<scribe> scribe: Albert
<Jennie> I think we should add what constitutes quorum on an easy to find page for COGA in the future :)
Rain: We have 5 attendees so we will not make a decision but will go through discussion still
Jennie: Rain will share graphics
for people to review for images
... 2 fold conversation (actual document; website component
that steve is creating).
Rain will bring it to the coordination meeting with Michael
Jennie: Have to get permission for a component to get uploaded and put in (for content usable).
John: any help if there is need i can help
Jennie & John: Expected date of update is September 30th for guardianship draft
<Jennie> Albert: Lisa did an orientation yesterday with the new person.
<Jennie> ...She recorded the meeting, because I could not attend (conference)
<Jennie> ...She sent me an email with the recording - I will watch it
<Jennie> ...and fill in the questions I had in the new member document.
<Jennie> John K: I saw the email and reviewed the video
<Jennie> David F: I saw the email as well
<Jennie> Rain: could you drop the video into our shared drive?
<Jennie> Albert: yes, of course
<Jennie> Rain: Would you be able to come back around November 4th with an update?
<Jennie> Albert: yes I can do that
<Jennie> Rain: Thank you
<Jennie> *Back to you Albert
thank you Jennie
David: For mental health, reviewing literature and rachael came up with a good google form to help with the literature review
David: Rachael created a process with instructions for tracking the articles
<Rain> Link to the process: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XWmikm5Ein5CQ02knEJ5iGzO1YJMilTMBJ_aLVCTzs0/edit#heading=h.bc4vqyklmnk0
<Rain> Link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HixNzZUXWiMBfyPjlZj0COtBkI3h1uvlxTFGIzAVngk/viewform?edit_requested=true
Rain: This is for anyone really. There is a sub-group working on it but you don't have to be in the group to work on this. Please feel free to help in.
David: If you have questions
about the google form, please let us know.
... please check it out and if you have any comments, let us
Rain: Rachael joined in at the perfect time. Anything to add?
Rachael: Essentially, we built
the form with instructions because anyone who's not in the
group to be able to help in
... Feel free to walk through the form
... 15-20 mins Grab an article and follow the form to fill
... It'd be very helpful for the mental health literature
... We did around 10-12 papers but no where closer to what we
John: anyone can review the article. do we want to invite any person potentially to do so?
David: we've been working to invite but not very successful
Rachael: Probably we want someone in the COGA group to do it
Rain: how would you feel sharing this form with the community group?
Rachael: Fine with it
Rachael will send email with the form and Rain can forward to the community group
Rain: Moving onto APA
... Need to check on this and make it a regular process
... Checking in with you David on where we are in terms of our
interaction with the APA
David: Been away due to trip so i
need to review the latest to see what's going on
... Lisa requested something from the APA. Need to
review..skips my mind. will try to find it and update
... give a minute
Rain: I think also APA group
would love to have more interaction from the COGA group as
... so if anyone wants to participate, feel free to. Not a
liaison but help. I think APA will appreciate more.
David: Wednesday 12 pm EST APA meeting
John: might try to jump in sometime
Rain: still working on setting up joint meeting for TPAC. we are making progress there so that will increase the interaction
Jennie: Actually, that leads into my next question. When is the TPAC meeting time going to get finalized?
Rain: That's a good question. We
were starting to set up meeting times. Couple days ago, we were
asked to revise the time so we don't know yet about the actual
... So the joint meetings & Breakout sessions (panel,
Jennie's planning)
Jennie: I understand the difficulty of the working time together but want to know early so that i can respect the time.
Rain: Will take TPAC agenda item now
<Rain> Schedule overview: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/TPAC_2021_initial_planning#Schedule_overview
Rain: schedule overview i created
for TPAC
... for meetings that we planned.
