ISSUE-62: Case requirements
Case requirements
- State:
- Product:
- polyglot
- Raised by:
- Richard Ishida
- Opened on:
- 2011-06-21
- Description:
- 6.2.3 Attribute values
WG Approved: Yes
" however, case requirements do not apply to non-ASCII letters such as Greek, Cyrillic, or non-ASCII Latin letters. "
We are confused by this text. Scripts such as Greek, Cyrillic, and Armenian do have case distinctions, and those distinctions are significant in XML if you have attribute names or values in those scripts. But we are not clear when any characters from those scripts or non-ASCII Latin letters are used for attribute names or values in HTML.
Please clarify for us what the intent is.
(There is similar text in 6.2.2)
Please add comments to bugzilla:
IMPORTANT: This issue was moved from our old review tracking system to the new tracker system. For previous mail relating to this issue, see:[polyglot]%20%20Case%20requirements&hdr-2-name=from&hdr-2-query=&hdr-3-name=message-id&hdr-3-query=&index-grp=Member__FULL+Public__FULL&index-type=t& - Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- Review of tracker issues for best practices (part II) (from on 2015-03-28)
- [minutes] Internationalization WG telecon 2011-07-27 (from on 2011-07-27)
Related notes:
No additional notes.
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