpretation provides richer and more equivalent access to synchronized media. People who communicate extensively in sign language are also faster in sign language and synchronized media is a time-based presentation. [1982] [end change]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.2.5:

  • People whose human language is a sign language sometimes have limited reading ability. These individuals may not be able to read and comprehend the captions and thus require a sign language interpretation to gain access to the synchronized media content.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.2.5

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.2.5 [Sign Language]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.2.5

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

(none currently documented)

Failures for SC 1.2.5

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.2.5 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

sign language interpretation

translation of one language, generally a spoken language, into a sign language

Note: True sign languages are independent languages that are unrelated to the spoken language(s) of the same country or region.

synchronized media

audio or video synchronized with another format for presenting information and/or with time-based interactive components

Audio Description (Extended):
Understanding SC 1.2.6

1.2.6 Extended audio description of video is provided for prerecorded synchronized media. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to provide people who are blind or visually impaired access to a synchronized media presentation beyond that which can be provided by standard audio description. This is done by periodically freezing the synchronized media presentation and playing additional audio description. The synchronized media presentation is then resumed.

Because it disrupts viewing for those who do not need the additional description, techniques that allow you to turn the feature on and off are often provided. Alternately, versions with and without the additional description can be provided.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.2.6:

  • People who are blind, people with low vision who cannot see the screen, as well as those with cognitive limitations who have difficulty interpreting visually what is happening, often use audio description of the visual information. However, if there is too much dialogue the audio description is insufficient. Extended audio description can provide the additional information they needed to understand the video.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.2.6

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.2.6 [Audio Description (Extended)]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. Providing a second version of the movie with extended audio descriptions during halted video segments (future link)

  2. G8: Creating an extended audio description for the synchronized media content using one of the following techniques

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.2.6

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Adding extended audio description in multiple languages in SMIL 1.0 (future link)

  • Adding extended audio description in multiple languages in SMIL 2.0 (future link)

Failures for SC 1.2.6

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.2.6 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

extended audio description

audio description that is added to an audiovisual presentation by pausing the video so that there is time to add additional description

Note: This technique is only used when the sense of the video would be lost without the additional audio description.

synchronized media

audio or video synchronized with another format for presenting information and/or with time-based interactive components

Full Text Alternative:
Understanding SC 1.2.7

1.2.7 A full text alternative for synchronized media including any interaction is provided for all prerecorded synchronized media, [begin change]except if the synchronized media is an alternative to text and is clearly labeled as such [2290] [end change]. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to make audio visual material available to individuals whose vision is too poor to reliably read captions and whose hearing is too poor to reliably hear dialogue and audio description. This is done by providing a full text alternative for synchronized media including any interaction.

This approach involves providing all of the information in the synchronized media (both visual and auditory) in text form. A full text alternative for synchronized media including any interaction provides a running description of all that is going on in the synchronized media content. The full text alternative for synchronized media reads something like a book. Unlike audio description, the description of the video portion is not constrained to just the pauses in the existing dialogue. Full descriptions are provided of all visual information, including visual context, actions and expressions of actors, and any other visual material. In addition, non-speech sounds (laughter, off-screen voices, etc.) are described, and transcripts of all dialogue are included. The sequence of descriptions and dialogue transcripts is the same as the sequence in the synchronized media itself. As a result, the full text alternative for synchronized media can provide a much more complete representation of the synchronized media content than audio description alone.

If there is any interaction as part of the synchronized media presentation (e.g. "press now to answer the question") then the full text alternative for synchronized media would provide hyperlinks or whatever is needed to provide parallel functionality.

Individuals whose vision is too poor to reliably read captions and whose hearing is too poor to reliably hear dialogue can access the full text alternative for synchronized media by using a refreshable braille display.

Note 1: For 1.2.2, 1.2.3, and 1.2.7, if all of the information in the video track is already provided in the audio track, no audio description is necessary.

[begin add]

Note 2: 1.2.2, 1.2.4, and 1.2.7 overlap somewhat with each other. This is to give the author some choice at the minimum conformance level, and to provide additional requirements at higher levels. At Level A in SC 1.2.2, authors do have the choice of providing either an audio description or a full text alternative. If they wish to conform at Level AA, under SC 1.2.4 authors must provide an audio description - a requirement already met if they chose that alternative for 1.2.2, otherwise an additional requirement. At Level AAA under SC 1.2.7 they must provide an extended text description. This is an additional requirement if both 1.2.2 and 1.2.4 were met by providing an audio description only. If 1.2.2 was met, however, by providing a text description, and the 1.2.4 requirement for an audio description was met, then 1.2.7 does not add new requirements.

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.2.7:

  • People who cannot see well or at all and who also cannot hear well or at all can get access to information in audio-visual presentations.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.2.7

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.2.7 [Full Text Alternative]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G69: Providing a full synchronized media text alternative including any interaction using one of the following techniques

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.2.7

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

Failures for SC 1.2.7

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.2.7 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

audio and/or video alternative to text

media that presents no more information than is already presented in text (directly or via text alternatives) [2250] [2290]

Note: An audio and/or video alternative to text is provided for those who benefit from alternate representations of text. Audio and/or video alternative to text may be audio-only, video-only (including sign-language video), or audio-video.

full text alternative for synchronized media including any interaction

document including correctly sequenced text descriptions of all visual settings, actions, speakers, and non-speech sounds, and transcript of all dialogue combined with a means of achieving any outcomes that are achieved using interaction (if any) during the synchronized media

Note: A screenplay used to create the synchronized media content would meet this definition only if it was corrected to accurately represent the final synchronized media after editing.

Understanding Guideline 1.3

Guideline 1.3: Create content that can be presented in different ways (for example simpler layout2094 ) without losing information or structure

Intent of Guideline 1.3

The purpose of this guideline is to ensure that all information is available in a form that can be perceived by all users[begin add] for example, spoken aloud, or presented in a simpler visual layout [2094] [end add]. If all of the information is available in a form that can be determined by software, then it can be presented to users in different ways (visually, audibly, tactilely etc.). If information is embedded in a particular presentation in such a way that the structure and information cannot be programmatically determined by the assistive technology, then it cannot be rendered in other formats as needed by the user.

The success criteria under this guideline all seek to ensure that different types of information that are often encoded in presentation are also available so that they can be presented in other modalities.

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 1.3 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • Making links visually distinct (future link)

Info and Relationships:
Understanding SC 1.3.1

1.3.1 Information[begin add], structure, [2291] [end add] and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined or are available in text[begin delete], and notification of changes to these is available to user agent, including assistive technology (as used in this document) [2305] [end delete]. (Level A)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that information and relationships that are implied by visual or auditory formatting are preserved when the presentation format changes. For example, the presentation format changes when the content is read by a screen reader or when a user style sheet is substituted for the style sheet provided by the author.

Sighted users perceive structure through various visual cues — headings are often in a larger, bold font separated from paragraphs by blank lines; list items are preceded by a bullet and perhaps indented; paragraphs are separated by a blank line; items that share a common characteristic are organized into tabular rows and columns; form fields may be positioned as groups that share text labels; a different background color may be used to indicate that several items are related to each other; words that have special status are indicated by changing the font family and /or bolding, italicizing, or underlining them and so on.

Auditory cues may be used as well. For example, a chime might indicate the beginning of a new section; a change in voice pitch or speech rate may be used to emphasize important information or to indicate quoted text; etc.

When such relationships are perceivable to one set of users, those relationships can be made to be perceivable to all. One method of determining whether or not information has been properly provided to all users is to access the information serially in different modalities.

If links to glossary items are implemented using anchor elements (or the proper link element for the technology in use) and identified using a different font face, a screen reader user will hear that the item is a link when the glossary term is encountered even though they may not receive information about the change in font face. An on-line catalog may indicate prices using a larger font colored red. A screen reader or person who can not perceive red, still has the information about the price as long as it is preceded by the currency symbol.

Some technologies do not provide a means to programmatically determine some types of information and relationships. In that case then there should be a text description of the information and relationships. For instance, "all required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)". The text description should be near the information it is describing (when the page is linearized), such as in the parent element or in the adjacent element.

[begin add]

There may also be cases where it may be a judgment call about what information should appear in text and what would need to be directly associated, and it may be most appropriate to duplicate some information (for instance, in an HTML table, providing the summary both in the paragraph before the table and in the summary attribute of the table itself). However, wherever possible it is necessary for the information to be programatically determined rather than providing a text description before encountering the table.

[end add]
[begin add]

Note: It is not required that color values be programmatically determined. The information conveyed by color cannot be adequately presented simply by exposing the value. Therefore, success criterion 1.4.1 addresses the specific case of color, rather than success criterion 1.3.1. [2202]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.3.1:

  • This success criterion helps people with different disabilities by allowing user agents to adapt content according to the needs of individual users.

  • Users who are blind (using a screen reader) benefit when information conveyed through color is also available in text (including text alternatives for images that use color to convey information).

  • Users who are deaf-blind using braille (text) refreshable displays may be unable to access color-dependent information.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.3.1

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.3.1 [Info and Relationships]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: The technology provides semantic structure to make information and relationships conveyed through presentation programmatically determinable:
  1. G115: Using semantic elements to mark up structure AND H49: Using semantic markup to mark emphasized or special text (HTML)

  2. G117: Using text to convey information that is conveyed by variations in presentation of text

  3. Separating information and structure from presentation to enable modification of presentation without altering content (future link)

  4. Making information and relationships conveyed through presentation programmatically determinable using the following techniques:

Situation B: The technology in use does NOT provide the semantic structure to make the information and relationships conveyed through presentation programmatically determinable:
  1. G117: Using text to convey information that is conveyed by variations in presentation of text

  2. Making information and relationships conveyed through presentation programmatically determinable or available in text using the following techniques:

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.3.1

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

Failures for SC 1.3.1

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.3.1 by the WCAG Working Group.

Key Terms

assistive technology (as used in this document)
[begin add]

hardware and/or software that acts as a user agent, or along with a mainstream user agent, to provide services to meet the requirements of users with disabilities that go beyond those offered by the mainstream user agents [2140]

[end add]
[begin delete]

a user agent that[begin delete] both[end delete]:

[end delete]
[begin delete]
  1. provides services to meet the requirements of users with disabilities that go beyond those offered by the mainstream user agents. Such services include alternative presentations (e.g., as synthesized speech or magnified content), alternative input methods (e.g., voice), additional navigation or orientation mechanisms, and content transformations (e.g., to make tables more accessible), and

  2. [begin change]may rely[end change] [begin delete]usually relies[end delete] on services (such as retrieving Web content and parsing markup) provided by one or more other mainstream user agents. Assistive technologies communicate data and messages with mainstream user agents by using and monitoring APIs

[end delete]
[begin add]

Note 1: Services provided by assistive technology include alternative presentations (e.g., as synthesized speech or magnified content), alternative input methods (e.g., voice), additional navigation or orientation mechanisms, and content transformations (e.g., to make tables more accessible). [2140] [2270]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 2: Assistive technologies often communicate data and messages with mainstream user agents by using and monitoring APIs. [2270]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 3: The distinction between mainstream user agents and assistive technologies is not absolute. Many mainstream user agents provide some features to assist individuals with disabilities. The basic difference is that mainstream user agents target broad and diverse audiences that usually include people with and without disabilities. Assistive technologies target narrowly defined populations of users with specific disabilities. The assistance provided by an assistive technology is more specific and appropriate to the needs of its target users. The mainstream user agent may provide important services to assistive technologies like retrieving Web content from program objects or parsing markup into identifiable bundles. [2171]

[end add]
[begin delete]

Note 4: In this definition, user agents are user agents in the general sense of the term. That is, any software that retrieves and presents Web content for users. The mainstream user agent may provide important services to assistive technologies like retrieving Web content from program objects or parsing markup into identifiable bundles.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

Note 5: Mainstream user agents may also provide services directly that meet the requirements of users with disabilities.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

Note 6: This definition is based on User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Glossary.

[end delete]

Example: Examples of assistive technologies that are important in the context of this document include the following:

  • screen magnifiers, and other visual reading assistants, which are used by people with visual, perceptual and physical print disabilities to change text font, size, spacing, color, synchronization with speech, etc. in order to improve the visual readability of rendered text and images;

  • screen readers, which are used by people who are blind to read textual information through synthesized speech or braille;

  • text-to-speech software, which is used by some people with cognitive, language, and learning disabilities to convert text into synthetic speech;

  • voice recognition software, which may be used by people who have some physical disabilities;

  • alternative keyboards, which are used by people with certain physical disabilities to simulate the keyboard[begin add] (including alternate keyboards that use headpointers, single switches, sip/puff and other special input devices.)[end add];

  • alternative pointing devices, which are used by people with certain physical disabilities to simulate mouse pointing and button activations.


rendering of the content in a form to be perceived by users

programmatically determined

determined by software from author-supplied data provided in a way that different user agents, including assistive technologies, can extract and present this information to users in different modalities

Example: Determined in a markup language from elements and attributes that are accessed directly by commonly available assistive technology.

Example: Determined from technology-specific data structures in a non-markup language and exposed to assistive technology via an accessibility API that is supported by commonly available assistive technology.


meaningful associations between distinct pieces of content

user agent

any software that retrieves and presents Web content for users

Example: Web browsers, media players, plug-ins, and other programs — including assistive technologies — that help in retrieving, rendering, and interacting with Web content.

Meaningful Sequence:
Understanding SC 1.3.2

1.3.2 When the sequence in which content is presented affects its meaning, a correct reading sequence can be programmatically determined and sequential navigation of interactive components is consistent with that sequence. (Level A)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to enable a user agent to provide an alternative presentation of content while preserving the reading order needed to perceive meaning. It is important that it be possible to programmatically determine at least one sequence of the content that makes sense. Content that does not meet this success criterion may confuse or disorient users when assistive technology reads the content in the wrong order, or when alternate style sheets or other formatting changes are applied.

A sequence is meaningful if the order of content in the sequence cannot be changed without affecting its meaning. For example, if a page contains two independent articles, the relative order of the articles may not affect their meaning, as long as they are not interleaved. In such a situation, the articles themselves may have meaningful sequence, but the container that contains the articles may not have a meaningful sequence.

The semantics of some elements define whether or not their content is a meaningful sequence. For instance, in HTML, text is always a meaningful sequence. Tables and ordered lists are meaningful sequences, but unordered lists are not.

[begin add]

The order of content in a sequence is not always meaningful. For example, the relative order of the main section of a Web page and a navigation section does not affect their meaning. They could occur in either order in the programmatically determined reading sequence. As another example, a magazine article contains several callout sidebars. The order of the article and the sidebars does not affect their meaning. In these cases there are number of different reading orders for a Web page that can satisfy the success criterion. [2130]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.3.2:

  • This success criterion may help people who rely on assistive technologies that read content aloud. The meaning evident in the sequencing of the information in the default presentation will be the same when the content is presented in spoken form.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.3.2

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.3.2 [Meaningful Sequence]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.3.2

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Using left-justified text for languages that are written left to right and right-justified text for languages that are written right-to-left (future link)

  • Using appropriate justification for languages that are written right-to-left (future link)

  • Providing a link to linearized rendering (future link)

  • Providing a style switcher between style sheets that affect presentation order (future link)

Key Terms

programmatically determined

determined by software from author-supplied data provided in a way that different user agents, including assistive technologies, can extract and present this information to users in different modalities

Example: Determined in a markup language from elements and attributes that are accessed directly by commonly available assistive technology.

Example: Determined from technology-specific data structures in a non-markup language and exposed to assistive technology via an accessibility API that is supported by commonly available assistive technology.

Sensory Characteristics:
Understanding SC 1.3.3

1.3.3 [begin add]Instructions provided for understanding and operating content do not rely solely on sensory characteristics of components such as shape, size, visual location, orientation or sound.[end add] [begin delete]Instructions provided for understanding and operating content do not rely on shape, size, visual location, or orientation of components.[end delete] [2015] (Level A)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that all users can access instructions for using the content, even when they cannot perceive shape or size or use information about spatial location or orientation. Some content relies on knowledge of the shape or position of objects that are not available from the structure of the content (for example, "round button" or "button to the right"). Some users with disabilities are not able to perceive shape or position due to the nature of the assistive technologies they use. This success criterion requires that additional information be provided to clarify anything that is dependent on this kind of information.

Providing information using shape and/or location, however, is an effective method for many users including those with cognitive limitations. This provision should not discourage those types of cues as long as the information is also provided in other ways.

[begin add]

In some languages, it is commonly understood that "above" refers to the content previous to that point in the content and "below" refers to the content after that point. In such languages, if the content being referenced is in the appropriate place in the reading order and the references are unambiguous, statements such as "choose one of the links below" or "all of the above" would conform to this success criterion. [2310]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.3.3:

  • People who are blind and people who have low vision may not be able to understand information if it is conveyed by shape and/or location. Providing additional information other than shape and/or location will allow them to understand the information conveyed by shape and/or alone.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.3.3

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.3.3 [Sensory Characteristics]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.3.3

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Using an image with a text alternative for graphical symbols instead of a Unicode font glyph with the desired graphical appearance but different meaning (future link)

Failures for SC 1.3.3

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.3.3 by the WCAG Working Group.

Understanding Guideline 1.4

Guideline 1.4: Make it easier for users2204 to see and hear content including separating foreground from background

Intent of Guideline 1.4

While some guidelines are focused on making information available in a form that can be presented in alternate formats, this guideline is concerned with making the default presentation as usable as possible to people with disabilities. The primary focus is on making it easier for users to separate foreground information from the background. For visual presentations this involves making sure that information presented on top of a background contrasts sufficiently with the background. For audio presentations this involves making sure that foreground sounds are sufficiently louder than the background sounds. Individuals with visual and hearing disabilities have much greater difficulty separating foreground and background information.

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 1.4 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • Using readable fonts (future link)

  • [begin add]

    Making sure any text in images of text is at least 14 points and has good contrast (future link) [1935]

    [end add]
  • [begin add]

    Providing a highly visible highlighting mechanism for links or controls when they receive keyboard focus (future link) [1980]

    [end add]

Use of Color:
Understanding SC 1.4.1

1.4.1 [begin add]Color must not be used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element.[end add] [begin delete]Any information that is conveyed by color differences is also simultaneously visually evident without the color differences.[end delete] (Level A)

[begin add]

Note 1: This success criterion addresses color perception specifically. Other forms of perception are covered in Guideline 1.3. [2255]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 2: Programmatic access to color and other visual presentation coding is covered in Guideline 1.3.

[end add]

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that all users can access information that is conveyed by color differences[begin add], that is, by the use of color where each color has a meaning assigned to it[end add]. If the information is conveyed through color differences in an image (or other non-text format), the color may not be seen by those with color deficiencies. In this case, providing the information conveyed with color through another visual means ensures users who cannot see color can still perceive the information.

Color is an important asset in design of Web content, enhancing its aesthetic appeal, its usability, and its accessibility. However, some users have difficulty perceiving color. People with partial sight often experience limited color vision, and many older users do not see color well. In addition, people using text-only, limited-color or monochrome displays and browsers will be unable to access information that is presented only in color.

[begin add]

Examples of information conveyed by color differences: “required fields are red”, “error is shown in red”, and “Mary’s sales are in red, Tom's are in blue”.

[end add]
[begin add]

Note: This should not in any way discourage the use of color on a page, or even color coding if it is redundant with other visual indication.

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.4.1:

This success criterion benefits people with visual disabilities:

  • Users with partial sight often experience limited color vision.

  • Some older users may not be able to see color well.

  • Users who have color-blindness benefit when information conveyed by color is available in other visual ways.

  • People using text-only, limited color, or monochrome displays may be unable to access color-dependent information.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.4.1

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.4.1 [Use of Color]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: If the color of particular words is used to indicate information:
  1. G14: Ensuring that color-encoded information is also available in text

  2. G122: Including a text cue whenever color cues are used

  3. Ensuring that when text color is used to convey information, the text style is visually differentiated without color (future link)

  4. Conveying all information in text that is conveyed in color (future link) [2031]

Situation B: If color is used within an image to convey information:
  1. G111: Using color and pattern

  2. G14: Ensuring that color-encoded information is also available in text

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.4.1

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

Failures for SC 1.4.1

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.4.1 by the WCAG Working Group.

Audio Control:
Understanding SC 1.4.2

1.4.2 If any audio [begin add]on a Web page[end add] plays automatically for more than 3 seconds, either a mechanism is available to pause or stop the audio, or a mechanism is available to control audio volume which can be set [begin add]to be a different level from the system volume level[end add] [begin delete]independently of the system volume[end delete]. [2131] [2185] (Level A)

[begin add]

Note: Since any content that does not meet this success criterion can interfere with a user's ability to use the whole page, all content on the Web page (whether used to meet other success criteria or not) must meet this success criterion. See conformance requirement 5.

[end add]

Intent of this Success Criterion

Individuals who use screen reading software can find it hard to understand the speech output if there is other audio playing at the same time. This difficulty is exacerbated when the screen reader's speech output is software based (as most are today) and is controlled via the same volume control as the sound. Therefore, it is important that the user be able to turn off the background sound. Note: Having control of the volume includes being able to reduce its volume to zero.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.4.2:

  • Individuals who use screen reading technologies can hear the screen reader without other sounds playing. This is especially important for those who are hard of hearing and for those whose screen readers use the system volume (so they cannot turn sound down and screen reader up).

  • This success criterion also benefits people who have difficulty focusing on visual content (including text) when audio is playing.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.4.2

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.4.2 [Audio Control]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G60: Playing a sound that turns off automatically within three seconds

  2. Playing sounds only on user request (future link)

  3. Providing a control near the top of the Web page that turns off sounds that play automatically (future link)

  4. Providing a user interface control to pause or stop synchronized media (future link)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.4.2

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing a sitewide preference to turn off audio in addition to providing a control near the top of the Web page that turns off sounds that play automatically (future link)

Failures for SC 1.4.2

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.4.2 by the WCAG Working Group.

Key Terms


process or technique for achieving a result

Note 1: The mechanism may be explicitly provided in the content, or may be relied on to be provided by either the platform or by user agents, including assistive technologies.

Note 2: The mechanism must meet all success criteria for the conformance level claimed.

Contrast (Minimum):
Understanding SC 1.4.3

[begin change]

1.4.3 Text and images of text have a contrast ratio of at least 5:1, and large-scale text and images of text have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1, except for the following: [2000] (Level AA)

[end change]
[begin add]
  • Inactive User Interface: If text content is part of an inactive user interface component, then no minimum contrast requirement applies.

  • Decoration or Incidental: If text content is pure decoration, or is incidental text in an image, then no minimum contrast requirement applies.

  • Invisible: If text is not visible to anyone, then no minimum contrast requirement applies.

[end add]
[begin add]

Note: Success Criteria 1.4.3 and 1.4.5 can be met via a contrast control available on or from the page.

[end add]

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to provide enough contrast between text and its background so that it can be read by people with moderately low vision (who do not use contrast-enhancing assistive technology). For people without color deficiencies, hue and saturation have minimal or no effect on legibility as assessed by reading performance (Knoblauch et al., 1991). Color deficiencies can affect luminance contrast somewhat. However, in the recommendation, the contrast is calculated in such a way that color is not a key factor so that people who have a color vision deficit will also have adequate contrast between the text and the background. Text that is decorative and conveys no information is excluded. For example, if random words are used to create a background and the words could be rearranged or substituted without changing meaning, then it would be decorative and would not need to meet this criterion.

Text that is larger and has wider character strokes is easier to read at lower contrast. The contrast requirements for larger text is therefore lower. This allows authors to use a wider range of color choices for large text, which is helpful for design of pages, particularly titles. 18 point text or 14 point bold text is judged to be large enough to require a lower contrast ratio. "18 point" and "bold" can both have different meanings in different fonts but, except for very thin or unusual fonts, they should be sufficient. Since there are so many different fonts, the general measures are used and a note regarding fancy or thin fonts is included.

[begin add]

The previously-mentioned contrast requirements for text also apply to images of text (text that has been rendered into pixels and then stored in an image format) as stated in success criterion 1.4.3. [1978]

[end add]
[begin add]

This requirement applies to situations in which images of text were intended to be understood as text. Incidental text, such as in photographs that happen to include a street sign, are not included. Stylized text, such as in corporate logos, should be treated in terms of its function on the page, which may or may not warrant including the content in the text alternative. [1978]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 1: Some people with cognitive disabilities require color combinations or hues that have low contrast, and therefore we allow and encourage authors to provide mechanisms to adjust the foreground and background colors of the content. Some of the combinations that could be chosen may have contrast levels that will be lower than those found in the Success Criteria. This is not a violation of this Success Criteria provided there is a mechanism that will return to the default values set out in the Success Criteria. [1973]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 2: Images of text do not scale as well as text because they tend to pixelate. It is also harder to change foreground and background contrast and color combinations for images of text, which is necessary for some users. Therefore, we suggest using text wherever possible, and when not, consider supplying an image of higher resolution. [2111]

[end add]

Rationale for the Ratios Chosen

A contrast ratio of 3:1 is the minimum level recommended by [ISO-9241-3] and [ANSI-HFES-100-1988] for standard text and vision. The 5:1 ratio is used in this provision to account for the loss in contrast that results from moderately low visual acuity, congenital or acquired color deficiencies, or the loss of contrast sensitivity that typically accompanies aging.

The rationale is that loss of logarithm of visual acuity is generally linearly related to loss of logarithm of contrast sensitivity, in people with low vision such that the user with 20/40 visual acuity would need roughly 4.5:1 contrast to have the equivalent of the 3:1 minimum contrast standard for normal vision [ARDITI-FAYE]. The user with 20/47 visual acuity would require contrast of about 5:1, and the user with 20/80 visual acuity would require contrast of about 7:1.

Hues are perceived differently by users with color vision deficiencies (both congenital and acquired) resulting in different colors and relative luminance contrasts than for normally sighted users. Because of this, effective contrast and readability are different for this population. However, color deficiencies are so diverse that prescribing effective general use color pairs (for contrast) based on quantitative data is not feasible. Requiring good luminance contrast accommodates this by requiring contrast that is independent of color perception. Fortunately, most of the luminance contribution is from the mid and long wave receptors which largely overlap in their spectral responses. The result is that effective luminance contrast can generally be computed without regard to specific color deficiency, except for the use of predominantly long wavelength colors against darker colors (generally appearing black) for those who have protanopia. (We provide an advisory technique on avoiding red on black for that reason). For more information see [ARDITI-KNOBLAUCH] [ARDITI-KNOBLAUCH-1996] [ARDITI].

The contrast ratio of 5:1 was chosen for level AA because it compensated for the loss in contrast sensitivity usually experienced by users with vision loss equivalent to approximately 20/40 vision. (20/40 calculates to approximately 4.5:1 which is rounded up to 5 providing a slight additional increase in contrast.) 20/40 is commonly reported as typical visual acuity of elders at roughly age 80. [GITTINGS-FOZARD]

The contrast ratio of 7:1 was chosen for level AAA because it compensated for the loss in contrast sensitivity usually experienced by users with vision loss equivalent to approximately 20/80 vision. People with more than this degree of vision loss usually use assistive technologies to access their content (and the assistive technologies usually have contrast enhancing, as well as magnification capability built into them). The 7:1 level therefore generally provides compensation for the loss in contrast sensitivity experienced by users with low vision who do not use assistive technology and provides contrast enhancement for color deficiency as well.

Note: Calculations in [ISO-9241-3] and [ANSI-HFES-100-1988] are for body text. A relaxed contrast ratio is provided for text that is much larger.

