ISSUE-441: Normative UAIG requirements for what UAs do when aria-posinset or aria-setsize is provided explicitly on some, but not all, elements within a set.
Normative UAIG requirements for what UAs do when aria-posinset or aria-setsize is provided explicitly on some, but not all, elements within a set.
- State:
- Product:
- ARIA 1.1 Core Mapping Specification
- Raised by:
- Opened on:
- 2011-05-05
- Description:
- Related Actions Items:
ACTION-1373 on Cynthia Shelly to Create a test case for when aria-posinset and aria-setsize are provided explicitly on some but not all elements. - due 2016-08-02, closed- Related emails:
- No related emails
Related notes:
Closed as the Core-AAM now says that only having some items with aria-posinset and/or aria-setsize is an author error, and user agent behaviour is undefined (aka, not handled by the user agent).
The implication is that authors either supply all of the aria-posinset/aria-setsize on each item in the set, or none of them.
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