Main Page
This is the WebFonts WG wiki.
We have a Work_Plan and some notes on telcon scribing.
Mail archive
Archives of www-font and public-webfonts-wg (both public).
The next meeting is on Tuesday, Sep. 16 starting at 9:00 am at the following location: Bau Design College: Pujades, 118. 08005 Barcelona, Spain. Tel. +34 934 153 474
WOFF 1.0 spec
Editors draft and published version, and last call disposition of comments.
WOFF 2.0 spec
WOFF 1.0 Test Suite
We have test plans for TestPlan-UserAgent, TestPlan-Format and TestPlan-AuthoringTool.
We also have tests for User Agents, WOFF files and Authoring tools.
WOFF 2.0 Test Suite
We have test plans for TestPlan20-UserAgent, TestPlan20-Format, TestPlan20-AuthoringTool, and TestPlan20-Decoder.
On GitHub is the source to make the tests and also compiled, ready-to-run tests.
There is an Implementation Report on WOFF2 Encoders and Decoders.