Relationship To Other Work

From W3C XForms Group Wiki (Public)

Relationship to other work

This section lists known relationships to other efforts, and which Working Groups we need to liaise with. Please let us know if you think we are missing something.

XHTML Modularization

XForms should fit into the framework for the modularization of XHTML. Liaison is needed with the HTML WG.

Privacy Preferences

XForms should be useable together with P3P, W3C's platform for privacy preferences. Liaison is needed with the 3P Specification WG.

XML Schemas

XForms should complement work on XML Schemas, whilst recognizing that most people wishing to create forms are unlikely to be sophisticated XML experts. Liaison is needed with the XML Schema WG.

Web Accessibility Initiative

XForms should make it easy to develop accessible documents. Liaison is needed with the WAI-PF WG.


XForms should support all of the world's languages. Liaison is needed with the I18N WG.

Style Sheets

XForms should be style-able with CSS and XSL. Liaison is needed with the CSS and XSL WGs (n.b. the CSS-UI proposal)

Voice Browsers

XForms should be usable from voice browsers, where users interact with forms via speech recognition and speech synthesis. Liaison is needed with the Voice Browser WG.

Synchronized multimedia

XForms should be useable in conjunction with W3C's work on synchronized multimedia. Liaison is needed with the SYMM WG.

Scalable Vector Graphics

XForms should be useable in conjunction with W3C's work on vector graphics. Liaison is needed with the SVG WG.

Document Object Model

XForms should fit in well with W3C's work on DOM. Liaison is needed with the DOM WG.

Decimal Arithmetic

Decimal arithmetic works the way we were taught in schools. It represents integer and floating point numbers using base 10, and is important for financial and commercial applications. Mike Cowlishaw has put together a collection of pages giving the reasons why decimal arithmetic is important to electronic business, the historical background and the relevant standards.

Common scripting languages

XForms should avoid conceptual mismatches with scripting languages commonly used on the Web, for example ECMAScript and Java. Liaison with ECMA TC39?