Notes on formula

Conversion from nonlinear to linear RGB values is based on IEC/4WD 61966-2-1 [IEC-4WD] and on "A Standard Default Color Space for the Internet - sRGB" [sRGB].

The formula (L1/L2) for contrast is based on [ISO-9241-3] and [ANSI-HFES-100-1988] standards.

The ANSI/HFS 100-1988 standard calls for the contribution from ambient light to be included in the calculation of L1 and L2. The .05 value used is based on Typical Viewing Flare from [IEC-4WD] and the [sRGB] paper by M. Stokes et al.

This success criterion and its definitions use the terms "contrast ratio" and "relative luminance" rather than "luminance" to reflect the fact that Web content does not emit light itself. The contrast ratio gives a measure of the relative luminance that would result when displayed. (Because it is a ratio, it is dimensionless.)

Note: Refer to related resources for a list of tools that utilize the contrast ratio to analyze the contrast of Web content.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.4.3:

  • People with low vision often have difficulty reading text that does not contrast with its background. This can be exacerbated if the person has a color vision deficiency that lowers the contrast even further. Providing a minimum luminance contrast ratio between the text and its background can make the text more readable even if the person does not see the full range of colors. It also works for the rare individuals who see no color.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.4.3

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.4.3 [Contrast (Minimum)]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: text is less than 18 point if not bold and less than 14 point if bold
  1. G18: Ensuring that a contrast ratio of at least 5:1 exists between text (and images of text) and background behind the text

  2. G148: Not specifying background color, not specifying text color, and not using technology features that change those defaults

Situation B: text is as least 18 point if not bold and at least 14 point if bold
  1. G145: Ensuring that a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 exists between text (and images of text) and background behind the text

  2. G148: Not specifying background color, not specifying text color, and not using technology features that change those defaults

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.4.3

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Using a higher contrast value for text that is over a patterned background (future link)

  • Creating foreground and background contrast (future link)

  • Using a light pastel background rather than a white background behind black text (future link)

  • Using Unicode text and style sheets instead of images of text (future link)

  • Using a higher contrast values for lines in diagrams (future link)

  • Using greater contrast level for red-black text/background combinations

  • Using colors that are composed predominantly of mid spectral components for the light and spectral extremes (blue and red wavelengths) for the dark

  • Using a light pastel background rather than a white background behind black text (future link)

Failures for SC 1.4.3

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.4.3 by the WCAG Working Group.

Key Terms

contrast ratio

(L1 + 0.05) / (L2 + 0.05), where

Note 1: Contrast ratios can range from 1 to 21 (commonly written 1:1 to 21:1).

Note 2: For dithered colors, use the average values of the colors that are dithered (average R, average G, and average B).

Note 3: Text can be evaluated with anti-aliasing turned off.

Note 4: Background color is the specified color of content over which the text is to be rendered in normal usage. If no background color is specified, then white is assumed.

[begin change]

Note 5: Background color is the specified color of content over which the text is to be rendered in normal usage. It is an error if no background color is specified when a foreground color is specified, because the user's default background color is unknown and cannot be evaluated for sufficient contrast. For the same reason, it is an error if no foreground color is specified when a background color is specified. [2263]

[end change]
larger scale (text)

with at least 18 point or 14 point bold or font size that would yield equivalent stroke width for Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) fonts [2175]

Note 1: Fonts with extraordinarily thin strokes or unusual features and characteristics that reduce the familiarity of their letter forms are harder to read, especially at lower contrast levels.

Note 2: Font size is the size when the content is delivered. It does not include resizing that may be done by a user.

[begin add]

Note 3: The actual size of the character that a user sees in dependent both on the author-defined size and the users display or user-agent settings. This success criterion is based on common pixel sizes available today. Users who have low vision would be responsible for choosing appropriate settings. [2267]

[end add]
pure decoration

serving only an aesthetic purpose, providing no information, and having no functionality

Note: Text is only purely decorative if the words can be rearranged or substituted without changing their purpose.

Example: The cover page of a dictionary has random words in very light text in the background.


sequence of characters that can be programmatically determined, where the sequence is expressing something in human language

Resize text:
Understanding SC 1.4.4

1.4.4 [begin add] Text (but not images of text)[end add] [begin delete]Visually rendered text[end delete] can be resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent and down to 50 percent without loss of content or functionality. [2164] (Level AA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that visually rendered text[begin add], including text-based controls [2262] [end add] [begin add](text characters that have been displayed so that they can be seen [vs. text characters that are still in data form such as ASCII]) [1978] [end add] can be scaled successfully so that it can be read directly by people with mild visual disabilities, without requiring the use of assistive technology such as a screen magnifier. Users may benefit from scaling all content on the Web page, but text is most critical.

The scaling of content is primarily a user agent responsibility. User agents that satisfy UAAG 1.0 Checkpoint 4.1 allow users to configure text scale. The author's responsibility is to create web content that does not prevent the user agent from scaling the content effectively. Authors may satisfy this success criterion by verifying that content does not interfere with user agent support for resizing text[begin add], including text-based controls [2262] [end add], or by providing direct support for resizing text or changing the layout. An example of direct support might be via server-side script that can be used to assign different style sheets.

[begin add]

The author cannot rely on the user agent to satisfy this success criterion for HTML content if users do not have access to a user agent with zoom support. For example, if they work in a environment that requires them to use IE 6 or Firefox.

[end add]
[begin add]

If the author is using a technology whose user agents do not provide zoom support, the author is responsible to provide this type of functionality directly or to provide content that works with the type of functionality provided by the user agent. If the user agent doesn't provide zoom functionality but does let the the user change the text size, the author is responsible for ensuring that the content remains usable when the text is resized. [2034]

[end add]

Content satisfies the success criterion if it can be scaled up to 200%, that is, up to twice the width and height. Authors may support scaling beyond that limit, however, as scaling becomes more extreme, adaptive layouts may introduce usability problems. For example, words may be too wide to fit into the horizontal space available to them, causing them to be truncated; layout constraints may cause text to overlap with other content when it is scaled larger; or only one word of a sentence may fit on each line, causing the sentence to be displayed as a vertical column of text that is difficult to read.

The working group feels that 200% is a reasonable accommodation that can support a wide range of designs and layouts, and complements older screen magnifiers that provide a minimum magnification of 200%. Above 200%, zoom (which resizes text, images, and layout regions and creates a larger canvas that may require both horizontal and vertical scrolling) may be more effective than text resizing. Assistive technology dedicated to zoom support would usually be used in such a situation and may provide better accessibility than attempts by the author to support the user directly.

[begin add]

50% was chosen to provide symmetry in the ranges. The ability to scale in both directions is desirable. [2112]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note: Images of text do not scale as well as text because they tend to pixelate, and therefore we suggest using text wherever possible. It is also harder to change foreground and background contrast and color combinations for images of text, which are necessary for some users. [2111]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.4.4:

  • This success criterion helps people with low vision by letting them increase text size in content so that they can read it.

  • [begin add]

    The ability to scale down 50% is a benefit for individuals with tunnel vision and close vision. It also benefits individuals who use some screenreaders and magifiers in that it allows them to get more content on the page without requiring them to scroll. [2112]

    [end add]

Examples of Success Criterion 1.4.4

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.4.4 [Resize text]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G142: Using a technology that has commonly-available user agents that support zoom

  2. Ensuring that text containers resize when the text resizes AND using measurements that are relative to other measurements in the content by using one or more of the following techniques:

  3. Providing controls on the Web page that incrementally change the size of the text (future link)

  4. Providing options within the content to switch between layouts that use a variety of font sizes (future link)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.4.4

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing large fonts by default (future link)

  • Avoiding the use of text in raster images (future link)

  • Using page-percent for container sizes (future link)

  • Avoiding scaling font sizes smaller than the user-agent default (future link)

    Note: The author won't actually know the font size, but should avoid percentage scaling that results in less than 100%

  • Avoiding justified text (future link)

  • Providing sufficient inter-line and inter-column spacing (future link)

  • [begin add]

    Providing different sizes for non-text content when it can not have an equivalent accessible alternative (future link) [2269]

    [end add]
  • [begin add]

    Avoiding the use of text in raster images (future link) [2102]

    [end add]
  • [begin add]

    Using server-side scripts to resize images of text (future link) [2128]

    [end add]

Key Terms

assistive technology (as used in this document)
[begin add]

hardware and/or software that acts as a user agent, or along with a mainstream user agent, to provide services to meet the requirements of users with disabilities that go beyond those offered by the mainstream user agents [2140]

[end add]
[begin delete]

a user agent that[begin delete] both[end delete]:

[end delete]
[begin delete]
  1. provides services to meet the requirements of users with disabilities that go beyond those offered by the mainstream user agents. Such services include alternative presentations (e.g., as synthesized speech or magnified content), alternative input methods (e.g., voice), additional navigation or orientation mechanisms, and content transformations (e.g., to make tables more accessible), and

  2. [begin change]may rely[end change] [begin delete]usually relies[end delete] on services (such as retrieving Web content and parsing markup) provided by one or more other mainstream user agents. Assistive technologies communicate data and messages with mainstream user agents by using and monitoring APIs

[end delete]
[begin add]

Note 1: Services provided by assistive technology include alternative presentations (e.g., as synthesized speech or magnified content), alternative input methods (e.g., voice), additional navigation or orientation mechanisms, and content transformations (e.g., to make tables more accessible). [2140] [2270]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 2: Assistive technologies often communicate data and messages with mainstream user agents by using and monitoring APIs. [2270]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 3: The distinction between mainstream user agents and assistive technologies is not absolute. Many mainstream user agents provide some features to assist individuals with disabilities. The basic difference is that mainstream user agents target broad and diverse audiences that usually include people with and without disabilities. Assistive technologies target narrowly defined populations of users with specific disabilities. The assistance provided by an assistive technology is more specific and appropriate to the needs of its target users. The mainstream user agent may provide important services to assistive technologies like retrieving Web content from program objects or parsing markup into identifiable bundles. [2171]

[end add]
[begin delete]

Note 4: In this definition, user agents are user agents in the general sense of the term. That is, any software that retrieves and presents Web content for users. The mainstream user agent may provide important services to assistive technologies like retrieving Web content from program objects or parsing markup into identifiable bundles.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

Note 5: Mainstream user agents may also provide services directly that meet the requirements of users with disabilities.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

Note 6: This definition is based on User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Glossary.

[end delete]

Example: Examples of assistive technologies that are important in the context of this document include the following:

  • screen magnifiers, and other visual reading assistants, which are used by people with visual, perceptual and physical print disabilities to change text font, size, spacing, color, synchronization with speech, etc. in order to improve the visual readability of rendered text and images;

  • screen readers, which are used by people who are blind to read textual information through synthesized speech or braille;

  • text-to-speech software, which is used by some people with cognitive, language, and learning disabilities to convert text into synthetic speech;

  • voice recognition software, which may be used by people who have some physical disabilities;

  • alternative keyboards, which are used by people with certain physical disabilities to simulate the keyboard[begin add] (including alternate keyboards that use headpointers, single switches, sip/puff and other special input devices.)[end add];

  • alternative pointing devices, which are used by people with certain physical disabilities to simulate mouse pointing and button activations.


sequence of characters that can be programmatically determined, where the sequence is expressing something in human language

Contrast (Enhanced):
Understanding SC 1.4.5

[begin change]

1.4.5 Text and images of text have a contrast ratio of at least 7:1, and large-scale text or images of text have a contrast ratio of at least 5:1, except for the following: [2000] (Level AAA)

[end change]
[begin add]
  • Inactive User Interface: If text content is part of an inactive user interface component, then no minimum contrast requirement applies.

  • Decoration or Incidental: If text content is pure decoration, or is incidental text in an image, then no minimum contrast requirement applies.

  • Invisible: If text is not visible to anyone, then no minimum contrast requirement applies.

[end add]
[begin add]

Note: Success Criteria 1.4.3 and 1.4.5 can be met via a contrast control available on or from the page.

[end add]

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to provide enough contrast between text and its background so that it can be read by people with moderately low vision (who do not use contrast-enhancing assistive technology). For people without color deficiencies, hue and saturation have minimal or no effect on legibility as assessed by reading performance (Knoblauch et al., 1991). Color deficiencies can affect luminance contrast somewhat. However, in the recommendation, the contrast is calculated in such a way that color is not a key factor so that people who have a color vision deficit will also have adequate contrast between the text and the background. Text that is decorative and conveys no information is excluded. For example, if random words are used to create a background and the words could be rearranged or substituted without changing meaning, then it would be decorative and would not need to meet this criterion.

Text that is larger and has wider character strokes is easier to read at lower contrast. The contrast requirements for larger text is therefore lower. This allows authors to use a wider range of color choices for large text, which is helpful for design of pages, particularly titles. 18 point text or 14 point bold text is judged to be large enough to require a lower contrast ratio. "18 point" and "bold" can both have different meanings in different fonts but, except for very thin or unusual fonts, they should be sufficient. Since there are so many different fonts, the general measures are used and a note regarding fancy or thin fonts is included.

[begin add]

Note: When fonts have anti-aliasing applied to make them look smoother, they can lose darkness or lightness. Thus, the actual contrast can be reduced. Thicker stem widths will reduce this effect (thin fonts could have the full stem lightened rather than just the ends). Using larger fonts and testing for legibility in user agents with font smoothing turned on is recommended. [2254]

[end add]
[begin add]

The previously-mentioned contrast requirements for text also apply to images of text (text that has been rendered into pixels and then stored in an image format) as stated in success criterion 1.4.5. [1978]

[end add]
[begin add]

This requirement applies to situations in which images of text were intended to be understood as text. Incidental text, such as in photographs that happen to include a street sign, are not included. Stylized text, such as in corporate logos, should be treated in terms of its function on the page, which may or may not warrant including the content in the text alternative. [1978]

[end add]

Rationale for the Ratios Chosen

A contrast ratio of 3:1 is the minimum level recommended by [ISO-9241-3] and [ANSI-HFES-100-1988] for standard text and vision. The 5:1 ratio is used in Success Criterion 1.4.3 to account for the loss in contrast that results from moderately low visual acuity, congenital or acquired color deficiencies, or the loss of contrast sensitivity that typically accompanies aging.

The rationale is that loss of logarithm of visual acuity is generally linearly related to loss of logarithm of contrast sensitivity, in people with low vision such that the user with 20/40 visual acuity would need roughly 4.5:1 contrast to have the equivalent of the 3:1 minimum contrast standard for normal vision [ARDITI-FAYE]. The user with 20/47 visual acuity would require contrast of about 5:1, and the user with 20/80 visual acuity would require contrast of about 7:1.

Hues are perceived differently by users with color vision deficiencies (both congenital and acquired) resulting in different colors and relative luminance contrasts than for normally sighted users. Because of this, effective contrast and readability are different for this population. However, color deficiencies are so diverse that prescribing effective general use color pairs (for contrast) based on quantitative data is not feasible. Requiring good luminance contrast accommodates this by requiring contrast that is independent of color perception. Fortunately, most of the luminance contribution is from the mid and long wave receptors which largely overlap in their spectral responses. The result is that effective luminance contrast can generally be computed without regard to specific color deficiency, except for the use of predominantly long wavelength colors against darker colors (generally appearing black) for those who have protanopia. (We provide an advisory technique on avoiding red on black for that reason). For more information see [ARDITI-KNOBLAUCH] [ARDITI-KNOBLAUCH-1996] [ARDITI].

The contrast ratio of 5:1 was chosen for level AA because it compensated for the loss in contrast sensitivity usually experienced by users with vision loss equivalent to approximately 20/40 vision. (20/40 calculates to approximately 4.5:1 which is rounded up to 5 providing a slight additional increase in contrast.) 20/40 is commonly reported as typical visual acuity of elders at roughly age 80. [GITTINGS-FOZARD]

The contrast ratio of 7:1 was chosen for level AAA because it compensated for the loss in contrast sensitivity usually experienced by users with vision loss equivalent to approximately 20/80 vision. People with more than this degree of vision loss usually use assistive technologies to access their content (and the assistive technologies usually have contrast enhancing, as well as magnification capability built into them). The 7:1 level therefore generally provides compensation for the loss in contrast sensitivity experienced by users with low vision who do not use assistive technology and provides contrast enhancement for color deficiency as well.

Note: Calculations in [ISO-9241-3] and [ANSI-HFES-100-1988] are for body text. A relaxed contrast ratio is provided for text that is much larger.

Notes on formula

Conversion from nonlinear to linear RGB values is based on IEC/4WD 61966-2-1 [IEC-4WD] and on "A Standard Default Color Space for the Internet - sRGB" [sRGB].

The formula (L1/L2) for contrast is based on [ISO-9241-3] and [ANSI-HFES-100-1988] standards.

The ANSI/HFS 100-1988 standard calls for the contribution from ambient light to be included in the calculation of L1 and L2. The .05 value used is based on Typical Viewing Flare from [IEC-4WD] and the [sRGB] paper by M. Stokes et al.

This success criterion and its definitions use the terms "contrast ratio" and "relative luminance" rather than "luminance" to reflect the fact that Web content does not emit light itself. The contrast ratio gives a measure of the relative luminance that would result when displayed. (Because it is a ratio, it is dimensionless.)

Note: Refer to related resources for a list of tools that utilize the contrast ratio to analyze the contrast of Web content.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.4.5:

  • People with low vision often have difficulty reading text that does not contrast with its background. This can be exacerbated if the person has a color vision deficiency that lowers the contrast even further. Providing a minimum luminance contrast ratio between the text and its background can make the text more readable even if the person does not see the full range of colors. It also works for the rare individuals who see no color.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.4.5

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.4.5 [Contrast (Enhanced)]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: text is less than 18 point if not bold and less than 14 point if bold
  1. G17: Ensuring that a contrast ratio of at least 7:1 exists between text and background behind the text

  2. G148: Not specifying background color, not specifying text color, and not using technology features that change those defaults

Situation B: text is as least 18 point if not bold and at least 14 point if bold
  1. G18: Ensuring that a contrast ratio of at least 5:1 exists between text (and images of text) and background behind the text

  2. G148: Not specifying background color, not specifying text color, and not using technology features that change those defaults

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.4.5

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Using a higher contrast value for text that is over a patterned background (future link)

  • Using Unicode text and style sheets instead of images of text (future link)

  • Using a light pastel background rather than a white background behind black text (future link)

  • Using a higher contrast values for lines in diagrams (future link)

  • Using greater contrast level for red-black text/background combinations

  • Using colors that are composed predominantly of mid spectral components for the light and spectral extremes (blue and red wavelengths) for the dark

  • Using a light pastel background rather than a white background behind black text (future link)

Failures for SC 1.4.5

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.4.5 by the WCAG Working Group.

Key Terms

contrast ratio

(L1 + 0.05) / (L2 + 0.05), where

Note 1: Contrast ratios can range from 1 to 21 (commonly written 1:1 to 21:1).

Note 2: For dithered colors, use the average values of the colors that are dithered (average R, average G, and average B).

Note 3: Text can be evaluated with anti-aliasing turned off.

Note 4: Background color is the specified color of content over which the text is to be rendered in normal usage. If no background color is specified, then white is assumed.

[begin change]

Note 5: Background color is the specified color of content over which the text is to be rendered in normal usage. It is an error if no background color is specified when a foreground color is specified, because the user's default background color is unknown and cannot be evaluated for sufficient contrast. For the same reason, it is an error if no foreground color is specified when a background color is specified. [2263]

[end change]
larger scale (text)

with at least 18 point or 14 point bold or font size that would yield equivalent stroke width for Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) fonts [2175]

Note 1: Fonts with extraordinarily thin strokes or unusual features and characteristics that reduce the familiarity of their letter forms are harder to read, especially at lower contrast levels.

Note 2: Font size is the size when the content is delivered. It does not include resizing that may be done by a user.

[begin add]

Note 3: The actual size of the character that a user sees in dependent both on the author-defined size and the users display or user-agent settings. This success criterion is based on common pixel sizes available today. Users who have low vision would be responsible for choosing appropriate settings. [2267]

[end add]
pure decoration

serving only an aesthetic purpose, providing no information, and having no functionality

Note: Text is only purely decorative if the words can be rearranged or substituted without changing their purpose.

Example: The cover page of a dictionary has random words in very light text in the background.


sequence of characters that can be programmatically determined, where the sequence is expressing something in human language

Low or No Background Audio:
Understanding SC 1.4.6

1.4.6 Audio content that is not an audio CAPTCHA and [2355] that contains speech in the foreground does not contain background sounds, background sounds can be turned off, or background sounds are at least 20 decibels lower than the foreground speech content, with the exception of occasional sound effects. (Level AAA)

Note: Background sound that meets this requirement will be approximately one quarter as loud as the foreground speech content.

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that any non-speech sounds are low enough that a user who is hard of hearing can understand the speech. Individuals who are hard of hearing have difficulty separating speech from background sounds or other noise. Background sound that meets this requirement will be approximately one quarter as loud as the foreground speech content.

The value of 20 dB was chosen based on Large area assistive listening systems (ALS): Review and recommendations [LAALS] and In-the-ear measurements of interference in hearing aids from digital wireless telephones [HEARING-AID-INT]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.4.6:

  • People who are hard of hearing often have great difficulty separating speech from background sound.

Examples of Success Criterion 1.4.6

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.4.6 [Low or No Background Audio]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.4.6

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing a way for users to adjust auditory levels of foreground and background sound independently (future link)

Failures for SC 1.4.6

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.4.6 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Resize and Wrap:
Understanding SC 1.4.7

1.4.7 [begin add] Text (but not images of text)[end add] [begin delete]Visually rendered text[end delete] can be resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent and down to 50 percent without loss of content or functionality and in a way that does not require the user to scroll horizontally. [2164] (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that visually rendered text [begin add](text characters that have been displayed so that they can be seen [vs. text characters that are still in data form such as ASCII]) [1978] [end add] can be scaled successfully without requiring that the user scroll left and right to see all of the content. When the content has been authored so that this is possible, the content is said to reflow. This permits low vision users to increase the size of the text without becoming disoriented.

The scaling of content is primarily a user agent responsibility. User agents that satisfy UAAG 1.0 Checkpoint 4.1 allow users to configure text scale. The author's responsibility is to create Web content that does not prevent the user agent from scaling the content and that allows the reflow of the content within the current width of the viewport.

Content satisfies the success criterion if it can be scaled up to 200%, that is, up to twice the width and height, although authors may support scaling beyond that limit. However, as scaling becomes more extreme, adaptive layouts may introduce usability problems. For example, words may be too wide to fit into the horizontal space available to them, causing them to be truncated; layout constraints may cause text to overlap with other content when it is scaled larger; or only one word of a sentence may fit on each line, causing the sentence to be displayed as a vertical column of text that is difficult to read.

The working group feels that 200% is a reasonable accommodation that can support a wide range of designs and layouts, and complements older screen magnifiers that provide a minimum magnification of 200%. Above 200%, zoom (which resizes text, images, and layout regions and creates a larger canvas that may require both horizontal and vertical scrolling) may be more effective than text resizing. Assistive technology dedicated to zoom support would usually be used in such a situation and may provide better accessibility than attempts by the author to support the user directly.

[begin add]

50% was chosen to provide symmetry in the ranges. The ability to scale in both directions is desirable. [2112]

[end add]

It is important to note that horizontal scrolling may be unavoidable for some types of content. For example, content that includes large images may cause user agents to display horizontal scroll bars in where the width of the viewport has been resized to a width that is less than the width of the image.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.4.7:

  • This success criterion helps people with low vision by letting them increase text size in content so that they can read it easily. Because there is no need to scroll left and right while reading the text, users are less likely to become disoriented and lose their place.

  • [begin add]

    The ability to scale down 50% is a benefit for individuals with tunnel vision and close vision. It also benefits individuals who use some screenreaders and magifiers in that it allows them to get more content on the page without requiring them to scroll. [2112]

    [end add]

Examples of Success Criterion 1.4.7

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.4.7 [Resize and Wrap]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G146: Using liquid layout AND ensuring that text containers resize when the text resizes AND using measurements that are relative to other measurements in the content by using one or more of the following techniques:

  2. Providing options within the content to switch between layouts that use a variety of font sizes (future link)

  3. Using single-column layouts (future link)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.4.7

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing large fonts by default (future link)

  • Avoiding the use of text in raster images (future link)

  • Using page-percent for container sizes (future link)

  • Avoiding scaling font sizes smaller than the user-agent default (future link)

    Note: The author won't actually know the font size, but should avoid percentage scaling that results in less than 100%

  • Avoiding justified text (future link)

  • Providing sufficient inter-line and inter-column spacing (future link)

  • [begin add]

    Using server-side scripts to resize images of text (future link) [2128]

    [end add]

Key Terms

assistive technology (as used in this document)
[begin add]

hardware and/or software that acts as a user agent, or along with a mainstream user agent, to provide services to meet the requirements of users with disabilities that go beyond those offered by the mainstream user agents [2140]

[end add]
[begin delete]

a user agent that[begin delete] both[end delete]:

[end delete]
[begin delete]
  1. provides services to meet the requirements of users with disabilities that go beyond those offered by the mainstream user agents. Such services include alternative presentations (e.g., as synthesized speech or magnified content), alternative input methods (e.g., voice), additional navigation or orientation mechanisms, and content transformations (e.g., to make tables more accessible), and

  2. [begin change]may rely[end change] [begin delete]usually relies[end delete] on services (such as retrieving Web content and parsing markup) provided by one or more other mainstream user agents. Assistive technologies communicate data and messages with mainstream user agents by using and monitoring APIs

[end delete]
[begin add]

Note 1: Services provided by assistive technology include alternative presentations (e.g., as synthesized speech or magnified content), alternative input methods (e.g., voice), additional navigation or orientation mechanisms, and content transformations (e.g., to make tables more accessible). [2140] [2270]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 2: Assistive technologies often communicate data and messages with mainstream user agents by using and monitoring APIs. [2270]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 3: The distinction between mainstream user agents and assistive technologies is not absolute. Many mainstream user agents provide some features to assist individuals with disabilities. The basic difference is that mainstream user agents target broad and diverse audiences that usually include people with and without disabilities. Assistive technologies target narrowly defined populations of users with specific disabilities. The assistance provided by an assistive technology is more specific and appropriate to the needs of its target users. The mainstream user agent may provide important services to assistive technologies like retrieving Web content from program objects or parsing markup into identifiable bundles. [2171]

[end add]
[begin delete]

Note 4: In this definition, user agents are user agents in the general sense of the term. That is, any software that retrieves and presents Web content for users. The mainstream user agent may provide important services to assistive technologies like retrieving Web content from program objects or parsing markup into identifiable bundles.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

Note 5: Mainstream user agents may also provide services directly that meet the requirements of users with disabilities.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

Note 6: This definition is based on User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Glossary.

[end delete]

Example: Examples of assistive technologies that are important in the context of this document include the following:

  • screen magnifiers, and other visual reading assistants, which are used by people with visual, perceptual and physical print disabilities to change text font, size, spacing, color, synchronization with speech, etc. in order to improve the visual readability of rendered text and images;

  • screen readers, which are used by people who are blind to read textual information through synthesized speech or braille;

  • text-to-speech software, which is used by some people with cognitive, language, and learning disabilities to convert text into synthetic speech;

  • voice recognition software, which may be used by people who have some physical disabilities;

  • alternative keyboards, which are used by people with certain physical disabilities to simulate the keyboard[begin add] (including alternate keyboards that use headpointers, single switches, sip/puff and other special input devices.)[end add];

  • alternative pointing devices, which are used by people with certain physical disabilities to simulate mouse pointing and button activations.


sequence of characters that can be programmatically determined, where the sequence is expressing something in human language

Images of Text:
Understanding SC 1.4.8

[begin add]

1.4.8 Images of text are only used for pure decoration or where a particular presentation of text is essential to the information being conveyed. (Level AAA)

Note: Logotypes (text that is part of a logo or brand name) are considered essential.

