Accessibility Checkpoint Full List

From Education & Outreach

Parent document:

  • This document is internal to the EOWG, and is meant to support the creation of the role-based resources being developed under the ARRM project.
  • The EOWG does not support this resource as an exhaustive list of checkpoints to meet WCAG 2.x.
  • It SHOULD NOT be referenced outside of this body of work.
  • It is NOT meant to be distributed as a standalone resource.

Images and Graphs

ID WCAG SC Conformance Level Checkpoint Main Role Role Ownership
Primary Secondary Contributor(s)
IMG-001 1.1.1 A Informative alternate text is provided for images (i.e. not "spacer" or image file name). Author Content Authoring UX Design none
IMG-002 1.1.1 A Informative images are described with a clear and meaningful text equivalent (alt attribute or other equivalent means). Author Content Authoring none none
IMG-003 1.1.1 A Purely decorative images are provided with null alt attribute values (or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development Content Authoring none
IMG-004 1.1.1 A Null alt attribute values are used for images that are already described in text in adjacent page content. Development Front-End Development Content Authoring none
IMG-005 1.1.1 A Adjacent linked images and text links pointing the same URL are combined into single links. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
IMG-006 1.1.1 A Alt text used for images of text include all relevant text found in the image. Author Content Authoring none none
IMG-007 1.1.1 A Informative images are marked up as foreground images, and not embedded as part of the CSS. Development Front-End Development Content Authoring none
IMG-008 1.1.1 A The purpose or function of complex images is accurately described in text. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
IMG-009 1.1.1 A The purpose or function of complex images is conveyed using a text description, via an alt attribute. Development Front-End Development Content Authoring UX Design
IMG-010 1.1.1 A The full explanation of complex images is accurately described in text. Author Content Authoring none none
IMG-011 1.1.1 A A mechanism that conveys the way through which the full explanation of complex images is defined. Design UX Design none none
IMG-012 1.1.1 A The full explanation of complex images is provided through the longdesc attribute (or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development none none
IMG-013 1.1.1 A Images primarily conveying function use alternative text to describe their purpose, rather than what they look like. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
IMG-014 1.1.1 A Text alternatives of static and linked images do not replicate any information that is already being conveyed by screen reader technology. Author Content Authoring Front-End Development none
IMG-015 1.1.1 A Text alternatives of dynamically updated images are simultaneously updated as the images change. Development Front-End Development UX Design Content Authoring
IMG-016 1.1.1 A Alternate means of accessing CAPTCHA information are provided, such as audio CAPTCHA, logical question, or other equivalent means. Design UX Design Business Analyst none
IMG-017 1.1.1 A Images which do not convey information are defined as decorative. Author Content Authoring none none
IMG-018 1.1.1 A Charts, graphs, infographics and other visual representations of information don't rely on color alone to convey information. Design Visual Design UX Designer none
IMG-019 1.4.5 AA Text content that conveys information is not part of images. Design UX Design Visual Design Content Authoring
IMG-020 1.4.5 AA Text that is placed on top of an image is handled semantically through HTML and CSS instead. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
IMG-021 1.4.5 AA Unless a particular presentation of text is essential to the information being conveyed, all images that contain text are only used for purely decorative purposes. Design Visual Design UX Design none
IMG-022 1.4.9 AAA With the exception of logos, all images that contain text are only used for purely decorative purposes. Design Visual Design Content Authoring none

