ISSUE-172: Direction should be set on title and body separately

Direction should be set on title and body separately

Raised by:
Addison Phillips
Opened on:
This issue is being created to track the additional issue of adding a direction attribute in Web Notifications. I18N Issue #162 previously discussed much of this.

In and at least one previous call, the I18N Core WG felt that each field in a Notification needs to have a separate direction attribute (consistent with our guidance on other specifications). Setting base direction is important/imperative in getting proper display of bidirectional mixed-direction text. Although Web Notifications has proposed a 'direction' attribute, it was assigned at the Notification level. We feel that the direction should be an attribute of each text-bearing field separately rather than a global value.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. Review of tracker issues for best practices (Part V) (from on 2015-04-09)
  2. Re: Web Notifications I18N Review follow up: [I18N-ISSUE-172] [I18N-ACTION-141] (from on 2012-08-01)
  3. RE: Web Notifications I18N Review follow up: [I18N-ISSUE-172] [I18N-ACTION-141] (from on 2012-07-31)
  4. I18N-ISSUE-172: Direction should be set on title and body separately [Notifications] (from on 2012-07-31)

Related notes:

No additional notes.

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Addison Phillips <>, Chair, Richard Ishida <>, Bert Bos <>, Fuqiao Xue <>, Atsushi Shimono <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 172.html,v 1.1 2023/07/19 12:01:59 carcone Exp $