[end add]

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to enable people who require a particular visual presentation of text to be able to adjust the text presentation as required. This includes people who require the text in a particular font size, foreground and background color, font family, line spacing or alignment.

This means implementing the text in a manner that allows its presentation to be changed or providing a mechanism by which users can select an alternate presentation. Using images of text is an example of an implementation that does not allow users to alter the presentation of the text within it.

In some situations, a particular visual presentation of the text is essential to the information being conveyed. This means that information would be lost without that particular visual presentation. In this case implementing the text in a manner that allows its presentation to be changed is not required. This includes text that demonstrates a particular visual aspect of the text, such as a particular font family, or text that conveys an identity, such as text within a company logo.

Text that is decorative does not require implementing the text in a manner that allows its presentation to be changed.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 1.4.8:

  • People with low vision (who may have trouble reading the text with the authored font family, size and/or color).

  • People with visual tracking problems (who may have trouble reading the text with the authored line spacing and/or alignment).

Examples of Success Criterion 1.4.8

<eg-group> <head>A quote </head> <description>

A web page contains a quote. The quote itself is presented as italicized text, indented from the right margin. The name of the person to whom the quote is attributed is below the quote with 1.5x the line space and further indented from the right margin. CSS is used to position the text; set the spacing between lines; as well as display the text's font family, size, color and decoration.

<eg-group> <head>Navigation items </head> <description>

A web page contains a menu of navigation links that have both an icon and text to describe their target. CSS is used to display the text's font family, size and foreground and background colors; as well as the spacing between the navigation links.

<eg-group> <head># A logo containing text </head> <description>

A web site contains the organisation's logo in the top left corner of each web page. The logo contains logotype (text as part, or all, of the logo). The visual presentation of the text is essential to the identity of the logo and is included as a gif image which does not allow the text characteristics to be changed. The image has a text alternative.

<eg-group> <head>Representation of a font family</head> <description>

A web page contains information about a particular font family. Substituting the font family with another font would defeat the purpose of the representation. The representation is included as a jpeg image which does not allow the text characteristics to be changed. The image has a text alternative.

<eg-group> <head>A representation of a letter </head> <description>

A web page contains a representation of an original letter. The depiction of the letter in its original format is essential to information being conveyed about the time period in which it was written. The letter is included as a gif image which does not allow the text characteristics to be changed. The image has a text alternative.

<eg-group> <head>Symbolic text characters </head> <description>

A form allows users to enter blocks of text. The form provides a number of buttons, including functions to style the text and check spelling. Some of the buttons use text characters that do not form a sequence that expresses something in human language. For example "B" to increase font weight, "I" to italicize the text and "ABC" to check the spelling. The symbolic text characters are included as gif images which do not allow the text characteristics to be changed. The buttons have text alternatives.


Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 1.4.8 [Images of Text]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. Using CSS to control visual presentation of text (future link)

  2. Providing controls on the Web page that change the visual presentation of text (future link)

  3. G140: Separating information and structure from presentation so that Web pages can be presented different ways without losing information OR Separating information and structure from presentation to enable modification of presentation without altering content (future link)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 1.4.8

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

General Techniques for Non-Decorative Content
  • Using server-side scripts to resize images of text (future link)

  • Using server-side scripts to resize images of text (future link)

CSS Techniques

Failures for SC 1.4.8

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 1.4.8 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

  1. Failure of SC 1.4.8 due to using images of text where the visual presentation of the text is not essential (future link)

Key Terms

pure decoration

serving only an aesthetic purpose, providing no information, and having no functionality

Note: Text is only purely decorative if the words can be rearranged or substituted without changing their purpose.

Example: The cover page of a dictionary has random words in very light text in the background.


sequence of characters that can be programmatically determined, where the sequence is expressing something in human language

Keyboard Accessible:
Understanding Guideline 2.1

Guideline 2.1: Make all functionality available from a keyboard

Intent of Guideline 2.1

If all functionality can be achieved using the keyboard, it can be accomplished by keyboard users, by speech input (which creates keyboard input), by mouse (using on-screen keyboards), and by a wide variety of assistive technologies that create simulated keystrokes as their output. No other input form has this flexibility or is universally supported and operable by people with different disabilities, as long as the keyboard input is not time-dependent.

Note that providing universal keyboard input does not mean that other types of input should not be supported. Optimized speech input, optimized mouse/pointer input, etc., are also good. The key is to provide keyboard input and control as well.

Some devices do not have native keyboards—for example, a PDA or cell phone. If these devices have a Web browsing capability, however, they will have some means of generating text or "keystrokes." This guideline uses the term "keyboard interface" to acknowledge that Web content should be controlled from keystrokes that may come from a keyboard, keyboard emulator, or other hardware or software that generates keyboard or text input.

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 2.1 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • All advisory techniques for this guideline relate to specific success criteria and are listed below.

Understanding SC 2.1.1

2.1.1 All functionality of the content is operable through a keyboard interface without requiring specific timings for individual keystrokes, except where the underlying function requires input that depends on the path of the user's movement and not just the endpoints. (Level A)

Note 1: This exception relates to the underlying function, not the input technique. For example, if using handwriting to enter text, the input technique (handwriting) requires path dependent input but the underlying function (text input) does not.

Note 2: This does not forbid and should not discourage providing mouse input or other input methods in addition to keyboard operation.

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that, wherever possible, content can be operated through a keyboard or keyboard interface (so an alternate keyboard can be used). When content can be operated through a keyboard or alternate keyboard, it is operable by people with no vision (who cannot use devices such as mice that require eye-hand coordination) as well as by people who must use alternate keyboards or input devices that act as keyboard emulators. Keyboard emulators include speech input software, sip-and-puff software, on-screen keyboards, scanning software and a variety of assistive technologies and alternate keyboards. Individuals with low vision also may have trouble tracking a pointer and find the use of software much easier (or only possible) if they can control it from the keyboard.

Examples of "specific timings for individual keystrokes" include situations where a user would be required to repeat or execute multiple keystrokes within a short period of time or where a key must be held down for an extended period before the keystroke is registered.

The phrase "except where the underlying function requires input that depends on the path of the user's movement and not just the endpoints" is included to separate those things that cannot reasonably be controlled from a keyboard.

Most actions carried out by a pointing device can also be done from the keyboard (for example, clicking, selecting, moving, sizing). However, there is a small class of input that is done with a pointing device that cannot be done from the keyboard in any known fashion without requiring an inordinate number of keystrokes. Free hand drawing, watercolor painting, and flying a helicopter through an obstacle course are all examples of functions that require path dependent input. Drawing straight lines, regular geometric shapes, re-sizing windows and dragging objects to a location (when the path to that location is not relevant) do not require path dependent input.

The use of MouseKeys would not satisfy this success criterion because it is not a keyboard equivalent to the application; it is a mouse equivalent (i.e. it looks like a mouse to the application).

[begin add]

It is assumed that the design of user input features takes into account that operating system keyboard accessibility features may be in use. For example, modifier key locking may be turned on. Content continues to function in such an environment, not sending events that would collide with the modifier key lock to produce unexpected results. [2243]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 2.1.1:

  • People who are blind (who cannot use devices such as mice that require eye-hand coordination)

  • People with low vision (who may have trouble finding or tracking a pointer indicator on screen)

  • Some people with hand tremors find using a mouse very difficult and therefore usually use a keyboard

Examples of Success Criterion 2.1.1

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 2.1.1 [Keyboard]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. Ensuring keyboard control by using one of the following techniques.

    • Using HTML form controls and links (future link)

  2. G90: Providing keyboard-triggered event handlers using one of the following techniques:

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 2.1.1

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing keyboard access to important links and form controls (future link)

  • Using unique letter combinations to begin each item of a list (future link)

  • Choosing the most abstract event handler (future link) (Scripting)

  • Using the onactivate event (future link) (Scripting)

  • Avoiding use of common user-agent keyboard commands for other purposes (future link)

Key Terms


processes and outcomes achievable through user action

keyboard interface

interface used by software to obtain keystroke input

Note 1: Allows users to provide keystroke input to programs even if the native technology does not contain a keyboard.

Example: A touch screen PDA has a keyboard interface built into its operating system as well as a connector for external keyboards. Applications on the PDA can use the interface to obtain keyboard input either from an external keyboard or from other applications that provide simulated keyboard output, such as handwriting interpreters or speech-to-text applications with "keyboard emulation" functionality.

Note 2: Operation of the application (or parts of the application) through a keyboard-operated mouse emulator, such as MouseKeys, does not qualify as operation through a keyboard interface because operation of the program is through its pointing device interface, not through its keyboard interface.

No Keyboard Trap:
Understanding SC 2.1.2

[begin add]

2.1.2 If keyboard focus can be moved to a component of the page using a keyboard interface, then focus can be moved away from that component using only a keyboard interface, and, if it requires more than unmodified arrow or tab keys, the user is advised of the method for moving focus away. (Level A)

Note: Since any content that does not meet this success criterion can interfere with a user's ability to use the whole page, all content on the Web page (whether it is used to meet other success criteria or not) must meet this success criterion. See Guideline 1.9.

[end add]

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that that content does not "trap" keyboard focus within subsections of content on a Web page. This is a common problem when multiple formats are combined within a page and rendered using plug-ins or embedded applications.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 2.1.2:

  • People who rely on a keyboard or keyboard interface to use the Web including people who are blind and people with physical disabilities.

Examples of Success Criterion 2.1.2

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 2.1.2 [No Keyboard Trap]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 2.1.2

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

(none currently documented)

Failures for SC 2.1.2

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.1.2 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

  1. F10: Failure of SC 2.1.2 and Conformance Requirement 5 due to combining multiple content formats in a way that traps users inside one format type

Key Terms

keyboard interface

interface used by software to obtain keystroke input

Note 1: Allows users to provide keystroke input to programs even if the native technology does not contain a keyboard.

Example: A touch screen PDA has a keyboard interface built into its operating system as well as a connector for external keyboards. Applications on the PDA can use the interface to obtain keyboard input either from an external keyboard or from other applications that provide simulated keyboard output, such as handwriting interpreters or speech-to-text applications with "keyboard emulation" functionality.

Note 2: Operation of the application (or parts of the application) through a keyboard-operated mouse emulator, such as MouseKeys, does not qualify as operation through a keyboard interface because operation of the program is through its pointing device interface, not through its keyboard interface.

Keyboard (No Exception):
Understanding SC 2.1.3

2.1.3 All functionality of the content is operable through a keyboard interface without requiring specific timings for individual keystrokes. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that all content is operable from the keyboard.This is the same as success criterion 2.1.1, except that no exceptions are allowed. This does not mean that content where the underlying function requires input that depends on the path of the user's movement and not just the endpoints (excluded from the requirements of 2.1.1) must be made keyboard accessible. Rather, it means that content that uses analog, time-dependent input cannot conform to this success criterion and therefore cannot meet Guideline 2.1 at Level AAA.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 2.1.3 [Keyboard (No Exception)]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. No additional techniques exist for this Success Criterion. Follow techniques for Success Criterion 2.1.1. If that is not possible because there is a requirement for analog, time-dependent input, then it is not possible to meet this Level AAA Success Criterion.

Key Terms


processes and outcomes achievable through user action

keyboard interface

interface used by software to obtain keystroke input

Note 1: Allows users to provide keystroke input to programs even if the native technology does not contain a keyboard.

Example: A touch screen PDA has a keyboard interface built into its operating system as well as a connector for external keyboards. Applications on the PDA can use the interface to obtain keyboard input either from an external keyboard or from other applications that provide simulated keyboard output, such as handwriting interpreters or speech-to-text applications with "keyboard emulation" functionality.

Note 2: Operation of the application (or parts of the application) through a keyboard-operated mouse emulator, such as MouseKeys, does not qualify as operation through a keyboard interface because operation of the program is through its pointing device interface, not through its keyboard interface.

Enough Time:
Understanding Guideline 2.2

Guideline 2.2: Provide users with disabilities enough time to read and use content

Intent of Guideline 2.2

Many users who have disabilities need more time to complete tasks than the majority of users: they may take longer to physically respond, they may take longer to read things, they may have low vision and take longer to find things or to read them, or they may be accessing content through an assistive technology that requires more time. This guideline focuses on ensuring that users are able to complete the tasks required by the content with their own individual response times. The primary approaches deal with eliminating time constraints or providing users enough additional time to allow them to complete their tasks. Exceptions are provided for those cases where this is not possible.

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 2.2 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • All advisory techniques for this guideline relate to specific success criteria and are listed below.

Timing Adjustable:
Understanding SC 2.2.1

2.2.1 For each time limit that is set by the content, at least one of the following is true: (Level A)

  • Turn off: the user is allowed to turn off the time limit before encountering it; or

  • Adjust: the user is allowed to adjust the time limit before encountering it over a wide range that is at least ten times the length of the default setting; or

  • Extend: the user is warned before time expires and given at least 20 seconds to extend the time limit with a simple action (for example, "press the space bar [2226] "), and the user is allowed to extend the time limit at least ten times; or

  • Real-time Exception: the time limit is a required part of a real-time event (for example, an auction), and no alternative to the time limit is possible; or

  • Essential Exception: the time limit [begin delete]is part of an activity where moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-updating timing is essential [begin delete](for example, time-based testing) [end delete]and time limits [2227] [end delete] can not be extended [begin delete]further[end delete] without invalidating the activity. [1949]

  • [begin add]

    20 Hour Exception: the time limit is longer than 20 hours. [2114]

    [end add]
[begin add]

Note: This provision acts to ensure that changes in content or context as a result of a time-out will not occur unexpectedly, preventing users from completing tasks. While exceptions to success criterion 2.2.1 where timing is essential exist, guideline 2.2 in general limits changes in content for no reason. This provisions should be considered in conjunction with provision 3.2.1 which puts limits on changes of content or context as a result of user action. [2340]

[end add]

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that users with disabilities are given adequate time to interact with Web content whenever possible. People with disabilities such as blindness, dexterity impairments, and cognitive limitations may require more time to [begin add]read content or [end add]perform functions such as filling out on-line forms. If Web functions are time-dependent, it will be difficult for some users to perform the required action before a time limit occurs. This may render the service inaccessible to them. Designing functions that are not time-dependent will help people with disabilities succeed at completing these functions. Providing options to disable time limits, customize the length of time limits, or request more time before a time limit occurs helps those users who require more time than expected to successfully complete tasks. [begin add]These options are listed in the order that will be most helpful for the user. Disabling time limits is better than customizing the length of time limits, which is better than requesting more time before a time limit occurs. [2077] [end add]

Any process that happens without user initiation after a set time or on a periodic basis is a time limit. This includes partial or full updates of content[begin add] (for example, page refresh)[end add], changes to content, or the expiration of a window of opportunity for a user to react to a request for input.

In some cases, however, it is not possible to change the time limit (for example, for an auction or other real-time event) and exceptions are therefore provided for those cases.

Notes regarding server time limits

  • Timed server redirects can be found below under Common Failures.

  • Server time limits like login expiration are dealt with in success criterion 2.2.6.

  • Non-timed server redirects (e.g. 3xx response codes) are not applicable because there is no time limit: they work instantly.

  • This Success Criterion applies only to time limits that are set by the content itself. Time limits set externally to content, such as by the user agent or by factors intrinsic to the Internet, are not under the author's control and not subject to WCAG conformance requirements. Time limits set by Web servers should be under the author's control and are addressed by other SC.

  • 10 times the default was chosen based on clinical experience and other guidelines. For example, if 15 seconds is allowed for a user to respond and hit a switch, 150 seconds would be sufficient to allow almost all users to hit a switch even if they had trouble.

  • 20 seconds was also based on clinical experience and other guidelines. 20 seconds to hit 'any switch' is sufficient for almost all users including those with spasticity. Some would fail, but some would fail all lengths of time. A reasonable period for requesting more time is required since an arbitrarily long time can provide security risks to all users, including those with disabilities, for some applications. For example, with kiosks or terminals that are used for financial transactions, it is quite common for people to walk away without signing off. This leaves them vulnerable to those walking up behind them. Providing a long period of inactivity before asking, and then providing a long period for the person to indicate that they are present can leave terminals open for abuse. If there is no activity the system should ask if the user is there. It should then ask for an indication that a person is there ('hit any key') and then wait long enough for almost anyone to respond. For "hit any key," 20 seconds would meet this. If the person indicates that they are still present, the device should return the user to the exact condition that existed before it asked the question.

  • [begin add]

    20 hours was chosen as an upper limit because it is longer than a full waking day. [2114]

    [end add]
[begin add]

In cases where timing is not an intrinsic requirement but giving users control over timed events would invalidate the outcome, a third party can control the time limits for the user (for example, granting double time on a test). [2049]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 2.2.1:

  • People with physical disabilities often need more time to react, to type and to complete activities. People with low vision need more time to locate things on screen and to read. People who are blind and using screen readers may need more time to understand screen layouts, to find information and to operate controls. People who have cognitive or language limitations need more time to read and to understand. People who are deaf and communicate in sign language may need more time to read information printed in text (which may be a second language for some).

  • In circumstances where a sign-language interpreter may be relating audio content to a user who is deaf, control over time limits is also important.

Examples of Success Criterion 2.2.1

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 2.2.1 [Timing Adjustable]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: If there are session time limits:
  1. G133: Providing a checkbox on the first page of a multipart form that allows users to ask for longer session time limit or no session time limit

Situation B: If a time limit is controlled by a script on the page:
  1. Providing a way for the user to turn the time limit off (future link)

  2. Providing the user with a means to set the time limit to 10 times the default time limit (future link)

  3. SCR16: Providing a script that warns the user a time limit is about to expire (Scripting) AND SCR1: Allowing the user to extend the default time limit (Scripting)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 2.2.1

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Using a script to poll the server and notify a user if a time limit is present (future link) (Scripting)

Key Terms

activity where [begin add]moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-updating[end add] [begin delete]timing[end delete] is essential

activity where [begin add]moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-updating[end add] [begin delete]timing[end delete] is [begin add]central to[end add] [begin delete]part of[end delete] the design of the activity and removal [begin delete]of the time dependency [end delete]would [begin add]fundamentally[end add]change the functionality of the content

Understanding SC 2.2.2

2.2.2 Moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-updating information [begin add]on a Web page that lasts for more than [begin change]three[end change] seconds[end add] can be paused by the user unless [begin change]the movement, blinking, scrolling, or auto-updating[end change] is part of an activity where [begin add]the changes are[end add] [begin delete]timing or movement are[end delete] essential. Moving [begin add]or blinking[end add] content that is pure decoration can be stopped or hidden by the user. (Level AA)

Note 1: For requirements related to flickering or flashing content, refer to Guideline 2.3.

[begin add]

Note 2: Since any content that does not meet this success criterion can interfere with a user's ability to use the whole page, all content on the Web page (whether used to meet other success criteria or not) must meet this success criterion. See conformance requirement 5.

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 3: Content that is updated from a process, real-time or remote stream is not required to preserve or present information that is generated or received between the initiation of the pause and resuming presentation, as this may not be technically possible, and in many situations could be misleading to do so. [2132]

[end add]

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to provide an option to temporarily stop content from advancing or updating at a rate beyond the user's ability to read and/or understand the content as it changes.

"Moving" refers to content in which the visible content conveys a sense of motion. Common examples include motion pictures, synchronized media presentations, animations, real-time games, and scrolling stock tickers.

"Time-based" refers to content that updates or disappears based on a preset time interval. Common time-based content includes audio, automatically updated weather information, news, stock price updates, and auto-advancing presentations and messages.

Editorial Note: SC 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 were combined, the original intent for 2.2.2 is pasted below for reference.

The intent of this success criterion is to avoid distracting users during their interaction with a Web page. Certain groups, particularly those with attention deficit disorders, find blinking content distracting, making it difficult for them to concentrate on other parts of the Web page. Three seconds was chosen because it is long enough to get a user's attention, but not so long that a user can not wait it out if necessary in order to use the page and the blinking blocks their ability to focus on the page.

[begin add]

Note: In some cases, what we refer to as “blinking” and what we refer to as “flashing” may overlap slightly. We are using different terms for the two because one causes a distraction problem which you can allow for a short time as long as it stops (or can be stopped) whereas the other is a seizure trigger and cannot be allowed or it will cause a seizure. The seizure would occur faster than most users could turn it off. “Blink” therefore refers to slow repeating changes that would distract. Flash refers to changes that could cause a seizure if they were bright enough or persisted long enough. Blinking usually doesn’t occur at speeds of 3 per second or more so blink and flash do not overlap. However, blinking can occur faster than 3 per second so there could be an overlap. See 2.3 for more information on flash. [2289]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 2.2.2:

  • People with reading disabilities, cognitive limitations, and learning disabilities who may need more time to read or comprehend information can have additional time to read the information by pausing the content.

  • In circumstances where a sign-language interpreter may be relating audio content to a user who is deaf, control over time limits is also important.

  • Providing content that stops blinking after three seconds or providing a mechanism for users to stop blinking content allows people with certain disabilities to interact with the Web page.

  • One use of content that blinks is to draw the visitor's attention to that content. Although this is an effective technique for all users with vision, it can be a problem for some users if it persists. For certain groups, including people with low literacy, reading and intellectual disabilities, and people with attention deficit disorders, content that blinks may make it difficult or even impossible to interact with the rest of the Web page.

Examples of Success Criterion 2.2.2

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 2.2.2 [Pausing]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Editorial Note: SC 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 were combined, but the updated understanding document is still in progress. Original techniques pasted below for reference.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G4: Allowing the content to be paused and restarted from where it was stopped

  2. Using script to scroll content, and providing a mechanism to pause it (future link)

  3. Allowing purely decorative content to be stopped (future link)

  1. G11: Creating content that blinks for less than 3 seconds

  2. Using a technology to include blinking content that can be turned off via the user agent (future link)

  3. Using a control in the Web page that stops blinking content (future link) using one of the following techniques:

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 2.2.2

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing a mechanism to stop all content that blinks within a Web page (future link)

  • Providing the user with a means to stop moving content even if it stops automatically within 3 seconds (future link)

Key Terms

activity where [begin add]moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-updating[end add] [begin delete]timing[end delete] is essential

activity where [begin add]moving, blinking, scrolling, or auto-updating[end add] [begin delete]timing[end delete] is [begin add]central to[end add] [begin delete]part of[end delete] the design of the activity and removal [begin delete]of the time dependency [end delete]would [begin add]fundamentally[end add]change the functionality of the content

[begin change]

switch back and forth between two visual states in a way that that does not qualify as flash (e.g. it is too slow and/or the change in relative luminance is too small to qualify as flashing) [2289]

[end change]

Note: The slower blink is in contrast with [begin change]flashing[end change], which refers to rapid changes in brightness which can cause seizures. See general flash and red flash thresholds.


stopped by user request and not resumed until requested by user

Web page

[begin add]a non-embedded resource that is referenced by a URI plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent [end add] [begin delete]a resource that is referenced by a URI and is not embedded in another resource, plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it[end delete] [1948]

Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.

Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.

Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.

Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URL of the page as a whole.

Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.

Example 4: When you enter "" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move about a store dragging products off of the shelves around you into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside.

No Timing:
Understanding SC 2.2.3

2.2.3 Timing is not an essential part of the event or activity presented by the content, except for non-interactive synchronized media and real-time events. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to minimize the occurrence of content that requires timed interaction. This enables people with blindness, low vision, cognitive limitations, or motor impairments to interact with content. This differs from the Level A success criterion in that the only exception is for real-time events.

Note: Video only, such as sign language, is covered in Guideline 1.1.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 2.2.3:

  • People with physical disabilities often need more time to react, to type and to complete activities. People with low vision need more time to locate things on screen and to read. People who are blind and using screen readers may need more time to understand screen layouts, to find information and to operate controls. People who have cognitive or language limitations need more time to read and to understand. People who are deaf and communicate in sign language may need more time to read information printed in text (which may be a second language for some).

  • In circumstances where a sign-language interpreter may be relating audio content to a user who is deaf, control over time limits is also important.

Examples of Success Criterion 2.2.3

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 2.2.3 [No Timing]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 2.2.3

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

(none currently documented)

Failures for SC 2.2.3

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.2.3 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

real-time event

event that a) occurs at the same time as the viewing and b) is not completely generated by the content

Example 1: A Webcast of a live performance (occurs at the same time as the viewing and is not prerecorded).

Example 2: An on-line auction with people bidding (occurs at the same time as the viewing).

Example 3: Live humans interacting in a fantasy world using avatars (is not completely generated by the content and occurs at the same time as the viewing).

synchronized media

audio or video synchronized with another format for presenting information and/or with time-based interactive components

Understanding SC 2.2.4

2.2.4 Interruptions[begin delete], such as updated content,[end delete] can be postponed or suppressed by the user, except interruptions involving an emergency. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to allow users to turn off updates from the author/server except in emergencies. Emergencies would include civil emergency alert messages or any other messages that warn of danger to health, safety, or property, including data loss, loss of connection, etcetera.

This allows access by people with cognitive limitations or attention disorders to be able to focus on the content. It also allows users who are blind or have low vision to keep their "viewing" focus on the content they are currently reading.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 2.2.4:

  • Individuals with attention deficit disorders can focus on content without distraction.

  • Individuals with low vision or who use screen readers will not have content updated while they are viewing it (which can lead to discontinuity and misunderstanding if they start reading in one topic and finish in another).

Examples of Success Criterion 2.2.4

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 2.2.4 [Interruptions]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G75: Providing a mechanism to postpone any updating of content

  2. Allowing users to request updates instead of automatically updating content (future link)

  3. SCR14: Using scripts to make nonessential alerts optional (Scripting)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 2.2.4

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

(none currently documented)

Failures for SC 2.2.4

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.2.4 by the WCAG Working Group.

Key Terms


a sudden, unexpected situation or occurrence that requires immediate action to preserve health, safety, or property

Understanding SC 2.2.5

2.2.5 When an authenticated session expires, the user can continue the activity without loss of data after re-authenticating. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to allow all users to complete authenticated transactions that have inactivity time limits. For security reasons, many sites implement an authentication time limit after a certain period of inactivity. These time limits may cause problems for persons with disabilities because it may take longer for them to complete the activity. These users must be given the ability to re-authenticate and continue with the transaction without the loss of any data already entered.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 2.2.5:

  • This success criterion benefits people who may require additional time to complete an activity. People with cognitive limitations may read slowly and require additional time to read and respond to a questionnaire. Users interacting via a screen reader may need extra time to navigate and complete a complicated form. A person with motor impairments or who navigates with an alternative input device may require additional time to navigate through or complete input within a form.

  • In circumstances where a sign-language interpreter may be relating audio content to a user who is deaf, control over time limits is also important.

Examples of Success Criterion 2.2.5

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 2.2.5 [Re-authenticating]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. Providing options to continue without loss of data using one of the following techniques:

Note: Refer to Techniques for Addressing Success Criterion 2.2.1 for techniques related to providing notifications about time limits.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 2.2.5

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

(none currently documented)

Failures for SC 2.2.5

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.2.5 by the WCAG Working Group.