Semantic Structure

ID WCAG SC Conformance Level Checkpoint Main Role Role Ownership
Primary Secondary Contributor(s)
SEM-001 1.3.1 A Informative content is provided through HTML markup. Development Front-End Development UX Design, Content Authoring none
SEM-002 1.3.1 A HTML elements are used according to the HTML specification. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SEM-003 1.3.1 A Navigation groupings are marked up using HTML list or nav elements (or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SEM-004 1.3.1 A Header sections are marked up using HTML header elements (or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development UX Design Content Authoring
SEM-005 1.3.1 A The main section of a page is marked up using a HTML main element (or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SEM-006 1.3.1 A The footer of the page is marked up using a HTML footer element (or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SEM-007 1.3.1 A Content that is complementary to the main section is marked up using HTML aside elements (or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SEM-008 1.3.1 A HTML elements are used based on the semantics they provide, not based on what they look like. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SEM-009 1.3.1 A Decorative elements are embedded through the CSS presentation layer (or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development Content Authoring none
SEM-010 1.3.1 A All scripting behaviors are handled through JavaScript. Development Front-End Development none none
SEM-011 1.3.1 A Elements that act as headings are marked up as such. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SEM-012 1.3.1 A Headings follow a hierarchical sequence without skipping any levels. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
SEM-013 1.3.1 A Headings are marked up using h1 to h6 elements or other equivalent means. Development Front-End Development UX Design, Content Authoring none
SEM-014 1.3.1 A Page contains a level 1 heading that describes the page content. Development Front-End Development UX Design, Content Authoring none
SEM-015 1.3.1 A Whitespace or pre-formatted text is not used to render content to appear as multiple columns or tabular information. Development Front-End Development none none
SEM-016 1.3.1 A Use of native, semantic HTML elements are prioritized over other methods. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SEM-017 1.3.2 A The source code (or DOM) order matches the suggested visual order of the design. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SEM-018 2.4.1 A iFrames displaying content are provided with a clear, informative title attribute value. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
SEM-019 2.4.2 A Page title text matches the level 1 heading text. Author Content Authoring none none
SEM-020 2.4.2 A Pages are described using unique and descriptive page title values. Author Content Authoring none none
SEM-021 2.4.3 A The tab order logically and predictably follows the expected interaction order of the visual design. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SEM-022 2.4.6 AA Heading text meaningfully describes the content's topic or purpose. Author Content Authoring none none
SEM-023 2.4.6 AA The main heading of the page describes the content of the page. Author Content Authoring none none
SEM-024 4.1.1 A Source code is properly nested, according to its specification. Development Front-End Development none none
SEM-025 4.1.1 A Source code elements are provided with complete start and end tags (or are self-closed) according to specification. Development Front-End Development none none
SEM-026 4.1.1 A ID attribute values assigned to elements are unique. Development Front-End Development none none
SEM-027 4.1.1 A Elements do not contain duplicate attributes. Development Front-End Development none none
SEM-028 4.1.2 A iFrames are given a title that describes their content or purpose. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
SEM-029 4.1.2 A iFrames are implemented using title attribute values that describe their content or purpose. Development Front-End Development Content Authoring none

