Guides to Implementation of the (Revised) PSI Directive in Estonia
The official government guidelines cover 5 of the Share-PSI BPs with a further 5 covered in a Green Paper that points towards near future development and implementation of the (revised) PSI Directive.
- Avaandmete loomise ja avaldamise juhend
- Open Data Guidelines
- Language: ET
- Applies to: Estonia
- Access: Download (PDF)
- Date: 2015
- Creator: Riigi Infosüsteemi Amet
- Provenance: This guide was created by, or with the direct involvement of, the relevant Share-PSI partner(s), during the project.
- Eesti avaliku teabe masinloetava avalikustamise roheline raamat
- Green Paper on machine-readable Estonian Public Information disclosure
- Language: ET
- Applies to: Estonia
- Access: Download (ODT)
- Date: 2014
- Creator: Vabariigi Valitsus Eesti
- Provenance: This guide was created before any results from Share-PSI were available.