Understanding Guideline 2.3

Guideline 2.3: Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures 2312

Intent of Guideline 2.3

Some people with seizure disorders can have a seizure triggered by flashing visual content. Most people are unaware that they have this disorder until it strikes. In 1997, a cartoon on television in Japan sent over 700 children to the hospital, including about 500 who had seizures [EPFND]. Warnings do not work well because they are often missed, especially by children who may in fact not be able to read them.

The objective of this guideline is to ensure that content that is marked as conforming to WCAG 2.0 avoids the types of flash that are most likely to cause seizure when viewed even for a second or two.

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 2.3 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • Ensuring that content does not violate spatial pattern thresholds (future link)

Three Flashes or Below Threshold:
Understanding SC 2.3.1

2.3.1 [begin add] Web pages do [end add] [begin delete]Content does[end delete] not contain anything that flashes more than three times in any one second period, or the flash is below the general flash and red flash thresholds. (Level A)

[begin add]

Note: Since any content that does not meet this success criterion can interfere with a user's ability to use the whole page, all content on the Web page (whether used to meet other success criteria or not) must meet this success criterion. See conformance requirement 5.

[end add]

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to allow users to access the full content of a site without inducing seizures due to photosensitivity.

Individuals who have photosensitive seizure disorders can have a seizure triggered by content that flashes at certain frequencies for more than a few flashes. People are even more sensitive to red flashing than to other colors, so a special test is provided for saturated red flashing. These guidelines are based on guidelines for the broadcasting industry as adapted for computer screens, where content is viewed from a closer distance (using a larger angle of vision).

Flashing can be caused by the display, the computer rendering the image or by the content being rendered. The author has no control of the first two. They can be addressed by the design and speed of the display and computer. The intent of this criterion is to ensure that flicker that violates the flash thresholds is not caused by the content itself. For example, the content could contain a video clip or animated image of a series of strobe flashes, or close-ups of rapid-fire explosions.

This success criterion replaces a much more restrictive criterion in WCAG 1.0 that did not allow any flashing (even of a single pixel) within a broad frequency range (3 to 50 Hz). This success criterion is based on existing specifications in use in [begin change]the UK[end change] and by others for television broadcast and has been adapted for computer display viewing. The 1024 x 768 screen is used as the reference screen resolution for the evaluation. The 341 x 256 pixel block represents a 10 degree viewport at a typical viewing distance. (The 10 degree field is taken from the original specifications and represents the central vision portion of the eye, where people are most susceptible to photo stimuli.)

The combined area of flashes occurring concurrently and contiguously means the total area that is actually flashing at the same time. It is calculated by adding up the contiguous area that is flashing simultaneously within any 10 degree angle of view.

[begin add]

Note: In some cases, what we refer to as “blinking” and what we refer to as “flashing” may overlap slightly. We are using different terms for the two because one causes a distraction problem which you can allow for a short time as long as it stops (or can be stopped) whereas the other is a seizure trigger and cannot be allowed or it will cause a seizure. The seizure would occur faster than most users could turn it off. “Blink” therefore refers to slow repeating changes that would distract. Flash refers to changes that could cause a seizure if they were bright enough or persisted long enough. Blinking usually doesn’t occur at speeds of 3 per second or more so blink and flash do not overlap. However, blinking can occur faster than 3 per second so there could be an overlap. See Understanding Succes Criterion 2.2.2 for more information on blink. [2289]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 2.3.1:

  • Individuals who have seizures when viewing flashing material will be able to view all of the material on a site without having a seizure and without having to miss the full experience of the content by being limited to text alternatives. This includes people with photosensitive epilepsy as well as other photosensitive seizure disorders.

Examples of Success Criterion 2.3.1

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 2.3.1 [Three Flashes or Below Threshold]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: Web content server over the Internet for general viewing
  1. Using all possible 341 x 256 pixel rectangles on 1024 x 768 pixel display to represent a 10 degree field of view at normal viewing distance AND G15: Ensuring that content does not violate the general flash threshold or red flash threshold

    Note: There is a tool that is available to carry out this test.

  2. G19: Ensuring that no component of the content flashes more than three times in any 1-second period

Situation B: Web content designed for a specific large-scale display where size and viewing distance is known
  1. Using actual viewing distance to calculate a 10 degree field of view in pixels AND G15: Ensuring that content does not violate the general flash threshold or red flash threshold

    Note: There is a tool that is available to carry out this test.

  2. G19: Ensuring that no component of the content flashes more than three times in any 1-second period

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 2.3.1

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Reducing contrast for any flashing content (future link)

  • Avoiding fully saturated reds for any flashing content (future link)

  • Reducing the number of flashes even if they do not violate thresholds (future link)

  • Providing a mechanism to suppress any flashing content before it begins (future link)

Failures for SC 2.3.1

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.3.1 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

general flash and red flash thresholds

a sequence of flashes or rapidly changing image sequences where all three of the following occur:

  1. there are more than three flashes within any one-second period; and

  2. the flashing is below 50 Hz; and

  3. the combined area of flashes occurring concurrently and contiguously occupies more than a total of .006 steradians (25% of any 10 degree visual field on the screen).

For the general flash threshold, a flash is defined as a pair of opposing changes in relative luminance of 10% or more and the relative luminance of the darker image is below 0.80. An "opposing change" is an increase followed by a decrease, or a decrease followed by an increase.

For the red flash threshold, a flash is defined as any transition to or from a saturated red.

Note: For general Web content, using a 341 x 256 pixel rectangle anywhere on the displayed screen area when the content is viewed at 1024 x 768 pixels will provide a good estimate of a 10 degree visual field for standard screen sizes and viewing distances.

Web page

[begin add]a non-embedded resource that is referenced by a URI plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent [end add] [begin delete]a resource that is referenced by a URI and is not embedded in another resource, plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it[end delete] [1948]

Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.

Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.

Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.

Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URL of the page as a whole.

Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.

Example 4: When you enter "" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move about a store dragging products off of the shelves around you into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside.

Three Flashes:
Understanding SC 2.3.2

2.3.2 [begin add] Web pages do [end add] [begin delete]Content does[end delete] not contain anything that flashes more than three times in any one second period. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

[begin add]

The purpose of this success criterion is to further reduce the chance of seizures. Seizures cannot be completely eliminated since some people are so sensitive. However, by eliminating all 3-per-second flashing over any area of the screen, the chances of a person having a seizure are further reduced than when just meeting the measures ordinarily used today in standards internationally, as we do at Level A. [2327]

[end add]
[begin delete]

The intent of this success criterion is to allow users to access the full content of a site without inducing seizures due to photosensitivity.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

Success Criterion 2.3.1 requires that flashing content be less than three flashes in any 1-second period unless it is smaller than 25% of a person's central vision for a typical screen. However, some users access Web content through screen enlargers. For these people, the area described in section 2.3.1 would (when magnified) be more than 25% of a persons central vision.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

This success criterion (2.3.2) eliminates all flashing components that flash more than three times in any 1-second period. In this fashion, magnification at any level would not yield content that would fail the general flash or red flash thresholds.

[end delete]
[begin add]

Note: In some cases, what we refer to as “blinking” and what we refer to as “flashing” may overlap slightly. We are using different terms for the two because one causes a distraction problem which you can allow for a short time as long as it stops (or can be stopped) whereas the other is a seizure trigger and cannot be allowed or it will cause a seizure. The seizure would occur faster than most users could turn it off. “Blink” therefore refers to slow repeating changes that would distract. Flash refers to changes that could cause a seizure if they were bright enough or persisted long enough. Blinking usually doesn’t occur at speeds of 3 per second or more so blink and flash do not overlap. However, blinking can occur faster than 3 per second so there could be an overlap. See Understanding Succes Criterion 2.2.2 for more information on blink. [2289]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 2.3.2:

  • Individuals who have seizures when viewing flashing material will be able to view all of the material on a site without having a seizure and without having to miss the full experience of the content by being limited to text alternatives. This includes people with photosensitive epilepsy as well as other photosensitive seizure disorders.

Examples of Success Criterion 2.3.2

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 2.3.2 [Three Flashes]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 2.3.2

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Reducing contrast for any flashing content (future link)

  • Avoiding fully saturated reds for any flashing content (future link)

  • Reducing the number of flashes even if they don't violate thresholds (future link)

Failures for SC 2.3.2

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.3.2 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

Web page

[begin add]a non-embedded resource that is referenced by a URI plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent [end add] [begin delete]a resource that is referenced by a URI and is not embedded in another resource, plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it[end delete] [1948]

Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.

Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.

Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.

Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URL of the page as a whole.

Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.

Example 4: When you enter "" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move about a store dragging products off of the shelves around you into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside.

Understanding Guideline 2.4

Guideline 2.4: Provide ways to help users with disabilities navigate, find content and determine where they are

Intent of Guideline 2.4

The intent of this guideline is to help users find the content they need and allow them to keep track of their location. These tasks are often more difficult for people with disabilities. For finding, navigation, and orientation, it is important that the user can find out what the current location is. For navigation, information about the possible destinations needs to be available. Screen readers convert content to synthetic speech which, because it is audio, must be presented in linear order. Some success criteria in this guideline explain what provisions need to be taken to ensure that screen reader users can successfully navigate the content. Others allow users to more easily recognize navigation bars and page headers and to bypass this repeated content. Unusual user interface features or behaviors may confuse people with cognitive disabilities.

This guideline works closely with Guideline 1.3, which ensures that any structure in the content can be perceived, a key to navigation as well. Headings are particularly important mechanisms for helping users orient themselves within content and navigate through it. Many users of assistive technologies rely on appropriate headings to skim through information and easily locate the different sections of content. Satisfying Success Criterion 1.3.1 for headings also addresses some aspects of Guideline 2.4.

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 2.4 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • Limiting the number of links per page (future link)

  • Providing mechanisms to navigate to different sections of the content of a Web page (future link)

  • Making links visually distinct (future link)

Bypass Blocks:
Understanding SC 2.4.1

2.4.1 A mechanism is available to bypass blocks of content that are repeated on multiple Web pages. (Level A)

The intent of this success criterion is to allow people who navigate sequentially through content more direct access to the primary content of the Web page. Web pages and applications often have content that appears on other pages or screens. Examples of repeated blocks of content include but are not limited to navigation links, heading graphics, and advertising frames. [begin add]Small repeated sections such as individual words, phrases or single links are not considered blocks for the purposes of this provision. [1994] [end add]

This is in contrast to a sighted user's ability to ignore the repeated material either by focusing on the center of the screen (where main content usually appears) or a mouse user's ability to select a link with a single mouse click rather than encountering every link or form control that comes before the item they want.

[begin add]

Note: Although this success criteria deals with blocks of content that are repeated on multiple pages, we also strongly promote structural markup on individual pages as per Success Criteria 1.3.1. [2211]

[end add]
  • When this success criterion is not satisfied, it may be difficult for people with some disabilities to reach the main content of a Web page quickly and easily.

  • Screen reader users who visit several pages on the same site can avoid having to hear all heading graphics and dozens of navigation links on every page before the main content is spoken.

  • People who use only the keyboard or a keyboard interface can reach content with fewer keystrokes. Otherwise, they might have to make dozens of keystrokes before reaching a link in the main content area. This can take a long time and may cause severe physical pain for some users.

  • People who use screen magnifiers do not have to search through the same headings or other blocks of information to find where the content begins each time they enter a new page.

  • People with cognitive limitations as well as people who use screen readers may benefit when links are grouped into lists

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

  1. Creating links to skip blocks of repeated material using one of the following techniques:

  2. Grouping blocks of repeated material in a way that can be skipped, using one of the following techniques:

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing keyboard access to important links and form controls (future link)

  • Providing skip links to enhance page navigation (future link)

  • Providing access keys (future link)

  • [begin add]

    Using accessibility supported technologies which allow structured navigation by user agents and assistive technologies (future link) [1994]

    [end add]
  • C6: Positioning content based on structural markup (CSS)

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.4.1 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Web page

[begin add]a non-embedded resource that is referenced by a URI plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent [end add] [begin delete]a resource that is referenced by a URI and is not embedded in another resource, plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it[end delete] [1948]

Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.

Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.

Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.

Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URL of the page as a whole.

Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.

Example 4: When you enter "" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move about a store dragging products off of the shelves around you into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside.

Page Titled:
Understanding SC 2.4.2

2.4.2 Web pages have descriptive titles. (Level A)

The intent of this success criterion is to help users find content and orient themselves within it by ensuring that each Web page has a descriptive title. Titles identify the current location without requiring users to read or interpret page content. When titles appear in site maps or lists of search results, users can more quickly identify the content they need. [begin add]User agents make the title of the page easily available to the user for identifying the page. For instance, a user agent may display the page title in the window title bar or as the name of the tab containing the page. [2292] [end add]

  • This criterion benefits all users in allowing users to quickly and easily identify whether the information contained in the Web page is relevant to their needs.

  • People with visual disabilities will benefit from being able to differentiate content when multiple Web pages are open.

  • People with cognitive disabilities, limited short-term memory and reading disabilities also benefit from the ability to identify content by its title.

  • This criterion also benefits people with severe mobility impairments whose mode of operation relies on audio when navigating between Web pages.

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

  1. G88: Providing descriptive titles for Web pages AND associating a title with a Web page using one of the following techniques:

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.4.2 by the WCAG Working Group.

Web page

[begin add]a non-embedded resource that is referenced by a URI plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent [end add] [begin delete]a resource that is referenced by a URI and is not embedded in another resource, plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it[end delete] [1948]

Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.

Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.

Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.

Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URL of the page as a whole.

Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.

Example 4: When you enter "" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move about a store dragging products off of the shelves around you into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside.

Focus Order:
Understanding SC 2.4.3

2.4.3 If a Web page can be navigated sequentially, focusable components receive focus in an order that follows information and relationships conveyed through presentation. (Level A)

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that when users navigate sequentially through content, they encounter information in an order that reflects the logical relationships in the content. This reduces confusion by letting users form a consistent mental model of the content. There may be different orders that reflect logical relationships in the content. For example, move through components in a table one row at a time or one column at a time both reflect the logical relationships in the content. Either order would satisfy this success criterion.

An additional example of navigation is using arrow key navigation to traverse a tree component. The user can use the up and down arrow keys to move from tree node to tree node. Pressing the left arrow key may expand a node, then using the down arrow key, will move into the newly expanded nodes. This navigation sequence follows the expected sequence for a tree control - as additional items get expanded or collapsed, they are added or removed from the navigation sequence.

The way that sequential navigation order is determined in Web content is defined by the technology of the content. For example, simple HTML defines sequential navigation via the notion of tabbing order. Dynamic HTML may modify the navigation sequence using scripting along with the addition of a tabindex attribute to allow focus to additional elements. In this case, the navigation should follow relationships and sequences in the content. If no scripting or tabindex attributes are used, the navigation order is the order that components appear in the content stream. (See HTML 4.01 Specification, section 17.11, "Giving focus to an element").

  • These techniques benefit users who navigate documents sequentially and expect the tab order to match the sequential reading order. People with visual impairments or people with disabilities that make reading difficult can become disoriented when tabbing takes focus someplace unexpected.

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

  1. G59: Placing the interactive elements in an order that follows sequences and relationships within the content

  2. Giving focus to elements in an order that follows sequences and relationships within the content using one of the following techniques:

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

(none currently documented)

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.4.3 by the WCAG Working Group.

navigated sequentially

navigated in the order defined for advancing focus from one element to the next with the keyboard


rendering of the content in a form to be perceived by users

Web page

[begin add]a non-embedded resource that is referenced by a URI plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent [end add] [begin delete]a resource that is referenced by a URI and is not embedded in another resource, plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it[end delete] [1948]

Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.

Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.

Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.

Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URL of the page as a whole.

Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.

Example 4: When you enter "" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move about a store dragging products off of the shelves around you into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside.

Link Purpose (In Context):
Understanding SC 2.4.4

2.4.4 [begin change]The purpose of each link can be determined from the [link text] alone, or from the link text together with its programmatically determined link context, except where the purpose of the link would be ambiguous to users in general.[end change] The purpose of each link can be determined from the link text [begin add]or the link text together with[end add] [begin delete]and[end delete] its programmatically determinable link context. [2020] [2152] [2050] [2249] [1951] (Level A)

Editorial Note: There is debate about whether pages that fail this success criterion in fact present a problem for assistive technology. The status of this item as a Level A success criterion is therefore "at risk" as a Level A success criterion depending on AT support and relative need for this provision.

The intent of this success criterion is to help users understand the purpose of each link so they can decide whether they want to follow the link. [begin add]Whenever possible, provide link text that identifies the purpose of the link without needing additional context.[end add] [begin delete]This is generally achieved by reading the link itself. [2324] [end delete] Assistive technology has the ability to provide users with a list of links that are on the Web page. Link text that is as meaningful as possible will aid users who want to choose from this list of links. Meaningful link text also helps those who wish to tab from link to link. Meaningful links help users choose which links to follow without requiring complicated strategies to understand the page.

[begin add]

In some situations, authors may want to provide part of the description of the link in logically related text that provides the context for the link. In this case the user should be able to identify the purpose of the link without moving focus from the link. In other words, they can arrive on a link and find out more about it without losing their place. This can be achieved by putting the description of the link in the same sentence, paragraph, list item, or table cell as the link, or in the table header cell for a link in a data table, because these are directly associated with the link itself.

[end add]
[begin add]

This context will be most usable if it precedes the link. (For instance, if you must use ambiguous link text, it is better to put it at the end of the sentence that describes its destination, rather than putting the ambiguous phrase at the beginning of the sentence.) If the description follows the link, there can be confusion and difficulty for screen reader users who are reading through the page in order (top to bottom). [2324]

[end add]
[begin delete]

In some situations, authors may want to provide part of the description of the link in the nearby text. In this case the user should be able to identify the purpose of the link without moving focus from the link. In other words, they can arrive on a link and find out more about it without losing their place. This can be achieved by putting the description of the link in the same sentence, paragraph, list item, or table cell as the link because these are directly associated with the link itself. These descriptions will be most useful to the user if the description of the link precedes the link. (For instance, if you must use ambiguous link text, it is better to put it at the end of the sentence that describes its destination, rather than putting the ambiguous phrase at the beginning of the sentence.) This is because if the description follows the link, there can be confusion and difficulty for screen reader users who are reading through the page in order (top to bottom).

[end delete]

Links with the same destination should have the same descriptions (per Success Criterion 3.2.4), but links with different purposes and destinations should have different descriptions.

[begin add]

The success criterion includes an exception for links for which the purpose of the link cannot be determined from the information on the web page. In this situation, the person with the disability is not at a disadvantage; there is no additional context available to understand the link purpose. However, whatever amount of context is available on the web page that can be used to interpret the purpose of the link must be made available in the link text or programmatically associated with the link to satisfy the success criterion.

[end add]

Note: There may be situations where the purpose of the link is is supposed to be unknown or obscured. For instance, a game may have links identified only as door #1, door #2, and door #3. This link text would be sufficient because the purpose of the links is to create suspense for all users.

  • This success criterion helps people with motion impairment by letting them skip links that they are not interested in, avoiding the keystrokes needed to visit the referenced content and then returning to the current content.

  • People with cognitive limitations will not become disoriented by multiple means of navigation to and from content they are not interested in.

  • People with visual disabilities will be able to determine the purpose of a link by exploring the link's context.

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

  1. G91: Providing link text that describes the purpose of a link

  2. Allowing the user to choose short or long link text USING one of the technology specific techniques below:

    • Using HTML and page reloads to offer different link texts (future link)

    • Using Javascript to change the link texts (future link)

  3. G53: Identifying the purpose of a link using link text combined with the text of the enclosing sentence

  4. Providing a supplemental description of the purpose of a link using one of the following techniques:

  5. Identifying the purpose of a link using link text combined with programmatically determined link context using one of the following techniques:

  6. [begin add]

    Optimizing Web pages for the "link list" feature in assistive technology (future link) [2009]

    [end add]

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.4.4 by the WCAG Working Group.

ambiguous to users in general

the purpose can not be determined from the link and all information of the Web page presented to the user simultaneously with the link. (i.e. readers without disabilities would not know what a link would do until they activated it)

Example: The word guava in the following sentence "One of the notable exports is guava" is a link. The link could lead to a definition of guava, a chart listing the quantity of guava exported or a photograph of people harvesting guava. Until the link is activated, all readers are unsure and the person with a disability is not at any disadvantage.

link purpose

nature of the result obtained by activating a hyperlink

programmatically determinable link context

additional information that can be programmatically determined from relationships with a link, combined with the link text, and presented to users in different modalities

[begin change]

Example: In HTML, information that is programmatically determinable from a link in English includes text that is in the same [begin delete]sentence, [end delete]paragraph, list, or table cell as the link or in a table header cell that is associated with the table cell that contains the link. [2245]

[end change]
[begin delete]

Example: A screen reader provides commands to read the current sentence when focus is on a link in that sentence.

[end delete]
[begin add]

Note: Since screen readers interpret punctuation, they can also provide the context from the current sentence, when the focus is on a link in that sentence. [2245]

[end add]
programmatically determinable link context

additional information that can be programmatically determined from relationships with a link, combined with the link text, and presented to users in different modalities

[begin change]

Example: In HTML, information that is programmatically determinable from a link in English includes text that is in the same [begin delete]sentence, [end delete]paragraph, list, or table cell as the link or in a table header cell that is associated with the table cell that contains the link. [2245]

[end change]
[begin delete]

Example: A screen reader provides commands to read the current sentence when focus is on a link in that sentence.

[end delete]
[begin add]

Note: Since screen readers interpret punctuation, they can also provide the context from the current sentence, when the focus is on a link in that sentence. [2245]

[end add]

Multiple Ways:
Understanding SC 2.4.5

2.4.5 More than one way is available to locate [begin add]a Web page [end add] [begin delete]content[end delete] within a set of Web pages where content is not the result of, or a step in, a process. [2229] (Level AA)

The intent of this success criterion is to make it possible for users to locate content in a manner that best meets their needs. Users may find one technique easier or more comprehensible to use than another.

  • Providing an opportunity to navigate sites in more than one manner can help people find information faster. Users with visual impairments may find it easier to navigate to the correct part of the site by using a search, rather than scrolling through a large navigation bar using a screen magnifier or screen reader. A person with cognitive disabilities may prefer a table of contents or site map that provides an overview of the site rather than reading and traversing through several Web pages. Some users may prefer to explore the site in a sequential manner, moving from Web page to Web page in order to best understand the concepts and layout.

  • Individuals with cognitive limitations may find it easier to use search features than to use a hierarchical navigation scheme that be difficult to understand.

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

  1. Using two or more of the following techniques:

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.4.5 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)


series of user actions where each action is required in order to complete an activity

Example 1: Successful use of a series of Web pages on a shopping site requires users to view alternative products, prices and offers, select products, submit an order, provide shipping information and provide payment information.

Example 2: An account registration page requires successful completion of a Turing test before the registration form can be accessed.

set of Web pages

collection of Web pages that [begin add]share a common purpose and that are created by the same[end add] [begin delete]have a specific relationship to each other and that are created as a body of work by an[end delete] author, group or organization [2213]

Note: Different language versions would be considered different [begin add]sets of Web pages[end add] [begin delete]bodies of work[end delete].

[begin delete]
[begin delete]

Example: A set of Web pages that make up a report, a test, an exercise, a catalog, or an application.

[end delete]
[end delete]
Web page

[begin add]a non-embedded resource that is referenced by a URI plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent [end add] [begin delete]a resource that is referenced by a URI and is not embedded in another resource, plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it[end delete] [1948]

Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.

Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.

Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.

Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URL of the page as a whole.

Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.

Example 4: When you enter "" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move about a store dragging products off of the shelves around you into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside.

Labels Descriptive:
Understanding SC 2.4.6

2.4.6 Headings and labels are descriptive. (Level AA)

The intent of this success criterion is to help users understand what information is contained in Web pages and how that information is organized. When headings are clear and descriptive, users can find the information they seek more easily, and they can understand the relationships between different parts of the content more easily. Descriptive labels help users identify specific components within the content.

  • Descriptive headings are especially helpful for users who have disabilities that make reading slow and for people with limited short-term memory. These people benefit when section titles make it possible to predict what each section contains.

  • People who have difficulty using their hands or who experience pain when doing so will benefit from techniques that reduce the number of keystrokes required to reach the content they need.

  • This success criterion helps people who use screen readers by ensuring that labels and headings are meaningful when read out of context, for example, in a Table of Contents, or when jumping from heading to heading within a page.

    This success criterion may also help users with low vision who can see only a few words at a time.

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

  1. G130: Providing descriptive headings

  2. G131: Providing descriptive labels

Note: Headings and labels must be programmatically determined, per success criterion 1.3.1.

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Using unique section headings in a Web Page (future link)

  • Starting section headings with unique information (future link)

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.4.6 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)


text or other component with a text alternative that is presented to a user to identify a component within Web content

[begin change]

Note 1: A label is presented to all users whereas the name may be hidden and only exposed by assistive technology. In many (but not all) cases the name and the label are the same. [2200]

[end change]
[begin add]

Note 2: The term label is not limited to the label element in HTML. [2107]

[end add]

Focus Visible:
Understanding SC 2.4.7

[begin add]

2.4.7 Any keyboard operable user interface has a mode of operation where the keyboard focus indicator is visible. (Level AA)

[end add]

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that there is at least one mode of operation where the keyboard focus indicator can be visually located.

  • This success criterion helps anyone who relies on the keyboard to operate the page, by letting them visually determine the component on which keyboard operations will interact at any point in time.

  • People with attention limitations, short term memory limitations, or limitations in executive processes benefit by being able to discover where the focus is located.

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Highlighting a link or control when the mouse hovers over it (future link)

Understanding SC 2.4.8

2.4.8 Information about the user's location within a set of Web pages is available. (Level AAA)

The intent of this success criterion is to provide a way for the user to orient herself within a set of Web pages, a Web site, or a Web application and find related information.

  • This success criterion is helpful for people with a short attention span who may become confused when following a long series of navigation steps to a Web page. It is also helpful when a user follows a link directly to a page deep within a set of Web pages and needs to navigate that Web site to understand the content of that page or to find more related information.

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing a link to the home page or main page (future link)

  • [begin add]

    Providing an easy-to-read version of information about the organization of a set of Web pages (future link) [1443]

    [end add]
  • [begin add]

    Providing a sign language version of information about the organization of a set of Web pages (future link) [1443]

    [end add]
  • [begin add]

    Providing an easy-to-read summary at the beginning of each section of content (future link) [1443]

    [end add]

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.4.8 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

set of Web pages

collection of Web pages that [begin add]share a common purpose and that are created by the same[end add] [begin delete]have a specific relationship to each other and that are created as a body of work by an[end delete] author, group or organization [2213]

Note: Different language versions would be considered different [begin add]sets of Web pages[end add] [begin delete]bodies of work[end delete].

[begin delete]
[begin delete]

Example: A set of Web pages that make up a report, a test, an exercise, a catalog, or an application.

[end delete]
[end delete]

Link Purpose (Link Only):
Understanding SC 2.4.8

2.4.9 [begin change]A mechanism is available to allow the purpose of each link to be identified from link text alone.[end change] [2074] (Level AAA)

The intent of this success criterion is to help users understand the purpose of each link in the content, so they can decide whether they want to follow it. Links with the same destination should have the same descriptions (per Success Criterion 3.2.4), but links with different purposes and destinations should have different descriptions. Because the purpose of a link can be identified from its link text, links can be understood when they are out of context, such as when the user agent provides a list of all the links on a page.

