The work on this deliverable has primarily moved to Github. If you can, leave your comments as issues there. This wiki page is still monitored.
- Comment {Name, 2014-Month-Day}
Concepts page
- [DONE {Eric, 2014-October-17}] Suggest adding a sentence about enabling the user to pause/stop the rotation of items (yes it is covered under 'why it is important', but should probably be drawn out at this level too). {Andrew, 2014-09-26}
- Comment {Name, 2014-Month-Day}
Structure page
- [DONE {Eric, 2014-October-17}] In the Note - consider changing "so that a heading" to "so that an appropriate level of heading" {Andrew, 2014-09-26}
- [DONE {Eric, 2014-October-17}] Under Carousel Styling - reconsider the user of the term 'colour contrast ratio' - in the Easy Checks we used Contrast ratio ("color contrast") {Andrew, 2014-09-26}
- Comment {Name, 2014-Month-Day}
Functionality page
- Comment {Name, 2014-Month-Day}
Animations page
- Comment {Name, 2014-Month-Day}
Tips page
- Comment {Name, 2014-Month-Day}