ISSUE-594: tablist role has implicit live region mapping in UIA guide
tablist role has implicit live region mapping in UIA guide
- State:
- Product:
- ARIA 1.1 Core Mapping Specification
- Raised by:
- Steve Faulkner
- Opened on:
- 2013-07-22
- Description:
- the tablist role has a live region mapping requirement for IA2 and ATK but not for other APIs.
Firefox has implemented, but is now going to removed it as it has caused issues.
Refer to Firefox bug for details. - Related Actions Items:
ACTION-1435 on Joseph Scheuhammer to Edit the ia2 and atk/at-spi entries for role tablist to remove the live region aspects of the mapping. - due 2014-05-13, closed- Related emails:
- No related emails
Related notes:
ACTION-1435 complete.
There are relevant test cases in the testharness [1] that need the expected results adjusted to remove the expectation of the live region mappings. Leaving this issue open until there is an action for the "ARIA 1.1 Test Harness" product. Note that there is no such product yet.
Closing given ACTION-2101 for test case changes.
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