[begin add]

The success criterion includes an exception for links for which the purpose of the link cannot be determined from the information on the web page. In this situation, the person with the disability is not at a disadvantage; there is no additional context available to understand the link purpose. However, whatever amount of context is available on the web page that can be used to interpret the purpose of the link must be made available in the link text to satisfy the success criterion.

[end add]
[begin add]

The word "mechanism" is used to allow authors to either make all links fully understandable out of context by default or to provide a way to make them this way. This is done because for some pages, making the links all unambiguous by themselves makes the pages easier for some users and harder for others. Providing the ability to make the links unambiguous (by them selves) or not provides both users with disabilities with the ability to use the page in the format that best meets their needs.

[end add]
[begin add]

For example: A page listing 100 book titles along with links to download the books in HTML, PDF, DOC, TXT, MP3, or AAC might ordinarily be viewed as the title of the book as a link with the words "in HTML" after it. then the sentence "Also available in: " followed by a series of short links with text of "HTML", "PDF", "DOC", "TXT", "MP3", and "AAC". At Level 3, some users could opt to view the page this way - because they would find the page harder to understand or slower to use if the full title of the book were included in each of the links. Others could opt to view the page with the full title as part of each of the links so that each link was understandable in itself. Both the former and the latter groups could include people with visual or cognitive disabilities that used different techniques to browse or that had different types or severities of disability.

[end add]
  • This success criterion helps people with motion impairment by letting them skip Web pages that they are not interested in, avoiding the keystrokes needed to visit the referenced content and then return to the current content.

  • People with cognitive limitations will not become disoriented by extra navigation to and from content they are not interested in.

  • People with visual disabilities will benefit from not losing their place in the content when they return to the original page. The screen reader's list of links is more useful for finding information because the target of the links are described.

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

  1. G91: Providing link text that describes the purpose of a link using one of the following techniques:

  2. Allowing the user to choose short or long link text USING one of the technology specific techniques below:

    • Using HTML and page reloads to offer different link texts (future link)

    • Using Javascript to change the link texts (future link)

  3. Providing a supplemental description of the purpose of a link using one of the following techniques:

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.4.8 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Section Headings:
Understanding SC 2.4.9

2.4.10 [begin change]Section headings are used to organize the content. [2231] [end change] (Level AAA)

[begin add]

Note: "Heading" is used in its general sense and includes titles and other ways to add a heading to different types of content. [2230]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note: This success criterion covers sections within writing, not user interface components. User Interface components are covered under Success Criterion 4.1.2.

[end add]

The intent of this success criterion is to provide headings for sections of a Web page, when the page is organized into sections. For instance, long documents are often divided into a variety of chapters, chapters have subtopics and subtopics are divided into various sections, sections into paragraphs, etc. When such sections exist, they need to have headings that introduce them. This clearly indicates the organization of the content, facilitates navigation within the content, and provides mental "handles" that aid in comprehension of the content. Other page elements may complement headings to improve presentation (e.g., horizontal rules and boxes), but visual presentation is not sufficient to identify document sections.

  • People who are blind will know when they have moved from one section of a Web page to another and will know the purpose of each section.

  • People with some learning disabilities will be able to use the headings to understand the overall organization of the page content more easily.

  • People who navigate content by keyboard will be able to jump the focus from heading to heading, enabling them to find quickly content of interest.

  • In pages where content in part of the page updates, headings can be used to quickly access updated content.

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

  1. G141: Organizing a page using headings

  2. H64: Using the title attribute of the frame element [2097]

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Using the 'live' property to mark live regions (future link) (ARIA)

  • Providing mechanisms to navigate to different sections of the content of a Web page (future link)

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 2.4.9 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)


A self-contained portion of written content that deals with one or more related topics or thoughts

Note: A section may consist of one or more paragraphs and include graphics, tables, lists and sub-sections.


Understanding Guideline 3.1

Guideline 3.1: Make text content readable and understandable

Intent of Guideline 3.1

The intent of this guideline is to allow text content to be read by users and by assistive technology, and to ensure that information necessary for understanding it is available.

People with disabilities experience text in many different ways. For some the experience is visual; for some it is auditory; for some it is tactile; for still others it is both visual and auditory. Some users experience great difficulty in recognizing written words yet understand extremely complex and sophisticated documents when the text is read aloud, or when key processes and ideas are illustrated visually or interpreted as sign language. For some users, it is difficult to infer the meaning of a word or phrase from context, especially when the word or phrase is used in an unusual way or has been given a specialized meaning; for these users the ability to read and understand may depend on the availability of specific definitions or the expanded forms of acronyms or abbreviations. User agents, including speech-enabled as well as graphical applications, may be unable to present text correctly unless the language and direction of the text are identified; while these may be minor problems for most users, they can be enormous barriers for users with disabilities. In cases where meaning cannot be determined without pronunciation information (for example, certain Japanese Kanji, example), pronunciation information must be available as well

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 3.1 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • Setting expectations about content in the page from uncontrolled sources (future link)

  • Providing sign language interpretation for all content (future link)

  • Using the clearest and simplest language appropriate for the content (future link)

  • Avoiding centrally aligned text (future link)

  • Avoiding text that is fully justified (to both left and right margins) in a way that causes poor spacing between words or characters (future link)

  • Using left-justified text for languages that are written left to right (future link)

  • Using appropriate justification for languages that are written right-to-left (future link)

  • Limiting text column width (future link)

  • Avoiding chunks of italic text (future link)

  • Avoiding overuse of different styles on individual pages and in sites (future link)

  • Making links visually distinct (future link)

  • Using images, illustrations, video, audio, or symbols to clarify meaning (future link)

  • Providing practical examples to clarify content (future link)

  • Using a light pastel background rather than a white background behind black text (future link)

  • Avoiding the use of unique interface controls unnecessarily (future link)

  • Using upper and lower case according to the spelling rules of the text language (future link)

  • Avoiding unusual foreign words (future link)

  • [begin add]

    Providing sign language versions of information, ideas, and processes that must be understood in order to use the content (future link) [1996]

    [end add]
  • Making any reference to a location in a Web page into a link to that location (future link) [2081]

  • Making references to a heading or title include the full text of the title (future link) [2081]

  • [begin add]

    Providing easy-to-read versions of basic information about a set of Web pages, including information about how to contact the webmaster (future link) [1443]

    [end add]
  • [begin add]

    Providing a sign language version of basic information about a set of Web pages, including information about how to contact the webmaster (future link) [1443]

    [end add]

Language of Page:
Understanding SC 3.1.1

3.1.1 The default human language of each Web page within the content can be programmatically determined. (Level A)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that content developers provide information in the Web page that user agents need to present text and other linguistic content correctly. Both assistive technologies and conventional user agents can render text more accurately when the language of the Web page is identified. Screen readers can load the correct pronunciation rules. Visual browsers can display characters and scripts correctly. Media players can show captions correctly. As a result, users with disabilities will be better able to understand the content.

The default human language of the Web page is the default text-processing language as discussed in Internationalization Best Practices: Specifying Language in XHTML & HTML Content. When a Web page uses several languages, the default text-processing language is the language which is used most. (If several languages are used equally, the first language used should be chosen as the default human language.)

Note: For multilingual sites targeting Conformance Level A, the Working Group strongly encourages developers to follow SC 3.1.2 as well even though that is a Level AA success criterion.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.1.1:

This success criterion helps:

  • people who use screen readers or other technologies that convert text into synthetic speech;

  • people who find it difficult to read written material with fluency and accuracy, such as recognizing characters and alphabets or decoding words;

  • people with certain cognitive, language and learning disabilities who use text-to-speech software

  • people who rely on captions for synchronized media.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.1.1

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.1.1 [Language of Page]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. Identifying default human language(s) using one of the following techniques:

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.1.1

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Specifying the default language in the HTTP header (future link)

  • using http or the Content-Language meta tag for metadata (future link)

Failures for SC 3.1.1

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.1.1 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

human language

language that is spoken, written or signed ([begin change]through visual or tactile means [2264] [end change]) [begin delete]by humans [end delete]to communicate with [begin add]humans[end add] [begin delete]one another[end delete] [2139]

Note: See also sign language.

programmatically determined

determined by software from author-supplied data provided in a way that different user agents, including assistive technologies, can extract and present this information to users in different modalities

Example: Determined in a markup language from elements and attributes that are accessed directly by commonly available assistive technology.

Example: Determined from technology-specific data structures in a non-markup language and exposed to assistive technology via an accessibility API that is supported by commonly available assistive technology.

Web page

[begin add]a non-embedded resource that is referenced by a URI plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent [end add] [begin delete]a resource that is referenced by a URI and is not embedded in another resource, plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it[end delete] [1948]

Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.

Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.

Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.

Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URL of the page as a whole.

Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.

Example 4: When you enter "" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move about a store dragging products off of the shelves around you into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside.

Language of Parts:
Understanding SC 3.1.2

3.1.2 The human language of each [begin change]passage[end change] or phrase in the content can be programmatically determined[begin add] except for proper names, technical terms, words of indeterminate language, and words or phrases that have become part of the vernacular of the immediately surrounding text[end add]. [2069] (Level AA)

Note: This requirement does not apply to individual words. It also does not apply to proper names, to technical terms or to phrases that have become part of the language of the context in which they are used.

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that user agents can correctly present content written in multiple languages[begin add] and so that assistive technology that helps users understand text use appropriate language-specific knowledge and resources.[end add]. This applies to graphical browsers as well as screen readers, braille displays, and other voice browsers.

Both assistive technologies and conventional user agents can render text more accurately if the language of each passage of text is identified. Screen readers can use the pronunciation rules of the language of the text. Visual browsers can display characters and scripts in appropriate ways. This is especially important when switching between languages that read from left to right and languages that read from right to left, or when text is rendered in a language that uses a different alphabet. Users with disabilities who know all the languages used in the Web page will be better able to understand the content when each passage is rendered appropriately.

When no other language has been specified for a phrase or passage of text, its human language is the default human language of the Web page (see Success Criterion 3.1.1). So the human language of all content in single language documents can be programmatically determined.

Individual words or phrases in one language can become part of another language. For example, "rendezvous" is a French word that has been adopted in English, appears in English dictionaries, and is properly pronounced by English screen readers. Hence a passage of English text may contain the word "rendezvous" without specifying that its human language is French and still satisfy this success criterion. Frequently, when the human language of text appears to be changing for a single word, that word has become part of the language of the surrounding text. [begin change]Because this is so common in some languages, single words should be considered part of the language of the surrounding text unless it is clear that a change in language was intended.[end change] [2069]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.1.2:

This success criterion helps:

  • people who use screen readers or other technologies that convert text into synthetic speech;

  • people who find it difficult to read written material with fluency and accuracy, such as recognizing characters and alphabets, decoding words, and understanding words and phrases;

  • people with certain cognitive, language and learning disabilities who use text-to-speech software;

  • people who rely on captions to recognize language changes in the soundtrack of synchronized media content.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.1.2

  1. A German phrase in an English sentence.

    In the sentence, "He maintained that the DDR (German Democratic Republic) was just a 'Treppenwitz der Weltgeschichte'," the German phrase 'Treppenwitz der Weltgeschichte' is marked as German. Depending on the markup language, English may either be marked as the language for the entire document except where specified, or marked at the paragraph level. When a screen reader encounters the German phrase, it changes pronunciation rules from English to German to pronounce the word correctly.

  2. Alternative language links

    An HTML web page includes links to versions of the page in other languages (e.g., Deutsch, Français, Nederlands, Castellano, etc.). The text of each link is the name of the language, in that language. The language of each link is indicated via a lang attribute.


Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.1.2 [Language of Parts]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. Identifying changes in human languages using one of the following techniques:

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.1.2

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Making text that is not in the default human language of the Web page visually distinct (future link)

  • Giving the names of any languages used in foreign passages or phrases (future link)

  • [begin delete]

    Marking individual words, especially when they are links to versions in other languages (Deutsch, Français, Nederlands, Castellano, etc.) (future link) [2069]

    [end delete]

Failures for SC 3.1.2

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.1.2 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

human language

language that is spoken, written or signed ([begin change]through visual or tactile means [2264] [end change]) [begin delete]by humans [end delete]to communicate with [begin add]humans[end add] [begin delete]one another[end delete] [2139]

Note: See also sign language.

programmatically determined

determined by software from author-supplied data provided in a way that different user agents, including assistive technologies, can extract and present this information to users in different modalities

Example: Determined in a markup language from elements and attributes that are accessed directly by commonly available assistive technology.

Example: Determined from technology-specific data structures in a non-markup language and exposed to assistive technology via an accessibility API that is supported by commonly available assistive technology.

Unusual Words:
Understanding SC 3.1.3

3.1.3 A mechanism is available for identifying specific definitions of words or phrases used in an unusual or restricted way, including idioms and jargon. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

Certain disabilities make it difficult to understand nonliteral word usage and specialized words or usage. Certain disabilities make it difficult to understand figurative language or specialized usage. Providing such mechanisms is vital for these audiences. Specialized information intended for non-specialist readers is encouraged to satisfy this success criterion, even when claiming only Single-A or Double-A conformance.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.1.3:

This success criterion may help people with cognitive, language and learning disabilities who:

  • have difficulty decoding words

  • have difficulty understanding words and phrases

  • have difficulty using context to aid understanding

It would also help people with visual disabilities who:

  • lose context when zoomed-in with a screen magnifier

Examples of Success Criterion 3.1.3

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Note: The inclusion of a product or vendor name in the list below does not constitute an endorsement by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group or the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium. This list is provided simply for convenience and to give users an idea of what resources may be available

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.1.3 [Unusual Words]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: If the word or phrase has a unique meaning within the Web page:
  1. G101: Providing the definition of a word or phrase used in an unusual or restricted way for the first occurrence of the word or phrase in a Web page using one of the following techniques:

  2. G101: Providing the definition of a word or phrase used in an unusual or restricted way for each occurrence of the word or phrase in a Web page using one of the following techniques:

Situation B: If the word or phrase means different things within the same Web page:
  1. G101: Providing the definition of a word or phrase used in an unusual or restricted way for each occurrence of the word or phrase in a Web page using one of the following techniques:

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.1.3

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Using the title attribute to provide explanations of words or phrases (future link)

  • Using markup and visual formatting to help users recognize words that have special meaning (future link)

  • Providing a voice-enabled dictionary search so that users who have difficulty typing or spelling can speak the word whose definition they need (future link)

  • Providing a sign language dictionary to help users who are deaf find the necessary definitions (future link)

  • Providing a mechanism for finding definitions for all words in text content (future link)

  • Providing a mechanism to determine the meaning of each word or phrase in text content (future link)

  • Avoiding unusual foreign words (future link)

Failures for SC 3.1.3

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.1.3 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms


phrase whose meaning cannot be deduced from the meaning of the individual words and the specific words cannot be changed without losing the meaning

[begin add]

Note: idioms can usually not be translated directly, word for word, without losing their (cultural or language-dependent) meaning. [2265]

[end add]

Example 1: In English, "kicking the bucket" means "dying," but the phrase cannot be changed to "kicking the buckets" or "kicking the tub" or "booting the bucket" or "knocking over the bucket" without losing its meaning.

Example 2: In English, "spilling the beans" means "revealing a secret." However, "knocking over the beans" or "spilling the vegetables" does not mean the same thing.

Example 3: In Japanese, the phrase "さじを投げる " literally translates into "he throws a spoon," but it means that there is nothing he can do and finally he gives up.

Example 4: In Dutch, "Hij ging met de kippen op stok" literally translates into "He went to roost with the chickens," but it means that he went to bed early.


words used in a particular way by people in a particular field

Example: The word StickyKeys is jargon from the field of assistive technology/accessibility.


process or technique for achieving a result

Note 1: The mechanism may be explicitly provided in the content, or may be relied on to be provided by either the platform or by user agents, including assistive technologies.

Note 2: The mechanism must meet all success criteria for the conformance level claimed.

used in an unusual or restricted way

words used in such a way that users must know exactly which definition to apply in order to understand the content correctly

Example: The term "gig" means something different if it occurs in a discussion of music concerts than it does in article about computer hard drive space, but the appropriate definition can be determined from context. By contrast, the word "text" is used in a very specific way in WCAG 2.0, so a definition is supplied in the glossary.

Understanding SC 3.1.4

3.1.4 A mechanism for finding the expanded form or meaning of abbreviations is available. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that users can access the expanded form of abbreviations.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.1.4:

This success criterion may help people who:

  • have difficulty decoding words;

  • rely on screen magnifiers (magnification may reduce contextual cues);

  • have limited memory;

  • have difficulty using context to aid understanding.

Abbreviations may confuse some readers in different ways:

  • Some abbreviations do not look like normal words and cannot be pronounced according to the usual rules of the language. For example, the English word "room" is abbreviated as "rm," which does not correspond to any English word or phoneme. The user has to know that "rm" is an abbreviation for the word "room" in order to say it correctly.

  • Sometimes, the same abbreviation means different things in different contexts. For example, in the English sentence "Dr. Johnson lives on Boswell Dr.," the first "Dr." is an abbreviation for "Doctor" and the second instance is an abbreviation for the word "Drive" (a word that means "street"). Users must be able to understand the context in order to know what the abbreviations mean.

  • Some acronyms spell common words but are used in different ways. For example, "JAWS" is an acronym for a screen reader whose full name is "Job Access with Speech." It is also a common English word referring to the part of the mouth that holds the teeth. The acronym is used differently than the common word.

  • Some acronyms sound like common words but are spelled differently. For example, the acronym for Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, S M I L, is pronounced like the English word "smile."

It would also help people with visual disabilities who:

  • Lose context when zoomed-in with a screen magnifier

Examples of Success Criterion 3.1.4

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.1.4 [Abbreviations]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: If the abbreviation has only one meaning within the Web page:
  1. G102: Providing the expansion or explanation of an abbreviation for the first occurrence of the abbreviation in a Web page using one of the following techniques:

  2. G102: Providing the expansion or explanation of an abbreviation for all occurrences of the abbreviation in a Web page using one of the following techniques:

Situation B: If the abbreviation means different things within the same Web page:
  1. G102: Providing the expansion or explanation of an abbreviation for all occurrences of abbreviations in a Web page using one of the following techniques:

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.1.4

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Using the title attribute to provide explanations of words or phrases (future link)

  • Using unique abbreviations in a Web page (future link)

  • Using visual formatting to help users recognize abbreviations (future link)

  • Providing access to a talking dictionary to support users who might have difficulty decoding written definitions (future link)

  • Providing a voice-enabled dictionary search so that users who have difficulty typing or spelling can speak the word whose definition they need (future link)

Failures for SC 3.1.4

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.1.4 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms


shortened form of a word, phrase, or name

Note: This includes initialisms and acronyms where:

  1. initialisms are shortened forms of a name or phrase made from the initial letters of words or syllables contained in that name or phrase

    Note 1: Not defined in all languages.

    Example 1: SNCF is a French initialism that contains the initial letters of the Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer, the French national railroad.

    Example 2: ESP is an initialism for extrasensory perception.

  2. acronyms are abbreviated forms made from the initial letters or parts of other words (in a name or phrase) which may be pronounced as a word

    Example: NOAA is an acronym made from the initial letters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United States.


process or technique for achieving a result

Note 1: The mechanism may be explicitly provided in the content, or may be relied on to be provided by either the platform or by user agents, including assistive technologies.

Note 2: The mechanism must meet all success criteria for the conformance level claimed.

Reading Level:
Understanding SC 3.1.5

3.1.5 When text requires reading ability more advanced than the lower secondary education level, supplemental content or [begin add]a version[end add] [begin delete]an alternate version is available[end delete] that does not require reading ability more advanced than the lower secondary education level [begin add]is available[end add]. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

Content should be written as clearly and simply as possible. The intent of this success criterion is:

  • to ensure that additional content is available to aid the understanding of difficult or complex text;

  • to establish a testable measure indicating when such additional content is required.

This success criterion helps people with reading disabilities while also allowing authors to publish difficult or complex Web content. Text difficulty is described in terms of the level of education required to read the text. Education levels are defined according to the International Standard Classification of Education [UNESCO], which was created to allow international comparison among systems of education.

Difficult or complex text may be appropriate for most members of the intended audience (that is, most of the people for whom the content has been created). But there are people with disabilities, including reading disabilities, even among highly educated users with specialized knowledge of the subject matter. It may be possible to accommodate these users by making the text more readable. If the text cannot be made more readable, then supplemental content is needed. Supplemental content is required when text demands reading ability more advanced than the lower secondary education level—that is, more than nine years of school. Such text presents severe obstacles to people with reading disabilities and is considered difficult even for people without disabilities who have completed upper secondary education.

Reading disabilities such as dyslexia make it difficult to recognize written or printed words and associate them with the correct sounds. This is called "decoding" the text. Decoding must be automatic in order for people to read fluently. The act of decoding text word by word consumes much of the mental energy that most people are able to use for understanding what they read. Text that uses short, common words and short sentences is easier to decode and usually requires less advanced reading ability than text that uses long sentences and long or unfamiliar words.

The education level required to read text content (also called "readability") is measured by analyzing selected passages of text from the Web page. If the Web page includes text written for different purposes or different styles are used, the selected passages include samples of the types of content in the Web page and the different styles in which the content is written. (In many cases, the Web page contains only one kind of text content—e.g., technical documentation, a legal notice, marketing material, etc.—and all the content uses the same style.)

Educators can also measure the education level required to read text content. For example, qualified teachers can evaluate text according to local education standards to determine if it requires reading ability beyond what is expected for students in the last year of lower secondary education.

When a web page contains multiple languages, a readability result should be calculated for each language that constitutes at least 5% of the content and that is used in full sentences or paragraphs (not just individual words or phrases). The overall readability of the page should be judged on the language that yields the worst readability results.

The readability of content may also be determined by applying a readability formula to the selected passage. Many (though not all) readability formulas base their calculations on passages of 100 words. Such formulas have been developed for many languages. The number of words in the passage is counted and the length of the words is determined by counting either the number of syllables or the number of characters. Most readability formulas also count the number and length of sentences. The average length of words and sentences in the content is then used to calculate a readability score. (Some languages, such as Japanese, may include multiple scripts within the same passage. Readability formulas for these languages may use the number and length of such "runs" in their calculations.) The result may be presented as a number (for example, on a scale from 0-100) or as a grade level. These results can then be interpreted using the education levels described in the International Standard Classification of Education. [begin add]Readability formulas are available for at least some languages when running the spell checkers in popular software if you specify in the options of this engine that you want to have the statistics when it has finished checking your documents. [2162] [end add]

Levels of education
Primary education Lower secondary education Upper secondary education Advanced education
First 6 years of school7-9 years of school10-12 years of schoolMore than 12 years of school

Adapted from International Standard Classification of Education [UNESCO]

[begin add]

Note: According to the Open Society Mental Health Initiative, the concept of Easy to Read cannot be universal, and it will not be possible to write a text that will suit the abilities of all people with literacy and comprehension problems. Using the clearest and simplest language appropriate is highly desirable, but the WCAG Working Group could not find a way to test whether this had been achieved. The use of reading level is a way to introduce testability into a success criterion that encourages clear writing. Supplementary content can be a powerful technique for people with some classes of cognitive disability. [2257]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.1.5:

This success criterion may help people who:

  • Have difficulty comprehending and interpreting written language (e.g. articles, instructions, or newspapers in text or braille), for the purpose of obtaining general knowledge or specific information

Examples of Success Criterion 3.1.5

  1. A scientific journal including readable summaries of complex research articles

    A scientific journal includes articles written in highly technical language aimed at specialists in the field. The journal's Table of Contents page includes a plain-language summary of each article. The summaries are intended for a general audience with eight years of school. The metadata for the journal uses the Dublin Core specification to identify the education level of the articles' intended audience as "advanced," and the education level of the intended audience for the summaries as "lower secondary education."

  2. Medical information for members of the public.

    A medical school operates a Web site that explains recent medical and scientific discoveries. The articles on the site are written for people without medical training. Each article uses the Dublin Core metadata specification to identify the education level of the intended audience as "lower secondary education" and includes the Flesch Reading Ease score for the article. A link on each page displays the education level and other metadata. No supplemental content is required because people who read at the lower secondary education level can read the articles.

  3. An e-learning application.

    An on-line course about Spanish cultural history includes a unit on Moorish architecture. The unit includes text written for students with different reading abilities. Photographs and drawings of buildings illustrate architectural concepts and styles. Graphic organizers are used to illustrate complex relationships, and an audio version using synthetic speech is available. The metadata for each version describes the academic level of the content and includes a readability score based on formulas developed for Spanish-language text. The learning application uses this metadata and metadata about the students to provide versions of instructional content that match the needs of individual students.

  4. [begin delete]

    Science information that requires a reading ability at the lower secondary education level.

    [end delete]
    [begin delete]

    The paragraphs below (114 words total) require a reading ability of grade 6.9 in the United States according to the Flesch-Kinkaid formula. In the US, grade 6.9 is at the lower secondary education level.

    [end delete]
    [begin delete]

    In a dazzling and dramatic portrait painted by the Sun, the long thin shadows of Saturn's rings sweep across the planet's northern latitudes. Within the shadows, bright bands represent areas where the ring material is less dense, while dark strips and wave patterns reveal areas of denser material.

    [end delete]
    [begin delete]

    The shadow darkens sharply near upper right, corresponding to the boundary of the thin C ring with the denser B ring. A wide-field, natural color view of these shadows can be seen here.

    [end delete]
    [begin delete]

    The globe of Saturn's moon Mimas (398 kilometers, or 247 miles across) has wandered into view near the bottom of the frame. A few of the large craters on this small moon are visible.

    [end delete]
    [begin delete]

    (Source: NASA - Sun-striped Saturn)

    [end delete]
  5. [begin add]

    Science information that requires a reading ability at the lower secondary education level.

    [end add]
    [begin add]

    The text below (116 words total) requires a reading ability of grade 4.2 in the United States according to the Flesch-Kinkaid formula. In the US, grade 4.2 is at the primary education level.

    [end add]
    [begin add]

    Science is about testing — and about looking closely. Some scientists use microscopes to take a close look. We're going to use a simple piece of paper.

    [end add]
    [begin add]

    Here's what you do: Print this page and cut out the square to make a "window" one inch square. (It's easiest to fold the page in half before you cut.)

    [end add]
    [begin add]

    Choose something interesting: a tree trunk, a leaf, flower, the soil surface, or a slice of soil from a shovel.

    [end add]
    [begin add]

    Put your window over the thing and look at it closely. Take your time — this is not a race.

    [end add]
    [begin add]

    To help you see more details, draw a picture of what's inside your square.

    [end add]
    [begin add]

    Now let's think about what you've found.