... 2 days ago, all meetings week of 18th should be moved
... 18th needs to be open for potential breakout sessions
... best i can give you right now is the link to where we
submit sessions while tpac is planning
<Rain> TPAC submissions for breakouts: https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2021/SessionIdeas#COGA_Content_Usable:_user_needs_to_specifications
Jennie: when i look at the how to work with the coga group for example, it says 2 slots preferred. does 2 slot mean 2 hours?
Rain: YES
Jennie: consecutive?
Rain: i believe consecutive
... at this moment, we are only doing: giving preferences
... at best
... everything except for tuesday will be moved
... Tuesday the 26th
Jennie: is there expectation that we must attend?
Rain: yes there will be
Jennie: will they schedule accessibility guideline call? and coga meeting will not be happening due to overlap?
Rain: TPAC update: all sessions
in 18th week have to be rescheduled. we just found out on
tuesday. will update when we know
... we are also trying to meet with the mobile accessiblity
... Planning a panel discussion as well
... look at the user stories
... from coga members
... once lisa returns, we will pick 3
... when Lisa returns, then we will follow those stories.
David, John, and Lisa are the panels
Jennie: will share screen right
... in tpac folder, i put slides on how to work with coga
... not many know the benefit of knowing how to work with
Disucssing about the slides accessibility for people with dyslexia
Rain explained how to format the line spacing
Jennie: after a brief overview of different cognitive disabilities, i wanna focus the time on each best practice. This is a list of best practice that would benefit for people with certain cognitive disabilities. meeting etiquettes. Open to feedback on it.
John: fully agree with it. articulate as much as possible on what the functional needs are especially the members of w3c and other teams. functional needs related to processing speed, memory, etc
David: John has a good point. Functional needs work pretty well
Jennie: will draft out and when ready for initial review, will share to the list
<Jennie> Albert: Is there any need or an area where I can share for members with mental health disorders like OCD?
<Jennie> ...For the user personas.
<Jennie> Rain: That is a good question.
<Jennie> ...When Lisa returns from holiday I will talk with her about this.
<Jennie> ...We don't have a lot of time in the panel and it will be the panelists sharing their stories.
<Jennie> ...We will look and see if we have time for an additional panelist.
<Jennie> ...If we do, we will invite you as well.
<Jennie> David F: We were also tying it into the Content Usable document.
<Jennie> ...At this time there were no user stories added yet around mental health disabilities
<Jennie> Albert: As I am understanding there are 2 types of TPAC sessions
<Jennie> ...One is around Content Usable; the other is on how to work with the COGA team
<Jennie> ...Is that right?
<Jennie> Rain: That is correct - these are both breakout sessions.
<Jennie> ...The Content Usable one is about how it can help translate information into other documents created by the W3C
<Jennie> Albert: For working with the COGA group, I don't have to participate as a persona, but can I participate with the functional needs
<Jennie> ...I would like mental health included
<Jennie> ...I want to be sure that COGA talks about mental health
<Rain> Outline for TPAC breakout session on working with COGA: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sg9Q0QbQHmRhoqA5UfNq908ffSpeV7vEaRUqiw9cTQI/edit#
<Rain> Everyone is invited to contribute
<Rain> Doc to capture notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m8nWqlFdrJWsV-tf_h7Y2MZEwiL-VFb4Y-aunh4_RW0/edit#
Rain: UN is working on the draft
of the convention of the rights of persons with disabilities.
they are open for comments until September. I created a new doc
to capture our notes because lisa's doc doesn't allow
... if you have time, please take a look at the document
... notes can come from anywhere but if we come together as a
community then, it will carry more weight
... there is a big concern on the way things are defined
... a lot of cognitive disabilites are categorized under the
label of mental health
... we wanna look at how mental health is defined
... plz take a look
... we will bring this up next week as well
<Rain> Community Group: https://www.w3.org/community/coga-community/
Rain: community group has
started. exactly 2 meetings (which is just one because we split
into 2 groups)
... very exciting for this interesting involvement
<Rain> RRSAgent: make minutes
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