Agenda Tuesday 11 September 2018 20:00 UTC (in your time zone)
Chair: Peter Winstanley
Regrets: Antoine Isaac, Ixchel Faniel
Reminding attendees to put Present+ <nickname>
Reminding chairs to put Regrets+
I. Appoint Scribe
II. Approve August 28 meeting minutes
III. Check who is on IRC and WebEx
Checking Open Action items
- Responses to FPWD? Contacts list
- timetable etc for second public working draft
Profile Guidance group
The Use Cases and Requirements are at UCR Doc Section 6.8
Taking into account the Profile Roundup document we need to get wider discussion on the content of the proposed guidance document on profiles.
We need to ensure that there is a balanced discussion on the proposed outlines that provide possible overviews of the scope of that deliverable. We also need to understand the proposals for profile description models and the placement of the description in the document (or as a separate deliverable).
To do that we all need to be familiar with the proposals so that we can make reasoned decisions.
- suggested deadlines:
1. August 28 - Documentation on profileDesc vocabulary plus open github issue for discussion to clarify details so that Working Group can make a decision
2. September 11 - Consensus decision on whether or not to include profileDesc vocabulary in deliverables (as part of Profile Guidance or stand-alone, or neither). Will be based on discussion beginning August 21 (or earlier)
3. September 18 - Macro outline of Profile Guidance draft which incorporates the decision on profileDesc
4. October 9 - First draft (or very detailed outline) of PG draft
- subgroup report
Profile Negotiation
- subgroup report
Nothing until September
In the queue
Proposed new use cases
- Web browser navigation of profile information (#239)
- Use Case: Profiles of DCAT-AP and various implementation resources
- Additional Use Case on Real World Objects (J Pullmann)
Still needed?
- Agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen provided use case - other resource types
- Modeling permissions new use case proposed
Joining instructions: (official participants and invited guests only)
WebEx Details
For text discussions, minutes, joining the speaker queue, actions & issues IRC channel: #dxwg on IRC on port 6667
Please be sure to join both IRC and WebEx and use the same nick in both (or it gets very confusing)
When you join the IRC channel, please immediately type 'present+ {yourname}' (this adds your name to the participants list in the minutes)
- Telecon
- Profile Guidance Deliverable
- 2018-09-11
- ncar