WoT Marketing

16 Apr 2020



Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peinter, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Ryuichi_Matsukura, David_Ezell
Mizushima, kaz


<kaz> scribenick: Mizushima


Sebastian: about press releaes

Prev minutes

<kaz> Apr-9 minutes

Sebastian: prev minutes have been approved

<kaz> Mar-26 minutes

Sebastian: 26th minutes have been also approved

Press release

<kaz> WoT press release

<kaz> WoT news collection

<inserted> scribenick: kaz

Sebastian: published the press release
... the MarComm Team is collecting news as well
... if you have any news from your countries, please let us know
... and then information on Fujitsu's product

Kaz: would add one line to the products list within the main body

Sebastian: what is the product name?

Matsukura: no product name is assigned yet

<ryuichi> Fujitsu offers WoT-compliant edge and cloud proxy (a software product), which can connect different IoT devices locally and aggregate them with a single interface to build large-scale systems on the cloud.

Matsukura: proposed text above

Sebastian: would be better to mention the actual product name here as well

Matsukura: provided just for Japan so far, so there is Japanese description only...

Sebastian: I'm definitely OK with adding the information myself
... very cool to have more products here

Kaz: How about you, Michael?

McCool: fine

Matsukura: tx

Kaz: will check with the MarComm Team then

<scribe> ACTION: kaz to talk with the MarComm Team about possible addition for Fujitsu within the Press Release


Sebastian: rejected twice...
... references are not enough, etc.
... think we have sufficient information, though

<sebastian> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draft:Thing_Description

Ege: I changed the first one
... but still need further improvement for the other references
... formal style with publishers, etc.

McCool: also should include the status?

Sebastian: would also mention the official press release

Ege: will mention that

Kaz: will check with the Editor of the JSON-LD article

Sebastian: ongoing?

Kaz: yes

Sebastian: ok
... it seems the JSON-LD article is a bit old, and the latest policy of Wikipedia might have changed, though

Ege: will work on improvement

New welcome page

Sebastian: what WoT would be good for, etc.
... we had discussion on some guidelines
... checked with the MarComm Team and got some more instructions

<sebastian> https://www.w3.org/participate/podcastsvideo

Sebastian: W3C podcast and videos site


Kaz: maybe the link above?

Sebastian: goes through the guidelines

Kaz: Coralie mentioned Dominuque is also working on proposals
... and suggests we have discussion on the w3t-pr list

Sebastian: but she also mentioned generating video itself is OK

Kaz: kind of concerned about the possible cost for the video generation

Sebastian: would move forward and generate some prototype version

McCool: maybe we could ask Coralie about precedents
... ask them about their preference and policy

(some more discussions)

McCool: we could mention we're planning to ask some animator to work on our video

Sebastian: ok, I can ask them

McCool: and we should ask their preference too

Kaz: if we're ok with generating a prototype to accelerate the procedure, that might be a good approach, though

McCool: yeah, we can mention that to Coralie

<Zakim> dape, you wanted to JSON-LD have videos also, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vioCbTo3C-4

Daniel: don't think we're the first guy to generate a video

Kaz: so far all the videos on the videocast page are generated by the Team
... so as McCool mentioned, let's make a proposal to Corealie about our plan on generating a prototype video as the basis of further discussion

Sebastian: ok, let's go for it

WoT logo

Sebastian: we have a WoT logo but that's not a W3C official one
... have been talking with the MarComm Team about this as well

(some more discussions)

RESOLUTION: we will request the W3C Team to make the logos on the following page the official W3C Web of Things logos: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Web_of_Things_Logos

Developer outreach

Sebastian: should talk about that or maybe next week?

Kaz: would suggest we talk about that next week


Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: kaz to talk with the MarComm Team about possible addition for Fujitsu within the Press Release

Summary of Resolutions

  1. we will request the W3C Team to make the logos on the following page the official W3C Web of Things logos: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Web_of_Things_Logos
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/05/05 13:39:47 $