ISSUE-30: Allow utf-16 meta encoding declarations
Allow utf-16 meta encoding declarations
- State:
- Product:
- html
- Raised by:
- Richard Ishida
- Opened on:
- 2011-06-20
- Description:
- Specifying the document's character encoding
WG Approved: Yes
Currently you are not allowed to use <meta charset="utf-16"> or the
equivalent pragma directive in utf-16 encoded documents. While logically it is
not needed to identify the character encoding, it introduces a special case for
authors to remember, and almost certainly many authors will be unaware that
this is disallowed and will do it. In addition, in-document declarations of
this kind are particularly useful for developers, testers, or translation
production managers who want to visually check the encoding of a document
(since the bom cannot be seen). Furthermore, there would appear to be no risk
incurred by allowing this, since the document would be encoded in utf-16
Note that the ask is not that the encoding of the document be determined by the
meta element - the bom remains the way of determining that information - solely
that no error or warning be raised if the meta element is used.
Please make an exception in the spec for utf-16 so that it is allowed to use
<meta charset="utf-16"> or the equivalent pragma directive in utf-16 encoded
Please add comments to bugzilla:
IMPORTANT: This issue was moved from our old review tracking system to the new tracker system. For previous mail relating to this issue, see: - Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- Review of tracker issues for best practices (from on 2015-03-25)
- RE: [I18N-ACTION-150] Review of HTML open issues (from on 2014-02-22)
- Re: [I18N-ACTION-150] Review of HTML open issues (from on 2014-02-21)
- [minutes] Internationalization telecon 2014-02-20 (from on 2014-02-21)
- [I18N-ACTION-150] Review of HTML open issues (from on 2014-02-18)
- [minutes] Internationalization WG telecon 2011-07-27 (from on 2011-07-27)
Related notes:
[aphillip]: allow 'utf-16' in charset declarations. wontfix. Last commenter suggested we reopen.
20 Feb 2014, 16:48:21per teleconference of 2014-02-27
Addison Phillips, 27 Feb 2014, 21:24:58Display change log