Input Modalities

ID WCAG SC Conformance Level Checkpoint Main Role Role Ownership
Primary Secondary Contributor(s)
INP-001 1.4.13 AA Additional content triggered by focus or hover that covers other information can be dismissed by the user. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
INP-002 1.4.13 AA Additional content triggered by pointer hover does not disappear when trying to move the pointer over it. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
INP-003 1.4.13 AA Additional content triggered by hover or focus stays visible until purposefully un-triggered, dismissed, or is no longer valid. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
INP-004 2.1.1 A All actionable elements can be reached, using only the keyboard. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
INP-005 2.1.1 A All active elements can be triggered, using only the keyboard. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
INP-006 2.1.1 A Device-specific programmatic event handlers are not used as the only way to trigger interactions. Development Front-End Development none none
INP-007 2.1.1 A Behaviors for hover and focus states are planned and included with the design assets. Design UX Design Visual Design none
INP-008 2.1.1 A Keyboard focus states are planned for every active element. Design UX Design Visual Design none
INP-009 2.1.1 A Keyboard focus is not applied to non-active or static elements. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
INP-010 2.1.1 A Custom active elements replicate all inherent keyboard behaviors of native active HTML elements. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
INP-011 2.1.1 A Non-interactive elements are not assigned JavaScript event handlers. Development Front-End Development none none
INP-012 2.1.2 A Users can navigate away from all active elements, using only the keyboard. Development Front-End Development none none
INP-013 2.1.3 AAA All actionable elements can be reached using only the keyboard without requiring specific timings for individual keystrokes. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
INP-014 2.1.4 A Single-key keyboard shortcuts can be disabled or remapped, unless they are only active on keyboard focus. Design UX Design none none
INP-015 2.4.3 A Users can tab through active elements in an order that reflects the intended interaction order of the design. Development Front-End Development UX Design, Visual Design none
INP-016 2.4.3 A Tabindex attributes are not assigned positive integer values. Development Front-End Development none none
INP-017 2.4.7 AA Every element that receives keyboard focus is designed to display a visible focus indicator. Design Visual Design UX Design none
INP-018 2.4.7 AA Every element that receives keyboard focus displays a visible focus indicator. Development Front-End Development Visual Design none
INP-019 2.5.1 A Non-essential multipoint, path- or gesture-based functions have single-pointer alternatives. Design UX Design none none
INP-020 2.5.2 A Non-essential single pointer functionality is not triggered on down events, unless the functionality can be canceled, undone, or reversed. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
INP-021 2.5.3 A Text or images of text that is usually included in a user interface control is part of its accessible name. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
INP-022 2.5.4 A All non-essential motion-related functionalities have alternative user interface controls that allow for equivalent actions. Design UX Design none none
INP-023 2.5.4 A All non-essential motion-related functionality can be turned off to prevent accidental actuation. Design UX Design none none
INP-024 3.2.2 A Keyboard focus does not move automatically from one form control to the next. Design UX Design Front End Development none

Form Interactions

ID WCAG SC Conformance Level Checkpoint Main Role Role Ownership
Primary Secondary Contributor(s)
FRM-001 1.3.1 A Text labels are marked up using the label element or other equivalent means. Development Front-End Development none none
FRM-002 1.3.1 A Text labels and form controls are programmatically associated (using the FOR and ID attributes, or equivalent means). Development Front-End Development UX Design none
FRM-003 1.3.1 A Submit buttons in forms rely on a submit input type, a button element, or other equivalent means. Development Front-End Development none none
FRM-004 1.3.1 A Related form controls are programmatically associated using fieldset and legend elements or other equivalent means. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
FRM-005 1.3.1 A Long option lists in select elements are grouped semantically (using the optgroup element, or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development UX Design none
FRM-006 1.3.1 A Common group label text is informative, meaningful and provides context for the grouping. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
FRM-007 1.3.1 A Instructions and messages are programmatically conveyed to assistive technologies. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
FRM-008 1.3.1 A Use of native HTML controls are prioritized over other methods. Development Front-End Development none none
FRM-009 1.3.1 A Required fields are programmatically conveyed as such to assistive technologies. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
FRM-010 1.3.1 A Instructions on how to use forms are programmatically conveyed to assistive technologies. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
FRM-011 1.3.2 A Information that is relevant to a form does not appear after the submit button. Design UX Design none none
FRM-012 1.3.5 AA Data entry fields are designed to autofill previously entered user information when that information is available. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
FRM-013 1.3.5 AA Data entry fields using the autocomplete attribute for previously entered information are set to the appropriate value. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
FRM-014 1.3.6 AAA The purpose of user interface components, icons, and regions is implemented using markup languages, in a way that can be programmatically determined. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
FRM-015 2.4.3 A Keyboard focus is dynamically moved to the error message when errors are returned. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
FRM-016 2.4.6 AA The purpose of the form control is clearly described in text. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
FRM-017 2.5.6 AAA The content is designed in a way that does not restrict input modalities available. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
FRM-018 3.2.1 A Changes of context are not initiated automatically as user interface components receive focus. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
FRM-019 3.2.2 A Event handlers are not used to automatically trigger a change of context upon input that would otherwise require explicit user action unless previously communicated. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
FRM-020 3.2.2 A Form interactions are not designed to include automatic changes of context upon input that would otherwise require explicit user action unless previously communicated. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
FRM-021 3.2.4 A Error messages and alerts are visually displayed across the site in a consistent manner. Design UX Design Visual Design none
FRM-022 3.2.4 A Visual indicators are presented to support error messages when errors are returned. Design Visual Design UX Design none
FRM-023 3.3.1 A Inline error messages are displayed next to their related form controls. Design UX Design none none
FRM-024 3.3.1 A Error messages are grouped as a list at the top of the form. Design UX Design Visual Design none
FRM-025 3.3.2 A Radio buttons and checkbox labels are positioned to the right of their respective form controls (for left-to-right languages). Design UX Design none none
FRM-026 3.3.2 A Related form controls and their respective labels are grouped together visually. Design UX Design Visual Design none
FRM-027 3.3.2 A Instructions are in close visual proximity to their related controls. Design UX Design none none
FRM-028 3.3.2 A Form controls are coded to have persistent visual labels. Development Front-End Development UX Design Visual Design
FRM-029 3.3.2 A Form controls are designed to have persistent visual labels. Design UX Design Visual Design none
FRM-030 3.3.2 A Clear text-based instructions are provided on how to use the form controls. Author Content Authoring UX Design Visual Design
FRM-031 3.3.2 A Instructions provided in forms are displayed in a clear and unambiguous way. Design Visual Design UX Design none
FRM-032 3.3.2 A Placeholder text is not used in lieu of regular text label elements. Design UX Design none none
FRM-033 3.3.3 AA Error messages returned provide clear instructions on how to fix them. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
FRM-034 3.3.3 AA Instructions intending to prevent errors are provided in text and available. Development Front-End Development UX Design Content Authoring
FRM-035 3.3.3 AA Text-based instructions are provided to help users correct errors. Design UX Design Content Authoring, Visual Design none
FRM-036 3.3.4 AA Users are provided with means to prevent and correct form errors when legal, financial, or data information is involved. Design UX Design Business none
FRM-037 3.3.4 AA When legal, financial, or data information is involved, confirmation screens are provided prior to any final form submission. Design UX Design Business Front-End Development
FRM-038 3.3.5 AAA Context-sensitive help text is available. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
FRM-039 3.3.6 AAA Users are provided with means to prevent and correct form errors. Design UX Design Business none

