See also: IRC log
trackbot, prepare teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 16 October 2014
<scribe> Scribe: Addison Phillips
<scribe> ScribeNick: aphillip
close action-343
<trackbot> Closed action-343.
<trackbot> action-343 -- Richard Ishida to Reply to css text issues listed in linked email in minutes with satisfaction (if satisfied) -- due 2014-09-18 -- CLOSED
reopen action-343
<trackbot> Re-opened action-343.
close action-349
<trackbot> Closed action-349.
close action-351
<trackbot> Closed action-351.
richard: been spending a lot of
time writing tests
... FF33 released
... supports customized counter styles
... FF is also implementing a lot of the counter styles
... but tell everyone to put in their stylesheets
... FF has the ones also in chrome
richard: unicode 7.0 core is now
... the full standard text
richard: instructions on how to do reviews for Steve
addison: (dicussion of details)
richard: do we have three implementations of ruby?
koji: all three are there but havent' tested
attending: leandro, dennis, addison, richard
koji: will try to dial in
xiaoqian: attending joint session with digipub
richard: on monday/tuesday we often attend other people's meetings
<scribe> ACTION: addison: send richard example of encoding test [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-353 - Send richard example of encoding test [on Addison Phillips - due 2014-10-23].
<trackbot> issue-316 -- Line breaking defaults -- open
richard: would still like a spec change
richard: started with us saying
uax14 should be referenced
... so there is an interop way of implementing
... we are only asking for this to be the default
... not necessarily full definition
... some are needed for fairly-common scripts
... so falling back to uax14 would be ideal as a start
... and be interop
... little controversy about most
... and browser vendors could extend to cover those
addison: support that
koji: require normatively or just informatively (suggest it)?
richard: normatively, unless
there is some good reason otherwise (can't think of)
... some characters in tibetan, for example, that don't
... unless you implement
koji: scrapping existing code to
switch to uax14 difficult
... already have informative recommendation
... requiring uax14 too larger
... no idea how much content breaks
richard: uax14 tests mostly
... only corner cases or recently added seem to fail
... not many of them
addison: sort of a SHOULD
... implement typographic conventions and fall back on
koji: browser vendors won't discard whole of what they have
koji: uax14 already informatively referenced
richard: think we should ask for normative reference
addison: support
koji: okay either way
<r12a> these tests have been around for a long time, and no movement to fix them is in sight
jck: agree, can ask
<r12a> so i argue that informative isn't working
issue-316: want to ask CSS to make normative, possibly as SHOULD
<trackbot> Notes added to issue-316 Line breaking defaults.
<trackbot> issue-331 -- No kashida style or relationship to styles 'distribute' and 'inter-word' -- open
richard: can close??
... what is in spec is enough
... don't do "stoopid stuff" with kashida
addison: keep as track for the future?
richard: close and look at in next version?
addison: seems reasonable
<Leandro> no objections
close issue-331
<trackbot> Closed issue-331.
<trackbot> issue-333 -- 'letter-spacing' and Arabic -- open
richard: basically
... had a suggestion about an example
... but not important
... think we should close
addison: objections?
<Leandro> no objections
close issue-333
<trackbot> Closed issue-333.
<trackbot> issue-334 -- 'letter-spacing' and Indic -- open
richard: in indic, some "letters"
are two or more grapheme clusters
... definitions of "typographic unit" and "grapheme clsuter"
are language/script dependent
... situation is pretty dire in tests I made once away from
latin script
... most use glyphs in fonts
... and this makes a mess with stuff such as lam-alef
... some hindi get grouped and other parts spaced away
... pretty random
... don't want to use letter-spacing outside of
... might be too far to say "work out on script-by-script basis
before trying it"
... want a more sensible approach
... may be useful to add informative sentence
... needs some "out of box thinking"
... think about doing on basis of characters
... and grapheme clusters
... current approach based on glyphs is not right
... may be helpful (informative)
... to say that
... may be worth having text specifically in the letter-spacing
addison: helpful to have a note there to remind people that "typographic charactere units" are not glyphs
<trackbot> issue-354 -- Questions about letter-spacing for Arabic script -- open
richard: had questions about
... fantasai replied
... clarified some of my questions
... was just asking if the clarification could make it into
... not normative, just explanatory
addison: write back asking?
richard: think so
richard: in this email
koji: looking at this, last reply
was from fantasai
... can you reply to that thread?
richard: okay
koji: css try to keep track in
... hard to track otherwise
richard: will do
koji: related
... when tests are created
... wondering how we can share effort?
richard: most i18n tests already
in css test suite
... some (letter spacing) are informal, but hope to convert via
... and submit via github
... have over 100 tests from me
... over 600?
koji: to github?
richard: someone picks up and
puts into css systeme
... there is a gap
... my tests are often in css system for a long time
... seems to be a long gap
... after submission
... spoke to WG chair
... some process there?
... waiting on certain spec maturity
... but some like line break are available from spec
addison: we have two more thing in agenda
leandro: want more time to look into forms
richard: put up test page
... made other changes to the document
<scribe> chair: reminder that next week is the last one before TPAC/Unicode break of two weeks
UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: following call with be the one on the 13th of November at new time
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.138 of Date: 2013-04-25 13:59:11 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/how to do reviews/how to do reviews for Steve/ Succeeded: s/joint session/joint session with digipub/ Succeeded: s/reequire/require/ Succeeded: s/tryy/try/ Found Scribe: Addison Phillips Found ScribeNick: aphillip Default Present: +1.703.948.aaaa, aphillip, Xiaoqian, Steve_Atkin, DennisTan, David, Richard, +1.408.536.aacc, Leandro, JcK, koji Present: Addison Richard Leandro Koji Steve Dennis Xiaoqian JcK Regrets: Felix Agenda: Found Date: 16 Oct 2014 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: addison[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]