    [end add]
    [begin add]

    (Source: Howard Hughes Medical Institute [2161]

    [end add]

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.1.5 [Reading Level]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G86: Providing a text summary that requires reading ability less advanced than the upper secondary education level

  2. G103: Providing visual illustrations, pictures, and symbols to help explain ideas, events, and processes [2159]

  3. G79: Providing a spoken version of the text

  4. Making the text easier to read (future link)

  5. Providing sign language versions of information, ideas, and processes that must be understood in order to use the content (future link)

Note: Different sites may address this success criterion in different ways. An audio version of the content may be helpful to some users. [begin delete]But if a site is intended for individuals who are deaf, providing an audio file would not be useful. [1983] [end delete]For some people who are deaf, a sign language version of the page may be easier to understand than a written language version since sign language may be their first language. Some sites may decide to do both or other combinations. No technique will help all users who have difficulty. So different techniques are provided as sufficient techniques here for authors trying to make their sites more accessible. Any numbered technique or combination above can be used by a particular site and it is considered sufficient by the Working Group.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.1.5

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing text for navigational and landing pages that requires reading ability that is less advanced than the lower secondary education level (future link)

  • Providing text for interior pages that requires reading ability at the lower secondary education level (future link)

  • Including content summaries in metadata (future link)

  • Using the clearest and simplest language appropriate for the content (future link)

  • Using the Dublin Core accessibility element to associate text content with text, graphical, or spoken supplements (future link)

  • Using RDF to associate supplements with primary content (future link)

  • Providing a clear representational image on the site's home page (future link)

  • Making metadata viewable by humans (future link)

  • [begin add]

    Clearly marking, by use of text or icon, content which has been optimized for easy reading (future link) [2158]

    [end add]

Failures for SC 3.1.5

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.1.5 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

lower secondary education level

the two or three year period of education that begins after completion of six years of school and ends nine years after the beginning of primary education

Note: This definition is based on [UNESCO].

supplemental content

additional content that illustrates or clarifies the primary content

Example 1: An audio version of a Web page.

Example 2: An illustration of a complex process.

Example 3: A paragraph describing the major outcomes and recommendations made in a research study.

Understanding SC 3.1.6

3.1.6 A mechanism is available for identifying specific pronunciation of words where meaning is ambiguous without knowing the pronunciation. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to help people who are blind, people who have low vision, and people with reading disabilities to understand content in cases where meaning depends on pronunciation. Often words or characters have different meanings, each with its own pronunciation. The meaning of such words or characters can usually be determined from the context of the sentence. However, for more complex or ambiguous sentences, or for some languages, the meaning of the word cannot be easily determined or determined at all without knowing the pronunciation. When the sentence is read aloud and the screen reader reads the word using the wrong pronunciation, it can be even more difficult to understand than when read visually. When words are ambiguous or indeterminate unless the pronunciation is known, then providing some means of determining the pronunciation is needed.

For example, in the English language heteronyms are words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations and meanings, such as the words desert (abandon) and desert (arid region). Additionally, in some languages certain characters can be pronounced in different ways. In Japanese, for example, there are characters like Han characters(Kanji) that have multiple pronunciations. Screen readers may speak the characters incorrectly without the information on pronunciation. When read incorrectly, the content will not make sense to users.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.1.6:

This success criterion may help people who:

  • have difficulty decoding words

  • have difficulty using context to aid understanding

  • use technologies that read the words aloud

Examples of Success Criterion 3.1.6

Note: For Japanese, the ruby element is used for showing the "reading" rather than "pronunciation."

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.1.6 [Pronunciation]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G120: Providing the pronunciation immediately following the word

  2. G121: Linking to pronunciations

  3. G62: Providing a glossary that includes pronunciation information for words that have a unique pronunciation in the content and have meaning that depends on pronunciation

  4. Providing pronunciation information using a technology-specific technique below

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.1.6

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing pronunciations in a sound file, so that users can listen to the pronunciations of the word (future link)

  • Providing a mechanism for finding pronunciations for all foreign words in text content (future link)

  • Providing a mechanism to determine the pronunciations of each word or phrase in text content (future link)

Failures for SC 3.1.6

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.1.6 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms


process or technique for achieving a result

Note 1: The mechanism may be explicitly provided in the content, or may be relied on to be provided by either the platform or by user agents, including assistive technologies.

Note 2: The mechanism must meet all success criteria for the conformance level claimed.

Understanding Guideline 3.2

Guideline 3.2: Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable ways

Intent of Guideline 3.2

The intent of this success criterion is to help users with disabilities by presenting content in a predictable order from Web page to Web page and by making the behavior of functional and interactive components predictable. It is difficult for some users to form an overview of the Web page: screen readers present content as a one-dimensional stream of synthetic speech that makes it difficult to understand spatial relationships. Users with cognitive limitations may become confused if components appear in different places on different pages.

To give just a few examples, people who use screen magnifiers see only part of the screen at any point in time; a consistent layout makes it easier for them to find navigation bars and other components. Placing repeated components in the same relative order within a set of Web pages allows users with reading disabilities to focus on an area of the screen rather than spending additional time decoding the text of each link. Users with limited use of their hands can more easily determine how to complete their tasks using the fewest keystrokes; and so on.

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 3.2 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • Positioning labels to maximize predictability of relationships

On Focus:
Understanding SC 3.2.1

3.2.1 When any component receives focus, it does not initiate a change of context. (Level A)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that functionality is predictable as visitors navigate their way through a document. Any component that is able to trigger an event when it receives focus must not change the context. Examples of changing context when a component receives focus include, but are not limited to:

  • forms submitted automatically when a component receives focus;

  • new windows launched when a component receives focus;

  • focus is changed to another component when that component receives focus;

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.2.1:

  • This success criterion helps people with visual disabilities, cognitive limitations, and motor impairments by reducing the chance that a change of context will occur unexpectedly.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.2.1

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.2.1 [On Focus]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.2.1

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Not causing persistent changes of state or value when a component receives focus, or providing an alternate means to reset any changes (future link)

Failures for SC 3.2.1

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.2.1 by the WCAG Working Group.

Key Terms

changes of context

change of:

  1. user agent;

  2. viewport;

  3. focus;

  4. content that changes the meaning of the Web page.

Note: A change of content is not always a change of context. Small changes in content, such as an expanding outline or dynamic menu, do not change the context.

[begin add]

Example: Submitting a form, opening a new window, or moving focus to a different component are examples of changes of context. [1129]

[end add]

On Input:
Understanding SC 3.2.2

3.2.2 Changing the setting of any user interface component does not automatically cause a change of context unless the user has been advised of the behavior before using the component. (Level A)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that entering data or selecting from a control has predictable effects. Changes in context[begin delete], such as changing the input fields based on the value of a radio button, [2010] [end delete] can confuse users who do not easily perceive the change or are easily distracted by changes. Changes of context are appropriate only when it is clear that such a change will happen when a field is selected or a button is pressed.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.2.2:

  • This success criterion helps users with disabilities by making interactive content more predictable. Unexpected changes of context can be so disorienting for users with visual disabilities or cognitive limitations that they are unable to use the content.

  • Individuals who are unable to detect changes of context are less likely to become disoriented while navigating a site. For example:

    • Individuals who are blind or have low vision may have difficulty knowing when a visual context change has occurred, such as a new window popping up. In this case, warning users of context changes in advance minimizes confusion when the user discovers that the back button no longer behaves as expected.

  • Some individuals with low vision, with reading and intellectual disabilities, and others who have difficulty interpreting visual cues may benefit from additional cues in order to detect changes of context.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.2.2

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.2.2 [On Input]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G80: Providing a submit button to initiate a change of context using a technology-specific technique listed below

  2. G13: Describing what will happen before a change to a form control is made

    • H32: Providing submit buttons (HTML)

    • Using a button with a select element to perform an action (future link)

    • Hiding and showing content based on a select element change (future link)

    • Hiding and showing content based on a radio element change (future link)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.2.2

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

(none currently documented)

Key Terms

changes of context

change of:

  1. user agent;

  2. viewport;

  3. focus;

  4. content that changes the meaning of the Web page.

Note: A change of content is not always a change of context. Small changes in content, such as an expanding outline or dynamic menu, do not change the context.

[begin add]

Example: Submitting a form, opening a new window, or moving focus to a different component are examples of changes of context. [1129]

[end add]
user interface component

a part of the content that is perceived by users as a single control for a distinct function

Note: Multiple user interface components may be implemented as a single programmatic element. Components here is not tied to programming techniques but rather to what the user perceives as separate controls.

Example: An applet has a "control" that can be used to move through content by line or page or random access. Since each of these would need to have a name and be setable independently, they would each be a "user interface component."

Consistent Navigation:
Understanding SC 3.2.3

3.2.3 Navigational mechanisms that are repeated on multiple Web pages within a set of Web pages occur in the same relative order each time they are repeated, unless a change is initiated by the user. (Level AA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to encourage the use of consistent presentation and layout for users who interact with repeated content within a set of Web pages and need to locate specific information or functionality more than once. Individuals with low vision who use screen magnification to display a small portion of the screen at a time often use visual cues and page boundaries to quickly locate repeated content. Presenting repeated content in the same order is also important for visual users who use spatial memory or visual cues within the design to locate repeated content.

It is important to note that the use of the phrase "same order" in this section is not meant to imply that subnavigation menus cannot be used or that blocks of secondary navigation or page structure cannot be used. Instead, this success criterion is intended to assist users who interact with repeated content across Web pages to be able to predict the location of the content they are looking for and find it more quickly when they encounter it again.

Users may initiate a change in the order by using adaptive user agents or by setting preferences so that the information is presented in a way that is most useful to them.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.2.3:

  • Ensuring that repeated components occur in the same order on each page of a site helps users become comfortable that they will able to predict where they can find things on each page. This helps users with cognitive limitations, users with low vision, users with intellectual disabilities, and also those who are blind.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.2.3

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.2.3 [Consistent Navigation]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.2.3

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Using templates to ensure consistency across multiple Web pages (future link)

  • Creating layout, positioning, layering, and alignment (future link)

Failures for SC 3.2.3

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.2.3 by the WCAG Working Group.

Key Terms

same relative order

same position relative to other items

Note: Items are considered to be in the same relative order even if other items are inserted or removed from the original order. For example, expanding navigation menus may insert an additional level of detail or a secondary navigation section may be inserted into the reading order.

set of Web pages

collection of Web pages that [begin add]share a common purpose and that are created by the same[end add] [begin delete]have a specific relationship to each other and that are created as a body of work by an[end delete] author, group or organization [2213]

Note: Different language versions would be considered different [begin add]sets of Web pages[end add] [begin delete]bodies of work[end delete].

[begin delete]
[begin delete]

Example: A set of Web pages that make up a report, a test, an exercise, a catalog, or an application.

[end delete]
[end delete]
Web page

[begin add]a non-embedded resource that is referenced by a URI plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent [end add] [begin delete]a resource that is referenced by a URI and is not embedded in another resource, plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it[end delete] [1948]

Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.

Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.

Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.

Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URL of the page as a whole.

Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.

Example 4: When you enter "" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move about a store dragging products off of the shelves around you into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside.

Consistent Identification:
Understanding SC 3.2.4

3.2.4 Components that have the same functionality within a set of Web pages are identified consistently. (Level AA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure consistent identification of functional components that appear repeatedly within a set of Web pages. A strategy that people who use screen readers use when operating a Web site is to rely heavily on their familiarity with functions that may appear on different Web pages. If identical functions have different labels on different Web pages, the site will be considerably more difficult to use. It may also be confusing and increase the cognitive load for people with cognitive limitations. Therefore, consistent labeling will help.

This consistency extends to the text alternatives. If icons or other non-text items have the same functionality, then their text alternatives should be consistent as well.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.2.4:

  • People who learn functionality on one page on a site can find the desired functions on other pages if they are present.

  • When non-text content is used in a consistent way to identify components with the same functionality, people with difficulty reading text or detecting text alternatives can interact with the Web without depending on text alternatives.

  • People who depend on text alternatives can have a more predictable experience. They can also search for the component if it has a consistent label on different pages.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.2.4

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.2.4 [Consistent Identification]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. Using consistent labels, names, and text alternatives for content that has the same functionality.

Note 1: Text alternatives that are "consistent" are not always "identical." For instance, you may have an graphical arrow at the bottom of a Web page that links to the next Web page. The text alternative may say "Go to page 4." Naturally, it would not be appropriate to repeat this exact text alternative on the next Web page. It would be more appropriate to say "Go to page 5". Although these text alternatives would not be identical, they would be consistent, and therefore would satisfy this success criterion.

Note 2: A single non-text-content-item may be used to serve different functions. In such cases, different text alternatives are necessary and should be used. Examples can be commonly found with the use of icons such as check marks, cross marks, and traffic signs. Their functions can be different depending on the context of the Web page. A check mark icon may function as "approved", "completed", or "included", to name a few, depending on the situation. Using "check mark" as text alternative across all Web pages does not help users understand the function of the icon. Different text alternatives can be used when the same non-text content serves multiple functions.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.2.4

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Ensuring that the text alternative conveys the function of the component and what will happen when the user activates it (future link)

  • Using the same non-text content for a given function whenever possible (future link)

Failures for SC 3.2.4

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.2.4 by the WCAG Working Group.

Key Terms

same functionality

same result when used

Example: A submit "search" button on one Web page and a "find" button on another Web page may both have a field to enter a term and list topics in the Web site related to the term submitted. In this case, they would have the same functionality but would not be labeled consistently.

Web page

[begin add]a non-embedded resource that is referenced by a URI plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent [end add] [begin delete]a resource that is referenced by a URI and is not embedded in another resource, plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it[end delete] [1948]

Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.

Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.

Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.

Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URL of the page as a whole.

Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.

Example 4: When you enter "" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move about a store dragging products off of the shelves around you into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside.

Change on Request:
Understanding SC 3.2.5

3.2.5 Changes of context are initiated only by user request[begin add] or a mechanism is available to turn off such changes [2349] [end add]. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to encourage design of Web content that gives users full control of changes of context. This success criterion aims to eliminate potential confusion that may be caused by unexpected changes of context such as automatic launching of new windows, automatic submission of forms after selecting an item from a list, etcetera. Such unexpected changes of context may cause difficulties for people with motor impairments, people with low vision, people who are blind, and people with certain cognitive limitations.

[begin add]

Some types of change of context are not disruptive to some users, or actively benefit some users. For example, single-switch users rely on context changes that are animated by the system, and the preferences of low-vision users may vary depending on how much of the content they can see at once and how much of the session structure they can retain in working memory. Some types of content, such as slide shows, require the ability to change context in order to provide the intended user experience. Content that initiates changes of context automatically only when user preferences allow can conform to this success criterion. [2349]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.2.5:

  • Individuals who are unable to detect changes of context or may not realize that the context has changed are less likely to become disoriented while navigating a site. For example:

    • individuals who are blind or have low vision may have difficulty knowing when a visual context change has occurred, such as a new window popping up. In this case, warning users of context changes in advance minimizes confusion when the user discovers that the back button no longer behaves as expected.

  • Some individuals with low vision, with reading and intellectual disabilities, and who have difficulty interpreting visual cues may benefit from additional cues in order to detect changes of context.

  • People with certain cognitive limitations do not get confused if automatic redirects are performed by the Web server instead of the browser.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.2.5

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.2.5 [Change on Request]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: If the Web page allows automatic updates:
  1. G76: Providing a mechanism to request an update of the content instead of updating automatically

Situation B: If automatic redirects are possible:
  1. SVR1: Implementing automatic redirects on the server side instead of on the client side (SERVER)

  2. G110: Using an instant client-side redirect using one of the following techniques:

Situation C: If the Web page uses pop-up windows:
  1. Including pop-up windows using one of the following techniques:

Situation D: If using an onchange event on a select element:
  1. SCR19: Using an onchange event on a select element without causing a change of context (Scripting)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.2.5

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

Opening new windows by:

  • Using the target attribute instead of scripts (future link), indicating that the link may open in a new window, or

  • Providing normal hyperlinks without the target attribute (future link), because many user agents allow users to open links in another window or tab.

Key Terms

changes of context

change of:

  1. user agent;

  2. viewport;

  3. focus;

  4. content that changes the meaning of the Web page.

Note: A change of content is not always a change of context. Small changes in content, such as an expanding outline or dynamic menu, do not change the context.

[begin add]

Example: Submitting a form, opening a new window, or moving focus to a different component are examples of changes of context. [1129]

[end add]

Input Assistance:
Understanding Guideline 3.3

Guideline 3.3: Help users avoid and correct mistakes

Intent of Guideline 3.3

Everyone makes mistakes. However, people with some disabilities have more difficulty creating error-free input. In addition, it may be harder for them to detect that they have made an error. Typical error indication methods may not be obvious to them because of a limited field of view, limited color perception, or use of assistive technology. This guideline seeks to reduce the number of serious or irreversible errors that are made, increase the likelihood that all errors will be detected, and help users understand what they should do to correct an error.

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 3.3 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • All advisory techniques for this guideline relate to specific success criteria and are listed below.

Error Identification:
Understanding SC 3.3.1

3.3.1 If an input error is [begin delete]automatically [2235] [end delete] detected, the item that is in error is identified and [begin add]the error is [2012] [end add] described to the user in text. (Level A)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that users are aware that an error has occurred and can determine what is wrong. The error message should be as specific as possible. In the case of an unsuccessful form submission, re-displaying the form and indicating the fields in error is insufficient for some users to perceive that an error has occurred. Screen reader users, for example, will not know there was an error until they encounter one of the indicators. They may abandon the form altogether before encountering the error indicator, thinking that the page simply is not functional.

The identification and description of an error can be combined with programmatic information that user agents or assistive technologies can use to identify an error and provide error information to the user. For example, certain technologies can specify that the user's input must not fall outside a specific range, or that a form field is required. Currently, few technologies support this kind of programmatic information, but the success criterion does not require, nor prevent it.

[begin add]

It is perfectly acceptable to indicate the error in other ways such as image, color etc, in addition to the text description. [2216]

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.3.1:

  • Providing information about input errors in text allows users who are blind or colorblind to perceive the fact that an error occurred.

  • This success criterion may help people with cognitive, language, and learning disabilities who have difficulty understanding the meaning represented by icons and other visual cues.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.3.1

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.3.1 [Error Identification]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: If a form contains fields for which information from the user is mandatory.
  1. G83: Providing text descriptions to identify required fields that were not completed

Situation B: If information provided by the user is required to be in a specific data format or of certain values.
  1. G85: Providing a text description when user input falls outside the required format or values

  2. SCR18: Providing client-side validation and alert (Scripting)

  3. Providing client-side validation and adding error text via the DOM (future link)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.3.1

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • G139: Creating a mechanism that allows users to jump to errors

  • Validating form submissions on the server (future link)

  • Re-displaying a form with a summary of errors (future link)

  • Providing error notification as the user enters information (future link)

  • Assisting the user in making corrections by providing links to each error (future link)

  • Highlighting or visually emphasizing errors where they occur (future link)

  • Supplementing text with non-text content when reporting errors (future link)

Failures for SC 3.3.1

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.3.1 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

input error

information provided by the user that is not accepted

Note: This includes:

  1. Information that is required by the Web page but omitted by the user

  2. Information that is provided by the user but that falls outside the required data format or values

Labels or Instructions:
Understanding SC 3.3.2

3.3.2 Labels or instructions are provided when content requires user input. (Level A)


Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to help users avoid making mistakes when their input is required. To help avoid mistakes it is good user interface design to provide simple instructions and cues for entering information. Some users with disabilities may be more likely to make mistakes than users without disabilities or recovery from mistakes may be more difficult, making mistake avoidance an important strategy for users with disabilities. People with disabilities rely on well documented forms and procedures to interact with a page. Blind users need to know exactly what information should be entered into form fields and what the available choices are. Simple instructions visually connected to form controls can assist users with cognitive disabilities or those accessing a page using a screen magnifier.

The intent of this success criterion is not to clutter the page with unnecessary information but to provide important cues and instructions that will benefit people with disabilities. Too much information or instruction can be just as much of a hindrance as too little. The goal is to make certain that enough information is provided for the user to accomplish the task without undue confusion or navigation.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.3.2:

  • Label elements associated with input elements insure that information about the input field is spoken by screen readers when the field receives focus.

  • Field labels located in close proximity to the associated field assist users of screen magnifiers because the field and label are more likely to visible within the magnified area of the page.

  • Providing examples of expected data formats help users with cognitive, language and learning disabilities to enter information correctly.

  • Clearly identifying required fields prevents a keyboard only user from submitting an incomplete form and having to navigate the redisplayed form to find the uncompleted field and provide the missing information.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.3.2

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.3.2 [Labels or Instructions]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. G131: Providing descriptive labels AND one of the following:

  2. H44: Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls (HTML)

  3. H71: Providing a description for groups of form controls using fieldset and legend elements (HTML)

  4. H65: Using the title attribute to identify form controls when the label element cannot be used (HTML)

  5. [begin add]

    Using adjacent button to label the purpose of a field (future link) [2107]

    [end add]
[begin add]

Note: The techniques at the end of the above list should be considered "last resort" and only used when the other techniques cannot be applied to the page. The earlier techniques are preferred because they increase accessibility to a wider user group. [2107]

[end add]

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.3.2

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

Failures for SC 3.3.2

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.3.2 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

  1. [begin add]

    Failure of SC 3.3.2 by visually formating a set of phone number fields but not including a text label (future link) [2107]

    [end add]

Key Terms


text or other component with a text alternative that is presented to a user to identify a component within Web content

[begin change]

Note 1: A label is presented to all users whereas the name may be hidden and only exposed by assistive technology. In many (but not all) cases the name and the label are the same. [2200]

[end change]
[begin add]

Note 2: The term label is not limited to the label element in HTML. [2107]

[end add]

Error Suggestion:
Understanding SC 3.3.3

3.3.3 If an input error is detected and suggestions for correction are known, then the suggestions are provided to the user, unless it would jeopardize the security or purpose of the content. (Level AA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that users receive appropriate suggestions for correction of an input error if it is possible.

Success Criterion 3.3.1 provides for notification of errors. However, persons with cognitive limitations may find it difficult to understand how to correct the errors. People with visual disabilities may not be able to figure out exactly how to correct the error. In the case of an unsuccessful form submission, users may abandon the form because although they may be aware that an error has occurred, they may be unsure of how to correct the error even though they are aware that it has occurred.

The content author may provide the description of the error, or the user agent may provide the description of the error based on technology-specific, programmatically determined information.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.3.3:

  • Providing information about how to correct input errors allows users who have learning disabilities to fill in a form successfully. Users who are blind or have impaired vision understand more easily the nature of the input error and how to correct it. People with motion impairment can reduce the number of times they need to change an input value.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.3.3

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.3.3 [Error Suggestion]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Note: In some cases, more than one of these situations may apply. For example, when a mandatory field also requires the data to be in a specific format.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: If a mandatory field contains no information:
  1. G83: Providing text descriptions to identify required fields that were not completed

Situation B: If information for a field is required to be in a specific data format:
  1. G85: Providing a text description when user input falls outside the required format or values

  2. Providing links to suggested correction text "close to" form fields, or providing the suggested correction text itself directly on the Web page "next to" form fields (future link)

  3. SCR18: Providing client-side validation and alert (Scripting)

  4. Providing client-side validation and adding error text via the DOM (future link)

Situation C: Information provided by the user is required to be one of a limited set of values:
  1. G84: Providing a text description when the user provides information that is not in the list of allowed values

  2. Providing links to suggested correction text "close to" form fields, or providing the suggested correction text itself directly on the Web page "next to" form fields (future link)

  3. SCR18: Providing client-side validation and alert (Scripting)

  4. Providing client-side validation and adding error text via the DOM (future link)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.3.3

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • G139: Creating a mechanism that allows users to jump to errors

  • Making error messages easy to understand and distinguishable from other text in the Web page (future link)

  • Validating form submissions on the server (future link)

  • When mandatory information has not been provided, including descriptions or examples of correct information in addition to identifying the field as mandatory (future link)

  • Repeating and emphasizing suggestions for correcting each input error in the context of its form field (future link)

  • Providing a way for the user to skip from each item in a list of suggestions to its corresponding form field (future link)

  • Providing additional contextual help for the form field requiring change (future link)

  • [begin add]

    Accepting input data in a variety of formats (future link) [2168]

    [end add]
Techniques for providing suggestions to the user (Advisory)
  • Providing a text description that contains information about the number of input errors, suggestions for corrections to each item, and instructions on how to proceed (future link)

  • Providing a text description that contains suggestions for correction as the first item (or one of the first items) of content, or emphasizing this information in the content (future link)

  • Displaying errors and suggestions in the context of the original form (for example, re-displaying a form where input errors and suggestions for correction are highlighted and displayed in the context of the original form) (future link)

HTML Techniques (Advisory)
  • Providing "correct examples" for data and data formats as initial text in mandatory form fields (future link)

  • Providing links to suggested correction text "close to" form fields, or providing the suggested correction text itself directly on the Web page "next to" form fields (future link)

Client-Side Scripting Techniques (Advisory)
ARIA Techniques (Advisory)

Failures for SC 3.3.3

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.3.3 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

input error

information provided by the user that is not accepted

Note: This includes:

  1. Information that is required by the Web page but omitted by the user

  2. Information that is provided by the user but that falls outside the required data format or values

Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data):
Understanding SC 3.3.4

3.3.4 For [begin add]Web pages[end add] [begin delete]forms[end delete] that cause legal commitments or financial transactions [begin add]for the user [1947] [end add]to occur, that modify or delete user-controllable data in data storage systems, or that submit [begin add]user [1947] [end add]test responses, at least one of the following is true: (Level AA)

  1. Reversible: [begin change]Submissions [1947] [end change] are reversible.

  2. Checked: [begin change]Data entered by the user[end change] is checked for input errors [begin delete]before going on to the next step in the process [1947] [end delete] [begin add] and the user is provided an opportunity to correct them [2014] [end add].

  3. Confirmed: A mechanism is available for reviewing, confirming, and correcting information before finalizing the [begin change]submission [1947] [end change].

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to help users with disabilities avoid serious consequences as the result of a mistake when performing an action that cannot be reversed. For example, purchasing non-refundable airline tickets or submitting an order to purchase stock in a brokerage account are financial transactions with serious consequences. If a user has made a mistake on the date of air travel, he or she could end up with a ticket for the wrong day that cannot be exchanged. If the user made a mistake on the number of stock shares to be purchased, he or she could end up purchasing more stock than intended. Both of these types of mistakes involve transactions that take place immediately and cannot be altered afterwards, and can be very costly. Likewise, it may be an unrecoverable error if users unintentionally modify or delete data stored in a database that they later need to access, such as their travel profile in a travel services Web site. Test data is included in this provision because, in order for tests to be valid, users are not allowed to modify their answers once submitted; so users need to be able to ensure that their submission is correct.

Users with disabilities may be more likely to make mistakes. People with reading disabilities may transpose numbers and letters, and those with motor disabilities may hit keys by mistake. Providing the ability to reverse actions allows users to correct a mistake that could result in serious consequences. Providing the ability to review and correct information gives the user an opportunity to detect a mistake before taking an action that has serious consequences.

User-controllable data is data that is intended to be accessed by users. (e.g., name and address for the user’s account.) It does not refer such things as internet logs and search engine monitoring data.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.3.4:

  • Providing safeguards to avoid serious consequences resulting from mistakes helps users with all disabilities who may be more likely to make mistakes.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.3.4

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.3.4 [Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: If an application causes a legal transaction to occur, such as making a purchase or submitting an income tax return:
  1. [begin change]

    Providing a stated period of time after submission of the form when the order can be updated or canceled by the user (future link) [2322]

    [end change]
  2. G98: Providing the ability for the user to review and correct answers before submitting

  3. [begin add]

    Having a checkbox in addition to a submit button (future link) [2272]

    [end add]
Situation B: If an action causes information to be deleted:
  1. G99: Providing the ability to recover deleted information

  2. Providing a dialog to the user which requires confirmation before information is deleted (future link)

  3. Requiring a user to select a confirmation checkbox before submitting an action that causes information to be deleted (future link)

  4. [begin add]

    Having a checkbox in addition to a submit button (future link) [2272]

    [end add]
Situation C: If the Web page includes a testing application:
  1. G98: Providing the ability for the user to review and correct answers before submitting

  2. Asking for confirmation before final submission (future link)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.3.4

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Informing the user what irreversible action is about to happen (future link)

  • SCR18: Providing client-side validation and alert (Scripting)

  • Placing focus in the field containing the error (future link)

  • Avoiding use of the same words or letter combinations to begin each item of a drop-down list (future link)

Failures for SC 3.3.4

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.3.4 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

input error

information provided by the user that is not accepted

Note: This includes:

  1. Information that is required by the Web page but omitted by the user

  2. Information that is provided by the user but that falls outside the required data format or values

legal commitments

transactions where the person incurs a legally binding obligation or benefit

Example: A marriage license, a stock trade (financial and legal), a will, a loan, adoption, signing up for the army, a contract of any type, etc.


process or technique for achieving a result

Note 1: The mechanism may be explicitly provided in the content, or may be relied on to be provided by either the platform or by user agents, including assistive technologies.

