ISSUE-109: Explanatory text about menu structure for menuitemradio belongs under menuitem
Role menuitemradio nesting
Explanatory text about menu structure for menuitemradio belongs under menuitem
- State:
- Product:
- ARIA 1.0
- Raised by:
- Joseph Scheuhammer
- Opened on:
- 2009-02-10
- Description:
- The section on menuitemradio ( contains a paragraph regarding their location within a menu structure:
"Menu items SHOULD be in an element with role menu in order to identify that they are related widgets, and MAY also be separated into a group by a separator, or an element with an equivalent role from the native markup language."
This paragraph should appear in the section on menuitem (
This text could repeat in menuitemradio section, and also within the menuitemcheckbox section (
- Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
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- No related emails
Related notes:
No additional notes.
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