See also: IRC log
<tdrake> I am having trouble as well. Have we reset the password? Janina, could you send it to me as well?
<tink> scribe: Léonie
<MichaelC> scribeNick: tink
JS: News?
... Hearing none, I'd like to welcome a new member to this
<tdrake> privmsg janina is there a new password for webex?
<JF> Welcome both
JS: Welcome Matt Blake from
Georgia Tech.
... And also Kenneth Thompson from Georgia Tech.
JS: The TF is off the
... An initial meeting was held yesterday, though conference
calls will not be the typical work mode for the TF.
<tdrake> I am unable to join via webex, so following webex.
<tdrake> sorry, irc
<trackbot> Sorry, but action-211 does not exist.
<trackbot> action-2101 -- Léonie Watson to Review service workers -- due 2017-02-01 -- OPEN
LW: No further action
... Email was sent in reply to the original action.
<MichaelC_> close action-2101
<trackbot> Closed action-2101.
<trackbot> action-2100 -- Shane McCarron to Review pubsub -- due 2017-01-26 -- OPEN
SM: Thought this was marked finished already?
<MichaelC_> close action-2100
<trackbot> Closed action-2100.
MC: It was, last week.
<trackbot> action-2070 -- Ted Drake to Pick up the thread with css counter styles level 3 on needing reply to their response to us -- due 2017-01-25 -- OPEN
MC: Ted isn't here.
<tdrake> no update yet. I will need to extend it
<trackbot> action-2052 -- Shane McCarron to Review shadow dom -- due 2017-02-01 -- OPEN
SM: Still pending.
JS: Now we have the CSS TF, suggest we can close 2011?
<trackbot> action-2011 -- Janina Sajka to Janina to draft examples of how the hand-wavey stuff in CSS Transitions accessibility statement could be solidified -- due 2016-06-29 -- PENDINGREVIEW
scribe: Think the TF will take us
to the place we want to be with this.
... Could reassign to Ted if we want to be cautious.
... I'll drop him a note.
<tdrake> hand wavey... I can take this, but I will need some time. I am swamped for the next week
<trackbot> action-1751 -- Léonie Watson to Review push api -- due 2016-02-10 -- PENDINGREVIEW
LW: I'd suggest we do another
review because a lot of work has happened on the spec in the
last six months.
... Would prefer not to be the one to review myself.
JS: I'll take it.
... Any rush?
LW: In the next couple of months would be good.
<MichaelC_> ACTION: Janina to re-review Push API - due 1 March [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2112 - Re-review push api [on Janina Sajka - due 2017-03-01].
<MichaelC_> action-2112: see
<trackbot> Notes added to action-2112 Re-review push api
<MichaelC_> associate action-2112 with product-8
<trackbot> action-2112 (Re-review push api associated with product-8.
<MichaelC_> close action-1751
<trackbot> Closed action-1751.
<ShaneM> Sorry - I feel off of the internet for a while. A spec we have not updated in a year is
<MichaelC_> CSS Display Module Level 3
MC: CSS Display module Level
... Was discussed on the TF call yesterday.
JS: Think we're still responsible
for identifying issues, but that the TF will be able to work on
... Ping Ted perhaps?
<MichaelC_> ACTION: drake to review CSS Display Module Level 3 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2113 - Review css display module level 3 [on Ted Drake - due 2017-02-08].
<tdrake> yes.
<MichaelC_> action-2113:
<trackbot> Notes added to action-2113 Review css display module level 3
MC: CSS Snapshot 2017
<MichaelC_> CSS Snapshot 2017
MC: a conglomaration of CSS specs.
LW: It's basically an index page.
MC: Yes, no need to review.
... Web Cryptography API.
... Has gone to Rec, but we had an open action to review
<MichaelC_> Web Cryptography API
JS: Think we should leave it
... Was doing forsensics to find out what we'd done on it
<MichaelC_> action-2107: Spec has gone to Rec but need to decide if there´s anything we need for future versions
<trackbot> Notes added to action-2107 Review web cryptography api.
<MichaelC_> XQuery Update Facility 3.0
SM: No nned to review.
<MichaelC_> XQuery Update Facility 3.0 Requirements and Use Cases
We know there is more work to do.
RRSAgent: ... Should we run a CFC to move it forward?
scribe: Should we run a CFC on
... Hearing no objections, I'll issue the CFC.
JS: All the DOM specs are now being updated.
LW: They're all at very different
stages of development.
... The transition request for DOM 4 is going through now.
JS: Yes, Shane looked at it a while ago.
LW: Would be good to revisit now.
<ShaneM> ScribeNick: ShaneM
janina: Janina and John Foliot have an action to pull some use cases out of the MAUR
This will make it easier to incorporate into the checklists etc.
scribe: there will be additional groups involved (platform, I18N, etc). We are looking at updating the MAUR in the coming weeks.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.148 of Date: 2016/10/11 12:55:14 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/CSS Display module/MC: CSS Display module Level 3/ Succeeded: s/forensices/forsensics/ Succeeded: s/mUAR/MAUR/ Found Scribe: Léonie WARNING: No scribe lines found matching ScribeNick pattern: <L\�\�onie> ... Found ScribeNick: tink Found ScribeNick: ShaneM ScribeNicks: tink, ShaneM Present: Joanmarie_Diggs tdrake kenneth mb244 MichaelC ShaneM IanPouncey Léonie janina JF Found Date: 01 Feb 2017 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: drake janina[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]