CSS and Presentation

ID WCAG SC Conformance Level Checkoint Main Role Role Ownership
Primary Secondary Contributor(s)
CSS-001 1.1.1 A Icon fonts used to convey information are provided with a text equivalent. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
CSS-002 1.1.1 A The meaning of icon fonts is determined programmatically using the aria-label attribute (or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development Content Authoring none
CSS-003 1.1.1 A Icon fonts whose default accessible name do not represent what the icon is, are overwritten using an aria-hidden attribute (or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development none none
CSS-004 1.1.1 A Background images identified as decorative are implemented as such. Development Front-End Development Visual Design none
CSS-005 1.3.1 A CSS pseudo-selectors such as :before and :after are not used to integrate informative content. Development Front-End Development none none
CSS-006 1.3.3 A Shape and location are never used as the only way to convey information and relationships between page components. Design Visual Design UX Design Content Authoring
CSS-007 1.3.3 A Users relying on High Contrast themes don't lose information as a result of doing so. Development Front-End Development Visual Design none
CSS-008 1.3.4 AA Content is viewable in both portrait and landscape orientation, unless a particular orientation is essential. Design UX Design Visual Design none
CSS-009 1.4.1 A Color is never used as the only way to convey information, context, indicate selection or the presence of errors. Design Visual Design UX Design Content Authoring
CSS-010 1.4.1 A For a link that is not underlined and in a paragraph text, its text color is sufficiently contrasted by providing a luminosity ratio of at least 3:1 against its surrounding text. Design Visual Design none none
CSS-011 1.4.3 AA Regular-sized text is sufficiently contrasted against its background, with a luminosity ratio of at least 4.5:1. Design Visual Design none none
CSS-012 1.4.3 AA Large-sized text is sufficiently contrasted against its background, with a luminosity ratio of at least 3:1. Design Visual Design none none
CSS-013 1.4.4 AA Users can resize the text on the page up to 200% without any loss of content or functionality. Design Visual Design Front-End Development UX Design
CSS-014 1.4.4 AA CSS techniques are used to ensure that content doesn't overflow, overlap or get truncated as a result of increasing the text size. Development Front-End Development Visual Design UX Design
CSS-015 1.4.5 AA CSS background sprites don't include images of text, unless equivalent text alternatives are also provided as part of the HTML. Development Front-End Development Content Authoring, Visual Design none
CSS-016 1.4.6 AAA Regular-sized text is sufficiently contrasted against its background, with a luminosity ratio of at least 7:1. Design Visual Design none none
CSS-017 1.4.6 AAA Large-sized text is sufficiently contrasted against its background, with a luminosity ratio of at least 4.5:1. Design Visual Design none none
CSS-018 1.4.10 AA The design makes it possible for end users to enlarge the text so that it reflows into a single column without any loss of information or functionality. Design Visual Design UX Design none
CSS-019 1.4.10 AA Displaying content on narrower screens or magnifying it does not cause multidirectional scrolling. Design Visual Design Front-End Development UX Design
CSS-020 1.4.11 AA All non-text user interface components and graphical objects are sufficiently contrasted against their background, with a luminosity ratio of at least 3:1. Design Visual Design none none
CSS-021 1.4.12 AA Adjusting spacing between letters, words, or paragraphs, or adjusting line height does not cause a loss of content or functionality. Design Visual Design Front-End Development none
CSS-022 2.4.7 AA The CSS outline property of objects that receive keyboard focus are not set to zero or none. Development Front-End Development Visual Design none
CSS-023 2.5.5 AAA Unless the interactive element is part of a sentence or a block of text, its size must be at least 44 x 44 pixels. Design Visual Design none none


