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Community & Business Groups

Cognitive Accessibility Community Group


The mission of the COGA Community Group is to work with and support the Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility (COGA) Task Force  to improve web accessibility for people with cognitive and learning disabilities.

This group supports the COGA Task Force by supplying user needs and feedback.

The COGA Community Group’s work will include:
- Sharing challenges when using the web and other digital displays
- Suggesting user needs
- Helping with research
- Suggesting ways to improve accessibility for the community
- Reviewing COGA’s drafts
- Outreach and collecting feedback from the community
- Helping with policy and the business cases for COGA guidance
- Having open meetings to discuss these points
Open meetings may be live video conferences or in other discussion formats


You do not need to be an expert in all topics related to cognitive accessibility to join the community group. The COGA Community Group will work in smaller groups for specific subjects, giving you the opportunity to participate on the topics you choose.

The COGA Community Group will also work together on some topics, brainstorming and building a community dedicated to improved access for all.

Anyone can join this group as long as they follow the community guidelines.

However, the community group will specifically benefit from including:
- people with learning and cognitive disabilities,
people with mental health challenges,
- caregivers, therapists and people who work with people with learning, cognitive challenges and in mental health,
- researchers,
developers, quality assurance professionals, and user interface experts,
industry, looking to share and support ideas, and
policy makers.

Additional details of participation
- Joining the COGA Community Group does not involve joining the COGA Task Force.
- If you would prefer to join this group anonymously, please send an email to
- The community group will not publish specifications, but may make suggestions to the COGA taskforce.
- For more information about community groups, please visit Community and Business Groups Frequently Asked Questions.
- Short link to this document:

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Chairs, when logged in, may publish draft and final reports. Please see report requirements.

Meeting reminder: Cognitive Accessibility Community Group, February 6th 2025 at 15:00 UTC

The next meeting will be Thursday, February 6th at 15:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times:

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 8:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Ciara (Kiki) Salmon know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes & review COGA community guidelines as we will have outside individuals attending.
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (20-40 minutes)
    1. COGA Task force attending – review current gaps in COGA patterns

Closing questions, adding any items to next month agenda and next steps (5 minutes)

The video chat link is shared in the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel:

If you do not have access to Slack or prefer to not use that communication platform, email for the video link.

Special Meeting reminder: Cognitive Accessibility Community Group, January 23rd 2025 at 15:00 UTC

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 8:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Ciara (Kiki) Salmon know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (50 minutes)
    1. [Kiki] co-chair announcement 
    2. Team discussion and finalization of current gaps in COGA patterns

The video link is shared in the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel:

The next meeting will be Thursday, January 9th at 15:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 8:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Ciara (Kiki) Salmon know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (50 minutes)
    1. [Kiki] Organize current missing gaps in content usable objections
    2. [Cat] Update the broader team on what is happening in Social Media meeting
    3. If time, open floor & add items for next weeks meeting

The video link is shared in the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel:

Meeting reminder: Cognitive Accessibility Community Group, December 5th 2024 at 15:00 UTC

The next meeting will be Thursday, November 7th at 15:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 8:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Aditya Bikkani, Ciara (Kiki) Salmon or Jamie Knight know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (20-40 minutes)
    1. [Kiki] Heads up! Rain is going to attend December 5th meeting for TPAC updates. 
    2. [Anya] Resource list brainstorm/feedback
    3. Social media brainstorm ideas + get time on calendar for social media meeting
    4. If time: [Anya] Modelling W3C documentation (with a very brief mention of AI)

Closing questions, adding any items to next month agenda and next steps (5 minutes)

The video link is shared in the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel:

Meeting reminder: Cognitive Accessibility Community Group, November 7th 2024 at 15:00 UTC

The next meeting will be Thursday, November 7th at 15:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 8:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Aditya Bikkani, Ciara (Kiki) Salmon or Jamie Knight know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (20-40 minutes)
    1. [Kiki] Heads up! Rain is going to attend December 5th meeting for TPAC updates. 
    2. [Anya] Resource list brainstorm/feedback
    3. Social media brainstorm ideas + get time on calendar for social media meeting
    4. If time: [Anya] Modelling W3C documentation (with a very brief mention of AI)

Closing questions, adding any items to next month agenda and next steps (5 minutes)

The video link is shared in the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel:

Meeting reminder: MEETING IS 1 WEEK EARLY – Cognitive Accessibility Community Group, August 1st 2024 at 15:00 UTC

The next meeting will be Thursday, August 29th at 15:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 7:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Aditya Bikkani, Ciara (Kiki) Salmon or Jamie Knight know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (20-40 minutes)
    1. [Kiki] TPAC
    2. Open floor chat or end early

Closing questions, adding any items to next month agenda and next steps (5 minutes)

This will also be shared on the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel:

Meeting reminder: Cognitive Accessibility Community Group, August 1st 2024 at 15:00 UTC

The next meeting will be Thursday, August 1st at 15:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 7:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Aditya Bikkani, Ciara (Kiki) Salmon or Jamie Knight know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (20-40 minutes)
    1. COGA task force is conducting interviews to get feedback on updated designs. I will make more information during the meeting for anyone who is interested
    2. Open floor chat or end early

Closing questions, adding any items to next month agenda and next steps (5 minutes)

This will also be shared on the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel:

Meeting reminder: Cognitive Accessibility Community Group, July 4th 2024 at 15:00 UTC

The next meeting will be Thursday, July 4th at 15:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 7:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Aditya Bikkani, Ciara (Kiki) Salmon or Jamie Knight know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (20-40 minutes)
    1. Async note: Kiki has not yet sent out a message for a smaller meeting to finalize the deceptive patterns doc. Will do in July. 
    2. [Anja] COGA UX/UI model 
    3. Open floor chat or end early

Closing questions, adding any items to next month agenda and next steps (5 minutes)

This will also be shared on the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel:

Meeting reminder: Cognitive Accessibility Community Group, June 6th 2024 at 15:00 UTC

The next meeting will be Thursday, May 2nd at 14:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 7:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Aditya Bikkani, Ciara (Kiki) Salmon or Jamie Knight know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (20-40 minutes)
    1. [Kiki] Update from COGA Task Force
    2. [Community group] Review Dark Patterns
      1. Mini edit session and scheduling a smaller group meeting to finalize doc
    3. Open floor chat or end early

Closing questions, adding any items to next month agenda and next steps (5 minutes)

This will also be shared on the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel:

Meeting reminder: Cognitive Accessibility Community Group, May 2nd, 2024 at 14:00 UTC

The next meeting will be Thursday, May 2nd at 14:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 7:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Aditya Bikkani, Ciara (Kiki) Salmon or Jamie Knight know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (20-40 minutes)
    1. [Community group] Review Dark Patterns
      1. Ready to be shared?  Would we like to share it beyond the task force?
    2. [Anja] COGA mindmaps

Closing questions, adding any items to next month agenda and next steps (5 minutes)

This will also be shared on the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel: