International Guides to the Implementation of the (Revised) PSI Directive.
This page collects serveral guides that have been designed for use at the EU level or for world wide application.
The Open Data Handbook is part of the pioneering work done by Open Knowledge. The resources are composed of guidance documents, examples, case studies and recommendations for engagement based on Open Knowledge International’s experience as a global steward of the openness movement. Many of the resources reference community projects in which Open Knowledge International has been a key participant or exclusive owner, including CKAN, Global Open Data Index, the Open Data Handbook itself and the Open Definition. Ultimately, these community resources provide entry ways for governments to better understand and engage the CSO community’s demands for public sector data in the implementation of the Share PSI directive.
Makx Dekkers (AMI Consult) creates many guides and documents for the European Institutions, two of which are particularly relevant to sharing public sector information. The European Legislation Identifier Guide was created by the ELI Task Force with a set of good practices based on feedback gathered from pioneering Member States that have implemented a common approach to identify and describe legislation in Europe. The set of guidelines for the implementation of the DCAT Application Profile for Data Portals in Europe was developed by the DCAT-AP Working Group under the aegis of the European Commission’s ISA programme.
The Guide to Using Public Sector Information published by The Open Group helps consumers of public sector information to architect commercial systems. It explains how the Share-PSI publication best practices relate to the phases of the TOGAF® standard Architecture Development Method (ADM), so that enterprise and solution architects can establish what data is available and how to make use of it.
- Open Data Handbook, Solutions Bank
- Language: EN
- Applies to: World
- Access: Home page
- Date: 2016-07
- Creator: Open Knowledge
- Provenance: This guide was created by, or with the direct involvement of, the relevant Share-PSI partner(s), during the project.
- ELI implementation methodology: Good practices and guidelines
- Language: EN
- Applies to: EU
- Access: Landing page (PDF)
- Date: 2015
- Creator: ELI Task Force/Publications Office of the European Union
- Provenance: This guide was created by, or with the direct involvement of, the relevant Share-PSI partner(s), during the project.
- DCAT application profile implementation guidelines
- Language: EN
- Applies to: EU
- Access: Landing page
- Date: April 2016
- Creator: European Commission, DG DIGIT, ISA programme
- Provenance: This guide was created by, or with the direct involvement of, the relevant Share-PSI partner(s), during the project.
- Using Open Public Sector Information
- Language: EN
- Applies to: World
- Access: Landing page (PDF)
- Date: 2016-07
- Creator: The Open Group
- Provenance: This guide was created by, or with the direct involvement of, the relevant Share-PSI partner(s), during the project.