ISSUE-4: Language tag references

Language tag references

Raised by:
Richard Ishida
Opened on:
6.2.1 Extended Metadata Block

WG Reviewed: Yes

"The possible values for the lang attribute can be found in the IANA Subtag Registry [Subtag]."

This implies that you can only use single subtags, since that is what the registry contains (with the exception of a few undesirable redundant and grandfathered tags.)

We think this should actually say:

"The possible values for the lang attribute MUST conform to BCP 47."

An there should be an entry for BCP 47 in the References section.

Similarly, the sentence

" A user agent displaying metadata is expected to choose a preferred language/locale to display from among those available, following RFC 4647 [RFC-4647]."

Would be better as

"A user agent displaying metadata is expected to choose a preferred language/locale to display from among those available, following a matching algorithm such as the lookup algorithm specified in BCP 47 (currently RFC 4647)."
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. [css-text-decor-3] Updated DoC, open issues (from on 2016-12-27)
  2. Review of tracker issues for best practices (from on 2015-03-25)
  3. Re: Update on I18n-ISSUE-4: Language tag references (from on 2011-06-02)
  4. Update on I18n-ISSUE-4: Language tag references (from on 2011-06-01)
  5. Re: Internationalization Core Working Group-ISSUE-4: Language tag references [WOFF] (from on 2011-01-12)
  6. Internationalization Core Working Group-ISSUE-4: Language tag references [WOFF] (from on 2010-12-15)

Related notes:

Current status:

Proposal from CL to accept.

Richard Ishida, 14 Apr 2011, 19:04:04

Mail sent to accept resolution.

Richard Ishida, 2 Jun 2011, 08:52:50

Display change log ATOM feed

Addison Phillips <>, Chair, Richard Ishida <>, Bert Bos <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Atsushi Shimono <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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