This is the old homepage of the DID Working Group. It is not maintained anymore. The new homepage lives at

DID Working Group

Publication status and milestones of the Working Group documents

Latest versions of documents

Document Latest official release Editors’ Draft Repository
DID Identifiers v1.0 did-core ed github rep
DID Use Cases and Requirements did-use-cases ed github rep
DID Specification Registries did-use-cases ed github rep
The Plain CBOR Representation v1.0 did-cbor-representation ed github rep
Decentralized Characteristics Rubric V1.0 did-rubric ed github rep
DID Implementation Guide v1.0 did-imp-guide ed github rep

The Editors’ drafts are managed in GitHub repositories; the list of those repositories is available on the GitHub index page.

Major planned milestones (from the charter)