ID WCAG SC Conformance Level Checkoint Main Role Role Ownership
Primary Secondary Contributor(s)
1.3.1 A Active objects and other calls to action are visually identifiable as such. Design Visual Design none none
1.3.3 A Instructions are conveyed through more than shape, size, position, or sound alone. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
1.4.1 A Additional visual and/or textual cues are provided when color is used to convey information. Design UX Design Visual Design, Content Authoring none
2.2.1 A Users are notified when time limits are about to expire. Design UX Design Business none
2.2.1 A Options to extend, or even turn off time limits are provided. Design UX Design Business none
2.2.2 A Users are given means to pause, stop or hide content that automatically updates. Design UX Design none none
2.2.4 AAA Users are provided with means to turn off all updates, except in case of emergencies. Design UX Design none none
2.2.5 AAA Users are provided with means to re-authenticate sessions without loss of data. Design UX Design none none
2.4.1 A Users can bypass blocks of content using skip links or similar mechanisms. Design UX Design none none
2.4.1 A Skip links (and similar mechanisms) for main content and navigation are provided at the most effective location in the interface (such as the very first tab stop). Design UX Design none none
2.4.1 A The functionality and expected destination of skip links and similar mechanisms is clearly defined. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
2.4.1 A Skip links and similar mechanisms point to the expected destination. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
2.4.3 A All active elements receive focus in a logical and predictable order that is prescribed by the visual presentation. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
2.4.3 A A logical and predictable focus order is defined for complex interactions. Design UX Design none none
2.4.3 A Objects that are not actionable are not part of the tabbing order. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
2.4.3 A Focus is sent back to the initiating point when modal dialogs and controls are dismissed. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
2.4.3 A Event handlers do not unexpectedly send the focus somewhere else on the page. Development Front-End Development none none
2.4.4 A Link text and alternate text for images, when used as links, describe the destination or purpose of the link. Author Content Authoring none none
2.4.4 A Links are marked up using the anchor element and have a valid href attribute value (or use other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development none none
2.4.5 AA Multiple mechanisms are provided for wayfinding, such as navigation menus, breadcrumbs, search features, site map, progress bar, steps, etc. Design UX Design none none
2.4.8 AAA Indications are provided to help users identify their current location within the site. Design UX Design Visual Design none
2.4.9 AAA The purpose of each link can be identified in its immediate context, or from the link text alone. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
2.4.10 AAA Content is logically organized using section headings. Author Content Authoring UX Design Front-End Development
3.2.1 A Setting the focus to a new element doesn't automatically trigger a context change, such as content updates or the opening of new windows. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
3.2.2 A Interacting with input controls or other equivalent elements doesn't automatically trigger a change of context, unless the user has been notified ahead of time. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
3.2.3 AA Navigation mechanisms are repeated consistently throughout the site or application in the same relative order. Design UX Design Visual Design none
3.2.4 AA Navigational graphics and icons used throughout the site or application are designed to always serve the same function and or meaning. Design Visual Design UX Design none
3.2.4 AA The accessible name of user interface components used across the site or application are defined consistently. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
3.2.4 AA Users can consistently distinguish between links internal to a page and links going to different locations. Design Visual Design none none
3.2.5 AAA Links that open new windows visually indicate they will do so. Design UX Design Visual Design none
3.2.5 AAA Links that open new windows indicate they will do so, either as part of the link text, or using aria-label or equivalent means. Development Front-End Development Content Authoring none