Note 2: The mechanism must meet all success criteria for the conformance level claimed.


series of user actions where each action is required in order to complete an activity

Example 1: Successful use of a series of Web pages on a shopping site requires users to view alternative products, prices and offers, select products, submit an order, provide shipping information and provide payment information.

Example 2: An account registration page requires successful completion of a Turing test before the registration form can be accessed.


data that is intended to be accessed by users

Note: This does not refer such things as internet logs and search engine monitoring data.

Example: Name and address fields for a user's account.

Understanding SC 3.3.5

3.3.5 Context-sensitive help is available. (Level AAA)

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to help users avoid making mistakes. Some users with disabilities may be more likely to make mistakes than users without disabilities. Using context-sensitive help, users find out how to perform an operation without losing track of what they are doing.

[begin change]

Context-sensitive help only needs to be provided when the label is not sufficient to describe all functionality. The existence of context-sensitive help should be obvious to the user and they should be able to obtain it whenever they require it. [begin delete]In most cases, context-sensitive help should not be placed in the form itself, but should instead be available to users when they request it (e.g. by linking to a separate help file).[end delete]

[end change]

The content author may provide the help text, or the user agent may provide the help text based on technology-specific, programmatically determined information.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.3.5:

  • Assistance for text input helps individuals with writing disabilities and people with reading and intellectual disabilities who often have difficulty writing text in forms or other places that need text input.

  • Additionally, these kinds of assistance help people who are aging and have the same difficulty in text input and/or mouse operation.

Examples of Success Criterion 3.3.5

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.3.5 [Help]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: If a form requires text input:
  1. G71: Providing a help link on every Web page

  2. Using scripts to provide context-sensitive bubble help (future link)

  3. Providing help by an assistant in the Web page (future link)

  4. Providing spell checking and suggestions for text input if applicable to the language (future link)

  5. Using the title attribute to provide context-sensitive help

  6. Providing instructions at the top of a form (future link)

Situation B: If a form requires text input in an expected data format:
  1. G89: Providing expected data format and example

  2. Providing instructions at the top of a form (future link)

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 3.3.5

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Checking byte of character and auto-converting to expected byte for text input if applicable (future link)

Failures for SC 3.3.5

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 3.3.5 by the WCAG Working Group.

(No failures currently documented)

Key Terms

context-sensitive help

help text that provides information related to the function currently being performed

Error Prevention (All):
Understanding SC 3.3.6

3.3.6 For [begin add]Web pages[end add] [begin delete]forms[end delete] that require the user to submit information, at least one of the following is true: (Level AAA)

  1. Reversible: [begin change]Submissions [1947] [end change] are reversible.

  2. Checked: [begin change]Data entered by the user[end change] is checked for input errors [begin delete]before going on to the next step in the process [1947] [end delete] [begin add] and the user is provided an opportunity to correct them [2014] [end add].

  3. Confirmed: A mechanism is available for reviewing, confirming, and correcting information before finalizing the [begin change]submission [1947] [end change].

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to help users with disabilities avoid consequences that may result from making a mistake when submitting form data. This criterion builds on Success Criterion 3.3.3 in that it applies to all forms that require users to submit information.

Users with disabilities may be more likely to make mistakes and may have more difficulty detecting or recovering from mistakes. People with reading disabilities may transpose numbers and letters, and those with motor disabilities may hit keys by mistake. Providing the ability to reverse actions allows users to correct a mistake that could result in serious consequences. Providing the ability to review and correct information gives the user an opportunity to detect a mistake before taking an action.

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 3.3.6:

  • Providing safeguards to avoid serious consequences resulting from mistakes helps users with all disabilities who may be more likely to make mistakes.

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 3.3.6 [Error Prevention (All)]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

  1. Following the sufficient techniques for Success Criterion 3.3.4 for all forms that require the user to submit information.

Key Terms

input error

information provided by the user that is not accepted

Note: This includes:

  1. Information that is required by the Web page but omitted by the user

  2. Information that is provided by the user but that falls outside the required data format or values


process or technique for achieving a result

Note 1: The mechanism may be explicitly provided in the content, or may be relied on to be provided by either the platform or by user agents, including assistive technologies.

Note 2: The mechanism must meet all success criteria for the conformance level claimed.


series of user actions where each action is required in order to complete an activity

Example 1: Successful use of a series of Web pages on a shopping site requires users to view alternative products, prices and offers, select products, submit an order, provide shipping information and provide payment information.

Example 2: An account registration page requires successful completion of a Turing test before the registration form can be accessed.

Understanding Guideline 4.1

Guideline 4.1: Maximize compatibility with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies

Intent of Guideline 4.1

The purpose of this guideline is to support compatibility with current and future user agents, especially assistive technologies (AT). This is done both by 1) ensuring that authors do not do things that would break AT (e.g. poorly formed markup) or circumvent AT (e.g. by using unconventional markup or code) and 2) exposing information in the content in standard ways that assistive technologies can recognize and interact with. Since technologies change quickly, and AT developers have much trouble keeping up, it is important that content follow conventions and be compatible with APIs so that AT can more easily work with new technologies as they evolve.

Advisory Techniques for Guideline 4.1 (not success criteria specific)

Specific techniques for meeting each success criterion for this guideline are listed in the understanding sections for each success criterion (listed below). If there are techniques, however, for addressing this guideline that do not fall under any of the success criteria, they are listed here. These techniques are not required or sufficient for meeting any success criteria, but can make certain types of Web content more accessible to more people.

  • All advisory techniques for this guideline relate to specific success criteria and are listed below.

Understanding SC 4.1.1

4.1.1 Content implemented using markup languages has elements with complete start and end tags, except as allowed by their specifications, [begin delete]and [end delete]are nested according to their specifications [begin add]and any IDs are unique [1928] [end add]. (Level A)

Note: Start and end tags that are missing a critical character in their formation, such as a closing angle bracket or a mismatched attribute value quotation mark are not complete.

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that user agents, including assistive technologies, can accurately interpret and parse content. If the content cannot be parsed into a data structure, then different user agents may present it differently or be completely unable to parse it. Some user agents use "repair techniques" to render poorly coded content.

Since repair techniques vary among user agents, authors can not assume that content will be accurately parsed into a data structure or that it will be rendered correctly by specialized user agents, including assistive technologies, unless the content us created according to the rules defined in the formal grammar for that technology. In markup languages, errors in element and attribute syntax and failure to provide properly nested start/end tags lead to errors that prevent user agents from parsing the content reliably. Therefore, the success criterion requires that the content can be parsed using only the rules of the formal grammar

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 4.1.1:

  • Ensuring that Web pages have complete start and end tags and are nested according to specification helps ensure that assistive technologies can parse the content accurately and without crashing.

Examples of Success Criterion 4.1.1

Related Resources

Resources are for information purposes only, no endorsement implied.

(none currently documented)

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 4.1.1 [Parsing]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 4.1.1

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

(none currently documented)

Failures for SC 4.1.1

The following are common mistakes that are considered failures of Success Criterion 4.1.1 by the WCAG Working Group.

Name, Role, Value:
Understanding SC 4.1.2

4.1.2 For all user interface components, the name and role can be programmatically determined; states, properties, and values that can be set by the user can be programmatically determined and programmatically set; and notification of changes to these items is available to user agents, including assistive technologies. (Level A)

Note: This success criterion is primarily for Web authors who develop or script their own user interface controls. For example, standard HTML controls already meet this provision when used according to specification.

Intent of this Success Criterion

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure that Assistive Technologies (AT) can gather information about, activate(or set) and keep up to date on the status of user interface controls in the content.

When standard controls from accessible technologies are used, this process is straightforward. If the user interface elements are used according to specification the conditions of this provision will be met. (See examples of success criterion 4.1.2 below)

If custom controls are created, however, or interface elements are programmed (in code or script) to have a different role and/or function than usual, then additional measures need to be taken to ensure that the controls provide important information to assistive technologies and allow themselves to be controlled by assistive technologies.

[begin add]

Note: Success Criterion 4.1.2 requires a programmatically determinable name for all user interface components. Names may be visible or invisible. Occasionally, the name must be visible, in which case it is identified as a label. Refer to the definition of name and label in the glossary for more information.

[end add]

Specific Benefits of Success Criterion 4.1.2:

  • Providing role, state, and value information on all user interface components enables compatibility with assistive technology, such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, and speech recognition software, used by people with disabilities.

Examples of Success Criterion 4.1.2

Techniques and Failures for Success Criterion 4.1.2 [Name, Role, Value]

Each numbered item in this section represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for meeting this success criterion. The techniques listed only satisfy the success criterion if all of the WCAG 2.0 conformance requirements have been met.

Sufficient Techniques

Instructions: Select the situation below that matches your content. Each situation includes numbered techniques (or combinations of techniques) that the Working Group deems to be sufficient for that situation.

Situation A: If using a standard user interface component in a markup language (e.g. HTML):
  1. G108: Using markup features to expose the name and role, allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and provide notification of changes using technology-specific techniques below:

Situation B: If using script or code to re-purpose a standard user interface component in a markup language:
  1. Exposing the names and roles, allowing user-settable properties to be directly set, and providing notification of changes using one of the following techniques:

Situation C: If using a standard user interface component in a programming technology:
  1. G135: Using the accessibility API features of a technology to expose names and roles, to allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and to provide notification of changes

Situation D: If creating your own user interface component in a programming language:
  1. G10: Creating components using a technology that supports the accessibility API features of the platforms on which the user agents will be run to expose the names and roles, allow user-settable properties to be directly set, and provide notification of changes

Additional Techniques (Advisory) for 4.1.2

Although not required for conformance, the following additional techniques should be considered in order to make content more accessible. Not all techniques can be used or would be effective in all situations.

  • Providing labels for all form controls that do not have implicit labels (future link)

Key Terms

assistive technology (as used in this document)
[begin add]

hardware and/or software that acts as a user agent, or along with a mainstream user agent, to provide services to meet the requirements of users with disabilities that go beyond those offered by the mainstream user agents [2140]

[end add]
[begin delete]

a user agent that[begin delete] both[end delete]:

[end delete]
[begin delete]
  1. provides services to meet the requirements of users with disabilities that go beyond those offered by the mainstream user agents. Such services include alternative presentations (e.g., as synthesized speech or magnified content), alternative input methods (e.g., voice), additional navigation or orientation mechanisms, and content transformations (e.g., to make tables more accessible), and

  2. [begin change]may rely[end change] [begin delete]usually relies[end delete] on services (such as retrieving Web content and parsing markup) provided by one or more other mainstream user agents. Assistive technologies communicate data and messages with mainstream user agents by using and monitoring APIs

[end delete]
[begin add]

Note 1: Services provided by assistive technology include alternative presentations (e.g., as synthesized speech or magnified content), alternative input methods (e.g., voice), additional navigation or orientation mechanisms, and content transformations (e.g., to make tables more accessible). [2140] [2270]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 2: Assistive technologies often communicate data and messages with mainstream user agents by using and monitoring APIs. [2270]

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 3: The distinction between mainstream user agents and assistive technologies is not absolute. Many mainstream user agents provide some features to assist individuals with disabilities. The basic difference is that mainstream user agents target broad and diverse audiences that usually include people with and without disabilities. Assistive technologies target narrowly defined populations of users with specific disabilities. The assistance provided by an assistive technology is more specific and appropriate to the needs of its target users. The mainstream user agent may provide important services to assistive technologies like retrieving Web content from program objects or parsing markup into identifiable bundles. [2171]

[end add]
[begin delete]

Note 4: In this definition, user agents are user agents in the general sense of the term. That is, any software that retrieves and presents Web content for users. The mainstream user agent may provide important services to assistive technologies like retrieving Web content from program objects or parsing markup into identifiable bundles.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

Note 5: Mainstream user agents may also provide services directly that meet the requirements of users with disabilities.

[end delete]
[begin delete]

Note 6: This definition is based on User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Glossary.

[end delete]

Example: Examples of assistive technologies that are important in the context of this document include the following:

  • screen magnifiers, and other visual reading assistants, which are used by people with visual, perceptual and physical print disabilities to change text font, size, spacing, color, synchronization with speech, etc. in order to improve the visual readability of rendered text and images;

  • screen readers, which are used by people who are blind to read textual information through synthesized speech or braille;

  • text-to-speech software, which is used by some people with cognitive, language, and learning disabilities to convert text into synthetic speech;

  • voice recognition software, which may be used by people who have some physical disabilities;

  • alternative keyboards, which are used by people with certain physical disabilities to simulate the keyboard[begin add] (including alternate keyboards that use headpointers, single switches, sip/puff and other special input devices.)[end add];

  • alternative pointing devices, which are used by people with certain physical disabilities to simulate mouse pointing and button activations.


text by which software can identify a component within Web content to the user

Note 1: The name may be hidden and only exposed by assistive technology, whereas a label is presented to all users. In many (but not all) cases, the label and the name are the same.

Note 2: This is unrelated to the name attribute in HTML.

programmatically determined

determined by software from author-supplied data provided in a way that different user agents, including assistive technologies, can extract and present this information to users in different modalities

Example: Determined in a markup language from elements and attributes that are accessed directly by commonly available assistive technology.

Example: Determined from technology-specific data structures in a non-markup language and exposed to assistive technology via an accessibility API that is supported by commonly available assistive technology.

programmatically set

set by software using methods that are supported by user agents, including assistive technologies


text or a number by which software can identify the function of a component within Web content

Example: A number that indicates whether an image functions as a hyperlink, command button, or check box.

user agent

any software that retrieves and presents Web content for users

Example: Web browsers, media players, plug-ins, and other programs — including assistive technologies — that help in retrieving, rendering, and interacting with Web content.

user interface component

a part of the content that is perceived by users as a single control for a distinct function

Note: Multiple user interface components may be implemented as a single programmatic element. Components here is not tied to programming techniques but rather to what the user perceives as separate controls.

Example: An applet has a "control" that can be used to move through content by line or page or random access. Since each of these would need to have a name and be setable independently, they would each be a "user interface component."

Understanding Conformance

[begin add]

All WCAG 2.0 success criteria are written as testable criteria for objectively determining if content satisfies them. Testing the success criteria would involve a combination of automated testing and human evaluation. The content should be tested by those who understand how people with different types of disabilities use the Web.

[end add]
[begin add]

Testing and testable in the context refer to functional testing, that is verifying that the content functions as expected, or in this case, that it satisfies the success criteria. Although content may satisfy all success criteria, the content may not always be usable by people with a wide variety of disabilities. Therefore, usability testing is recommended, in addition to the required functional testing. Usability testing aims to determine how well people can use the content for its intended purpose. It is recommended that users with disabilities be included in test groups when performing usability testing.

[end add]
[2321] [2160]

What does conformance mean?

Conformance to a standard means that you meet or satisfy the 'requirements' of the standard. In WCAG 2.0 the 'requirements' are the success criteria. To conform to WCAG 2.0, you[begin delete] would[end delete] need to satisfy the success criteria. Most standards only have one level of conformance. In order to accommodate different situations that may require or allow greater levels of accessibility than others, WCAG 2.0 has three levels of conformance, and therefore, three levels of success criteria.

[begin change]

Understanding Conformance Requirements

There are five requirements that must be met in order for content to be classified as 'conforming' to WCAG 2.0. This section provides brief notes on those requirements. This section will be expanded over time to address questions that may arise or to provide new examples of ways to meet the different conformance requirements.

Understanding Requirement 1

[begin change]

1.) Conformance Level: One of the following levels of conformance is met in full. [2220]

  • Level A: For Level A conformance (the minimum level of conformance), the Web page satisfies all the Level A success criteria, or a conforming alternate version is provided.

  • Level AA: For Level AA conformance, the Web page satisfies all the Level A and Level AA success criteria, or a Level AA conforming alternate version is provided.

  • Level AAA: For Level AAA conformance, the Web page satisfies all the Level A, Level AA and Level AAA success criteria, or a Level AAA conforming alternate version is provided.

Note: Although conformance can only be achieved at the stated levels, authors are encouraged to satisfy and report progress toward meeting success criteria from all levels beyond the achieved level of conformance.

[end change]

The first requirement deals with the levels of conformance. They explain that no conformance is possible without at least satisfying all of the Level A success criteria either with a Web page or with a conforming alternate version of the Web page.

The note points out that authors are encouraged to go beyond conformance to a particular level and to complete, and report if they desire, any progress toward higher levels of conformance.

See also Understanding Conforming Alternate Versions which includes techniques for providing Conforming Alternate Versions.

Understanding Requirement 2

2.) Full pages: Conformance is for full Web page(s) only, and cannot be achieved if part of a Web page is excluded.

Note: For the purpose of determining conformance, a conforming alternative to part of a page's content is considered part of the page when the alternative content is obtainable directly from the page.

This provision simply requires that the whole page conform. Statements about "part of a page conforming" cannot be made.

Sometimes, supplemental information may be available from another page for information on a page. The longdesc attribute in HTML is an example. With longdesc, a long description of a graphic might be on a separate page that the user can jump to from the page with the graphic. This makes it clear that such content is considered part of the Web page, so that requirement #2 is satisfied for the combined set of Web pages considered as a single Web page. Alternatives can also be provided on the same page. For example creating an equivalent to a user interface control. [2259]

Note 1: Because of conformance requirement 5, a whole page may conform even parts of the page use non accessibility-supported content technologies as long as they do not interfere with the rest of the page and all information and function is available elsewhere on or from the page.

Note 2: It is possible to include non-conforming content. See Understanding Conformance Requirement 5.

Understanding Requirement 3

4.) Accessibility-Supported Technologies Only: Only [begin delete]documented [end delete]accessibility-supported Web technologies are relied upon to [begin add]satisfy the[end add] [begin delete] meet[end delete] success criteria. Any information or functionality that is implemented in technologies that are not accessibility supported must also be available via technologies that are accessibility supported. [begin add](See Understanding accessibility support.) [2276] [end add]

This conformance requirement is explained below under Understanding Accessibility Support.

Understanding Requirement 4

[begin change]

3.) Complete processes: When a series of Web pages present sequential steps that need to be completed in order to accomplish an activity, all Web pages in the series conform at a particular level. (Conformance is not possible at any level if all pages in the sequence do not conform at that level.)

Example: An online store has a series of pages that are used to select and purchase products. All pages in the series from start to finish (checkout) must conform in order for any page that is part of the sequence to conform.

[end change]

This provision prevents a Web page that is part of a larger process from being considered conforming if the process overall is not. This would prevent a shopping site from being classified as conforming if the checkout or other features of the site that are part of the shopping and buying process do not conform.

Understanding Requirement 5

5.) Non-Interference: If Web technologies that are not accessibility supported are used on a page, or accessibility-supported technologies are used in a non-conforming way, then they do not block the ability of users to access the rest of the page. [begin delete]Specifically: [end delete] [begin add]Specifically, the Web page as a whole continues to meet the conformance requirements under all of the following conditions:[end add]

[begin add]
  1. when any (non accessibility-supported) technology is turned on in a user agent, and

  2. when it is turned off in a user agent, and

  3. when it is not supported by a user agent

[end add]
[begin add]

Note: The following success criteria all apply to full pages including technologies that are not accessibility supported or relied upon to meet the other success criterion because they deal with things that could interfere with overall use of the page: 1.4.2 - Audio Control, 2.1.2 - No Keyboard Trap, 2.3.1 - Three Flashes or Below Threshold, and 2.2.2 - Pausing.

[end add]
[begin delete]
  1. No Keyboard Trap: If focus can be moved to technologies that are not accessibility supported using a keyboard interface, then focus can be moved away from that content using only a keyboard interface, and the method for doing so is described before the content is encountered and in a way that meets all Level A success criteria.

  2. Three Flashes or Below Threshold: To minimize the risk of seizures due to photosensitivity, content does not contain anything that flashes more than three times in any one second period, or the flash is below the general flash and red flash thresholds (see Success Criterion 2.3.1).

  3. Non support: The content continues to meet the conformance requirements when the (non accessibility-supported) technology is turned on, turned off, or is not supported by a user agent.

[end delete]

This basically says that technologies that are not accessibility supported can be used, as long as all the information is also available using technologies that are accessibility supported and as long as the non-accessibility-supported material does not interfere.

Technologies that are not accessibility supported can be used, or technologies that are accessibility supported can be used in a non conforming manner, as long as all the information is also available using technologies that are accessibility supported, in a manner that does conform, and as long as the non-accessibility-supported material does not interfere.

There are four provisions that particularly deal with issues of interference with use of the page. These four are included in a note here. A note on each of the provisions indicates that these success criteria need to be met for all content including content created using technologies that are not accessibility supported.

[end change]
[begin change]

Understanding Conformance Claims

It is not required to make any conformance claim in order to conform. If one does make a claim, however, the rules must be followed.

Sometimes, one may want to make a claim for just the content that was added after a certain date. Or, one may want to claim WCAG 1.0 conformance for content up to a date and WCAG 2.0 for content that was created or modified after that date. There are no prohibitions in WCAG 2.0 to any of these practices as long as it is clear which pages are claiming conformance to which version of WCAG.

[begin add]

Note 1: When talking about technologies that are "relied upon," we're talking about Web content technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.), not user agents (browsers, assistive technologies, etc.).

Note 2: Conformance claims are not usually located on each Web page within the scope of conformance.

[end add]

Information about any additional steps taken that go beyond the success criteria

One of the optional components of a conformance claim is "Information about any additional steps taken that go beyond the success criteria to enhance accessibility." This can include additional success criteria that have been met, advisory techniques that were implemented, information about any additional protocols used to aid access for people with particular disabilities or needs, etc. Any information that would be useful to people in understanding the accessibility of the pages may be included.

Use of metadata to report conformance claims

The most useful way of attaching conformance claims to content would be to do so in standard machine readable form. When this practice is widespread, search tools or special user agents will be able to make use of this information to find and provide content that is more accessible or so the user agents can adjust the content. There are a number of metadata based options under development for making claims, and authors and tool developers are encouraged to support them.

In addition, metadata can be used to report conformance to individual success criteria once Level A conformance has been achieved.

There are also programmatic reporting formats such as Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) that are being developed that could provide machine readable formats for detailed conformance information. As the reporting formats are formalized and support for them develops the will be documented here.

Examples of Conformance Claims

Examples of Required Components of Conformance Claims

Example 1: On 20 September 2008, all Web pages at conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at Level A conformance.

  • The documented set of accessibility-supported content technologies relied upon for this claim is a subset of ISA- AsCTset#1-2008 at

Example 2: (using a regular expression) On 12 August 2008, pages matching the pattern|sales|contact)/.* conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at Level AA conformance.

  • The technologies that this content "relies upon" is: XHTML 1.0 Transitional, CSS 2.0 and JavaScript 1.2.

Example 3: (using boolean logic) On 6 July 2008, AND NOT ( OR conforms to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at Level AA conformance.

  • The documented set of accessibility-supported content technologies relied upon for this claim includes XHTML 1.0 and SMIL from ISA- AsCTset#1-2008 at

Examples of Conformance Claims including optional components

Example 1: On 5 May 2008, the page "G7: An Introduction" conforms to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at Level AA conformance.

  • The following additional success criteria have also been met: 1.1.2, 1.2.5, and 1.4.3.

  • The documented set of accessibility-supported content technologies used for this claim is AsCTset#1-2006 at

  • The technologies that this content "relies upon" is: XHTML 1.0 (Strict), and Real Video.

  • The technologies that this content "uses but does not rely upon" are: JavaScript 1.2, CSS2.

Example 2: On 21 June 2008, all content beginning with the URI and conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at Level AAA conformance.

  • The documented set of accessibility-supported content technologies used for this claim is SMITH- AsCTset#2-2008 at

  • The technologies that this content "relies upon" are: XHTML 1.0 (Strict), CSS2, JavaScript 1.2, JPEG, PNG.

  • The user agents, including assistive technologies, that this content has been tested with can be found at

Example 3: On 23 March 2008, all content available on the server at conforms to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at Single-A conformance.

  • The technology that this content "relies upon" is: HTML 4.01.

  • The technologies that this content "uses but does not rely upon" are: CSS2, and gif.

  • This content was tested using the following user agents and assistive technologies: Firefox 1.5 on Windows Vista with Screenreader X 4.0, Firefox 1.5 on Windows XP SP 2 with Screenreader X 3.5, IE 6.0 on Windows 2000 SP4 with Screenreader Y 5.0, IE 6.0 on Windows 2000 SP4 with Screenreader Z 2.0, and Firefox 1.5 on Windows XP SP2 with Screenreader X 4.0, Safari 2.0 with OS X 10.4.

[end change]

Understanding Levels of Conformance

[begin add]

First, there are a number of conditions that must be met for a success criterion to be included at all. These include:

[end add]
[begin add]
  1. All success criteria must be important access issues for people with disabilities that address problems beyond the usability problems that might be faced by all users. In other words, the access issue must cause a proportionately greater problem for people with disabilities than it causes people without disabilities in order to be considered an accessibility issue (and covered under these accessibility guidelines).

  2. All success criteria must also be testable. This is important since otherwise it would not be possible to determine whether a page met or failed to meet the success criteria. The success criteria can be tested by a combination of machine and human evaluation as long as it is possible to determine whether a success criterion has been satisfied with a high level of confidence.

[end add]
[begin add]

The success criteria were assigned to one of the three levels of conformance by the working group after taking into consideration a wide range of interacting issues. Some of the common factors evaluated when setting the level included:

[end add]
[begin add]
  • whether the success criterion is essential (in other words, if the success criterion isn't met, then even assistive technology can't make content accessible)

  • whether it is possible to satisfy the success criterion for all Web sites and types of content that the success criteria would apply to (e.g. different topics, types of content, types of Web technology)

  • whether the success criterion requires skills that could reasonably be achieved by the content creators (that is, the knowledge and skill to meet the success criteria could be acquired in a week's training or less)

  • whether the success criterion would impose limits on the "look & feel" and/or function of the Web page. (limits on function, presentation, freedom of expression, design or aesthetic that the success criteria might place on authors)

  • whether there are no workarounds if the success criteria is not met

[end add]
[begin delete]

The success criteria were assigned to one of the three levels of conformance by the working group after taking into consideration a wide range of interacting issues. Some of the common factors evaluated when setting the level included: whether the success criterion is essential (in other words, if the success criterion isn't met, then even assistive technology can't make content accessible); whether it is possible to satisfy the success criterion for all Web sites and types of content that use that technology or feature; whether the success criterion requires skills that could reasonably be achieved by the content creators (that is, the knowledge and skill to do this could be acquired with between 1 hour and a week's training).

