ISSUE-24: Bug 12935 - <rt> should not auto-close ancestors

Bug 12935 - <rt> should not auto-close ancestors

Raised by:
Richard Ishida
Opened on:

Boris Zbarsky 2011-06-10 17:23:50 UTC

We're implementing ruby support in Gecko, and discovered that the HTML5 parsing
algorithm requires that <rt> close <rtc>.

This behavior does not match the pre-HTML5-parser Gecko behavior, the
pre-HTML5-parser WebKit behavior, Presto, or IE9+.

It does match IE8-.

Given that IE has already changed its behavior here once, I see no reason to
require them to change it again to what is arguably a less-useful behavior. So
I think what we should do is to remove the <rt> magic from the spec entirely,
simplifying the spec and making it compatible with what IE9, Gecko 1.9.2,
Presto, and pre-HTML-parser WebKit.

There will still be the issue that it's not safe for authors to actually use
<rtc> until IE8- marketshare becomes negligible, but I would expect the
timeframe for this to be on par with the timeframe for HTML5 getting anywhere
close to REC if not shorter. In the meantime, there is clearly not a serious
web compat issue with the proposed change, since IE9, Gecko 1.9.2, Presto, and
pretty recent WebKit all have/had that behavior. So there should be nothing
stopping Gecko and WebKit from changing away from their current behavior.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. I18N-ISSUE-24: Bug 12935 - <rt> should not auto-close ancestors [HTML5-mail] (from on 2011-06-14)

Related notes:

No additional notes.

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Addison Phillips <>, Chair, Richard Ishida <>, Bert Bos <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Atsushi Shimono <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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