RDF | Interest Group Charter | RDF IG Mail Archives | RDF-Logic | IRC chat
This was the home page for the RDF Interest Group from 1999-2004. The group was established in August 1999 as an open forum for W3C Members and non-Members to discuss issues relating to W3C's Resource Description Framework. It was preceded by the PICS Interest Group, and is succeeded by the Semantic Web Interest Group.
The remainder of this page may be somewhat dated, but is left here for historical interest.
Contents: scope | documents | mailing lists and IRC chat tools
Nearby: Semantic Web Activity | RDF home | PICS| Semantic Web Development | Collaboration and Annotation
The RDF Interest Group provides a forum for discussion of a wide range of RDF-related activities and issues. From the charter:
...the Interest Group will explore the application of W3C metadata technology in the context of the social, legal, and technological issues surrounding Internet content selection, filtering, labelling, signing, quality assurance etc. Other topics in scope for the Interest Group include RDF query in the context of the Semantic Web roadmap, intellectual property rights, P3P, and electronic commerce.
The RDF Interest Group met 26-27 February 2001 as part of the Technical Plenary and WG Meeting Event (Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts USA). IG members may also attend the all-groups plenary on Wednesday 28th February. (announcement).
The RDF IG meeting page contains further details, and will link to minutes etc as they become available. A meeting report is (over)due from the chair; expected by early April.
The RDF home page tracks most RDF developments. Here we list a few documents and proposals circulated in particular to the RDF IG community.
While the RDF Interest Group is free to explore any topics and concerns, the conclusions of the Cambridge Communiqué may help guide discussion:
- 8. A new simplified XML transfer syntax for RDF and an API for accessing RDF data models should be produced. The RDF 1.0 transfer syntax remains a W3C Recommendation and applications are free to continue to use it.
There has been a lot of discussion and implementation around the topic of RDF APIs. Some key references are...
QL'98 position papers on RDF query:
Migrating PICS label bureau to RDF:
The RDF community is encouraged to adopt the interest group's mailing
list, www-rdf-interest@w3.org
as the primary mailing list for discussion of RDF-related matters. See the Interest Group charter for more
details of the role and scope of the interest group. Public archives of
the www-rdf-interest
list are available.
To subscribeto the mailing list, send a message:
To: www-rdf-interest-request@w3.org
Subject: subscribe
(to unsubscribe, send a msg with subject:
to the same address)
Note: do not use your mail tool's 'reply' function to attempt to construct one of these -request messages. The subject line must not include "Re:" nor should the body include extraneous mail addresses. If you try to get fancy you will only cause the list robot's heuristics to break and the message will be bounced to a human who may or may not ever get around to reading it.
To send to the list, use the address www-rdf-interest@w3.org.
The more specialised RDF-Logic list can be accessed in the same fashion (announcement). Similarly, the www-rdf-calendar list is available for Semantic Web developers working on calendaring and scheduling tools based on XML/RDF (announce)
The archives of the RDF IG can be searched using this Web form...
There are a lot of mailing lists hosted by W3C. Further information is available on these.
The (defunct) RDF-DEV list has its own home page and resources guide. Since 1999-10-22, new members of RDF-DEV are being redirected to the RDF Interest Group mailing list by the listowner, to encourage convegence between the RDF-DEV and RDF IG communities.
There has been a fair amount of discussion on the www-rdf-comments list, whose main purpose is feedback and comments on the RDF Specifications. The Mozilla RDF forum has also been the focus of some general RDF-related discussions.
Member of the RDF developer community can also augment mailing-list discussions with real time Internet chat tools. IRC is one such tool. There are a number of public IRC servers in existence: while W3C doesn't itself run such a server for general developer discussions, members of the Interest Group can often be be found on the FreeNode (formerly OpenProjects) IRC Network (channel #rdfig for general RDF IG discussion).
IRC Connection details for #RDFIG:
The RDF Interest Group IRC
Scratchpad, a Web-based recommendation and annotation system, has been
created by Edd Dumbill of XMLhack. The Scratchpad selectively logs comments
made on the IRC channel, and is operated by an IRC bot
' (see chump
instructions and source code release for more details). A full text search facility and RSS feed are available, as are
the source XML files generated by the tool. Libby Miller has made an RDF-based search
facility for the RSS blog data. ILRT's RDF at a Glance page shows one use
of the RSS data.
Complete public
logs of the discussions on the #rdfig channel are also available (in
text, html and rdf flavours), thanks to Dave Beckett of ILRT. These logs are
created by the 'logger
' bot, which also offers search facilities
(use: /msg logger help
for more info).
Please note: IRC-hosted discussion should be considered public (insecure, loggable etc). IRC chats are not considered a formal mechanism for RDF Interest Group communications and discussion; it may be useful to circulate summaries of IRC discussion to the archived RDF IG mailing lists.
IRC Resources: IRC Help, IRC.org, OpenProjects IRC (please read Fbout freenode: using the network).
Dan Brickley, W3C/ILRT, RDF Interest
Group Chair
Last updated: $Date: 2005/12/08 13:28:13 $
$Log: Overview.html,v $ Revision 1.39 2005/12/08 13:28:13 swick escape non-markup Revision 1.38 2005/12/08 13:27:26 swick fix markup; must have \n after <pre> if CVS tag follows Revision 1.37 2005/02/04 16:41:56 danbri (danbri) Changed through Jigsaw. Revision 1.36 2004/02/26 19:53:54 danbri links to new swig page Revision 1.35 2003/01/15 13:20:28 danbri Fixed freenode references. Revision 1.34 2001/11/29 03:15:08 swick Add an emphatic statement about not using 'reply' for subscribe/unsubscribe messages. Revision 1.33 2001/11/28 21:37:56 danbri added unsubscribe instructions Revision 1.32 2001/07/11 16:33:48 danbri added libby's rss search link for irc blog data Revision 1.31 2001/04/11 09:10:49 danbri fixed bad markup