[end delete]
[begin delete]

All success criteria must be important access issues for people with disabilities that address problems beyond the usability problems that might be faced by all users. In other words, the issue must cause a proportionately greater problem for people with disabilities than it causes people without disabilities in order to be considered an accessibility issue (and covered under these accessibility guidelines).

[end delete]
[begin delete]

All success criteria must also be testable. This is important since otherwise it would not be possible to determine whether one met or failed to meet the success criteria. The success criteria can be either machine or human testable (or a combination of both) as long as it is possible to determine whether a success criterion has been satisfied with a high level of confidence.

[end delete]
[begin change]

Understanding Accessibility Support

Many of the success criteria deal with providing accessibility through assistive technologies or special accessibility features in mainstream user agents (for example, a 'show captions' option in a media player). That is, the success criteria require that something be done in the Web content that would make it possible for assistive technologies to successfully present the content's information to the user. For example, a picture that you were supposed to click on to go to a topic would not be accessible to a person who was blind unless text alternatives for the picture were provided in a way that user agents including assistive technologies can find and display them. The key here is that the text alternative must be included in a way that user agents including assistive technologies can understand and use – in a way that is "Accessibility Supported."

Another example would be a custom control that is included on a Web page. In this case, a standard user agent would not ordinarily be able to present an alternative to the user. If, however, information about the control including its name, role, value, how to set it etc. are provided in a way that assistive technologies can understand and control them, then users with assistive technologies will be able to use these controls.

When new technologies are introduced, two things must happen in order for people using assistive technologies to be able to access them. First, the technologies must be designed in a way that user agents including assistive technologies could access all the information they need to present the content to the user. Secondly, the user agents and assistive technologies may need to be redesigned or modified to be able to actually work with these new technologies.

"Accessibility Supported" means that both of these have been done and that the technology will work with user agents and assistive technologies.

[begin add]

Level of Assistive Technology Support Needed for "Accessibility Support"

This topic raises the question of how many or which assistive technologies must support a Web technology in order for that Web technology to be considered "accessibility supported". The WCAG Working group and the W3C do not specify which or how many assistive technologies must support a Web technology in order for it to be classified as accessibility supported. This is a complex topic and one that varies both by environment and by language. There is a need for an external and international dialog on this topic. Some notes to help in understanding and exploring this topic are:

  1. Accessibility support of Web technologies varies by environment

    • In a company where all employees are provided with particular user agents and assistive technologies, Web technologies may need to only be supported by those user agents and older assistive technologies.

    • Content posted to the public Web may need to work with a broader range of user agents and assistive technologies.

  2. Accessibility support of Web technologies varies by language (and dialect)

    • There are different levels of older assistive technologies support in different languages and even countries. Some environments or countries may provide free assistive technologies.

  3. New technologies won't be supported in older assistive technologies

    • Clearly, a new technology can not be supported by all past assistive technologies, so requiring that a technology be supported by all assistive technologies is not possible.

  4. Support for a single older assistive technology is usually not sufficient

    • Support by just one assistive technology (for a given disability) would not usually be enough, especially if most users who need it in order to access content do not have and can not afford that assistive technology. The exception here would be information distributed to company employees only where they all have one assistive technology (of that type).

  5. Currently assistive techology that is affordable by the general public is often very poor

    • Creating content that can't be used by the general pubic with disabilities should be avoided. In many cases, the cost of assistive technologies is too high for users who need it. Also, the capabilities of free or low cost AT is often so poor today that Web content cannot be realistically restricted to this lowest (or even middle) common denominator. This creates a very difficult dilemma that needs to be addressed.

The Working Group, therefore, limited itself to defining what constituted support and defers the judgment of how much, how many, or which AT must support a technology to the community and to entities closer to each situation that set requirements for an organization, purchase, community, etc.

The Working Group encourages more discussion of this topic in the general forum of society since this lack of generally available yet robust assistive technologies is a problem that affects consumers, technology developers and authors negatively.

[end add]
[begin add]

Technical Definition of "Accessibility Support"

Basically, a Web content technology is "accessibility supported" when users' assistive technologies will work with the Web technologies AND when the accessibility features of mainstream technologies will work with the technology. Specifically, to qualify as an accessibility-supported technology, the following must be true for a technology:

accessibility supported

supported by users' assistive technologies as well as the accessibility features in browsers and other user agents

[begin add]

To qualify as an accessibility-supported Web content technology (or feature of a technology), both of the following must be true for a Web content technology (or feature): [2174]

[end add]
[begin add]
  1. The Web content technology must be supported by users' assistive technology (AT). This means that the technology has been tested for interoperability with users' assistive technology in the human language(s) of the content,


  2. The Web content technology must have accessibility-supported user agents that are available to users. This means that at least one of the following is true:

    1. The technology is supported natively in widely-distributed user agents that are also accessibility supported (such as HTML and CSS);


    2. The technology is supported in a widely-distributed plug-in that is also accessibility supported;


    3. The content is available in a closed environment, such as a university or corporate network, where the user agent required by the technology and used by the organization is also accessibility supported;


    4. The user agent(s) that support the technology are accessibility supported and are available for download or purchase in a way that:

      1. does not cost a person with a disability any more than a person without a disability and

      2. is as easy to find and obtain for a person with a disability as it is for a person without disabilities.

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 1: The WCAG Working group and the W3C do not specify which or how many assistive technologies must support a Web technology in order for it to be classified as accessibility supported. (See Level of Assistive Technology Support Needed for "Accessibility Support".)

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 2: Web technologies that are not accessibility supported can be used as long as they are not relied upon and the page as a whole meets the conformance requirements including Conformance Requirement 3 (Accessibility-Supported Technologies) and Conformance Requirement 5 (Non-Interference) are met.

[end add]

Note 3: When a Web Technology is "accessibility supported," it does not imply that the entire technology must be supported. Most technologies lack support for at least one feature. When documenting "accessibility support" for a technology, the support for specific aspects, features, and extensions should be cited if the technology as a whole is not accessibility supported. A profile of a technology may be used to give a name to the set of aspects, features, or extensions of a technology that are "accessibility supported." [begin add]Pages conform to WCAG only if aspects or features of the technology that are accessibility supported can be relied upon to meet WCAG requirements. [2174] [end add]

[begin add]

Note 4: When citing technologies that have multiple versions, the version(s) supported should be specified.

[end add]
[begin add]

Note 5: The easiest way to be sure that the technologies and features being used and relied upon are accessibility supported is to use technologies from documented lists of accessibility supported Web content technologies. (See Understanding Documented lists of Web technologies with Accessibility Support.) [2273] Some authors, companies or others may wish to document and use their own lists of accessibility-supported technologies. However, all technologies on the list must meet the definition of accessibility supported content technologies above. [2219]

[end add]
[end add]
[begin change]

Understanding Documented lists of Web technologies with Accessibility Support

Because individual authors will not usually be able to do all of the research necessary to determine which features of which Web technologies are actually supported by which versions of assistive technologies and user agents, authors will usually rely on public documented lists of Web technologies that document which assistive technologies support which features of which Web technologies. By public, we only mean that the list and its documentation are public. Anyone can create a publicly documented list of "Web Technologies and their Accessibility Support." People may create recommended "documented lists of technologies" and give them a name (e.g. the XYZ Accessibility Coalition's 2007 Supported Technologies List) that authors can use. As long as they are publicly documented, authors or customers etc. can easily select lists that meet their needs. Customers or others can pick lists that fit their environment or language at any point in time and specify those to be used in creating their content. Authors are strongly encouraged to choose lists that have an established reputation for accuracy and usefulness. Developers are strongly encouraged to provide information about the accessibility support for their technologies. The Working Group anticipates that only lists that provide accurate information and benefit both authors and users will achieve market recognition in the long term.

There is no requirement in WCAG that a public documented list be used or that only technologies from such a list be used. The public documented lists are described only as a method to make an otherwise critical, but somewhat complicated, aspect of conformance easier for authors who are not themselves experts on assistive technology support (or who just don't have the time to keep up with advances in mainstream and assistive technology support for each other).

Authors, companies or others may wish to create and use their own lists of accessibility-supported technologies and this is allowed in meeting WCAG. Customers, companies or others may however specify that technologies from a custom or public list be used.[begin add]See Appendix B Documenting Accessibility Support for a Web Technology. [2141] [end add]

[end change]
[end change]
[begin add]

Understanding "Programmatically Determined"

Several success criteria require that content (or certain aspects of content) can be "programmatically determined." This means that the content is authored in such a way that user agents, including assistive technologies, can access the information.

In order for content created with Web technologies (such as HTML, CSS, PDF, GIF, MPEG, Flash etc.) to be accessible to people with different types of disabilities, it is essential that the technologies used work with the accessibility features of browsers and other user agents, including assistive technologies. In order for something to meet a success criterion that requires it to be "programmatically determined," it would need to be implemented using a technology that has assistive technology support.

Content that can be "programmatically determined" can be transformed (by user agents including AT) into different sensory formats (e.g. visual, auditory) or styles of presentation need by individual users. If existing assistive technologies cannot do this, then the information can not be said to be programmatically determined.

The term was created in order to allow the working group to clearly identify those places where information had to be accessible to assistive technologies (and other user agents acting as accessibility aids) without specifying exactly how this needed to be done. This is important because of the continually changing nature of the technologies. The term allows the guidelines to identify what needs to be "programmatically determined" in order to meet the guidelines, and then have separate documents (the Quick Reference, Understanding, and Technique documents), which can be updated over time, list the specific techniques that will work and be sufficient at any point in time based on user agent and assistive technology support.

"Accessibility Supported" vs. "Programmatically Determined"

"Accessibility supported" relates to Web technologies. Web technologies that are accessibility supported will work with assistive technologies and access features in mainstream user agents (browsers and players etc.).

"Programmatically determined" relates to the information in Web Content. If technologies that are accessibility supported are used properly, then assistive technologies and user agents can access the information in the content (i.e. programmatically determine the information in the content) and present it to the user.

The two concepts work together to ensure that information can be presented to the user by user agents including assistive technologies. Authors must use accessibility-supported technologies and features — and use them properly in order for the information to be programmatically determinable — and hence presentable by assistive technologies and user agents to users with disabilities.

[end add]

Understanding Conforming Alternate Versions

Conformance requirement #1 allows non-conforming pages to be included within the scope of conformance as long as they have a "conforming alternate version". The conforming alternative version is defined as:

conforming alternate version
[begin change]

version that

[end change]
  1. conforms at the designated level, and

  2. provides all of the same information and functionality in the same human language, and

  3. is as up to date as the non-conforming content, and

  4. for which one of the following is true:

    1. the conforming version can be reached from the non-conforming page via an accessibility supported mechanism, or

    2. the non-conforming version can only be reached from the conforming version, or

    3. the non-conforming version can only be reached from a conforming page that also provides a mechanism to reach the conforming version

[begin change]

Note 1: In this definition, "can only be reached" means that there is some mechanism, such as a conditional re-direct, that prevents a user from "reaching" (loading) the non-conforming page unless the user had just come from the specified page.

[end change]

Note 2: The alternate version does not need to be matched page for page with the original (e.g. the alternative to a page may consist of multiple pages).

Note 3: If multiple language versions are available, then conforming versions are required for each language offered.

Note 4: Alternate versions may be provided to accommodate different technology environments or user groups. Each version should be as conformant as possible. One version must be fully conformant in order to meet conformance requirement 1.

Note 5: Alternate versions should not be confused with supplementary information, which support the original page and enhance comprehension.

Note 6: Setting user preferences within the content to produce a conforming version is an acceptable mechanism for reaching another version as long as the method used to set the preferences is accessibility supported.

This ensures that all of the information and all of the functionality that is on the pages inside of the scope of conformance is available on conforming Web pages.

[begin add]

Why permit alternate versions?

Why does WCAG permit conforming alternate versions of Web pages to be included in conformance claims? That is, why include pages that do not satisfy the success criteria for a conformance level in the scope of conformance or a claim?

  • Sometimes, pages use technologies that are not yet accessibility supported. When a new technology emerges, assistive technology support may lag behind, or may only be available to some target audiences. So authors may not be able to rely on the new technology for all users. However, there may be other benefits to using the new technology, e.g. better performance, a wider range of modalities available, etc. The alternate version requirement allows authors to include such Web pages in their Web site by providing an accessible alternative page in technologies that are accessibility supported. Users for whom the new technology is adequately supported get the benefits of the new version. Authors who look ahead to future accessibility support can satisfy the success criteria now with the alternate version page, and also work with the other page to build in future access when assistive technology (AT) support is available.

  • For a variety of reasons, it may not be possible to modify some content on a Web page. For instance,

    • It may be critical to include an exact visual copy of a document for legal or historical reasons

    • The Web page may be included in a site but the site owner may not have the legal rights to modify the content on the original page

    • The company many not legally be able to remove, or alter in any way, something that was previously posted.

    • An author may not have permission to alter a document from another department, agency, or company

  • Sometimes, the best experience for users with certain types of disabilities is provided by tailoring a Web page specifically to accommodate that disability. In such a situation, it may not be possible or practical to make the Web page accommodate all disabilities by satisfying all of the success criteria. The alternate versions requirement permits such specialized pages to be included within a conformance claim as long as there is a fully conformant 'alternate version' page.

  • Many sites which are committed to accessibility have large quantities of legacy documents. While the information has been made available in accessible formats, there would be significant institutional resistance and procedural obstacles to removing these files en mass. Some organizations, especially governmental bodies, give precedence to traditional print-oriented processes. Even as these organizations have adapted to Internet publishing and embraced the need for accessible formats, they still retain a paper mindset and often insist on formats designed for hard copy as the "primary" version (even for documents that are only ever "published" electronically). Although the Working Group feels these approaches should be deprecated it does not feel they can be forbidden so long as accessible versions are readily available.

A concern when permitting Web pages that do not satisfy the success criteria is that people with disabilities will encounter these non-conforming pages, not be able to access their content, and not be able to find the “conforming alternate version.” A key part of the Alternate Versions provision, therefore, is the ability to find the conforming page (the alternate version) from the non-conforming page when it is encountered. The conformance requirement that permits alternate pages, therefore, also requires a way for users to find the accessible version among the alternate versions.

Note that providing an alternate version is a fallback option for conformance to WCAG and the preferred method of conformance is to make all content directly accessible.

[end add]

Techniques for Providing a Conforming Alternate Version

The most important part of providing a conforming alternate version is providing a mechanism to find it from the non-conforming version. A number of different methods for doing this have been identified since particular techniques may not always be possible for specific technologies or situations. For example, if the author has control of the server there are some powerful techniques that will allow users to always have the choice up front. In many cases however the author may not have control of the services on their Web server. In these cases other techniques are provided. A link on the non-conforming page is another powerful technique but not all non-conforming technologies support hypertext links.

Below are the techniques that have been identified to date. We expect that additional techniques will also be developed over time and they will be added here as they arise and the support for these approaches by user agents including assistive technologies can be demonstrated. For example a developer of a new technology that some assistive technologies cannot access might build in a feature that would allow those technologies to automatically present a link to users that could take them to an alternate version.

Sufficient Techniques for Providing Conforming Alternative Versions of Web pages.

Each numbered item below represents a technique or combination of techniques that the WCAG Working Group deems sufficient for providing conforming alternate versions.

  1. G136: Providing a link at the beginning of the nonconforming content that points to an alternate version that does meet WCAG 2.0 at the level claimed

  2. [begin delete]

    Ensuring that the only way to get to an inaccessible version is from a link from the accessible version

    [end delete]
  3. Using environment variables to ensure that the only way to access non-conforming content is from conforming content (future link)

  4. SVR2: Using .htaccess to ensure that the only way to access non-conforming content is from conforming content (SERVER)

  5. [begin add]

    Using Metadata to allow location of Alternative Version from URI of Non-conforming Page (future link)

    [end add]
Common Failures Identified by the Working Group
Additional Techniques (Advisory) for providing conforming alternative versions of Web pages
  • Providing reciprocal links between conforming and non-conforming versions (future link)

  • Excluding non-conforming content from search results (future link)

  • Providing style switchers (future link)

  • Using content negotiation (future link)

  • Providing user settings as a way to store preferences (future link)

  • [begin delete]

    Using noframes (future link)

    [end delete]
  • [begin delete]

    Using noscript (future link)

    [end delete]
  • [begin delete]

    Using a fallback mechanism for applets (if applet not a relied on accessibility-supported content technology, need alternative mechanism for functionality) (future link)

    [end delete]
  • [begin delete]

    Using only technologies which are accessibility supported at the conformance level claimed (future link)

    [end delete]
Examples of Conforming Alternate Versions
  • An intranet site with multiple versions.

    A large company was concerned that the use of emerging Web technologies on an intranet site might limit their ability to address the needs of diverse office locations that have different technology bases and individual employees who use a wide variety of user agents and assistive technologies. To address these concerns, the company created an alternate version of the content that met all Level A success criteria using a more limited set of accessibility-supported content technologies. [begin delete]The requirements for each version were carefully documented, and both versions were available from the same URI, making it easy for each location to choose the version best suited to their needs.[end delete] [begin add]The two versions link to each other. [2359] [end add]

  • An informational site ensuring backward compatibility.

    An information site covers a wide variety of subjects and wants to enable visitors to quickly find the topics they are looking for. To do this, the site has implemented an interactive menu system that is only supported in the most recent version of two popular user agents. To ensure that visitors who do not use these specific user agents are still able to effectively use the site, a navigation mechanism that does not depend on the interactive menu system is presented to user agents that do not support the newer technology.

[begin add]

Understanding "Web Page"

The definition of a Web Page is:

Web page

[begin add]a non-embedded resource that is referenced by a URI plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it by a user agent [end add] [begin delete]a resource that is referenced by a URI and is not embedded in another resource, plus any other resources that are used in the rendering or intended to be rendered together with it[end delete] [1948]

Note 1: Although any "other resources" would be rendered together with the primary resource, they would not necessarily be rendered simultaneously with each other.

Note 2: For the purposes of conformance with these guidelines, a resource must be "non-embedded" within the scope of conformance to be considered a Web page.

Example 1: A Web resource including all embedded images and media.

Example 2: A Web mail program built using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The program lives entirely at, but includes an inbox, a contacts area and a calendar. Links or buttons are provided that cause the the inbox, contacts, or calendar to display, but do not change the URL of the page as a whole.

Example 3: A customizable portal site, where users can choose content to display from a set of different content modules.

Example 4: When you enter "" in your browser, you enter a movie-like interactive shopping environment where you visually move about a store dragging products off of the shelves around you into a visual shopping cart in front of you. Clicking on a product causes it to be demonstrated with a specification sheet floating alongside.

It is important to note that, in this standard, the term "Web page" includes much more than static HTML pages. The term 'Web Page' was used in these guidelines to allow the guidelines to be more understandable. But the term has grown in meaning with advancing technologies to encompass a wide range of technologies, many of which are not at all 'page-like'. It also includes the increasingly dynamic Web pages that are emerging on the Web, including "pages" that can present entire virtual interactive communities. For example, the term "Web page" would include an immersive interactive movie-like experience that you find at a single URI.

[end add]

Appendix A How to refer to WCAG 2.0 from other documents

[begin add]Please note that the following language for referencing WCAG 2.0 can be inserted into your own documents. [2283] [end add]

Information references

When referencing WCAG 2.0 in an informational fashion, the following format can be used.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, W3C World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation XX Month Year (, Latest version at

When referring to WCAG 2.0 from another standard with a "should" statement

When referencing WCAG 2.0 from within a should statement in a standard (or advisory statement in a regulation), then the full WCAG 2.0 should be referenced. This would mean that all three levels of WCAG 2.0 should be considered but that none are required. The format for referencing WCAG 2.0 from a "should" statement therefore, is:

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, W3C World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation XX Month Year. (

When referring to WCAG 2.0 from another standard with a "shall or must" statement

When citing WCAG 2.0 as part of a requirement (e.g., a shall [begin add]or must[end add] statement in a standard or regulation), the reference must include the specific parts of WCAG 2.0 that are intended to be required. When referencing WCAG 2.0 in this manner, the following rules apply: [2282]

  1. Conformance at any level of WCAG 2.0 requires that all of the Level A success criteria be met. References to WCAG 2.0 conformance can not be for any subset of Level A.

  2. Beyond Level A, a "shall [begin add]or must[end add]" reference may include any subset of provisions in Levels AA and AAA. [begin change]For example,[end change] "all of Level A and [some specific list of success criteria in Level AA and Level AAA]" be met. [2285]

  3. If Level AA conformance to WCAG 2.0 is specified, then all Level A and all Level AA success criteria must be met.

  4. If Level AAA conformance to WCAG 2.0 is specified, then all Level A, all Level AA, and all Level AAA success criteria must be met.

    [begin add]

    Note 1: It is not recommended that Level AAAconformance ever be required for entire sites as a general policy because it is not possible to satisfy all Level AAA success criteria for some content. [2286]

    Note 2: The sets of success criteria defined in WCAG are interdependant and individual success criteria rely on each other's definitions in ways which may not be immediately obvious to the reader. Any set of success criteria must include all of the Level A provisions.

    [end add]


To cite only the Level A success criteria (Single-A conformance):

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, W3C World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation XX Month Year, Level A success criteria. (

To cite the Levels A and AA success criteria (Double-A conformance):

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, W3C World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation XX Month Year, Level A & Level AA success criteria. (

To cite Level A success criteria and selected success criteria from Level AA and Level AAA:

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, W3C World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation XX Month Year, Level A success criteria plus Success Criteria 1.x.x, 2.y.y, … 3.z.z. (

[begin delete]

Note: It is not recommended that Triple-A conformance ever be required for entire sites as a general policy because it is not possible to satisfy all Level AAA success criteria for some content.

[end delete]

Example of use of a WCAG reference in a "shall [begin add]or must[end add]" statement.

All Web content on publicly available Web sites shall conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, W3C World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation XX Month Year, Level A success criteria plus Success Criteria 1.2.3, 2.4.5-6, 3.1.2 (

Referring to content from WCAG support documents

Techniques, which are listed in Understanding WCAG 2.0 and described in other supporting documents, are not part of the normative WCAG 2.0 Recommendation and should not be cited using the citation for the WCAG 2.0 Recommendation itself. References to techniques in support documents should be cited separately.

Techniques can be cited based on the individual Technique document or on the master WCAG 2.0 Techniques document. For example, the technique "Using alt attributes on img elements" could be cited as

"Using alt attributes on img elements," W3C World Wide Web Consortium Note. (URL: {URL of technique})


W3C World Wide Web Consortium (200x): WCAG2.0 HTML Techniques (URL: {URL of HTML Techniques})

Techniques are not designed to be referenced as "required" from any standard or regulation.Standards and regulations should not make any specific technique mandatory, though they may choose to recommend techniques.

Appendix B Documenting Accessibility Support for a Web Technology

The documention of accessibility support for a Web technology provides the information needed to determine whether it is possible to satisfy the WCAG success criteria for a particular environment.

WCAG 1.0 assumed that HTML was the only accessibility supported technology. This was a significant shortcoming of WCAG 1.0 and a major impetus for creating WCAG 2.0.

Accessibility Support documentation for a Web technology includes the following information:

Target environments are defined by the user agents and assistive technologies available to its users. Documentation of accessibility support involves detailed understanding of the functionality of a technology, and also of user agents and assistive technology. Because of this, vendors and developers of web technologies and users agents are encouraged to provide this information about the accessibility support of their products. Similarly, developers and vendors of assistive technology are encouraged to provide this information about the Web technologies supported by their products. Authors should undertake documenting the accessibility support of a technology only when there is not reliable documentation available from vendors or testing groups.

For a controlled environment, such as a corporate workplace, the user agents and assistive technologies available may be a specific set of versions of user agents on a specific set of platforms. To determine whether a Web technology is accessibility supported in a target environment, an author checks that the user agents and assistive technologies available are in the set of supported user agents and assistive technologies listed in the Accessibility Support documentation.

For a target environment like the internet, authors may need to consider a much larger set of user agents, including older versions, and on a wider variety of platforms.

Environments that use different natural languages are different target environments. For example, the accessibility supported technologies for an English language environment may differ from those for an Arabic language environment, since there may be different user agents and assistive technologies that support these languages.

The documentation includes version-specific information about all the assistive technologies and all the user agents and the ways that they interact with one another. If support in these user agents is similar, it will be straightforward for an author to decide if the technology is accessibility supported. If the features supported are different in different versions, authors can only rely on the features that are supported in the versions available to their users in determining accessibility support.

The author also reviews the feature support for any features used in his content. If the available user agents or assistive technologies lack support for features used by the content, the Web technology is not accessibility supported. Lack of support for features that are not used does not disqualify a Web technology. For instance, lack of accessibility support for interactive controls would not prevent use of the Web technology for non-interactive content.

Appendix C References

ANSI/HFS 100-1988, American National Standard for Human Factors Engineering of Visual Display Terminal Workstations, Section 6, pp. 17-20.
Arditi, A. (2002). Effective color contrast: designing for people with partial sight and color deficiencies. New York, Arlene R. Gordon Research Institute, Lighthouse International. Also available at
Arditi, A. and Faye, E. (2004). Monocular and binocular letter contrast sensitivity and letter acuity in a diverse ophthalmologic practice. Supplement to Optometry and Vision Science, 81 (12S), 287.
Arditi, A. and Knoblauch, K. (1994). Choosing effective display colors for the partially-sighted. Society for Information Display International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 25, 32-35.
Arditi, A. and Knoblauch, K. (1996). Effective color contrast and low vision. In B. Rosenthal and R. Cole (Eds.) Functional Assessment of Low Vision. St. Louis, Mosby, 129-135.
The CAPTCHA Project, Carnegie Mellon University. The project is online at
Experts Issue Recommendations to Protect Public from Seizures Induced by TV / Videogames. A copy of the standard is available at
Gittings, NS and Fozard, JL (1986). Age related changes in visual acuity. Experimental Gerontology, 21(4-5), 423-433.
Levitt, H., Kozma-Spytek, L., & Harkins, J. (2005). In-the-ear measurements of interference in hearing aids from digital wireless telephones. Seminars in Hearing, 26(2), 87.
IEC/4WD 61966-2-1: Colour Measurement and Management in Multimedia Systems and Equipment - Part 2.1: Default Colour Space - sRGB. May 5, 1998.
ISO 9241-3, Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) - Part 3: Visual display requirements. Amendment 1.
"Tutorial: Character sets & encodings in XHTML, HTML and CSS," R. Ishida, ed., This tutorial is available at
Knoblauch, K., Arditi, A. and Szlyk, J. (1991). Effects of chromatic and luminance contrast on reading. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 8, 428-439.
Bakke, M. H., Levitt, H., Ross, M., & Erickson, F. (1999). Large area assistive listening systems (ALS): Review and recommendations (Final Report. NARIC Accession Number: O16430). Jackson Heights, NY: Lexington School for the Deaf/Center for the Deaf Rehabilitation Research Engineering Center on Hearing Enhancement.
"A Standard Default Color Space for the Internet - sRGB," M. Stokes, M. Anderson, S. Chandrasekar, R. Motta, eds., Version 1.10, November 5, 1996. A copy of this paper is available at
International Standard Classification of Education, 1997. A copy of the standard is available at
"Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0," B. Caldwell, M Cooper, L Guarino Reid, and G. Vanderheiden, eds., W3C Working Draft 17 May 2007. This W3C Working Draft is available at The latest version of WCAG 2.0 is available at