ACTION-2083: Review and update ATK/AT-SPI2 states in Core AAM

Review and update ATK/AT-SPI2 states in Core AAM

Joanmarie Diggs
Due on:
June 21, 2016
Created on:
June 7, 2016
Associated Issue:
Degree of details in mappings
Related emails:
No related emails

Related notes:

Here's quite a few. Sadly they don't all lend themselves to the role-based tables.

STATE_SUPPORTS_AUTOCOMPLETION: Should be present on roles which support aria-autocomplete and whose value is not "none"

STATE_BUSY: Should be present if aria-busy is set to "true"

STATE_CHECKABLE: Should be present on any* item which supports aria-checked and whose value is not "undefined"
STATE_CHECKED: Should be present on any* item which has aria-checked="true"
STATE_INDETERMINATE: Should be present on any* item which has aria-checked="mixed"
* Any with the exception of option (checkbox, radio, switch). Should option really support aria-checked??

STATE_ACTIVE: Should be present if aria-current is present and has a value other than "false"

STATE_ENABLED: Should be present on any item UNLESS aria-disabled is "true"

STATE_EXPANDABLE: Should be present on any item* which supports aria-expanded and whose value is not "undefined"
STATE_EXPANDED: Should be present on any item which has aria-expanded="true"

STATE_HAS_POPUP: Should be present on any item which has an aria-haspopup value other than "false"

STATE_SHOWING: Should be present unless aria-hidden is set to "true"

STATE_INVALID_ENTRY: Should be present if aria-invalid is set to "true"

STATE_MODAL: Should be present if aria-modal is set to "true"

STATE_MULTILINE: Should be present if aria-multiline is set to "true"
STATE_SINGLE_LINE: Should be present if aria-multiline is set to "false"

STATE_MULTISELECTABLE: Should be present if aria-multiselectable is set to "true"

STATE_HORIZONTAL: Should be present if aria-orientation is set to "horizontal"
STATE_VERTICAL: Should be present if aria-orientation is set to "vertical"

STATE_PRESSED: Should be present on any item which supports aria-pressed and whose value is not "undefined"

STATE_READ_ONLY: Should be present on any item which has aria-readonly="true"
STATE_EDITABLE: Should be present on text inputs unless aria-readonly="true"

STATE_REQUIRED: Should be present on any item which has aria-required="true"

STATE_SELECTABLE: Should be present on any item which supports aria-selected and whose value is not "undefined"
STATE_SELECTED: Should be present on any item which has aria-selected="true"

I still need to write something about aria-activedescendant (focus* versus select* states, and also manages-descendants).

Joanmarie Diggs, 26 Jul 2016, 18:55:54

- aria-atomic: relations (no states)
- aria-autocomplete: done
- aria-busy: done
- aria-checked: done
- aria-colindex: NEEDS WORK: TBD
- aria-controls: relations (no states)
- aria-current: done
- aria-describedby: description slot and relations
- aria-disabled: done (although "Not mapped" for 'true'; could be "clear STATE_ENABLED"?)
- aria-dropeffect: exposed in object attributes
- aria-errormessage: NEEDS WORK: TBD
- aria-expanded: done.
- aria-flowto: expose in RELATION_FLOWS_TO slot, and relations.
- aria-grabbed: expose in object attributes.
- aria-haspopup: done (although "Not mapped" for 'false'; could be "clear STATE_HASPOPUP"?)
- aria-hidden: NEEDS WORK: add STATE_HIDDEN when 'true'; same for IA2?
- aria-invalid: done (although "Not mapped" for 'false'; could be "clear STATE_INVALID"?)
- aria-keyshortcuts: object attribute.
- aria-label: name slot.
- aria-labelledby: name slot and relations.
- aria-level: object attribute. (note: on IA2, may affect RELATION_NODE_CHILD_OF, and groupPosition()).
- aria-live: object attributes.
- aria-modal: done.
- aria-multiline: done.
- aria-multiselectable: done (although "Not mapped" for 'false'; could be "clear STATE_MULTISELECTABLE"?)
- aria-orientation: done.
- aria-placeholder: object attribute.
- aria-pressed: NEEDS WORK: 'false' and 'mixed' cases: (1) expose both STATE_INDETERMINATE and STATE_MIXED (2) 'false' doesn't say to clear STATE_PRESSED.
- aria-readonly: NEEDS WORK: "Not mapped" for 'false', but Joanie says expose STATE_EDITABLE.
- aria-relevant: object attributes (no states)
- aria-required: done
- aria-rowindex: NEEDS WORK: TBD.
- aria-selected: done.

Joseph Scheuhammer, 1 Aug 2016, 21:06:39

Reassigned back to Joanie to look through Joseph's note and advise regarding cases where there is a "not mapped" in the table -- should it be "Clear STATE_XXX"?

Joseph Scheuhammer, 2 Aug 2016, 19:35:45

Closed as per AAPI meeting 06-Sep-2016.

Joseph Scheuhammer, 6 Sep 2016, 19:25:30

Display change log.

James Nurthen <>, Valerie Young <>, Chairs, Daniel Montalvo <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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