Data Tables

ID WCAG SC Conformance Level Checkpoint Main Role Role Ownership
Primary Secondary Contributor(s)
TAB-001 1.3.1 A Tables are only to be used to lay out tabular information or data. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
TAB-002 1.3.1 A Table row and/or column headers provide context for data within the table. Design UX Design none none
TAB-003 1.3.1 A Data table structure is appropriate for the data being included. Design UX Design none none
TAB-004 1.3.1 A Tabular data and corresponding header cells for that data are part of the same table. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
TAB-005 1.3.1 A Header cells for rows are marked up using THEAD elements. Development Front-End Development none none
TAB-006 1.3.1 A Header cells for columns are marked up using TH elements. Development Front-End Development none none
TAB-007 1.3.1 A The relationship between table header rows and table header columns with data cells in simple data tables is provided through the SCOPE attributes. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
TAB-008 1.3.1 A The relationship between table header rows and table header columns with data cells in complex data tables is provided through the HEADERS and ID attributes. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
TAB-009 1.3.1 A Caption elements are used to associate caption information with data tables. Development Front-End Development none none
TAB-010 1.3.1 A Large, complex data tables are broken into smaller, simpler data tables (when possible). Design UX Design Visual Design, Content Authoring none
TAB-011 1.3.1 A Unrelated data is not included in the same data table. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
TAB-012 1.3.1 A Tables are not used for layout purposes. Development Front-End Development none none
TAB-013 1.3.1 A Tables are not used to layout lists. Development Front-End Development none none
TAB-014 1.3.1 A Caption elements, aria-labelledby attributes or other equivalent means are used to explain the structure of data tables. Development Front-End Development none none
TAB-015 1.3.1 A A meaningful description of the structure of data tables is provided. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
TAB-016 1.3.2 A The programmatic order of the table content matches the intended reading order, so not to affect its meaning. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
TAB-017 2.4.6 AA All data table header cells are identified. Design UX Design Front-End Development none

