ISSUE-142: complex ruby support
complex ruby support
- State:
- Product:
- html
- Raised by:
- Addison Phillips
- Opened on:
- 2011-11-01
- Description:
A tracking issue for this open bug, which we discussed with Ian at TPAC.
From Henri Sivonen
I have spent some more time implementing variations and experimenting
with them. I'm now ready to request specific edits.
Please make the following spec edits:
1) Please add rb, rbc and rtc to the list of elements that get closed
by "generate implied end tags" at
2) Please replace the "in body" entry for 'A start tag whose tag name
is one of: "rp", "rt"' with these three entries:
A start tag whose tag name is one of: "rbc", "rtc"
If the stack of open elements has a ruby element in scope, then
generate implied end tags.
Insert an HTML element for the token.
A start tag whose tag name is one of: "rb"
If the stack of open elements has a ruby element in scope, then
generate implied end tags, except for elements with the name "rbc".
Insert an HTML element for the token.
A start tag whose tag name is one of: "rt", "rp"
If the stack of open elements has a ruby element in scope, then
generate implied end tags, except for elements with the name "rtc".
Insert an HTML element for the token.
Note that the "If the stack of open elements has a ruby element in
scope, then" parts are just copying the current spec text. I don't see
the value of that bit and would be OK with omitting the scope check.
We shouldn't paint ourselves in the corner with the parsing algorithm so Complex Ruby can't be introduced in the future without causing ungraceful behavior in browsers implementing an earlier snapshot of the parsing spec.
The changes proposed above assume a design where rp goes as a child of rtc (if rp is used at all) in the Complex Ruby case. This allows UAs that implement Simple Ruby be forward-compatible by having
rp { display: none; }
rtc > rt { display: inline; }
rtc > rp { display: inline; }
in the UA style sheet while UAs supporting both Simple and Complex Ruby would have
rp { display: none; }
in the UA style sheet without the two other rules. - Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- Review of tracker issues for best practices (Part IV) (from on 2015-03-31)
- Re: [I18N-ACTION-150] Review of HTML open issues (from on 2014-02-21)
- [I18N-ACTION-150] Review of HTML open issues (from on 2014-02-18)
Related notes:
No additional notes.
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