Meeting minutes
<becky> regrets, Gottfried Zimmerman
Agenda Review & Announcements
becky: The video on media queries is up.
<becky> https://
janina: open call for consensus on media hints
TPAC Planning
<becky> https://
<becky> https://
becky: Task force leaders and facilitators, make sure you are prioritizing this task preparing for TPAC
<becky> use this link for 2021
<becky> https://
MichaelC: The standard TPAC page is not up yet.
becky: WebRTC has put up meetings, so we should schedule
Task Force Updates
janina: In Research Questions, Jason and Josh are closing on XAUR and should reach CFC soon
… Synchronization doc is moving towards FPWD target Sept/Oct
… likely to not find much research on time needed for sign language interpreters, for example
paul_grenier: Pronunciation is looking at the feedback, and starting to plan TPAC
Lionel_Wolberger: Lisa gave a backgrounder to the new members of Personalization, very helpful on how it originated in ARIA and its aims
… as we focus on getting to CR and planning TPAC
becky: The Lisa backgrounder might be useful to more people, let's consider transcribing it
Lionel_Wolberger: We will see the video when it arrives, and advise if it is ready to share as-is.
JF: Found an issue with W3C Git
Lionel_Wolberger: Lionel_Wolberger asks JF, can you put the precise issue in IRC -- I didn't catch it
FAST Progress
<JF> Currently W3C is experiencing issues with publishing 'updates' to https://
Joshue108: Got loads of feedback, waiting to process it
… will get back when we have digested it
New Charters Review
<MichaelC> https://
MichaelC: Web Authentication charter.
becky: Looks good, as we are listed as a group to coordinate with.
becky: Objections? None.
Accessibility Review Comment Tracker
<MichaelC> https://
MichaelC: CSS Scroll bars can be closed.
becky: Looks good, group agrees.
new on TR
<MichaelC> https://
MichaelC: Does APA have input to a glossary?
janina: Watch for sign languages, symbolic languages,
MichaelC: Well taken: those are not in it
becky: The accessibility of the glossary itself needs attention-- no headings
janina: AAC?
… the formal for symbolic languages
becky: I stand corrected: there are headings
MichaelC: They are not using sections for the alphabetical letter headings, and so the letters do not appear
MichaelC: If they saw fit to add letters, they should mark them up properly
becky: It seems, in the spirit of WCAG: they made something easy for sighted users, they may as well make that access available to people relying on a screen reader
<MichaelC> https://
<MichaelC> https://
NeilS: A mail was sent regarding an update of the agreement
Action: Lionel_Wolberger to review i18n glossary for APA input
<trackbot> Error finding 'Lionel_Wolberger'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://
Action: amy_c to review HTML review draft (https://
<trackbot> Error finding 'amy_c'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://
becky: We could look at the living standard
<MichaelC> https://
MichaelC: The agreement with WHATWG is that they maintain living documents, but W3C can periodically receive a set copy to respond to.
Action: carny to review HTML review draft (https://
<trackbot> Error finding 'carny'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://
Action: lwolberg to review i18n glossary for APA input
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2298 - Review i18n glossary for apa input [on Lionel Wolberger - due 2021-07-21].
Action: Carney to review HTML review draft (https://
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2299 - Review html review draft (https://
CSS Update (Amy)
<amy_c> https://
<amy_c> https://
amy_c: CSS color adjust asked for APA perspective on fingerprinting
… fingerprinting can force exposure of colors
amy_c: ... propose that APA doesn't have add'l input here
becky: APA may comment: the group seems to have resolved the issue and APA has nothing further to add
<amy_c> https://
becky: APA believes the group has resolved the issues, and APA is satisfied with their conclusion.
Dangling Spec Review Cleanup:
<MichaelC> https://
Actions Checkin (Specs)
<becky> https://
Lionel_Wolberger: 2295 is closed.
<becky> https://
<amy_c> https://
<janina> http://
amy_c: I can close 2272