Animation and Movement

ID WCAG SC Conformance Level Checkpoint Main Role Role Ownership
Primary Secondary Contributor(s)
ANM-001 1.2.1 A Text transcripts are provided for prerecorded audio-only files. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
ANM-002 1.2.1 A Text transcripts are provided for prerecorded video-only files. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
ANM-003 1.2.1 A Links to transcript files are provided in close proximity to the audio-only files. Design UX Design none none
ANM-004 1.2.1 A The relationship between multimedia files and their associated transcript is clearly communicated through content sequence or focus order. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
ANM-005 1.2.1 A Copy on the page identifies when video content has no sound. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
ANM-006 1.2.1 A When appropriate, further information about the multimedia file is provided in proximity to the multimedia file. Design UX Design none none
ANM-007 1.2.2 A Synchronized captions are provided for all prerecorded video content. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
ANM-008 1.2.2 A Captions do not skip dialogues or important sounds. Author Content Authoring none none
ANM-009 1.2.2 A Multimedia player controls are provided to turn captions on or off. Design UX Design none none
ANM-010 1.2.3 A Text transcripts report all significant information from the audio track. Author Content Authoring none none
ANM-011 1.2.3 A Text transcripts or audio descriptions report all significant information from the visual track. Author Content Authoring none none
ANM-012 1.2.4 AA Synchronized captions are provided for all live video content. Author Content Authoring none none
ANM-013 1.2.4 AA Captions for live audio content are generated using real-time text transcription services. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
ANM-014 1.2.5 AA Prerecorded videos have audio descriptions that captures all significant information from the visual track. Author Content Authoring none none
ANM-015 1.2.5 AA Controls to toggle audio descriptions features are provided as part of the media player controls. Design UX Design none none
ANM-016 1.2.5 AA Multimedia player controls are provided to access a version of the video with audio description. Design UX Design none none
ANM-017 1.2.6 AAA Sign language interpretation is provided for all prerecorded audio content in synchronized media. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
ANM-018 1.2.7 AAA Extended audio description is provided for all prerecorded synchronized video content when pauses in foreground audio are insufficient to allow audio descriptions to convey the sense of the video. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
ANM-019 1.2.8 AAA Text alternatives are provided for all prerecorded audio and video files. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
ANM-020 1.2.8 AAA Brief descriptions summarizing multimedia content are provided in close proximity to the audio and video files. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
ANM-021 1.2.9 AAA Live transcripts are provided for all audio content happening in real-time. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
ANM-022 1.4.2 A Multimedia player controls are provided to turn sound on and off. Design UX Design none none
ANM-023 1.4.2 A Volume controls for page-level multimedia files are independent from general computer audio controls. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
ANM-024 1.4.2 A Volume controls for page-level multimedia files are visually located at the top of the page. Design UX Design none none
ANM-025 1.4.2 A Audio content that automatically starts on page load lasts no longer than 3 seconds. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
ANM-026 1.4.2 A Prerecorded or live video content is not set to auto-play. Design UX Design none none
ANM-027 1.4.7 AAA Prerecorded audio-only background sounds can be controlled by the user. Design UX Design Front-end Development none
ANM-028 1.4.7 AAA Prerecorded audio-only speeches contain no background sound, or if they do, must be at least 20 decibels lower than the foreground speech content. Author Content Authoring none none
ANM-029 2.1.1 A Multimedia player controls can be fully operated using only the keyboard. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
ANM-030 2.2.2 A Multimedia player controls are provided to pause or play the multimedia file. Design UX Design none none
ANM-031 2.2.3 AAA Timing is not an essential part of the event or activity presented by the content. Design UX Design Content Authoring Business
ANM-032 2.2.6 AAA Users are warned that more than 20 hours of inactivity could lead to data loss. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
ANM-033 2.3.1 A Content on the screen does not flash or blink more than three times in any one-second period, or the flash is below the general flash and red flash thresholds. Design Visual Design none none
ANM-034 2.3.2 AAA Content on the screen does not flash or blink at a rate that is higher than three times in any one-second period. Design UX Design none none
ANM-035 2.3.3 AAA Animation features that create the illusion of movement are defined so that users can disable them. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
ANM-036 2.3.3 AAA Animation features that create the illusion of movement support prefers-reduced-motion (or other equivalent means). Development Front-End Development UX Design none
ANM-037 4.1.2 A Information conveyed by multimedia player controls are programmatically announced through assistive technologies. Development Front-End Development UX Design none

Static Content

ID WCAG SC Conformance Level Checkpoint Main Role Role Ownership
Primary Secondary Contributor(s)
SCT-001 1.1.1 A Emoticons, emojis, ASCII art, and other non-markup language constructs are supported with equivalent text alternatives and conveyed to assistive technologies. Design UX Design Content Authoring Front-End Development
SCT-002 1.3.1 A Emoticons, emojis, ASCII art, and other non-markup language constructs are not used as the only way to structure content or convey information. Design UX Design Front-End Development none
SCT-003 1.3.1 A Proper markup is used to render emphasized, bolded text and other stylistic or presentational effects. Development Front-End Development none none
SCT-004 1.3.1 A Proper markup is used to structure quotes, blockquotes and citations. Development Front-End Development Content Authoring none
SCT-005 1.3.1 A Heading markup is only used for text which acts as a section heading. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SCT-006 1.3.1 A Heading markup is not used for formatting effects. Development Front-End Development none none
SCT-007 1.3.1 A The headings used in a page provide a logical outline for the document. Author Content Authoring UX Design none
SCT-008 1.3.2 A The intended reading order of the content remains logical when CSS and images are turned off. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SCT-009 1.3.2 A The source code order reflects the intended reading order of the document. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
SCT-010 1.3.3 A Site supports internationalization with multiple languages, including right-to-left languages. Design Business UX Design Visual Design, Content Authoring
SCT-011 1.3.3 A Text direction is properly marked up as such, especially for right-to-left languages. Development Front-End Development none none
SCT-012 1.3.3 A Objects that rely on shape to be properly perceived are supported with additional text information. Design UX Design Visual Design Content Authoring
SCT-013 1.3.3 A Objects that rely on size to be properly perceived are supported with additional text information. Design UX Design Visual Design Content Authoring
SCT-014 1.3.3 A Objects that rely on visual location to be properly perceived are supported with additional text information. Design UX Design Visual Design Content Authoring
SCT-015 1.3.3 A Objects that rely on orientation to be properly perceived are supported with additional text information. Design UX Design Visual Design Content Authoring
SCT-016 1.3.3 A Objects that rely on sound to be properly perceived are supported with additional text information. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
SCT-017 1.4.5 AA Mathematical formulas are marked up using MathML. Development Front-End Development Content Authoring none
SCT-018 1.4.8 AAA Text content in design assets such as content blocks is left-aligned in left-to-right languages. Design Visual Design UX Design none
SCT-019 1.4.8 AAA Fully justified text can easily be changed to ragged right text with a simple action. Design UX Designer Front-End Development none
SCT-020 3.1.1 A The primary language used in the document is properly identified using the lang attribute. Development Front-End Development none none
SCT-021 3.1.1 A The language definition of the document uses the correct value for language and locale. Author Content Authoring none none
SCT-022 3.1.2 AA Content passages that differ from the default are identified with the correct value for language and locale. Author Content Authoring Front-End Development none
SCT-023 3.1.3 AAA Unusual words, phrases, and abbreviations are organized into a glossary. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
SCT-024 3.1.3 AAA Unusual words found in the content are linked to their definitions in a glossary. Design UX Design Content Authoring none
SCT-025 3.1.4 AAA Abbreviations are programmatically associated with their definition. Development Front-End Development none none
SCT-026 3.1.5 AAA Content is written in plain language using everyday words, to help users with different literacy levels and access needs. Author Content Authoring none none
SCT-027 3.1.5 AAA Ideas conveyed through text are supported with illustrations or other visuals. Design Visual Design UX Design, Content Authoring none
SCT-028 3.1.5 AAA Content is displayed and structured in a way that makes it easier to read. Design UX Design Visual Design none
SCT-029 3.1.6 AAA Ambiguous words are supported by a mechanism that helps users identify their specific pronunciation. Design UX Design Front-End Development Content Authoring

Dynamic Interactions

ID WCAG SC Conformance Level Checkpoint Main Role Role Ownership
Primary Secondary Contributor(s)
DYN-001 4.1.2 A Information conveyed by multimedia player controls are programmatically announced through assistive technologies. Development Front-End Development UX Design none
DYN-002 4.1.3 AA Status messages are announced by assistive technologies without affecting the focus. Design UX Design Front-end Development none
DYN-003 4.1.3 AA Status, toast, or similar messages are programmatically determined through WAI-ARIA roles or properties, so they can be presented to assistive technology users without receiving focus. Development Front-End Development UX Design none