ISSUE-45: shall we include or exclude the @templateid property?
shall we include or exclude the @templateid property?
- State:
- Product:
- ARIA 2.0
- Raised by:
- Alfred S. Gilman
- Opened on:
- 2008-04-04
- Description:
- The 'templateid' concept has generated considerable dispute.
One can view it in a variety of ways:
It's paving the cowpaths. This is how AT succeeds in the GUI application world today. The holes in the engineered solution are plugged with ad-hoc extensions to the AT that key off object IDs available in the platform API.
It's helping undefined design patterns and random code to compete with the ARIA dissemination of standard, engineered design patterns.
This functionality belongs under "role extension" in ARIA 2.0. It is a way of identifying to IT that a substructure in the web content follows a design pattern that can be tailored consistently with other instances of this design pattern. But the 'honor system' concerning the nature of the design pattern and the relationship of the derived code to that pattern or template is so ill defined as not to merit publication as a standard. - Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- No related emails
Related notes:
Group resolved on April 21 to address this issue in ARIA 2.0 to better develop the solution.
Richard Schwerdtfeger, 21 Apr 2008, 21:27:29Closed as Not To Be Fixed with May 2011 F2F consensus.
James Craig, 6 May 2011, 22:29:53Display change log