Guides to Implementation of the (Revised) PSI Directive in Sweden
These are several guides in Sweden, three of which are highlighted below with the Share-PSI BPs with which they are directly consistent.
- Ramverket för öppna data - SKL
- The Framework for Open Data
- Language: SE
- Applies to: Sweden
- Access: Home page
- Date: 2015-08-27
- Creator: Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting
- Provenance: This guide was created independently of the Share-PSI project.
- Guiding principles for working with digital cultural heritage
- Language: EN
- Applies to: Sweden
- Access: Download (PDF)
- Date: 2014-04-03
- Creator: Digisam
- Provenance: This guide was created before any results from Share-PSI were available.
- Vidareutnyttjande av information Om PSI och öppna data
- Reuse of PSI and open data
- Language: SE
- Applies to: Sweden
- Access: Home page
- Creator: e-Delegationen
- Provenance: This guide was created independently of the Share-PSI project.